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Unit 5 If you go to the party, youll have a great time.1 New Words 1.agent n. 代理人,代理人, 代理商代理商She is the agent for AVON in China.她是雅芳在中国的代理商。她是雅芳在中国的代理商。2.around the world =all over the world 在世界各地在世界各地People around the world think peace and freedom are very important.全世界的人们都认为和平与自由十分重要。全世界的人们都认为和平与自由十分重要。My dream is to travel around the world.我的梦想是环游世界。我的梦想是环游世界。all over China 全中国全中国 all over the school 全校全校 all over the body 全身全身 23.make a living 谋生谋生I am old enough to make a living (by) myself.make a living (by) doing=live by doing 靠靠谋生谋生You can make a living (by)doing something you love.你可以靠做自己喜欢的事情来谋生。你可以靠做自己喜欢的事情来谋生。make a living +asZhang Liangying made a living as a singer in a pub2 years ago.张靓颖两年前靠在酒吧唱歌谋生。张靓颖两年前靠在酒吧唱歌谋生。make (a lot of) money 赚赚(许多许多)钱钱 make progress 取得进步取得进步 make the bed 铺床铺床 make friends with 与与交朋友交朋友 make sure(+从句从句) 确信确信 make a decision (to do) 决定做某事决定做某事make up ones mind (to do) 下决心做某事下决心做某事 34.against prep.反对反对,对对不利不利 for 支持,赞成,有利于支持,赞成,有利于be against 反对反对,对对不利不利 We are for peace and against war.我们支持和平,反对战争。我们支持和平,反对战争。When she looked for a job,her sex and age were against him. 当她求职时,她的性别和年龄对她不利。当她求职时,她的性别和年龄对她不利。 prep. 倚倚,靠靠The girl is leaning (v.斜靠着斜靠着,倚着倚着) against a tree.这个女孩正倚着一棵树。这个女孩正倚着一棵树。Han Guanyu stood against the door before class began.上课前,韩冠宇靠门站着。上课前,韩冠宇靠门站着。43.charity cn.慈善团体慈善团体;慈善事业慈善事业 charities (pl.)Many athletes give money to charities.许多运动员捐款给慈善团体。许多运动员捐款给慈善团体。Li Yapeng and Wang Fei set up a charity to help the disabled children. 李亚鹏和王菲建立了一个慈善团体来帮助残疾儿童。李亚鹏和王菲建立了一个慈善团体来帮助残疾儿童。charity dinner 慈善晚宴慈善晚宴 charity ball 慈善舞会慈善舞会4.chance n. 机会机会;机遇机遇This is a great chance that many people do not have.这是一个很多人没有的,很棒的机会。这是一个很多人没有的,很棒的机会。chance of sth./doing sth. chance to do sth. I wont get a chance of a holiday.She gave the boy a chance to explain.的机会的机会5get a chance = have a chance 得到机会得到机会 take the chance 抓住机会抓住机会by chance = by accident 碰巧,恰巧碰巧,恰巧I met him yesterday by chance. 我昨天碰巧遇见他。我昨天碰巧遇见他。 v. 偶然发生,碰巧偶然发生,碰巧chance to do sth. = happen to do sth. 碰巧做某事碰巧做某事I chanced/ happened to meet him yesterday.我昨天碰巧遇见他。我昨天碰巧遇见他。5.all the time 一直一直(多用于句末多用于句末)If youre famous, people will watch you all the time.如果你很有名,人们将一直关注你。如果你很有名,人们将一直关注你。Dong Ziqi is mad for Jing Boran all the time.6on time 按时按时 in time 及时及时 at one time 以前以前 at a time 一次,每次一次,每次 at the same time 同时同时 from time to time 不时不时 at the time=at that time 在那时在那时6. injured adj. 受伤的受伤的 an injured man 受伤的男人受伤的男人be/get injured 受伤受伤Many professional athletes get injured. injure v. 受伤受伤7.sincerely adv. 真诚地真诚地 (yours) sincerely 你真诚的你真诚的(致友人等信末署名前的客套语致友人等信末署名前的客套语) sincere adj. 真诚的真诚的 78.lawyer n. 律师律师 law n. 法律法律 break the law 违法违法 9.tonight n.今晚,今夜今晚,今夜I think I am going to go to the movies tonight.我想我今晚回去看电影。我想我今晚回去看电影。Can You Feel The Love Tonight今夜爱无限今夜爱无限81.Doyou think which of the things below are the most important to you?1.be happy (快乐)(快乐)2.go to college(上大学)(上大学)3.be famous (出名)(出名)4.travel around the world (环游世界)(环游世界)5.make a lot of money (赚许多钱)(赚许多钱)6.get an education (受教育)(受教育) I think being happy is the most important to me.=I think to be happy is the most important to me.=I think it is the most important for me to be happy.92a Listening be happy travel around the world go to college make a lot of money be famous get an educationPPAAPP102b Listening1.If you join the Lions, .2. If you become a Lion, .3. And if you work really hard, .4. If you become a professional soccer player, .5. But if I dont do this now, . join the Lion 加入雄狮队加入雄狮队 become a Lion成为雄狮队中的一员成为雄狮队中的一员 ceadb11TapescriptAgent: The lions are a great soccer team, you know!Michael: Oh, I know.Agent: If you join the Lions, youll become a great soccer player.Michael: Im sure I will. Will I travel much?Agent: Sure! If you become a lion, youll travel around the world.Michael: Sounds great.Conversation 112Agent: It is. And if you work really hard, youll be famous.Michael: Well, I dont know.Conversation 2 Father: You shouldnt join the lions right now.Michael: Why not? Mother: If you become a professional soccer player, youll never go to college.13Michael: But I really want to play soccer. I want a job I love. I want to be happy. Father: Of course you want to be happy, but there are many interesting jobs youd like.Michael: But its my dream to play soccer! Dont you think its really exciting that I could join the Lions?14Father: Of course its exciting. And I know you want to make a lot of money. But money isnt everything, son.Michael: I know. But if I dont do this now, Ill never do it. Mother: But dont you want to get an education?153a1.For many young people,becoming a professionalathlete might seem like a dream job.对于许多年轻人来说,成为一名职业运动员似乎像是一份对于许多年轻人来说,成为一名职业运动员似乎像是一份梦想中的工作。梦想中的工作。动名词词组动名词词组或或动词不定式动词不定式做主语,谓语动词用做主语,谓语动词用单数单数形式。形式。seem likeseem (to be) like sound like 似乎像似乎像2.If you become a professional athlete,youll be able to make a living doing something (you love).如果你成为了一名职业运动员,你将能靠做你喜欢的事情如果你成为了一名职业运动员,你将能靠做你喜欢的事情来谋生。来谋生。make a living (by) doing=live by doing 靠靠谋生谋生make a living +as163.If you become famous,people all over the world will know you.如果你出名了,全世界的人们都会知道你。如果你出名了,全世界的人们都会知道你。be famous for be famous as 某某人人以某种以某种技能技能、知识知识或或特征特征出名出名某某地地以某种以某种特产特产而出名而出名某某人人以某种以某种身份身份而出名而出名某某地地以作为什么以作为什么产地产地或或地方地方而出名而出名Jacky Chang is famous for his skill in singing. Jacky Chang is famous as a pop singer.Hangzhou is famous for its green tea.Hangzhou is famous as a green tea producing place.174.If you are famous,people will watch you all the time and follow you everywhere.如果你出名了,人们会一直关注你,并且到处如果你出名了,人们会一直关注你,并且到处追随你。追随你。辨析:辨析:look动作动作 (look at)see 结果结果watch全神贯注看全神贯注看(电视电视/戏剧戏剧/比赛比赛/实验实验/表演等表演等)看看(书书/报报/杂志杂志/信等信等)read看医生看医生see a doctor185.If you play sports for a living,your jobs will be sometimes dangerous. 如果你以体育运动谋生,你的工作有时将很危险。如果你以体育运动谋生,你的工作有时将很危险。辨析:辨析:sometimes有时有时sometime(过去或将来的过去或将来的)某个时候某个时候The call box was built sometime last year.Lets have a meeting sometime next week.some time一段时间一段时间I will stay here for some time.some times几次几次Repeat it some times,or youll forget it. be dangerous to in danger out of danger196.And if you become rich,you will have a difficult time knowing (who your real friends are).如果你变富有了,你将难于辨认谁是你真正的朋如果你变富有了,你将难于辨认谁是你真正的朋友。友。 have a difficult/hard time (in) doing 做某事困难,费劲做某事困难,费劲 have a hard time with sth. 在某方面感到费劲在某方面感到费劲 have a hard time with sb. 与某人相处不易与某人相处不易 know 了解了解,知道知道 know about 辨别,辨认辨别,辨认 know from20Bye-bye!Thanks!21个人观点供参考,欢迎讨论
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