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2007 年中考牛津英语总复习(4)9A Unit 1Star signs 一、基础词汇(n.) 1. 领导者2. 烹饪3. 注意4. 和平5. 精力6. 过失7. 感觉8. 幽默9. 主席10.分数11. 图书馆12. 特性,才能(v.) 1. 分开2. 储蓄3. 辩论4. 原谅5. 做梦6. 与相配7. 解释8. 把打包9. 传递10.庆祝11. 推荐12.可能(adj.) 1. 相似的2. 精力充沛的3. 积极地4. 耐心的5. 谦虚的6. 心灵手巧的7. 公平的8. 傻的9. 成功的10.聪明的11.随和的12.不公平的13.活泼的14.合适的15.个人的(adv.) 1. 大概(prep.) 1. 没有2. 大约二、重点词组1. 被分为2. 星座3. 有时候4. 放弃5. 照顾别人6. 注意7. 与争论8. 保守秘密9. 有幽默感10.炫耀11.想出新主意12.能够三、句型结构1.However, sometimes it is silly of you not to forgive others for their faults. 2.It s nice of you to bring me the newspaper.掌握 It s + adj. + of /for sb to do sth. ( 注意 of 和 for 用法的区别 )以及这个句型的否定结构e.g. 1) 你帮助我学英语真是太好了。It ” s you me with my English. 2) 保持健康对我们是很有必要的。It ” s us healthy. 3) 对于学生们来讲,不按时交作业是不礼貌的。It s impolite for studentshand in their homework on time. 3.You are patient enough to wait without getting angry. A. 掌握 enough to do 与 so that从句的转换e.g. Andy 精力充沛足可以成为一个领导者。Andy is a leader. Andy is he can be a leader. 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 1 页,共 16 页B. 掌握 enough 修饰形容词副词和名词的不同用法。e.g. 1)Daniel 很自信能通过考试。Daniel is to pass the exam. 2) 很多西部地区的孩子没有足够的钱上不起学。Many children in the west don t haveto go to school. 四、难点语法1.It s + adj. + of /for sb to do sth. ( 注意 of 和 for 用法的区别 ) 2enough to do / too to do句型转换及与so that 引导的结果状语从句之间的转换。e.g. 1) Kitty 给我们每个人两件礼物,她真大方。Kitty is each of us two presents. Kitty is she gives each of us two presents. It is generous Kitty each of us two presents. 2) 对于中学生来说,学好英语是很重要的吗?Is it Middle School Students English well? 3)Jim 年龄不够大,照顾不了自己。Jim is look after himself. Jim is look after himself. Jim is he look after himself.3 句子的成分e.g. 1)当 Millie 听到这个消息时,看上去很开心。When Millie heard the news, she looked . 2)当我把这个好消息告诉Millie 时,她开心地看着我。When I told Millie the good news, she looked at me. 3) Peter 总是给他的朋友买许多礼物。(注意:双宾语 ) Peter always . Peter always . 4)Simon 正把足球传给Peter. Simon the football Peter. Simon the football. 2007 年中考复习基础训练9A Unit2 Colour 一、基础词汇(n.) 1. 彩虹2. 精神3. 悲哀4. 感觉5. 智慧6. 力量7. 权利8. 热9. 困难10.忧愁11.面条12.慢跑13.日记14.平衡15.电子卡片16.大学17.油18.皮肤19.权利(v.) 1. 影响2. 代表3. 在 上刷油漆4. 创造5. 提醒6. 认识到精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 2 页,共 16 页7. 好像8. 把涂颜色9. 发现(adj.) 1. 粉红色的2. 困倦的3. 放松的4. 宁静的5. 身体的6. 烦恼的7. 黑色的8. 苍白的9. 免费的10.紧的11.强大的(adv.) 1. 或许二、重点词组1. 宁愿 也不2. 使某人振奋3. 做出决定4. 做某事有困难5. 采取行动6. 提醒7. 感到放松的8. 给你带来成功9. 影响我们的情绪10.对身心有好处11.使我们感觉平静与平和12.感到忧郁13.为考试而学习三、句型结构1. I d rather wear blue than pink. (would rather than 的用法及和prefer to 的同义句转换) e.g. 我宁愿呆在家里也不愿去购物。I would rather than . I prefer to . 2. There s nothing wrong with pink.e.g. 我的电脑出了些问题,它不工作了。There is my computer. It doesn t work.3. Wearing blue clothes or sleeping in a blue room is good for the mind and body. Wearing red makes it easier for you to take action. (注意动名词做主语) e.g. 1) 在阳光下看书对我们的眼睛有害。in the sun bad for our health. 2)我知道早晨读英语是很有帮助的。I know English in the morning very useful. 4. Colors can change our moods and make us feel happy or sad, energetic or sleepy. (总结 make 的用法 ,尤其注意被动语态中的用法)e.g. 1) 这消息让他开心。The news . 2) 科学家正在努力工作使得这个梦想成真。Scientists are working hard to the dream . 3) 工人们被迫一天工作十六小时。The workers sixteen hours a day. 四、难点语法1.would rather than 的用法2.prefer to 的用法3.不定代词的用法(肯定句 /否定句 /疑问句 ) 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 3 页,共 16 页e.g. 1) 有人在更衣室里。There in the fitting room. 2) 他们发现东西了吗? Did they find ? 3) 冰箱是空的。里面什么也没有。The fridge is empty. There is in it. 4) 教室里有多少学生?一个也没有。How many students are there in the classroom? . 5) 如果你有问题,你可以问任何一个人。If you have questions, you can ask . 6) 你想吃些东西吗?Would you like to eat? 7) 今天的报纸没有重要的内容。There is not in today s newspaper.2007 年中考复习基础训练9A Unit 3 Teenage problems 一、基础词汇(n.) 1. 支持2. 建议3. 技能;技巧4. 清单 _ 5. 一会儿 _ 6. 咖啡 _ 7. 文章 _ 8. 日常饮食 _ 9. 原因10.结论11.节目(v.) 1. 吵架2. 获得3. 支持4. 提供5. 成功6. 证实,证明7. 给-取名8. 打分数9. 对-做出反应10.想念;错过11 .处理,应付(adj.) 1. 严格的2. 贵重的3. 感兴趣的4.(咖啡或茶)不加牛奶或奶油的5. 美味的,可口的(adv.) 1. 颇;相当二、重点词组1. 与争吵2. 目前3. 上交4. 集中注意力5. 按时6. 在两者之间达到平衡7. 使我们的生活丰富多彩8. 给我提供一些建议9. 花时间做某事10.找时间做某事11.放弃12.使我不开心13.收到来信14.痴迷15.对严格16.感到有压力17.得到我父母的支持18.最有价值的三、句型结构精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 4 页,共 16 页1. The problem is that I spend so much time doing my homework that I cannot find any time for my hobbies.(注意“ 花费时间与金钱” 的几种不同的表达方法) e.g. 1) Sandy 每天花一小时做作业. Sandy an hour her homework every day. Sandy an hour her homework every day. Sandy an hour her homework every day. 2) Sandy 花 3500 元买了一个数码相机。Sandy ¥3500 a digital camera. Sandy ¥3500 a digital camera. The digital camera Sandy ¥3500. 2. I am crazy about football. ( 喜欢的几种表达) e.g. 1) Andy 喜欢打篮球。Andy basketball. 2) Simon 痴迷于打电脑游戏。Simon computer games. 3) Amy 热爱跳舞。Amy . 3. I wish I could have my parents support. (总结 wish 和 hope 的用法及区别) e.g. 1) 我多么希望我能到火星上生活。How I I live on Mars! 2) 我希望收到你的来信。I you. I you. 四、难点语法1. I just cannot decide when to do my homework and when to spend time on my hobbies. Can you please teach me how to achieve a balance between the two? (总结特殊疑问词加动词不定式的用法以及和宾语从句的转换) e.g. 1) Simon 不知道该做什么。Simon doesn t know . Simon doesn t know . 2) Sandy 想知道去哪里征求意见。Sandy wants to know advicde. Sandy wants to know advice. 2. 句子的种类(陈述句/疑问句 /感叹句 /祈使句)e.g. 这是多么重要的信息啊!the information is! information is! 3. 简单句的基本类型。e.g. 1) 他们认为约翰是最好的演员。They consider John the best actor.(把这句变为简单句) They . 2) 我觉得这篇关于星座的文章有意思。I the article on star signs .(把这句变为复合句). 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 5 页,共 16 页2007 年中考复习基础训练9A Unit 4 TV programmes 二、基础词汇(n.) 1.卡通片 _ 2.音乐电视 _ 3.采访 _ 4.仪式 _ 5.文本 _ 6.音乐会 _ 7.谋杀 _ 8.导演 _ 9.景色 _ 10.行为 _ 11.成功 _ 12.公司 _ 13.喜剧 _ 14.奖金 _ 15.友谊 _ 16.宇宙人 _ 17.美术 _ 18.习惯 _ 19.竞赛 _ 20.网站 _ 21.结尾 _ 22.节目23.系列节目(v.) 1. 报道 _ 2. 选择 _ 3. 宣布 _ 4. 面临 _ 5. 消失 _ 6. 结束 _ 7. 不喜欢 _ 8. 意见不合 _ 9. 扔_ (adj.) 1. 每周的 _ 2. 最新的 _ 3. 死的 _ 4.即将到来的 _ 5. 亚洲的 _ 6. 完美的 _ 7.爱好体育运动的_ (adv.) 1.很_ 2. 以现场直播方式3. 特别 _ 4. 立即5. 更远地 _ 6. 最远地 _ 二、重点词组1. 最新消息2. 包括了不同的运动3. 自杀4. 一周摘要5. 例如6. 即将到来的星期六7. 现场直播8. 觉得这个节目有点无聊9. 发消息到10. 很容易受到惊吓11.近距离观看12. 一部一小时的纪录片13.因而获奖14. 网上选举15.一部恐怖片16. 两张免费的音乐会的票17.自杀18. 觉得这个节目有点无聊19.充满恐惧20. 许多三、句型结构1. If you are not a football fan, you might find this week s programme a bit boring.2. If you are an animal lover, you might find this programme a bit disturbing. e.g. 如果你上课认真听讲,你就会发现学英语很简单。If you listen to the teacher carefully in class, you will learn English. 3. In a film, a doctor is found dead in his hourse. ( 总结 dead、die、death、dying 的用法 ) e.g. 1) 他的奶奶在一个冬天的早晨去世了。His grandma on a cold winter morning. 2) 他的奶奶去世五年了。精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 6 页,共 16 页His grandma for five years. 3) 他的奶奶的死让他很伤心。His grandma s made him very sad. 4) 有人在房里发现他的奶奶时,她快要死了。His grandma was found in her room. 四、难点语法1. from to 和 between and 的用法e.g. 1) 请告诉他在八点到九点之间给我打电话。Please tell him to call me . 2) 我们每星期天从上午8 点到 12 点上课。We have classes 8:00 12:00 every Sunday morning. 2. not until的用法以及与when 、before 、after 从句的转换e.g. 昨天我做完作业后才睡觉。I went to bed I finished my homework yesterday. I to bed I finished my homework yesterday. 3. while,as 的用法。e.g. 1) 当 Millie 在看电视的时候,Eddie 正在睡觉。Millie TV, Eddie . 2) 当 Millie 看电视的时候,Andy 打开了门。Millie TV, Andy the door. 3) 当 Millie 坐在沙发上的时候,Andy 走进了教室。Millie down on the sofa, Andy into the classroom. 4. 副词的比较级、最高级的用法与构成,识记一些特殊变化词。副词的比较级、 最高级的构成与形容词相仿,但是 ,以后缀 ly 结尾的副词要用more 和 most.如:easily, more easily,most easily e.g.1) Friendship中的就演员比Spacemen on Earth中的演员演得好。The actors in Friendship act than in Spacemen on Earth. 2)北京的天气比南京的天气干燥. The weather in Beijing is than in Nanjing. 2007 年中考复习基础训练9A Unit 5 Films 三、基础词汇(n.) 1.电影镜头2.女演员3.努力4.工业5.小说6.剧本7.主角8. 一生9.环境10.总统11.洗手间12.爆米花(v.) 1.哀悼2.进入3.拍摄4.吸引5.奉献6.赠予7.持续8.由主演(adj.) 1.年轻的2.众所周知的3.最后的4.可怕的、糟糕的精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 7 页,共 16 页(adv.) 1.立刻、不久2.宁静地二、重点词组1.不但 而且2.在很小的时候3.把某人全部的精力倾注于4.进入演艺界5.吸引某人的注意力6.被改编成7.扮演主角8.标志着 的开始9.不久以后10.被选择做某事11.巨大的成功12.在某人的一生中13.最后一次出现在14.在她的整个演艺生涯中15.超越16.通过向我们展示大自然的美17.奉献18. 授予某人 . 奖19.空前最好的演员三、句型结构1. She is famous not only in the USA, but also in other parts of the world. (注意 not only but also的用法:谓语的确就近原则)e.g. 1)不仅 Kitty 喜欢跳舞,而且我也喜欢跳舞。Not only Kitty but also I dancing. 2) 不仅我喜欢跳舞,而且Kitty 也喜欢跳舞。Not only I but also Kitty dancing. 2. Her dream was to become a successful ballet dancer. e.g. 1) 他的职责是介绍每一位明星。His duty is each star. 2) 我的工作是照顾这些孩子。My job is these children. 3) 我的愿望是成为一个画家。My wish is an artist. 3. She began taking ballet lessons at a very young age. At the age of 63, Audrey passed away peacefully, in her sleep. (总结 at 的用法 ) e.g.1) 当 Edison 很小的时候,他总是喜欢问问题。,Edison liked asking questions. Edison , he liked asking questions. 2) 在伏明霞 14 岁的时候,她获得了奥运会冠军。, Fu Mingxia won the Olympic Champion. she , Fu Mingxia won the Olympic Champion. 4. She had put all her effort into ballet training before she entered the film industry. 注意 : 1)了解过去完成时的用法;2)enter 不能和 into 连用enter=come/go into e.g. 当老师进入教室的时候,学生们正在读英语。When the teacher the classroom, the students were reading English. When the teacher the classroom, the students were reading English. 四、难点语法1. 用 should, ought to, had better, must, have to 表示建议。2. 用 why not, why don t you, perhaps表示建议。精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 8 页,共 16 页e.g. 1) 你为什么不去电影院?go to the cinema? go to the cinema? 2) 你最好呆在家里,休息一会儿。You and have a rest. 3) 晚上你最好不要独自一人外出。You alone at night. 4) 看电影的时候,你必须保持安静。You keep quiet while watching the film. 5) 12 岁以下孩子不必买票。Children under 12 buy tickets. 6) 你必须买票进博物馆。You buy tickets to go into the museum. 2007 年中考复习基础训练9A Unit 6 Detective stories 一、 基础词汇(n.)1. 受害人2. 攻击3. 死亡4. 搏斗5. 攻击者6. 敌人7. 犯罪8. 侦探9. 杀人犯10.嫌疑犯11.店主12.售货员13.尸体14.枪15.偷窃行为16.贼17.短裤18.纪录19.婚礼20.老板(v.) 1. 怀疑2. 攻击3. 流血4. 指控5. 计划6. 想知道7. 抢劫8. 补充说(adj.) 1. 整齐的2. 聪明的3. 几个的(conj.) 1. 是否(adv.) 1. 在某处2. 非常3. 沉重地(prep.) 1.除了 之外二、重点词组1.发生2.被刀袭击3.流血而死4.结果5.展开了殊死搏斗6.犯有 的罪行7.被指控8.闯入9.树敌10.气喘吁吁11.在案发时12.悬赏精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 9 页,共 16 页13.通向14 打电话与警方联系15.到目前为止16.别的某个地方17.不同寻常的现象18.特别感兴趣19.死得很惨20.有证据证明三、句型结构1. He was last seen leaving his office in New Town at about 7p.m. (be seen doing 与 be seen to do的区别及用法 ) e.g. 1) 昨天晚上10 点有人看见这个嫌疑犯跑进了那栋大楼。The suspect into that building at 10 p.m. yesterday evening. 2) 有人经常看到Kitty 练习打篮球。Kitty basketball. 2. They are not sure whether the victim was killed somewhere else and then brought to Valley Town, or killed at the place where he was found.( 注意 whether 与 if 的用法 ) e.g.1)我想知道你明天是否能来。I wonder you can come tomorrow. 2) 我们还不确定Simon 明天是来还是不来。We are not sue Simon will come or not. 四、难点语法1容易混淆词的比较和用法come/go, take/bring, hear/listen, watch/see/look e.g. 1) 请把报纸拿给我。Please me the newspaper. 2) 请把目击证人带到左边的房间。Please the witness to the room on the right. 3) 警方认真地听目击者讲话。The police carefully to the witness. 4) 你能听到我说的吗?Can you me? 5) 警方正在观察嫌疑人的一举一动。The police every move of the suspect. 6) 卢探长仔细地看着小刀。Detective Lu the knife carefully. 7) 你看见一个人沿着阿佩尔街道在跑吗?Did you a man running down Upper Street? 2. 直接引语改成间接引语时一些时间状语和时态的变化。(尤其要注意引述客观真理)e.g. 1) 地理老师说地球围绕着太阳转。The geography teacher said the earth around the sun. 2) 老师叫我们不要再玩电脑游戏了。Teacher computer games. e.g. 将下列句子改成间接引语。1) I asked my son, “ Do you like your school?”. 2) Mr Dong asked, “ Will the school sports meeting be held tomorrow?”精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 10 页,共 16 页2007 年中考复习基础训练9B Unit 1 Life on Mars 一、基础词汇(n.) 1.头盔2.机器人3.形式4.药片5.网络6.吉他7.太阳镜8.帐篷9.行星10.交通11.旅程12.速度13.人类14.科学家15.移居者16.张/片17.药18.恒星19.任务20.箱21.味觉22.质量23.能量24.背包25.宇航员26.百分数27.卫星28.条件29.指南30.休息(v.) 1.想象2.开发3.漂浮4.连接5.呼吸6.系,扎7.描述8.放松(adj.) 1.拥挤的2.被污染的3.确定的4.流行的5.令人愉快的6.令人恐惧的7.硬的8.干的9.确信的10.火星的11.公共的(adv.) 1.专门地2.怀着希望地3.十分地二、重点词组1.难以想象2.到 2100 年3.目前4.变得越来越拥挤,污染5.以光速的一半6.对早期的定居者来说是一个问题7.八分之三的8.使许多人感觉不舒服9.漂浮在太空10.在许多方面11.极有可能12.和 连接13.以的形式14.和 一样美味三、句型结构1. Our own planet, Earth is becoming more and more crowded and polluted. (more and more 越来越 )e.g.1) 南京正变得越来越美Nanjing . 2)这种长统靴可能会变得越来越时髦. The boots will probably become . 2. There will be many different designs for settlers to choose from. (注意动词后面的介词) e.g. 我不知道我有问题的时候和谁谈谈。精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 11 页,共 16 页I don t know whom I can when I have problems. 3. Our spacecraft are too slow to carry large numbers of people to Mars. (注意 a large number of 和 the number of 的区别 ) e.g. 1)我们学校学生的数量有2300 人。the students in our school 2300. 2) 我们学校图书馆有大量的书。There are books in our school library. 四、难点语法1.情态动词can, could, may, might 的用法Can 用于问候朋友;could 用于问候老师和成年人;may 用于问候陌生人和你尊敬的人,显得正式而有礼貌;might 用于非常有礼貌的场合,很少用。e.g. 1) -爸爸,我能用你的照相机吗?-可以。Dad, I use your camera? Yes, you . 2)Daniel,我能借你的字典吗?Daniel, I borrow your dictionary? 2. 用 that 引导宾语从句。注意: 1)that 可省略;2)时态一致;3)从句是客观真理的情况3. 用 if 或 whether 引导宾语从句。注意: 1)if/ whether 的不同用法;2)时态一致;3)陈述句的语序e.g. 将下列句子合并为含有宾语从句的主从复合句。1). Mars has two moons. The teacher told the students. . 2). “ Have you ever been to Beijing? My cousin asked me. 3) He will finish the task in two days. He said. . 4). Does it take very long to travel from Earth to Mars? Do you know. . 5). Will Lucy come tomorrow or will she not come ? I am wondering. . 2007 年中考复习基础训练9B Unit 2 Robots 一、基础词汇(n.) 1.洗衣服的活2.熨烫3.餐具4.病毒5.垃圾箱6.混乱7.洗涤槽8.垃圾、废物9.中午10.电池11.轮子、车轮12.胸膛13.展览14.定单(v.) 1.邮寄2. 熨烫3.打扫、清扫4.要求;指望5.倒空、腾空精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 12 页,共 16 页(adj.) 1.脏的(adv.) 1.自由地二、重点词组1.第一个做 的人2.改变了许多3.为了有更多的空闲时间4.熨烫衬衫5.结果6.不再7.睡在床上8.再多一小时9.洗衣服10.洗盘子11.扫地12.铺床13.下班回家14.干净如新15.准备16.出错17.感染病毒18.制造许多麻烦19.唤醒20.把东西撞翻21.发现房间一团糟22.对付23.最后24.太多的麻烦三、句型结构1. Mr Jiang is the first person in Sunshine Town to own a robot. (the first/second/last .to do)e.g. 1) 妇女和孩子们是第一个进入救生船的。Women and children the lifteboats 2) 张老师总是最后一个离开学校的。Mr Zhang always school. 2.The robot was just too much trouble. 注意: too much, much too, too many 的含义及用法e.g.1)超市里太拥挤了,有很多便宜的衣服。The supermarket is crowded. There are cheap clothes. 2) 李雷上学迟到了,马路上车辆太多。Li Lei was late for school because there was traffic. 3. When Mr Jiang returned home from work, his flat would be as clean as new. 注意: return 不能和 back 同时使用。e.g. 1) 妈妈下班回家的时候,我正在做作业。When mum home from work, I was doing my homework. When mum home from work, I was doing my homework. 2) 李老师已经把书还给图书馆了。Miss Li the book to the library. Miss Li the book to the library. 四、难点语法1.运用 wh-特殊疑问词引导的宾语从句注意: 1) 时态一致; 2) 陈述句的语序e.g. 将下列句子合并为含有宾语从句的主从复合句。精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 13 页,共 16 页1). Where did Mr Jiang buy the robot? I d like to know. 2). What s wrong with the robot? I didn t know. 3). How does the robot wash the dishes? I wonder. . 2.in order to 和 as a result分别表示 “ 目的 ” 和“ 结果 ”3. 用 need 来谈论我们不得不做的事情。总结need 的几种用法 . need to do ; need do; need doing =need to be done e.g. 1)为了提高我的英语成绩,我需要买一本电子词典。improve my English, I an e-dictionary. 2) 我的电脑坏了。它需要修理。There is something wrong with the computer. It . 3) 机器人帮江先生做了很多家务。因此,他不需要早起。The robot helped Mr Jiang do lots of housework. , he early. 2007 年中考复习基础训练答案9A Unit1 Star signs 三、nice of to help, necessary for to keep, not to, energetic enough to be, so energetic that, confident enough, enough money 四、generous enough to give, so generous that, of to give, important for to learn, not old enough to, too young to, so young that can t, happy, happily, buys his friends many presents, buys many presents for his friends, is passing to, is passing Peter 9A Unit 2 Colours 三、stay at home go shopping, staying at home going shopping, something wrong with, Reading is, reading is, make him happy, make become true, are made to work 四、is someone, anything, nothing, None, anybody, something, anything important 9A Unit 3 Teenage problems 三、spends doing, spends on, It takes to do, paid for, spent on, cost, likes/loves playing, is crazy about playing, is fond of dancing, wish could, hope to hear from, hope that I can hear from 四、what to do, what he should do, where to ask for, where she should ask for, How important, What 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 14 页,共 16 页an important, is, consider John the best actor, find interesting, I find that the article on star signs is interesting 9A Unit4 TV Programmes三、find it easy to, died, has been dead, death, dying 四、between 8:00 and 9:00, from to, after, didn t go until, While was watching was sleeping, While/As was watching opened, As sat came, better those, dried that 9A Unit 5 Films三、like,likes,to introduce, to look after, to be, At a very young age, When was very young, At the age of 14, When was 14, entered, came/went into 四、Why not, Why do n t, had better stay at home, had better not go out, have to, don t have to, must9A Unit 6 Detective stories三、was seen running, is often seen practicing playing, if , whether 四、bring, take, listened, hear, is watching, looked at, see, goes, asked us not to play, I asked my son if he liked his school. Mr Dong asked if the school sports meeting would be held the next day. 9B Unit 1 Life on Mars三、is becoming more and more beautiful, more and more fashionable, talk to, The number of is, a large number of 四、Could/May can, Can The teacher told the students that Mars has two moons. My cousin asked me if I had ever been to Beijing. He said that he would finish the task in two days. Do you know if it takes very long to travel from Earth to Mars. I am wondering whether Lucy will come or not tomorrow. 9B Unit2 Robots 三、were the first to get into, is the last to leave, much too too many, too much, returned, came back, has returned, has given back 四、I d like to know where Mr Jiang bought the robot.I didn t know what was wrong with the robot. 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 15 页,共 16 页I wonder how the robot washes the dishes. In order to need to buy/need buy, needs repairing, As a result, didn t need to get up精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 16 页,共 16 页
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