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新概念英语第二册新版笔记新概念英语第二册新版笔记 Lesson 37 The Olympic GamesLesson 37 The Olympic GamesOlympic Games 奥林匹克运动会,简称 the Games hold v. 召开hold,held,heldhave a meeting 召开会议hold a meeting 召开会议hold a party 召开宴会被动:The meeting will be held.The Olympic Games will be held in China in xx governmentn. 政府 immense adj. 宏大的big,large 大的huge 宏大great 大的,伟大的immense/imens/ 极大的,无边的immense oceangreat man 伟人;big man 大人物; large man 大块头huge (体积)宏大,庞大 stadium n. 露天体育场playground 操场sports field 运动场 sports:各种各样的运动gymnasium:体育;gym 体育馆 standard n. 标准high standard 高标准Olympic standard 运动会中的最高标准 capital n. 首都capital 大写的 fantastic adj. 宏大的,宏伟 design v. 设计designer n. 设计师well-designed 设计不错 First listen and then answer thequestion.听录音,然后答复以下问题。When was the last time this country hosted the OlympicGames? The Olympic Games will be held in our country infour years time. As a great many people will be visitingthe country, the government will be building new hotels, animmense stadium, and a new Olympic-standard swimming pool.They will also be building new roads and a special railwayline. The Games will be held just outside the capital andthe whole area will be called Olympic City. Workers willhave pleted the new roads by the end of this year. By theend of next year, they will have finished work on the newstadium. The fantastic modern buildings have been designedby Kurt Gunter. Everybody will be watching anxiously as thenew buildings go up. We are all very excited and arelooking forward to the Olympic Games because they havenever been held before in this country.参考译文 4 年以后,奥林匹克运动会将在我们国家举行。由于将有大批的人到我们国家来,所以政府准备建造一些新的饭店、一个大型体育场和一个新的奥运会标准游泳池。他们还将修筑一些新的道路和一条铁路专线。奥运会就在首都市郊举办,整个地区将被称作“奥林匹克城”。工人们将在今年年底前把新路铺好;到明年年底,他们将把新体育场建成。这些宏大的现代化建筑是由库尔特.冈特设计的。大家都将急迫地注视着新建筑的建成。我们都非常冲动,盼望着奥运会的到来,因为在这个国家里还从未举办过奥运会。【课文讲解】 4 years later 四年后The Olympic Games will be held in our country.as/because 引导原因a large number of peope/a great many people 大局部的人be visiting the countrybe building 建立an immense stadium 一个大型体育场a new Olympic-standard swimming pool 一个高标准的游泳池be building 修建special railway-line 专线铁路outside the capital 市郊Olympic City 奥林匹克城 by the end of this year 到今年年底前by 完成时的标志,表示到为止 现在完成式:到现在某一点时间为止过去完成式:到过去某一点时间为止 将来完成式:到将来某一点时间为止,某个动词已经发生will have done by the end of next year 到明年年底前By the end of next year ,they will have finished/pleted thework on the new stadium.work on.的工程modern buildings 现代化建筑fantastic 宏大的.have been designed by. Everybody will be watchinganxiously .人们都将密切注视as the new buildings go upas 随着,引导从句,状语从句不用将来时态be built 强调建造go up 拔地而起 be excited 冲动的look forward to + n./doing 期待(很快乐的)because 因为because they have never been held before in this country.before 在此之前 He will be watching anxiously as. :密切注意将来完成时 will have done(till,until) 4.by the end of next yearby:到。为止,在。之前 7.because:强调后面的是原因because of:(介词短语)why不能直接做连词due to:(介词短语)由于His suess is due to his hard work. 12.look forward to:期待(快乐)expect:期待be pleased:感到快乐的,令人满意地be pleased to do sth:乐于做某事 5.b完成的概念be pleteplete:(adj)完全的; (v.)完成are now pletedare plete 【Special difficulties】 a.Hold(会议,宴会)b.Looklook forward to+名词/动词的-inglook out:留神look up:查阅;拜访look up words in the dictionarylook up sth. in the booklook sb. up 1.holding.looking forward to.be+动词-ing 2.look(him)up.knock over:撞到“Whos Who”:名人大全 4.held.debate on:辩论三步:1.dialogue2.discussion3.debatecapital:首都;大写capital punishment:极刑 5.look(her)up.look up:拜访,看 6.held.looking forward to.hold an exam:举行考试take the exam:承受考试 【Composition】 1.Both my bother andI are going to the Olympic Games.2.We bought tickets a long time ago and (we) shall beleaving soon.3.We shall not only see the games but visit many parts ofthe country as well.
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