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第一部分第一部分 教材知识研究教材知识研究九年级(全)九年级(全)Units 1 -2考点一考点一 by的用法的用法考点二考点二 辨析辨析aloud, loudly与与loud考点三考点三辨析辨析discover, create与与invent考点四考点四辨析辨析lay与与lie考点五考点五 辨析辨析dead, die, death与与dying考点六考点六warn的用法的用法练讲重难点高频话题写作指导1. They celebrate the festival by a big meal with their family.A. haveB. hasC. havingD. to haveC2. You have to finish your homework ten oclock in the evening.A. byB. toC. forD. withA练讲重难点重难点精析重难点精析考点一考点一by的用法的用法(4年年1次)次)考点抢测考点抢测单单数数名名词词+ by+ 单单数数名名词词, by意意为为“接接着着,逐逐一一”。如如: If translated word by word, the sentence will be meaningless. 如果逐字翻译如果逐字翻译,这个句子就没有意义了。,这个句子就没有意义了。by + v.-ing结结构构,by意意为为“通通过过,以以的的方方式式”。如如: I make myself relaxed by listening to the classical music. 我通过听古典音乐让自己放松。我通过听古典音乐让自己放松。满分点拨满分点拨 by+地点名词,地点名词,by意为意为“在在旁;靠近旁;靠近”。如:。如:Our teacher is sitting by the window. 我们的我们的老师正坐在窗户旁边。老师正坐在窗户旁边。 by+人称代词宾格,意为人称代词宾格,意为“经过经过”。如:。如:He walked by me without speaking. 他走过我的身旁,没有说话。他走过我的身旁,没有说话。 by+时间点,意为时间点,意为“不迟于不迟于”。如:。如:I shall be back by 5 oclock. 我最迟五点回来。我最迟五点回来。by+人人, by意意为为“(表表示示动动作作承承受受者者)被被;由由”。如如:You from the star was loved by people all over Asia.来自星星的你被全亚洲的人们喜爱。来自星星的你被全亚洲的人们喜爱。by+交交通通工工具具, by意意为为“乘乘坐坐;用用”。如如:Some day we may travel by spaceship. 有有一一天天我我们们可可能能乘乘坐坐宇宙飞船旅行。宇宙飞船旅行。考点二考点二辨析辨析aloud, loudly与与loud考点三考点三辨析辨析discover, create与与invent考点抢测考点抢测3. Gold was in California in the 19th century.A. inventedB. discoveredC. createdB4. We all know that the paper was by Cai Lun almost 2,000 years ago.A. createdB. inventedC. discovered D. foundBdiscover 意意为为“发发现现,找找到到”,指指发发现现某某种种情情况况或或早早已已存存在在但但不不为为人人知知的的事事物物,其其名名词词形形式式是是discovery。如如:The boy has just discovered a secret drawer in his fathers old desk. 男男孩孩刚刚刚刚在在他他爸爸爸爸的的旧旧课课桌桌里里发发现现了一个隐秘的抽屉。了一个隐秘的抽屉。满分点拨满分点拨create 指指从从无无到到有有的的“创创作作”或或创创作作出出原原本本不不存存在在的的东东西西,如如艺艺术术作作品品,理理论论等等。如如:Ge You created quite a number of wonderful characters in his plays. 葛优在他的剧中创造了很多精彩的形象。葛优在他的剧中创造了很多精彩的形象。invent 意意为为“发发明明,创创造造”,指指通通过过研研究究和和实实验验而而“创创造造,发发明明”出出前前所所未未有有的的产产品品或或装装置置,尤尤指指科科技技上上的的发发明明创创造造。如如:Can you tell me who invented the telephone, Jenny? 珍珍妮妮,你你能能告告诉诉我我谁谁发发明明了了电电话话吗吗?5. In order not to hurt my sister, I have to tell a white (谎言谎言).lie6. Daniel finished the article and (放放置置) the newspaper down on his desk.laid7. My sister has in bed for two hours because of a headache. A. lies B. lay C. laid D. lainD考点四考点四辨析辨析lay与与lie考点抢测考点抢测lay和和lie词词义义不不一一样样,但但是是在在变变形形时时会会有有相相同同的的词词形形,具体区别如下:具体区别如下:单词单词laylielie词义词义vt. 放;下蛋放;下蛋vi. 躺,位于躺,位于n.& vi. 谎言;谎言;说谎说谎过去式过去式laidlaylied过去分词过去分词laidlainlied现在分词现在分词layinglyinglying满分点拨满分点拨lie作作“位于位于”讲时,常用短语如下:讲时,常用短语如下:(1)lie in 表表示示一一个个地地方方在在另另一一地地方方内内部部。如如:Guiyang lies in the southwest of China. 贵贵阳阳位位于于中中国国西西南部。南部。(2)lie to 表表示示两两个个地地方方不不接接壤壤。如如: Shanghai lies to the south of Beijing. 上海位于北京南边。上海位于北京南边。(3)lie on 表表示示两两个个地地方方相相邻邻。如如:Canada lies on the north of America.加拿大位于美国北边。加拿大位于美国北边。考点五考点五辨析辨析dead, die, death与与dying考点六考点六warn的用法的用法考点抢测考点抢测8. Whats the most important morning news on CCTV today?The Chinese government warned Japan do harm to Chinas territorial sovereignty(领领土土主主权)权) again and again.A. to not B. didnt C. not to D. do notCwarn sb. (not) to do sth.警警告告 /告告诫诫某某人人(不不要要)做做某某事事,后后接接名名词词、代代词词、that从从句句作作宾宾语语;也也可可接接动动词词不不定定式式作作宾宾补补。如如:The teacher often warns us to study harder. 老师常常告诫我们要更加努力学习。老师常常告诫我们要更加努力学习。 warn sb. against /of sth. 警警告告/提提醒醒某某人人注注意意某某事事。如如:The doctor warned the patient against smoking.医医生告诫病人不要吸烟。生告诫病人不要吸烟。9. Someone warns him the danger on the bridge.A. toB. inC. onD. ofD满分点拨满分点拨1.Some people believe that God the world, but some disagree it.A. inventedB. discoveredC. foundD. createdD2.I found a letter on the floor when I came into the classroom.A. lyingB. layC. lie D. liesA试题在线试题在线高频话题写作指导学习学习 分分析析近近4年年36套套贵贵州州真真题题可可知知,贵贵州州对对此此话话题题的的书书面面表表达达是是以以介介绍绍个个人人学学习习方方法法、学学习习建建议议为为主主,或或反反映映英英语语学学习习中中的的问问题题,寻寻求求帮帮助助或或制制定定计计划划。估估计计2016年年贵贵州中考涉及此话题的可能性较大。州中考涉及此话题的可能性较大。命题探索命题探索亮点句型速成亮点句型速成示例示例:Dont forget to finish your homework.仿写句仿写句:Dont forget to 开头句:开头句:There are three good ways to learn English.中间句中间句:1.I think you should take notes while listening.2.It is also a good idea to recite words.3.You could improve your English by watching English movies.4.Why not try to sing English songs?5.We should /must /need to listen to the teacher carefully.6. Dont forget to finish your homework.7. You should study hard and never give up.8. You can study it by asking more and learning more from others. 9. Dont be shy and never be afraid of losing face.10.Ask your classmates or teachers for help when you are in trouble.11. Having a discussion with your classmates is a better choice.12. The method is so creative!13. Practice makes perfect. 14. Helping others means helping yourself.15. Knowledge comes from communicating and questioning.16.Think twice before you do it.结尾句:结尾句:Never be afraid of failure.写作模板写作模板Good study methods 作作用用, and they can also help us 好好处处. In my opinion, you can use these methods to study English better.First, you should 做做法法一一, and take notes carefully. If you have any questions in class, you can 怎样做怎样做.Second, you are supposed to 做做法法二二. Its a better way to check yourself.Third, its better for you to 做做法法三三. Its also a good way to practice your oral English. 运用这种方法的结果运用这种方法的结果. 假假设设你你叫叫Zhang Ling,前前些些天天收收到到笔笔友友Dave的的e-mail。信信中中说说他他不不久久要要来来中中国国学学习习中中文文。他他想想了了解解如如何何学学好好中中文文。请请你你用用英英文文给给他他回回复复一一封封e-mail,提提出出一一些如何学好中文的建议。些如何学好中文的建议。典例剖析典例剖析 (2014黔南州)黔南州)内容要求内容要求: : 1.1.中文有用,外国人对它感兴趣,学习它;中文有用,外国人对它感兴趣,学习它; 2.2.中英文不同,学习困难中英文不同,学习困难; ; 3.3.学好中文的建议学好中文的建议: : 多记忆、多读写、看电视、多记忆、多读写、看电视、听广播、找人交流等听广播、找人交流等; ; 4.4.不仅能从书上学到,也能通过其他方法学好不仅能从书上学到,也能通过其他方法学好中文。中文。要求要求: 1) 必须用上以上所有信息,可适当发挥必须用上以上所有信息,可适当发挥;2) 要求句子连贯,语句通顺,书写规范要求句子连贯,语句通顺,书写规范;3) 词词数数不不少少于于80词词,信信的的开开头头和和结结尾尾部部分分已已给给出出,不计入不计入总总词数;词数;4) 文中不得出现真实的人名、校名等相关信息。文中不得出现真实的人名、校名等相关信息。参考词汇:参考词汇: useful, foreigner, different from, difficult, learn.by heart, listen to the radio, not only.but also.Dear Dave, Im glad youll come to China to learn Chinese. Hope to see you soon.Yours,Zhang Ling【写作导图】【写作导图】reason: important ;become more and more useful;be interested inremember Chinese wordsdo some reading and writingwatch TV and listen to the radionot only from books but also from people around youenjoy learning;best wishesBeginning Learning methodsEndingLearning Chinese【范文点评范文点评】Dear Dave,Im glad youll come to China to learn Chinese. Chinese is becoming more and more useful. Many foreigners are interested in it and studying it now. It may be difficult for you because its really different from English. You have to remember as many Chinese words as possible. Its also important to do some reading and writing. 开开篇篇点点题题,表表明态度。明态度。介介绍绍了了如如何何学学中文。中文。You can watch TV and listen to the radio to practice your listening. Its a good way to catch every chance to talk in Chinese. You can learn Chinese not only from books but also from people around you. If you have any questions, please let me know. Im sure youll learn Chinese well.Hope to see you soon. Yours, Zhang Ling 表表明明自自己己的的态度和希望。态度和希望。
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