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优秀学习资料欢迎下载词汇训练:根据句义和汉语提示写出单词:1.Why did you go there _( 没有 ) breakfast? 2.There is a pet dog _(躺 ) on the ground. 3.Andrew thinks he should be allowed to make the_(决定 )for himself. 4.Describe what happened as_(清楚 )as possible. 5.How many_( 西红柿 )are there in the basket? 6.Don t_(笑)at others when they are in trouble. 7.Many people lost their_( 生命 )in the accident, _(包括 ) four children. 8.The _(树叶 ) turn yellow in fall. 9._(孩子 )Day is June 1st. 10.This kind of food looks_ and sells_( 好). 11.It s about ten_(分钟 ) walk from my school. 12.The shirt _( 花费 ) the boy only ten dollars. 13.I m too tired. I can t go any _(远)。14.Liu Xiang sets an _(榜样 )to us.We should learn from him. 15.My tail hurts a little.But it s nothing_( 严重的 ) 16.Please give up _(吸烟 ).It s bad for your health. 17.There are_(千) of students in our school. 18.My father often_( 看) newspaper after supper. 19.Here are some flowers for you with my best _ (愿望 ). 20.I m sorry,I can t f_ you. Please say it again. 21.In western_( 国家 ),people usually have three names. 22.Everyone goes to the cinema_ (除-以外 )Tom. 23.As soon as they_(到),they called us. 24.My friends sent me a lot of_( 礼物 )yesterday. 25.LiMing is the _( 聪明的 ) in class. 用括号中所给词的正确形式填空:1._(luck),he wasn t badly hurt in the accident. 2.China is a _ country, but Japan is a _ (develop) country. 3.The boy is so small that we can t leave him at home by _(he). 4.Edison is a great_.He has many_ (invent) 5.Can you tell me the_(long) of the river? 6.Jenny didn t go to school because if her_(ill). 7.The boys come from_.They are_(German) 8.I met an old friend of _(I) on my way home. 9.I think the dictionary is _(help)to your study. 10.Don t open your books. Keep them_(close). 11.The boy _(name)Tom is my new classmate. 12.Yao Ming is one of the _ (popular) basketball _ (play) in China. 13. Tom will be back on the_ (twelve)day of next month. 14. Nothing can stop me from there. (go) 15. Mike runs quite_, but his brother runs much_ (fast) 16. You must look after yourself and keep _. (health) 17.Look! There are some_(woman) teachers are talking under the _(apple) trees. 18.You d beter take the medicine _(two) a day . 19.Christmas is an important _(west) festival. 20.China held the Olympic Games in 2008_(succeed). 21.If you are_(care),you ll fail the exam. 22. I met (they)on_(I) way to school yesterday. 23.The wind is blowing _(terrible). 24.At the _(begin) of this class,the teacher told us a story. 25.The teacher is _(friend) to all the students. 26.Today is my cousin s_(twenty) birthday. 根据句义及首字母补全单词:1.Don t play in the street .It s very d_. 2.S_ is the first day of the week. 3.Please help y_ to some fish,boys and girls. 4.I m too h_.Can you give me something to drink? 5.One hundred years is a c_. 6.Shanghai is l_ in the east of China. 7.What do you want to be in the f_? 8.The w_ of the box is 30 kilos. 9.To our s_,Mr. White came back soon. 10.Rich is the o_ of poor. 11He didn t do his homework. He watched TV i_. 12.I have never seen thefilm ,n_has Tom . 13.What do you usually do d_the summer holiday. 14.Christmas Day is D_ 25th. 15.Eating too many sweet things is bad of your t_. 16.People think we look the same, but I can see we have a few small d_. 17.China has a 5000-year h_. 18.A l_ is a person who works in a library. 19.He is too old.He can h_ look after himself. 20.Computers are used more and more w_. 21.They were moved by the m_ story. 22. she said to me in a low v_. 23.Can you t_ the sentence into English? 选出与划线部分意义相同或相近的选项:( )1.I cant get to sleep last night because of the noise outside. Ago to sleep Bgo to bed C fall asleep ( )2.She wants much food. Amany Bsome Ca lot of D. lot of ( )3.I can look after your baby when you are away. Alook at Btake care of Clook for ( )4.I found it very hard to finish the work in an hour. Aeasy B.difficult C bad ( )5.Weve got a letter from Miss Yang. Awritten to B.heard from Cheard of ( )6.They will have a good time during the three-week holiday. Aenjoy themselves Bhave funny C have a rest 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 1 页,共 12 页优秀学习资料欢迎下载( )7.She has lived here for over twenty years. Anearly Bmore than Cless than ( )8.Shall we go to Shanghai by air? Ain plane B on plane Cby plane ( )9.She goes to school on foot every day. Arides to school B has a walk after school Cwalks to school ( )10.Please ring me up if you have time. Apick upBwakeupCwrite D telephone ( )11.Please try two more times. A.another two B.two another C.other two D.the other ( )12.The old man had to stop his work because of his poor health. A.put up B.look up C.give up D.turn up ( )13.People play football all over the world. A.in B.around C.above D.over ( )14.When we got home,it was almost midnight. A.about B.nearly C.soon D.past ( )15.I think football is less popular than basketball in the USA. A.as-as B.not so-as C.more popular than D.so-as ( )16.The bottle is full of water. A.is fill of B.is filled with C.fill with D.full with ( )17.Lilei could read and write when he was five. A.at the age of five B.five years ago C.at age five D.both Aand C ( )18.I couldn t come up with a good excuse for being late. A.think up B.catch up with C.put up D.say ( )19.You don t have to clean the room now. A.mustn t B.can t C.may not D.needn t ( )20.I wonder if it will rain tomorrow. A.want to knowB.don t knowC.think D.ask( )21.Why don t you go with me? A.Why not to go B.Why not go C.Why don t go D.Why not going( )22.Lily does well in English. A.be good at B.is talented at C.is weak in ( )23.They got to the station at six last night. A.arrived at B.arrived in C.reached to D.arrived ( )24. Don t worry. I ll take care of her. A.look after B. look for C. look at D.look out ( )25.She is not as the same as her sister. A.doesn t agree withB.is different from C. doesn t like( )26. Look out! There is a bus coming. A.Be careful B.Be careful with C .Look at ( )27.His uncle owns an expensive car. A. have B. has C. there is D. wants ( )28.The boy was able to draw and write at age five. A. can B. be able to C. could D can be able to ( )29.Thanks to your help,we finished it in time. A.Thanks for B.without C.because of D.because ( )30. I sometimes go to school on foot. A. sometime B. some times C. at times D. some time ( )31. Maybe we will go fishing next Sunday. A. May be B. perhaps C. may will D. can be ( )32.Liuying is like her twin sister. A.likes B.loves C.looks liked .D. looks the same ( )33.Jack,please come and sit by he teacher. A. before B. near C. past D. behind ( )34.He didn t bring the book here .He had to go home to get it. A. can B. could C. must D. may ( )35.Excuse me,can you tell me the way to the shop A.answer B.show C.give D.ask ( )36.Don t worry. I ll be back in a minute. A.very soon B.quick C.fast D.just now ( )37They were quite pleased to see each other again A.please B.good C.glad D.pleasure ( )38.The meeting will be held at a quarter to eight. A.8:15 B.7:45 C.7:15 D.8:00 ( )39.He had to finish it by himself. A.alone B.only he C.lonely D.together ( )40.Mary is wearing a red dress today. A.in B.on C.putting on D.dressing ( )41.They worked out the problem finally. A.at first B.at the end C.at last D.in the future ( )42.I will return the book to the library tomorrow. A.come back B.be back C.give back D.go back ( )43.When you cross the street,you must be careful. A.go across B.go through C.through D.across ( )44.There are quite a few apples on the plate. A.not many B.many C.much D.several ( )45.A large number of workers are men. A.many B.much C.some D.sevsral 语法与情境反应:单项选择( )1 That is easy job that I can finish it in half_ hour. A. so; an B. a such; aC. such an; an D. such a; an ( )2、There is old bridge over the river. Aa Ban C the Dsome ( )3、This is useful English book. Aa Ban C the Dsome ( )4.There is_“ s” and _ “ u” in the word “ use”.Aa, a Ban, an Can, a Da,an ( )5. I lent_ my watch yesterday because_was lost Ahis; he Bhim; hisC his; him D he; he ( )6. They can do it all by . A theirs Btheir C. them Dthemselves ( )7. This story happened _ November 20th, 1989. Aon Bin Cat Dfor ()8. She has taught English ten year. .Asince Bon Cin Dfor ( )9.My father has some books, but he has_ English 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 2 页,共 12 页优秀学习资料欢迎下载books.A.little Ba little Cfew Da few ( )10. Would you like milk,please?No, thanks. Aany Bmany Cmuch Dsome ( )11. I began to study English a year ago. I can speak _English now. Aa little Ba few Clittle Dfew ( )12. The question is so difficult that very _people in our class can answer it. A little Ba little Cfew D a few ( )13. Please turn_ the radio. I want to listen this piece of music. A up; to B.off; at C on; to D out; to ( )14.-Is chemistry more difficult than physics? -I don t think so. It isn t _physics. A. as easy as B. so more difficult as C. as easier as D. as difficult as ( )15.Alice knows French much betterthan her brother_. A.knows B.do C.does Ddid ( )16.We know our country is becoming_. A.more and more beautiful B.beautiful and more beautiful C.more beautiful and more beautiful ( )17.Of all the stars, the sun is to the earth. A near Bnearer Cnearnest Dthe nearest ( )18.There were not people to pick apples, so they went to help the farmers. Asome Benough Cmuch D a ( )19. The woman red is our English teacher. Aon Bwears C.wearing Din ( )20.Who can tell me the answer_ the question? A. of B.on C.with D.to ( )21.I need a pen _. A.to write B.to write inC.to write with D.write ( )22.This is_ easy problem that everybody can work it out. A.so B.such C.so anD.such an ( )23.They got to the small village_ a summer morning. A. in B. at C. on D.for ( )24.Neither I nor my brother Japanese. A.speak B.doesnt speak C.speaking D.speaks ( )25. Is there in todays newspaper. A.important something B.something important C.anything important D.important anything ( )26.He is to move the big bag. A.too strong B.very strongC.strong enoughD.enough wstrong ( )27._carefully, or you wont be able to_anything. A.Hear,hearB.Listen,listenC.Hear, listenD.Listen, hear ( )28. a new film on TV this evening. A. There will have B. There has C. There will be D. There is going to have ( )29.I study Chinese, English and some_ subjects. A.others B. the other C. other D. the others ( )30. I can you my story-book, but you can _ it for only a week. A . borrow, return B. lend, borrow C. lend, keep D. lend, return ( )31.I can t follow you.Can you _ it in Chinese? A.say B. talk C. speak D.tell ( )32.This pair of shoes _too small for me. A.be B. am C. is D. are ( )33.There are many books here, I can t decide _. A.To buy which B.what to buy C. Which one to buy D. to buy what ( )34. “ _do you go to the cinema?” “ once a month.”A.How many B.How oftenC.How longD.How much ( )35.There are a lot of trees on_ side of the street. A. both B. each C. any D. all ( )36.“ Finish your homework today, and_it here tomorrow,” the teacher said. A. take B. bring C. move D. pass ( )37 .“ _will you be able to finish reading the book? ” “ In two hours”.A.How far B.How often C.How soon D.How long ( )38.I have seen all of them Jane. A. except B. without C. no D. and ( )40.You won t know the value( 价值 ) of the health _you lose it. A. until B. after C. when D. because. ( )41. Study hard, you will pass the exam. Aso Bfor C but Dand ( )42. He is only ten months. He can read _write. A. either orB. neither nor C. both andD. so that( )43. It s a long time we met last. A. so B . after C. since D. before ( )44.That maths problem is difficult _nobody can do it. A. too toB. very that C. so thatD. very but( )45.I ll give her the message she comes back. A. since B. before C. until D.as soon as ( )46. the teacher came into the classroom, many students were talking to each other. A. While B. If C. Since D. When ( )47.Could you tell me in your home town in winter? A. if it often snowed B. whether does it often snow C. if it often snow D. whether it often snows ( )48. Lily Lucy like singing. A. Either orB. Beither norC. Both andD. So that( )49. Read the sentences slowly we can understand what you read. 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 3 页,共 12 页优秀学习资料欢迎下载A. so that B. before C. until D. because ( )50. We found very difficult to learn Japanese. A. this B. that C. it D. its ( )51._of the four roads will take you to the hospital. A. Neither B. Either C. .Both D. Any ( )52.I have five colour pencils, one is red, another is blue and are green. A. the other B. other C. the others D. others ( )53. has passed the examination. A . Every of us B. All of us C. Everyone of us D. Each of us ( )54. I was watching TV, my sister was litening to the radio programme. A. After B. While C. Before D. When ( )55.Must I finish my homework now? No, you _. A. mustnt B. cant C. neednt D. may not ( )56.Mr Wang has worked there _ it opened. A. because B. since C. for D. so ( )57. Well go to visit the Great Wall_ it doesnt rain tomorrow. A. since B .before C. when D. if ( )58.Does anybody know _for Xian tomerrow? A. if is Lucy leaving B. if Lucy leaves C. that Lucy is leaving D. that Licy leaves ( )59.-John enjoys listening to pop music?-_ A. So does Helen B. Also is Helen C. Helen likes so D. so Helen does ( )60.Everybody knows that the_ you study, the_ result you will get. A. hard, good B. harder, better C. hardest, best D. hardly, better ( )61.The population of our country is _ their. A.twice as many as B. as twice many as C. twice as large as D. twice as large as that of ( )62.Mary won in the _race last week. A. woman s 400- metres B. women s 400-metres C. woman s 400-metre D. women s 400-metre ( )63._ is hard to break a world record. A. It B. That C. This D. Its ( )64.Lots of visitors come to Shanghai because she is_ city. A. so a beautiful B. very a beautiful C. a such beautiful D. quite a beautiful ( )65.You are _ fat. You d better not eat_meat. A. too much; much too B. too many ; many too C. much too; too much D.many too; too many ( )66.-How long has Miss Yang_sick? - She _sick two days ago. A.been,fell B.been,was C.fallen,fell D.fallen,was ( )67.-Your brother isn t a doctor, is he? -_. He works in a factory. A. No, she isn t B. No, she is C. Yes, she is D. Yes, she isn t ( )68.Mrs. Green, with her two daughters _ going to fly to England in two days. A. is B. are C. was D. were ( )69.My grandfather _ for two weeks. His _ makes me very sad. A. has died , dead B. has dead, death C. has been dead, death D. has been died, death ( )70.If you go to the park tomorrow,_. A. so will he B. so he will C. so does he D. so he does ( )71._of the students in our school is about 3400 _of the students come from he countryside. AThe number;third fourth B.The number;three fourths C.A number;three fourths D.A number;three quarters ( )72.Don t be late again,Mike. A. No, I don t B. Don t worry C. Sorry, I won t D. I don t know ( )73.-Would you like to go to the zoo with us?-_ A. No, I m busy B. Why not C. Thank you D. That s all right ( )74.-Shall I help you to move I to the corner? -_. I can do it myself. A.No, thanks B.Not at allC.help yourselfD.never mind ( )75.-I m going to DaLian to spend my holiday? -_. A. Congratulations B. That s true C.Have a good time D. That s nothing ( )76.-Would you like some more?-_.I m full. A. Yes, please B .I d love to C. No, thanks D. No, I wouldn t ( )77.-My sister has lost the chance to work in GuangZhou. -_. A. Well done B. Good luck C. What a pity D. Congratulation ( )78.-Did you enjoy the party yesterday? -_ , so I left early. A. It was fun. B. It was boring C.I enjoyed it. D .I haven t been there ( )79.-Hello, this is 86563286. -_. A. How are you? B. Can I take a message? C. Is that Tom? D. Who are you? ( )80.-You ve done a very good job. -_. It s very nice of you to say so. A. Thank you. B.I don t do well enough. 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 4 页,共 12 页优秀学习资料欢迎下载C. You re welcome. D.I don t think so. ( )81.-Would you like to go out for a walk with us? -_, but I must finish my homework first. A. Of course not. B. That s all right. C. I d love to. D. Yes, I do. ( )82.-Have a good summer holiday. -_. A. I m afraid I won t. B.Thanks, and you too. C. All right, I will. D. Ok ,let s have a good time. ( )83.-I haven t seen Jim for three days. Is he ill? -_.His mother told me that he was in hospital. A. I am afraid so. B.I hope not. C.I don t expect. D.I am afraid not. ( )84.-May I use your dictionary? -_. A .Of course not. B. You may, if you like. C. No, I don t mind. D. It doesn t matter. ( )85.-I fell and hurt my leg just now. -_. A. It doesn t matter. B. Nothing serious. C. Be careful. D. I m sorry to hear that. ( )86.-I won the100-metre race! -_! A. Congratulations B. Don t be so proud C. It was nothing D. Thank you ( )87.-Could you look after my garden while I m away? -_. A.With pleasure B.Hold on ,please C.I agree with you D.That s a good idea ( )88.He doesn t think that he can break that record,_? A.doesn t he B.does he C.can he D.can t he ( )89.What do you think of the football match? -_ . A.Our team is a good one B.I didn t hear of it C.It was very exciting. D.Our team lost the match ( )90.We can often see the sign “THIS SIDE UP ”_. A.by the road B.at home C.on a box D.in a train ( )91.-Merry Christmas and happy new year!-_ A.I hope so B. Really? C. The same to you. D. Congratulations! ( )92.-I will have an exam tomorrow.-_. A. Well done B. have a good time C. thank you D. Good luck to you. ( )93.-Happy birthday to you! -_. A. Happy birthday to you, too B.The same to you. C. You ll be all right .D. Thank you. ( )94.-I m sorry I m late. -_. A. That s right. B. It doesn t matter. C. It s fine. D. Don t be late ,again. ( )95.-What s the weather like today? -_. A. It s nice for a walk. B.I like autumn best. C. It will be sunny. D. it s rather cold. ( )96.-Excuse me, could you tell me the way to the station? -_. A. You can t miss it B. I don t know. C. I m sorry, I m new here D. Oh, that s all right. ()97.-_?-It s ten O clock. A. What s the time? B. What day is it today? C.What s four and six. D.What s the date today? ( )98.-_? -I want a pair of shoes. A. What do you want to do? B.Do you like it? C. What can I do for you? D.Which do you like? ( )99.-_. - I ve got a headache. A.What s the matter. B.Why did you come here ? C.Have you got a headache?D.What have you got? ( )100.-Help yourself to some fish,Tom.-_. A. Thank you. B. You are right. C. Let me help you. D. Well done. ( )101.-I m sure he is a good student? -_. He s often late for school. A. I think so. B.I agree with you. C. No, I don t think so. D. All right. ( )102.The price of the coat is very_. A.expensive B.tall C.dear D.high ( )103.The new dictioaries are _. A. Kate s and Mary s B. Kate s and Mary C. Kate and Mary s D. Kates and Marys ( )104.My brother likes playing_ basketball and I am good at playing_ piano. A. /,the B. the ,/ C. an,the D. the,a ( )105.What time do_Reads usually have_lunch? A. a; the B. the; a C. /; the D. the; / ( )106.I like the music_I can dance to. A.that B.whose C.when D.how ( )107.Three weeeks _ quite a long time. A. were B. is C. are D.was ( )108.-Who taught _ English? -Nobody . He learned it by _. A. he;himself B. himself;him C.him;himself D.his;himself ( )109.The boy wanted to know_. A. whose computer it is B. How much did the computer cost C. if the computer was made in America D. where the teacher will buy the computer ( )110._is the price of thi kind of computer? A. how much B. How many C.What D.When ( )111._terrible news ! A.What B.What a C.How D.How a ( )112.What would you like to_us about Canada? A. speak B. say C. tell D. talk ( )113.It s cold outside today._ your coat ,please A.Put on B.Wear C.Dress D.Take off ( )114. 补全对话I A :What can I do _ you? B:I d like a _ of shoes. 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 5 页,共 12 页优秀学习资料欢迎下载A: _ _ do you wear? B: Size 40. A: What _ do you like. B:I like brown very much. A:What_this one? B:It _very nice.Can I _ them _. A:Of course, here you_B:They fit me quite _. How _ are they. A:120 yuan. B:All right.I ll_this pair. II A: _, Where is the People s hospital? B: _,I don t know. You d better _the man. A: Thank you all the same. B: Excuse me,_is the way to the people s hospital? A: Go_ this street, turn right and walk on_ you reach the first _. Then turn right_ and you ll see the hospital in _of you. B: How far is it _ here? A: It s about 2 kilometres . B: My son is badly ill. He can walk any longer._ can we get there? A: You can go there by bus. Oh, sorry ,it s very late and there is no bus now. You d better _ a taxi. B: I see. Thank you very much. B: You re_. III A: Good morning, What s _ with you? B: I ve got a headache and a cough. A: _ _ have you been like this? B:Since this morning. A:_ are you feeling now? B: I am feeling worse. A:Have you _ your temperature? B:Yes, I have. My temperature seems a little higher. Is there anything serious , doctor? A: Nothing _.You ve just caught a cold . B:Do I have to stay at home ? A:Yes, you d better _ a god rest , drink more water and _ the medicine three times a day. B: _ a lot. A: That s all right. IV A: Hello,88890921 B: Hello! Could I _ to Ann,please? A: I m _ not. She isn t here at the moment. Can I_ a message? B: Certainly! It s very _ of you. This is Bill here . Is _Mrs. Green? A: Yes, this is Ann s mother_. B: Thank you very much _ asking me to Ann s birthday party on Sunday. I m very sorry I am not _ to come. A: Oh, I m sorry to _ that . B: We are _ to be in shanghai that day. I hope you ll have a good _. A: Thank you. I ll give her the _ . B: Thank you .Bye- bye. V A:Hi, Peter. Are you free this Sunday? B: Yes, Sam. Why? A:_ we go boating on the west Lake? B: _ not go to see a film? I know there is going to _ a cool film that day. A:Good idea! What time _ we meet? B: _ _ seven thirty. A:_ _ make it a little earlier? Seven o clock, ok ? B:Sure . A:_ meet outside your house, shall we? B:Ok. See you. VI ( Li Ming is having dinner with the Smith) A: Li Ming, would you like some vegetable soup? B: _,_. Mmm, it s delicious. A: _ would you like ,chicken or fish? B:I would like fish. Thanks. Mrs. Smith. A: _ _ to some fruit salad, Li Ming. B: Thanks. Oh, it s so fresh. A:The apple pudding is very nice._you like some? B: A little, please. Can I have _ _ soup. I m still thirsty. A: Sure, _ _ _. Would you like one _ sandwich? B: _,_. I ve had enough. VII ( The teacher is asking his students about their dreams in the future.) T:Hi,class,what do you want to be when you grow_? S1: I want to be a lawyer because I like to help others when they are _ trouble. I can also _ a lot of money. S2: I don t agree _ you. I m going to _ a teacher.I don t think making money is very _. S3: I want to be a journalist, because I am good _writing, and I like to help others, too. T: Good students. Everyone has his own idea about life. But we should try our_ to be happy in the future. VIII T: Good morning, class. Is_ here today? S: _, peter can t come to school today. T: What s _? S: A car hit him _ his way home yesterday. Now he is in _. T: Oh, dear! How did it _? S: After school he and some of his classmates were playing as they were walking. A car came round the corner and the driver didn t _ them. 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 6 页,共 12 页优秀学习资料欢迎下载T: _ luck! Was he _ hurt? S: _ serious! But he will recover _ two days. TS: We all hope he will come back to school as soon as_. 动词考查单项选择( )1. I ll go with you as soon as I _my work. A.will finishB.finishedC.finishD.would finish ( )2. Since he came here last year, we_happy. A.are B.have been C.had been D.were ( )3.Peter the work in a week. A.have finishedB.finishes C.is finishing D.will finish ( )4.The Greens _London for nearly two years. A.leftB.will leave C.have left D.have been away from ( )5. Her grandparents for ten years. A.died.B.have died C.were dead.D.have been dead ( )6.When you the museum? A.would visitB.did visit C.have visit D.had visited ( )7. If it tomorrow, we _ the Pople s Museum.A.won train;will visit B.isn t rain; will visit C.doesn t rain;will visit D.won t rain; visit ( )8.John_ something when I _to see him. A.wrote;went B.wrote;was going C.was writing;was going D.was writing; went ( )9. He told us that light _ faster than sound.A.travel B.travels C.travelled D.is travelling ( )10. When I got to the station, the train for ten minutes. A.has leftB.has been awayC.had leftD.had been away ( )11. Mike asked me if we _ any questions the next class. A.asked B.will ask C.would ask D.are going to ask ( )12. He said he would help me with my maths if he _free. A.was B. will be C. would be D. is ( )13. They usually_ their homework after supper. A.do B.did C.to do D.does ( )14. -What are they doing? -They_ready for the sport meeting. A.get B.have got C.are getting D.will get ( )15. He the cooking yesterday. A.doesn t B.didn t C.didn t do D.doesn t do ( )16. Li Fangs father in that school. A.work B.works C.worked D.is going to work ( )17.-_ you _ the book to the library?-No. -When_you _ it? A.Have returned;will return B.Did return;will return C.Have returned; returned D.Did return; returned ( )18.The flowers _ evsry day. A. should water B. Must water C. must be watered D.can be watered ( )19.She was made _an English song at the party. A.sing B.sings C.to sing D.singing ( )20.The school _ in two years. A.will build B.built C.has built D.will be built ( )21.There _ a football match this evening. A.is going to haveB.hasC.is goingto beD.will have ( )22.The book _Mike s. Look! His name is on book cover. A.must be B.might be C.may be D.canbe ( )23.I don t know if he _ tomorrow. If he _, I will tell you. A. will come;will come B. comes; comes C. will come; comes D. Comes; will come ( )24.By the end of last year, We_ over 2000 English words. A.have learned B.learned C.had learned. Dlearn ( )25.Great changes _in his hometown since 2000. A. took place B. have taken place C. happened D. have been happened ( )26.Hurry up, or you _ the early bus. A. will miss B. missed C. have missed D. miss ( )27.We were often told _at people in trouble. A.to smileB.to laughC.not to laughD.not to smile ( )28.- Is that Linda speaking? -Sorry,she isn t in.She_abroad on business. A.goes B.went C.has gone D.will go ( )29.-When_you_the dictionary?-In 2007. A.had-boughtB.has-boughtC.did-buyD.will-buy ( )30.Your car mustn t_here. Can t you see the sign“NO PARKING ”? A.put B.be put C.puts D.putting 用括号中所给词的适当形式填空1.Tom_(go)to work on foot, doesn t he?2.Jane was washing dishes while I_ (cook). 3.Don t forget _(hand) in your homework tomorrow. 4. Well try_(finish) the work before seven . 5. Its raining hard. Youd better _(not go) out. 6.This maths problem is difficult.Let me _ (think) it over. 7. Its not easy (learn)a foreign language. 8.Im hungry. Please give me something_ (eat). 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 7 页,共 12 页优秀学习资料欢迎下载9.The teacher asked me_(answer) the question in English. 10.The boy is too small _(dress) himself. 11. He is tall enough _ (reach) the edge of the blackboard. 12.The teacher warned us _(not play) in class. 13.Let s_(go)to the library_(borrow) a book. 14.I wonder when _(leave) for Beijing. 15.How about _ ( fly ) kites? 16.How do you make the baby_(stop)_(cry)? 17.We have worked for a long time. Let s stop_ (have) a rest. 18.Can you help me _(carry) the heavy box? 19.He wants his students_(read)English every day. 20.I don t feel like _(eat) anything? 21.My ambition is _(be)a teacher like Mrs. Liu? 22.My hobby is _(play) basketball. 23.I m sorry _(trouble) you. 24.I hope _(find)a good job in a foreign company after I graduate from school. 25.I would rather _(stay) at home. 26.I enjoy_(listen) to music. 27.Have you finished_(read) the book? 28.We must practise_(speak) English every day. 29.My mother is busy_(cook) dinner now. 30.There is a purse _(lie) on the ground. 31.Don t keep us _(wait) for a long tome. 32.When I went past the classroom,I heard him _(sing) in it. 33.You should have your hair_(cut). 34.Did anybody stop him from_(get) onto the train? 35.We saw him_(enter)the building and go upstairs. 36.It s our turn_(clean) the classroom today. 37.The best time _(plant) trees is in spring. 38.I prefer _(sing) to _(dance). 39. Its time for us (go) home now. 40.I found it difficult _(learn) English well. 41._(smoke) is bad for your health. 42.The doctor told my father to give up_(smoke)? 43.It took me half an hour _(finish) my homework last night. 44.Some children spend too much time_(play) computer games. 45. Neither of the answers _(be) right. 47.Reading in bed _(be) bad for your eyes . 48.The book is interesting and it is worth_(read). 49.Our teachers always encourage us_(work) hard. 50.Would you please_(take) care of my dog? 51.Everyone should make a contribution to _ (protect) our environment. 52.I prefer to_(swim) rather than_(skate). 53. The boss has them (work)ten hours a day. 54.The window is broken and need _(repair). 55.It _(say)that his family has moved to Shanxi. 56._(not be) late for class every morning. 57.Can you see the sign“NO _(park). ”58.Do you mind my _(open) the window? 选用方框中短语的适当形式填空1.When I was 5 years old,I _ride a bike. 2.Can you _the answer to the queation? 3.English is very important , you mustn t_it_. 4.Study harder, and you will_the others. 5.Let s_to learn English well, shall we? 1.I really don t know how _the old picture. 2.Have you_the jacket? It s forty yuan. 3.Look! Lily _ the tree. 4.The girl_her parents. 5.The bus _people on weekends. 1.Don t _ the radio.The baby is sleeping. 2.If I don t know a word ,I always _it _-in a dictionary. 3.I _flying kites last week. 4.The wallet must_Sam. His ID card is in it. 5.China _ the Great Wall. 1.Thank you for_ my grandparents when I was away. 2.I hope everything_. find out tryone sbest catch up with give up be able to fall off pay for be full of deal with be proud of belong to look up turn on be famous for have fun go well knock at look after look over get down 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 8 页,共 12 页优秀学习资料欢迎下载3. Help! Help! I can t _.The tree is too high. 4.Jim,go and see who s_ the door, please. 5.“ Don t worry. The doctor _ your father at once.”Uncle Wang told me. 句型转换1.Students should_ all the out- of-class activities. 2.He_ science when he was young. 3.When he has decided something, he won t_. 4.Tom likes _so he has many good friends. 5.This coat _ cotton and wool. 1. It s hot here .Why not_ your coat. 2. Yao Ming _ playing basketball. 3. Mother is ill. We d better _ a doctor. 4. Mr. Wu asked them _ the words on the blackboard. 5.We always _ to clean our classroom. 句型转换单数句型与复数句型:单数句型改为复数句型时,相应的单数形式,比如主语谓语宾语和表语等都要改为复数形式,不可遗漏。当名词作定语时,须记住:man 和 woman 同单复,其它都不变。专项测试1.He is a student.(复数 ) _ _ _ _. 2.There is a knife on the desk. ( 复数 ) There _ _ _ on the desk. 3.This is my photo. ( 复数 ) _ _ _ _. 4.It s an apple tree. (复数 )_ _ _ _ _. 5.There is a woman teacher in our school. ( 复数 ) There _ some _ _ in our school. 肯定句改为否定句:一般在be(am,is,was,were)助动词( do,does,dod,will,would, have,has,had ) 情态动词 (can,may,must,need,should)后加 not,往往要缩写。有些词可用其反义词构成句子的否定。例如:some-any/something-nothing/much-little/many- few/everybody-nobody/everyone-no one/everything -nothing/both neither /allnone/ both-and 替换为neither-nor 一些副词也要随之变化。例如:too/alsoeither/already yet/always-never/almost -hardly/often seldom/still not any more /longer. and 连接两个并列成分时,将and 变 or. 注: 1.have/has/had能否直接加not 看后面有没有过去分词。2.I think/believe/feel that 主从句变为I don t think/ believe/feel that- 3.had better do sth 变为 had better not do sth 4.祈使句 Do sth 变为Don t do sth / Let s do sth.变为Let s not do sth专项测试1.They are having lunch.They _ having lunch. 2.She can speak English.She_ speak English. 3.They will go on a trip to BeiJing. They _ go on a trip to Beijing. 4.I would like like some noodles for breakfast. I _ _like _noodles for breakfast. 5.He was born in Jinta. He _ born in Jinta. 6.We need hand in our homework at three o clock. We_ _ hand in our homework at three o clock. 7.She has something important to say at the meeting. She _ _ important to say at the meeting. She_ _ _ important to say at the meeting. 8.Jim always gets up at six in the morning. Jim _ gets up at six in the morning. 9.The Greens have already flown to England. The Greens _ _ to England _. 10.Both of my parents are teachers. _ of parents _ a teacher. 11.All of the students come from Japan. _ of the students _ from Japan. 12.Both Jenny and Danny likes hot dogs. _ Jenny _ Danny_ hot dogs. 13.He has some apples,too. He_ _ _apples,_. 14.My mother did some shopping yesterday. My mother _ _ _ shopping yesterday. 15.I think he is right. I_ think he _ right. 16.I have brothers and sisters. I _ _ brothers _sisters. 17.His father bought him a new computer last week. His father_ _ him a new computer last week. 18.Read after me. _ _after me. 19.Let s play games. Let s_ _ games. 陈述句变一般疑问句/选择疑问句通常要提前be动词( am,is,are,was,were)助动词(do,does, did, will,would,shall.have,has )情态动( can, could, may, must,need,should) ,陈述句中有some时, 一般将 some 变 any,由 some 构成的复合不定代词和不定副词变any 所构成的复合不定代词和不定副词.但委婉语气疑问句除外。too 变 either,already 变 yet. 专项测试1.He ate something nice yesterday. _ he _ _ nice yesterday? 2.We usually do our homework in the evening. _you usually_ _ homework in the evening? 3.He said he would soon return the book to you. _he_he would soon return to the book to you? 4.My father watches TV every night. make friends take part in be made of become interested in change one s mind take turns take off write down send for have success in 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 9 页,共 12 页优秀学习资料欢迎下载_ your father_ TV every night? 5.I would like some meat for lunch. _ you like _ meat for lunch? 6.They have already cleaned the classroom. _ they _ the classroom _? 7.He likes reading.( 用 writing 该选择疑问句) _ he _ reading _writing? 陈述句变特殊疑问句:一是选中疑问词,二是将划线部分外的剩余部分变一般疑问句。专项测试1.The nurse is looking after the children. _ is the nurse looking after? 2.The students are in the room._ _in the room? 3.I like the book on the right best. _ _ _ you like best? 4.The book is on the desk. _ _ the book? 5.These are red apples. _ _ these? 6.The apple is red. _ _ _ the apple? 7.My father is a worker. _ is your father?_ _ your father _? 8.The pen is Jenny s. _ is the pen? 9.This is his pen. _ _ is this? 10.It s seven twenty. _?_ the time? _ _ is it ? 11.Mary often goes to school at seven in the morning. _ _ Mary often _ to school? 12.The Black family will be back in two days. _ _ _ the Black family _ back? 13.I have worked in this school for three years. _ _ _you _in this school? 14.Lilei came to Canada two days ago. _ _ Lilei _ to Canada? 15.There are over two hundred teachers in our schooor _ _ _ are there in your school? 16.He had a bowl of rice for lunch. _ _ roce _ he _ for lunch? 17.Jim is fine. _ is Jim? 18.Kate is five years old . _ _ is Kate? 19.Teresa is 1.5 metres tall. _ _ is Teresa? 20.My home is five kilometres away from my school. _ _ is your home from your school? 21The rhe river is 3 metres wide._ _is the river? 22.Mary didn t come to schoolyesterday because she is ill? _ _ Mary come to school yesterday? 23.My sister goes to school on foot. _ _ your sister _ to school? 24.I go to see my grandparents once a week. _ _ _you go to see your grandparents? 25.He has been to England once. _ _ _ _ he _ to England? 26.He reads English every evening. _ _ he _ every evening? 27.They are watching TV now. _ _they _? 28.Ann is going to have a party._is Ann going to_? 29.It is January 23, 2010. _ the _ ? 30.It is fine today. _ is the weather today?_the weather_ today? 31.There are some pencils in the box._ in the box? 32.The population of China is 1.46 billion now. _ _ the population of China now? 33.The computer cost him 5 thousand yuan. _ _ _ the computer cost him? 34.I have got a headache. _ _ with you? 反义疑问句表示对前面陈述部分的事实提出相反的疑问,须注意:前肯后否,前否后肯。后面的疑问部分的否定形式要缩写,其主语用人称代词的主格形式,但there be 句型除外。 当 前 面 陈 述 句 钟 有 否 定 词few/little/never/ /nobody/nothing/hardly 等词时, 后面用肯定形式。不定代词做主语时,指人用they/he 指物用 it. Let s-开头的祈使句用shall we.其它用 will you. 陈述句为I am-, 简略问句为aren t you. I/We think/believe/feel that 主从句反问从句。专项测试1.Kate is from England,_ _? 2.There is little milk in the glass,_ _? 3.Jim has some red apples,_ _? 4.The Geens have never been to Japan,_ _? 5.Everything goes well,_ _? 6.Everyone is here except Jim ,_ _? 7.I don t think Mary likes reading,_ _? 8.Don t be late for school again,_ _? 9.Let them play together,_ _? 10.Let s go for a walk ,_ _? 11.He can hardly say a word hearing the news, _ _? 12.I am a good person ,_ _? 13.You go to school on foot ,_ _? 14.The man on the bike hit the bag and fell off,_ _? 改写成感叹句。感叹句表示说话人的喜怒哀精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 10 页,共 12 页优秀学习资料欢迎下载乐惊喜等的情绪。其结构为: What + ( a/an )+形容词 +名词 +主语 +谓语! How + 形容词 / 副词 + 主语 +谓语!1.It is a very interesting film. _ _ interesting film it is! 2.The weather is too bad here._ _ _ it is here! 3.They are listening very carefully. _ _ they are listening! 4.Tom has some beautiful flowers. _ _ _ Tom has! 5.You know the man is very strange. You know _ _ the man is! 改写为同义句: 1.Tom bought something different from me just now. I _ something different _Tom just now. 2.The snow was heavy last night. It _ _ last night. 3.Tom didn t have breakfast and went to school. Tom went to school _ _ breakfast. 4.Mike didn t come to school yesterday because he was ill. Mike didn t come to school_ _ his illness. 5.The dictionary cost him thirty dollars. He _ thirty dollars _ the dictionary. 6.How clever the man is! _ _ _ _he is! 7.I like English best, English is _ _ _. I like English _ _ _ _ _. 8.I think science is more difficult than Chinese. I think Chinese is _ _ _ science. I think Chinese isn t _ _ _ science. 9.He went to bed last night after his father came back. He_ _to bed last night_his father came back. 10.He hasn t been to England.She hasn t ,either. _ he _ she _ been to England. 11.Mr. Smith is my teacher.He is also my good friend. Mr. Smith is_ _my teacher_ _my good friend 12.The desk is so heavy that I can t carry it. The desk is _heavy _ me _ _. 13.Jim is too young to go to school. Jim isn t _ _ _ go to school. 14.His grandfather died three years ago. His grandfather_ _ _ _ three years ago. 15.It is five months since we met last time. We _ _ each other _ five years. 16.I hope that I can see you soon. I hope_ _you soon. 17.Could you tell me how I can get to the post office.? Could you tell me how _ _to the post office? 18.Is Mr. Nobel a teacher ? Jim wondered. Jim wondered _ Mr. Nobel _ a teacher . 19.He asked me“ Where does Jim come from? ”He asked me _ Jim _ from. 20.Mother said to us: “ Don t play in the street.”Mother _ us _ _ play in the street. 21.He can finish the work easily. _ _ _ for him _ finish the work. 22.Learning English well is important. _ is important _ learn English well. 23.You must clean your bedroom every day. Your bedroom _ _ _ every day. 24.If you work hard ,you will pass the exam. Work hard , _ you _ pass the exam. 25.Hurry up, or you will miss the early train. _ you _ _, you will miss the early train. 26.He gave me a new computer yesterday. I _ _ a new computer yesterday. A new computer _ _ _ _ yesterday. 27.Something is wrong with that machine. _ _ _ wrong with that machine. 28.I couldn t see anything but a pen. I could _ _ but a pen. 29.The building has six floors. _ _ six floors in the building. 30.Let s go for a walk after supper, shall we? _ _ go for a walk after supper ? _ _ going for a walk after supper? 31.He likes singing.Jenny likes singing,too. He like singing, _ _ Jenny . 32.He saw the accident while he was going to school. He saw the accident _ his _ to school. 33.The Greens went to Moscow by plane. The Greens _ _ Moscow. 34.What do you mean by this word? _ the _ of the word? 35.How do you like China? _ do you _ _ China ? 36.It seems that they will win the football match. They _ _ _ the football match. 37.David spent two hours playing football yesterday. It _David two hours_ _football yesterday. 38.I didn t go swimming with them because I was ill. My illness _ me_ going swimming with them. 39.His words surprised us very much. We were_ at _ he said. 40.Flowers need watering every day. Flowers need _ _ _ every day. 单句改错课标解读: 在英语考试中,改错是考查知识与能力的综合性很强的题型。他的宗旨在于测试学生发现精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 11 页,共 12 页优秀学习资料欢迎下载判断纠正句中错误的能力。应试对策:从词法入手:明白各类词词性,词的习惯搭配,词的辨析词的用法。从句法入手:关注各种句式的构成:关注一致性问题; 关注逻辑关系及习惯用法。中考演练:下列各句有ABCD四个划线部分,其中有一处错误,请找出并改正1.How often have you been in China? ( ) _ A B C D 2.With your help, I cant finish the work in time. A B C D ( ) _ 3. It s very nice of you to get me two tickets for the A B C D World Cup. ( ) _ 4.Boys are always exciting about playing football. ( ) _ A B C D 5.You d better to phone Jenny and say sorry to her. A B C D ( ) _ 6.Nanjing is one of the most beautiful city in China. It A B C attracts large numbers of tourists. ( ) _ 7.She has bought this jacket for nearly ten years._ 8.In a few years time, computers will be widely used in China. ( ) _ 9.I would like to go fishing with you if it won t rain A B C D tomorrow. ( ) _ 10.Flying kites are far more enjoyable than playing A B C D chess. ( ) _ 11.The students are playing happy. ()_A B C D 12.Please tell him don t to be late for school. ( ) _ A B C D 13.Kitty s uncle has gone to Beijing twice.( )_ A B C D 14.The boys play football on every Tuesday afternoon. A B C D 15.I really don t know what to do it. ( )_ A B C D 16.She told me she preferred watching TV to play _ A B C D volleyball on the playground. ( ) _ 17.The number of the taxis in our city are becoming A B C D larger and larger. ( ) _ 18.The girl s bag is different from her brother. _ A B C D 19.John told me that he has finished the work. _ A B C D 20.Jenny asked me that I was from Japan.( )_ A B C D 二下列各句都有错,请找出并改正:1.Do you learn English with watching TV? _ 2.I can give you some good advice . _ 3.We don t go for a walk in a rainy day. _ 4.There is wrong something with your bike._ 5.Let me help you, shall we? _ 6.Could you tell me how can I get to the plane?_ 7.He often forgets his key to the office at home._ 8.How did you do with those old rockets._ 9.My father has joined the Party for ten years._ 10.The population of China is bigger than that of Canada. _ 11.The Green family is watching TV now._ 12.I think he won t come back tomorrow. _ 13.He went to bed until his father came back._ 14.We hope Jim to pass the exam next time. _ 15.I spent an hour to finish my homework last night ._ 16.There is little water in the bottle, isn t there? _ 17.I m still hungry. Give me more two apples,please._ 18.He was seen go upstairs. _ 19.Here are two books. One is yours and another is Mary s. _ 20What a bad weather! It s really cold outside._ 21.What he said made us very happily. _ 22.Jim jumps higher than any other students in his class. _ 23.In the 1940,the Chinese were still very poor._ 24.I have a book was written by Lu Xun._ 25.Though he is young, but he knows a lot._ 26.You can ask me when you will have questions._ 27.Miss Green has got married for ten years._ 28. The nurse is taking care of the ill man._ 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 12 页,共 12 页
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