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Vocabulary Learning2021/6/71Do you know anyone with a mental orphysical disability? Does this disabilitymake it difficult for them to do somethings? disability n. 伤残;无力;无能伤残;无力;无能2021/6/72Its not appropriate to make fun ofdisabled people. Instead, we shouldgive them enough respect andencouragement. disabled adj. 残疾的残疾的 2021/6/73A notebook computer can be put onones laps like this, so it is also called alaptop. lap n. (人坐着人坐着)时大腿的上方时大腿的上方 2021/6/74Running one lap around the playgroundis running 400 meters. lap n. 跑道的一圈跑道的一圈 2021/6/75Disabled as she is, her ambition is to be admitted into a key university. ambition n. 雄心;野心雄心;野心 2021/6/76Disabled as she is, she is ambitious to be admitted into a key university. ambitious n. 有雄心的;有野心的有雄心的;有野心的 2021/6/77Its difficult to find a time that is suitablefor everybody. be suitable for 适合于适合于2021/6/78He succeeded in making his entry intothe final competition. entry n. 进入;入口进入;入口2021/6/79Yoga is said to be beneficial to health. be beneficial to.对对.有益有益2021/6/710健身对我们很有益。健身对我们很有益。 be beneficial to sb./sth. be of benefit to sb./sth. (sth.) benefit sb. (sb.) benefit from sth.Working out is very beneficial to us.Working out is of great benefit to us.Working out benefits us a lot.We can benefit a lot from working out.2021/6/711Not accustomed to using chopsticks, his actions seem clumsy. clumsy adj. 笨拙的笨拙的 = awkward 2021/6/712He bumped into a desk corner carelessly.As a result, his forehead was swollen. bump into 撞上;碰撞上撞上;碰撞上2021/6/713We have to adapt (ourselves) to the newenvironment when we move to a newplace as soon as possible. adapt (oneself) to sth. 适应适应.2021/6/714Chu Qiao Zhuan is adapted from afamous web novel. be adapted from.根据根据.改编而成改编而成2021/6/715Its a mainstream for many good webnovels to be adapted for films or TVprograms. be adapted for.为为.而改写而改写/改编改编2021/6/716He is sitting on a bench, enjoying a cupof coffee. bench n. 长凳长凳2021/6/717They cut out a piece of muscle from myleg and looked at it under a microscope. cut out 切去切去2021/6/718Personally, the last paragraph of yourwriting can be cut out completely. cut out 省略省略2021/6/719He has decided to cut out smoking anddrinking. cut out (doing) sth. 停止做停止做.2021/6/7201. My uncle is unable to quit smoking, but at least he is _ smoking.2. They had his electricity _ because he had not paid the bill for a long time.3. It is impolite to _ when someone else is talking. 4. _ the carrots before you put them into the pot. cut off / cut up/ cut in/ cut downcutting downcut offcut inCut up2021/6/721 Having run two laps, he was out of breath. out of breath 气喘吁吁气喘吁吁2021/6/722 hold ones breath 屏住呼吸屏住呼吸 catch ones breath 喘息;恢复正常呼吸喘息;恢复正常呼吸 lose ones breath 喘不过起来喘不过起来 take a deep breath 深呼吸深呼吸 breathe in 吸气吸气 breathe out 呼气呼气 breathtaking scenery 让人屏息的美景让人屏息的美景 2021/6/723Being ill often, she is often absent fromschool. Every time she returns after anabsence, she feels stupid because she isbehind the others. be absent from 缺席缺席2021/6/724The monkey is the king in the absence ofthe tiger.in the absence of sb. = in ones absence 某人不在时某人不在时山山中中无无老老虎虎猴猴子子称称大大王王2021/6/725You are a fine fellow, but you are not mycup of tea. fellow n. 同志;同伴;伙伴同志;同伴;伙伴 2021/6/726To her delight, she discovered that shehad a talent for making her fellowguests laugh. fellow adj.同伴的;同类的同伴的;同类的2021/6/727What annoys him so much? annoy vt. 使使.不悦;惹恼不悦;惹恼2021/6/728What _ me was his rude attitude.His rude attitude made me _.I was annoyed _ his attitude._, his attitude was so rude.His rude attitude was so _. annoy/ annoyed/ annoying/ annoyance be annoyed with sb. be annoyed at/ about/ by sth. be annoyed that. to ones annoyanceannoyedannoyedat/ about/ byTo my annoyanceannoying2021/6/729 All in all, I am annoyed by what hashappened recently. all in all 总而言之总而言之 in a word/ in conclusion/ in sum/ in brief2021/6/730 This is the firm where Im working and Im proud of it. firm n. 公司;商号公司;商号 2021/6/731I hold a firm belief that as long as I trymy best, I will achieve what I want. firm adj. 坚定的;坚固的;结实的坚定的;坚固的;结实的2021/6/732The company deals with both hardwareand software. hardware 硬件硬件 software 软件软件2021/6/733I have a very busy life with no time tosit around feeling sorry for myself. sit around 闲坐着闲坐着2021/6/734She likes singing as well as dancing. as well as 也;和也;和2021/6/735Mary as well as her family members_ going abroad for the holiday. A. is B. are A2021/6/736The parrot has a gift for immitating humans speaking. parrot n. 鹦鹉鹦鹉2021/6/737This is a tank full of fish. Do you thinkthe fish have adequate space to live in? adequate adj. 足够的;充分的足够的;充分的2021/6/738Obviously, the space is not adequate for the fish to live in. be adequate for .足够,适合足够,适合2021/6/739 a tortoise 陆龟;龟陆龟;龟 a turtle 海龟海龟2021/6/740It was not until the mid-twentiethcentury that psychology began to bevalued. psychology n.心理心理(学学)2021/6/741 psychological adj. 心理的心理的心理问题要比身体问题难处理得多。心理问题要比身体问题难处理得多。Psychological problems are much moredifficult to deal with than physical ones.2021/6/742The waitresses of the hotel shouldconduct themselves in an elegant way. conduct oneself 举止;行为举止;行为2021/6/743Actors can hire agents to conduct theiraffairs. 演员可以雇佣经纪人管理其事务。演员可以雇佣经纪人管理其事务。 conduct v.管理;经营;指导管理;经营;指导2021/6/744The middle-aged woman is conductinga meeting. conduct a meeting 主持会议主持会议2021/6/745 The conductor is conducting a band to perform on the stage. conduct v. 指挥指挥 2021/6/746Metal conducts electricity while plasticsdo not. conduct v. 传导传导(电热等电热等) 2021/6/747Fulfilling such a difficult task inadvance is really fulfilling. fulfilling adj.令人愉快令人愉快/满意的满意的 fulfill v. 履行;实现;完成履行;实现;完成 fulfillment n. 2021/6/748Im sorry to have kept you waiting. never mind 不必担心;没关系不必担心;没关系Never mind. Ive just arrived.2021/6/749Compared with history, I like politicsbetter. Maybe I can become a greatpolitical figure in the future. Who knows? politics n. 政治政治(学学) political adj.政治的政治的 politician 政治家政治家2021/6/750 It was Abraham Lincoln who firstabolished slavery in America. Theabolition freed millions of black slaves. abolish slavery 废除奴隶制废除奴隶制 2021/6/751Caught in a political scandal(丑闻丑闻), hehad to resign (his position) as PrimeMinister from the government. resign vi/vt. 辞职辞职 2021/6/752He has to resign himself to the fact thathe has lost his girlfriend. resign oneself to (doing) sth. 听任听任/顺从顺从/只好接受只好接受(做做)某事某事 2021/6/753More and more parents resign theirchildren to their grandparents at homewhile working in the city. resign sb. to .把某人委托给把某人委托给. 2021/6/754Shakespeares works have enrichedEnglish literature. literature n. 文学文学(作品作品) literary adj. 文学的文学的2021/6/755They are good companions, who often keep each other company. companion n. 同伴;伙伴同伴;伙伴2021/6/756Nobody came to his assistance!Whats wrong with the society? assistance n. 协助;援助协助;援助2021/6/757 assistance/ assistant/ assist come to ones assistance 来帮某人来帮某人 with the assistance of sb. 在在.的帮助下的帮助下 be of great assistance 很有帮助很有帮助 assist sb. in doing sth.帮助某人做某事帮助某人做某事 assist sb. to do sth. assist sb. in/ with sth. Mary 帮助我完成了工作。帮助我完成了工作。Mary assisted me in finishing the work. Mary assisted me to finish the work. With the assistance of Mary, I finishedthe work. 2021/6/758 A grand party was held to celebratehis success. Many people came tocongratulate him on his success. congratulate sb. on sth. 祝贺某人某事祝贺某人某事 2021/6/759 A grand party was held to celebratehis success. Many people offered theircongratulations to him on his success. congratulations to sb. on sth. 2021/6/760 graduation n. 毕业;毕业典礼毕业;毕业典礼After graduation from college, I havebeen working here.2021/6/761This certificate shows that you have the qualification(资格资格) to be a teacher. certificate n. 证书;执照;证书;执照;2021/6/762 Sydney Opera House is universallyrecognized as a great architecture, whosearchitect is Jorn Utzon. architect n. 建筑师建筑师 architecture n. 建筑建筑2021/6/763 The only access to the island is by boat. access n. (接近或使用的接近或使用的)方法;通路;方法;通路; 权力等权力等2021/6/764Do you have access to the library inour school? have access to . 拥有拥有.的机会;可以接近的机会;可以接近/进入进入.2021/6/765You have no access to the library. Thatis, the library is not accessible to thestudents. accessible adj. 可接近可接近/使用的使用的.2021/6/766 A wheelchair is handy for a disabled man who has lost his legs. handy adj. 方便的;有用的方便的;有用的 2021/6/767 It has been snowing heavily for a week in a row. in a row 连续地;一连连续地;一连2021/6/768 Not having enough money to supporthis life, he has to rent a basement to livein,which is very damp. basement n. 地下室地下室 2021/6/769Ill wait for you at the exit. exit n. 出口出口 2021/6/770 Yesterday I was walking in the street when I met with an old friend. meet with sb. 偶遇某人偶遇某人 2021/6/771 He met with a car accident on his way home. Luckily, he was not injured seriously. meet with sth. 遇到某事遇到某事 2021/6/772 Wen Jiabao was meeting with the American president Obama. meet with sb. 会见;会晤会见;会晤 2021/6/773 I hope my suggestions will meet with your approval. meet with ones approval 得到某人的赞同得到某人的赞同/批准批准 2021/6/774His plan was _, and the _ won him many _ glances.His children didnt _ him marrying again at such a high age. approval n. approve v. approving adj. disapproval n. disapprove v. approve of sth.赞同某事赞同某事 approve of sb. doing sth. 同意同意. approve sth. 批准某事批准某事approvedapprovalapprovingapprove of2021/6/775 Disabled as I am, I still hope to live with dignity. dignity n. 尊严;高贵的品质尊严;高贵的品质2021/6/776 His purpose is to make a profit by improving the companys performance (业绩业绩). make a profit 获利;盈利获利;盈利2021/6/777 We can profit from taking exercise everyday. profit from/ by.从从.中受益中受益2021/6/7781. 虽然她残疾了,但她有上清华的雄心壮志。虽然她残疾了,但她有上清华的雄心壮志。Disabled as she is, her ambition is to be admitted into Qinghua University.Disabled as she is, she is ambitious to be admitted into Qinghua University.2. 健身对我们有好处。健身对我们有好处。(beneficial)Working out is beneficial to us. 3. 撞上了桌角后,小男孩嚎啕大哭起来。撞上了桌角后,小男孩嚎啕大哭起来。Having bumped into the dest corner, the little boy burst into tears. 2021/6/7794. 尽快适应新生活很重要。尽快适应新生活很重要。Its important to adapt to a new life as soon as possible. 5. 这部电影是由一本著名的小说改编而成的。这部电影是由一本著名的小说改编而成的。The film is adapted from a famous novel.6. 这本小说有可能被改编成电影。这本小说有可能被改编成电影。There is a possiblility that the novel will be adapted for a film. 7.他决定戒烟。他决定戒烟。(cut)He decided to cut out smoking.2021/6/7808. 别担心。你不在的时候我会负责公司的。别担心。你不在的时候我会负责公司的。Dont worry. Ill take charge of the company while youre absent.Dont worry. Ill be in charge of the company in your absence. 9. 让我恼火的是,他的态度太粗鲁了。让我恼火的是,他的态度太粗鲁了。To my annoyance, his attitude is too rude. 10. 你的零花钱够你花么?你的零花钱够你花么?Is your pocket money adequate for you?2021/6/78111. 谁会主持明天的会议?谁会主持明天的会议?Who will conduct tomorrows meeting?12. 提前完成这样一个艰难的任务真的令人提前完成这样一个艰难的任务真的令人愉快。愉快。Fulfilling such a tough task ahead of time is really fulfilling.13. 陷入了政治丑闻陷入了政治丑闻(scandal)中,他不得不中,他不得不从政府辞去首相从政府辞去首相(prime minister)的职务。的职务。Caught in a political scandal(丑闻丑闻), hehad to resign (his position) as Prime Minister from the government.2021/6/78214. 如果你没有协助如果你没有协助(assist)我做急救,我不我做急救,我不会这么顺利地救了他。会这么顺利地救了他。If you had not assisted me in giving first aid, I would not have saved him so smoothly. 15. 每个学生都可以使用图书馆。每个学生都可以使用图书馆。Every student has access to the library.The library is accessible to every student.16. 我希望我的建议能得到你的同意。我希望我的建议能得到你的同意。I hope my suggestions can meet with your approval. 2021/6/78317. 孩子们不同意老父亲再婚。孩子们不同意老父亲再婚。The children didnt approve of their old father getting married again. The children disapproved of their old father getting married again. 18. 每个人都希望有尊严地活着。每个人都希望有尊严地活着。Everyone wants to live with dignity. 19. 我们可以通过提高公司业绩来盈利。我们可以通过提高公司业绩来盈利。We can make a profit by improving the performance of the company.2021/6/784 We can profit by/ from improving the performance of the company. 2021/6/785部分资料从网络收集整理而来,供大家参考,感谢您的关注!
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