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新新PEP五年五年级上册英上册英语Unit4-A-Lets-learn课件件 Lets chant: Run, run, I can run. Jump, jump, I can jump. Draw, draw, I can draw. Read, read, I can read.你还能用I can 说句子吗?A:What can you do ?B: I can dance.I can _.play the pipaplay the pipa弹弹琵琶琵琶I can _.sing English songs唱英文歌唱英文歌sing English songsI can _.draw cartoons画卡通画卡通draw cartoonsI can _.do kung fu练练武武术术do kung fudo kung fudraw cartoonssing English songsplay the pipadanceSpell the words d n e s ng En li h s ngs pl y t e pip . do k ng f . dra ca too sa ci g s oa h au uw r nI can _.What can you do?What can What can you do?you do?I can do kung fu.I can do kung fu.What can you do What can you do ? ? I can sing.I can sing.What can you do?What can you do? 汇报结束谢谢大家!请各位批评指正
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