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第七第七节 学校生活学校生活第二部分第二部分 话题专项训练第七第七节 学校生活学校生活一、基一、基础积累累(默写本)默写本)Listen attentively1.教师,教员_ 2.学生_ 3.同班同学_ 4.学院_ 5.大学_ 6.实验室_ 7.操场,运动场_ 8.教室_ 9.学校_ 10.班,年级,课_ 11.学年,成绩,分数_ 12.组,群_13.学期,项_ 14.考试_ 15.家庭作业_ teacher college classmate student university school grade group termclass playground lab=laboratory classroom exam=examination homework 第七第七节 学校生活学校生活Listen attentively16.演讲_ 17.学科_ 18.体育_ 19.艺术,美术_ 20.历史,历史学_speech subject PEarthistory第七第七节 学校生活学校生活Listen attentively动词:1.借_ 2.把借给_ 3.完成_ 4.做完_ 5.考虑_ 6.试,试图,努力_ 7.懂得,明白_ 8.回答,答复_ 9.坐_complete finish borrow lendconsidertryunderstand sitreply第七第七节 学校生活学校生活Listen attentively形容词:1.愚蠢的,笨的_ 2.严重的_ 3.严格的_ 4.耐心的_ 5.缺席_ 6.简单的_ 7.正确的_ 8.错误的_ 9.极好的,优秀的_ 10.聪明的_ 11.小心的_ 12.粗心的_ 13.懒惰的_stupid strictabsentcorrectsimpleclever carelessseriouspatient wrong careful lazy excellent 第七第七节 学校生活学校生活Listen attentively短语:1.上学_ 2.在方面取得进步_ 3.上综合性大学_ 4.上美术课_ 5.擅长_ 6.某方面薄弱_ 7.对严格要求_ go to schoolbe weak in make progress inhave art/have an art lesson be good at/do well ingo to universitybe strict with 第七第七节 学校生活学校生活Listen attentively8.彼此相处融洽_ 9.互相帮助_ 10.学校郊游_ 11.举办艺术节_ 12.开校运动会_ have a sports meeting help each other go on a school trip have an art festival get on well with each other第七第七节 学校生活学校生活Listen attentively常用句子:1.我最喜欢的科目是英语。_2.课后,我们积极参加各种活动。_3.你们为什么推迟开校运动会?因为下大雨。_My favorite subject is English.We take an active part in different kinds of activities after class.Why do you put off having the school sports meeting? Because of the heavy rain.第七第七节 学校生活学校生活Listen attentively4.我们学校什么时候去郊游?下周五。_5.你为什么不喜欢数学?因为对我来说太难,又很无聊。_6.我们遵守校规,集中精力学习。_Why do you dislike math? Because I think it is too hard for me and it is boring.When shall we go on a school trip? Next Friday.We all obey the school rules and concentrate on studying.第七第七节 学校生活学校生活Listen attentively二、完形填空二、完形填空Quiet classes, endless exams and long hours at school.This might 1 like the pressures most Chinese high school students face.But a group of 50 Grade 9 students from Bohunt School in the UK, decided to 2 it for a month.Five Chinese teachers were sent there to teach in their Chinese style.It was made into a BBC documentary 3 .Are our kids tough enough? Chinese School.第七第七节 学校生活学校生活Listen attentivelyThings didnt go as well as they planned at first.The Chinese teachers found discipline(纪律) was their biggest 4 .When they gave the lessons, students were chatting, eating, and 5 was even putting make-up on her face.Meanwhile, many of the British students found the classes to be 6 .“Its all about repetition(重复) and copying notes from the board,” one complained.But after four weeks when the teachers第七第七节 学校生活学校生活Listen attentivelyhad to leave the students, many 7 .“This has been one of the strangest 8 most amazing experiences that Ive ever had,” said one girl Rosie.The Chinese teachers also found that it was a “great journey”.“Its very hard to 9 which education system is better.But I think we should 10 each other,” said one Chinese teacher Li Aiyun. 第七第七节 学校生活学校生活Listen attentively( ) 1.A.feel B.sound C.look D.see( ) 2.A.experience B.encourage C.exercise D.express( ) 3.A.copied B.printed C.named D.sold( ) 4.A.thing B.matter C.question D.problem( ) 5.A.everybody B.somebody C.anybody D.nobody( ) 6.A.interesting B.exciting C.boring D.surprising( ) 7.A.cried B.smiled C.laughed D.shouted( ) 8.A.or B.and C.but D.so( ) 9.A.say B.talk C.speak D.listen( ) 10.A.turn down B.give up C.hear from D.learn fromBACDC CAADB三、三、阅读理解理解A第七第七节 学校生活学校生活Listen attentivelyArticlesWantedSchoolLifeArticlesshouldbetypewrittenanddoublespaced,usingonlyonesideofthepage.Yourname,yearofbirth,schoolname(andEnglishteacher),homeaddressande-mailaddressmustbeincluded.Forphotos,placetheinformationonthebackofeachenvelope:PLEASEDONTFOLD.Pleasekeepcopiesofyourtext,picturesorphotos.ThesentenceMUSTBEWRITTENwithyournameoneachwork,“Ipromisetheaboveworkiscompletelyoriginal(原创的).”Ifyourarticleischosen,youwillreceiveacopyofSchoolLifeandaspecialgift.第七第七节 学校生活学校生活Listen attentivelySENDITALLSUMMER!Formoreinformation,pleasecontact(联系)us!Tel:(0574)92136116(0574)92674363E-mail:schoollifeacpmagazines.comMail:SchoolLife.Box5252,Ningbo,NSW200第七第七节 学校生活学校生活Listen attentively ( ) 1. All the information about the writer must be included except his/her _.A.school name B.e-mail addressC.year of birth D.telephone number( ) 2. What is required for the articles wanted according to the passage?A.They must be fully created by the writers themselves.B.They must be typed in single space and on both sides.C.They must be provided with photos and descriptions.D.They must be sent with the copies of texts and pictures.DA第七第七节 学校生活学校生活Listen attentively( ) 3. According to the passage, you can send your articles _.A.within 3 weeks B.in JulyC.all the year round D.during the whole term( ) 4. How many ways can you find in the passage to contact School Life?A.1. B.2. C.3. D.4.BC第七第七节 学校生活学校生活Listen attentively( ) 5. Who do you think will write articles for School Life?A.Parents who wish their kids to be popular writers. B.Teachers who love writing and taking photos.C.Students who are interested in writing. D.Readers who had a happy time in their childhood.C第七第七节 学校生活学校生活Listen attentivelyJess really felt very happy.When he arrived at his seat in the classroom that morning, he found an invitation on his desk.It was from several of his classmates asking him to join them on a camping trip.This was the first time he was asked to join in an out-of-school activity.Why were they asking him now? Nobody seemed to like him.In fact, he had been so lonely that he drowned his feeling with food .As a result, he had put on a lot of weight, and this gave the kids something more to make fun of him.Cindy, who was standing near Jess when he B第七第七节 学校生活学校生活Listen attentivelyread the invitation, went out quickly to tell the others that the trick(恶作剧)had worked.Everyone was pleased that Jess thought that was true.But there was no camping trip.The whole thing was made up.At first, Cindy thought it was fun.But later, when Jess told her that he was going to buy a sleeping bag with his savings(积蓄), Cindy had a second idea.She knew that Jesss family had little money, and she hated to see him spend his savings on something he would never use.Cindy also hated to tell Jess the truth.Her close friends would be angry with her.What could she do now?第七第七节 学校生活学校生活Listen attentively( ) 6. Why did Jess feel happy?A.He received a letter from his friend. B.He received an invitation from his classmates.C.His classmates were friendly to him. D.He played a trick on his classmates.( ) 7. What would happen if Cindy told Jess the truth?A.Jess would go on the camping trip himself. B.Jesss family would be angry with Cindy.C.Cindy might have trouble with her friends. D.Jess would be thankful to his classmates.BC第七第七节 学校生活学校生活Listen attentively( ) 8. If Jess really bought a sleeping bag, _.A.everyone else would also buy one B.it would be the best in the classC.Cindy would pay for it D.he would have it for no use( ) 9. The underlined words “he drowned his feeling with food” mean “_”.A.用吃东西来减少孤独感B.为同学们点了很多吃的C.给同学们带吃的D.吃很多东西以增肥DA第七第七节 学校生活学校生活Listen attentively( ) 10From the passage,we can infer that _Athe “Sol.4” will be designed in a smaller sizeBmore African can use the solar cookers in the futureCthe “Sol.4” is the first product of the south African companyDthe African government will provide poor people with solar cookersC第七第七节 学校生活学校生活Listen attentivelyC配对阅读。左栏的五位母亲打算为各自的孩子选择一所学校,请在右栏信息中选出符合个人要求的最佳选项。第七第七节 学校生活学校生活Listen attentivelyDAFEC第七第七节 学校生活学校生活Listen attentively四、短文填空Hi, everyone! Welcome to the Friendship Club of our school! You will meet many new people here 1._ make friends with each other.We have some suggestions for you.It will 2._you a lot.First, be friendly and polite 3._ everybody in the club.This will make people comfortable when they talk to you.Rude people are not welcome here and we usually ask 4._ to leave.help andtothem 第七第七节 学校生活学校生活Listen attentivelySecond, be honest and truthful.We hope that our 5._ can trust each other and will not be hurt by each other.6._ we find you are telling lies to other club members, we will ask you to leave the club.Third, be 7._ good listener and keep your friends secrets.This will make your friends trust you and it will also help you know more about your friends.If you share your friends secrets 8._ anyone else, you will hurt their feelings.ifwithamembers第七第七节 学校生活学校生活Listen attentively The last, be generous and helpful to your friends.Sharing thoughts, ideas and opinions will help you 9._more about each other and become friends.Please 10._ our suggestions when you come to the cluB.I hope to see you here soon!rememberknow第七第七节 学校生活学校生活Listen attentively五、(原五、(原创)读写写综合合A.信息信息归纳请阅读下文,根据所提供的信息,完成信息卡。第七第七节 学校生活学校生活Listen attentively第七第七节 学校生活学校生活Listen attentivelyInformation CardThe first way to improve Chinese reading speed 1.The time the Equation Solving Contest will be held 2.The student who won the first in English Voice of School 3.The second part in Hamburger Writing 4.The number of subjects mentioned in this study garden 5.read the text in groups next Tuesday evening from 7:30 to 9:00 Mary the body three第七第七节 学校生活学校生活Listen attentivelyB.书面表达面表达语文、数学和英语是初中阶段非常重要的三个学科。在这三个科目中,你最擅长的是哪个科目?你是怎样学习这一科目的。请你写一篇80词左右的短文说说你的学习方法。内容包括:内容包括:1.你最擅长的科目是什么?2.你是如何学习该科目的?(介绍两个方法)3.建议大家找到适合自己的方法,争取更好的成绩。第七第七节 学校生活学校生活Listen attentively【写作指【写作指导】第一步:审题:人称:第一人称时态:一般现在时第二步:列提纲第一部分:交代清楚我最擅长的科目是什么。参考句型:(1)Among the three subjects, I am fond of best of all.(2)My favorite subject is 第二部分:谈谈你是如何学习该科目的。参考句型:(1)First, I (2)Second, I study through 第三部分:建议大家找到合适的方法。参考句型:第七第七节 学校生活学校生活Listen attentively(1)I advise (2)I hope everyone can 第三步:列出主要的单词、短语和句型。1.喜欢_ 2.我最爱的科目_3.记笔记_ 4.通过多练习的方式_5.建议某人做某事_ 6.希望某人做某事_第四步:运用连接词将以上要点连成文章,并注意句型多样化。第七第七节 学校生活学校生活Listen attentively【整篇写作【整篇写作】_Among Chinese, math and English, I am fond of English best of all and I am good at it.I think its easy for me to learn English.First, I take many notes in class.After class, I take the notes with me.Whenever I am free, I take them out and read them.Second, I always listen to some English radios.I think they can help me a lot.Since different people have different secrets to learn new things, I advice all of us try our best to find a 第七第七节 学校生活学校生活Listen attentivelysuitable way for us and get better and better.谢谢观看!
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