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1 / 8 英语: Module 1Nice to meet you同步练习(外研版七年级上)听力部分 (满分 20 分) .听句子 ,选择你听到的单词或短语。(5 分)1.A.sister B.teacher 2.A.practise B.speak 3.A.classmate B.friend 4.A.America B.American 5.A.given name B.first name C听力原文及答案:答案 :15 BABAC .听句子,选择你听到的单词或短语。(5分)6.A.Canada B.England 7.A.basketball B.football 8.A.12 B.14 9.A.room B.home 10.A.Chinese B.Japanese 听力原文及答案:9.Jimmy is答案 :610 ABCBB .听句子,选择最佳答语。(5 分)11.A.Very good. B.Nice to meet you,too! 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 1 页,共 8 页2 / 8 12.A.No.Hes 13 years old. B.No.He is in Beijing. 13.A.She is 40. B.She is my friend. 14.A.Yes,she is. B.Yes.She is a student. 15.A.America. B.England. 15.Where is David 答案 :1115 BBCAB .听短文 ,判断正 (T) 误(F)。( 5 分)听力原文及答案:I have a friend.His name is David Brown.He is from England.He is 12 years old.He is a middle school student.He is in Class 4,Grade Seven.Mr Liang is his Chinese teacher.He studies hard.Now,he can speak a little 答案 :1620 TFFFT 笔试部分 (满分 80 分) .根据括号内所给汉语写出单词的正确形式。(5分)1.Sunday is the (第一2.Can you (写3.Li Dong often ( 练习4.There are two small ( 城市 ) near my hometown(家乡5.Dont ( 关闭答案 :1.first考查考生对常识的了解,星期天是一周的第一天。2.write情态动词can后一定要用动词原形。3.practises主语是第三人称单数,要在动词后加“ s”。精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 2 页,共 8 页3 / 8 4.cities前面有 two,所以 city 要用复数。5.close后面提到非常热,当然叫别人不要关门了。 .单项选择 (10 分)A.at B.to C.in D./ 答案 :A此题为固定搭配,表示“ 看” 。A.am B.is C.are D.be 答案 :BMiky 为单数,故用is。A.boys B.student C.boy D.twelve years old 答案 :D主语为一男一女,表示复数,只有年龄能相同B 项应为 students。A.but B.and C.or D./ 答案 :B“ 听” 和 “ 回答 ” 表顺承关系,用and。or 表选择; but 表转折。5.Sue can speak .A.American B.China C.Japan D.English 答案 :DA 项是美国人,B、C 两项都表国家。A.in B.on C.at D.of 答案 :A在班级、年级前面习惯用in。7. he English? A.Is 。he is。He isnt B.Is。he is。He is C.Are。he isnt。He is D.Are 。he is。He is 答案 :B考查 be动词肯定和否定的用法。A.with B.at C.in D.on 答案 :Amatch.with 是短语,意为“ 用 匹配 ” 。A.What B.When C.Where D.Who 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 3 页,共 8 页4 / 8 答案 :C根据句意,此处问“ 来自哪里 ” 。10.Please stand when you answer the teachers questions in claA.in B.on C.up D.to 答案 :C考查短语 “ 起立 ” 的固定搭配。 .请将下列列单词组合成句,注意标点及大小写。(10 分答案 :1.Please write it on 5.Jonny isnt an American boy. .选择方框内的词的适当形式填空,每个单词或词组只能用一次。(10 分1.In class we he teacher when she reads the text. 3.Come in an精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 4 页,共 8 页5 / 8 9.Im going to England 10.Well at the school gate(大门 ) tomorrow. 答案 :1.listen to老师读书时,学生当然要认真听了。2.write上课时,常用到笔,write with 是固定搭配,意为“ 用 写 ” 。3.sit downsit down 意为 “ 请坐 ” 。4.open因为很热,所以要开门。5.stands up回答问题应该起立,这是学生的基本礼貌。6.match根据句意,表示“ 匹配 ” 。7.closes晚上 9:00 当然只有“ 关门 ” 了。8.read根据句意,小学生先从读写开始学起。9.practise既然要到英国,就得多“ 练习 ” 英语。10.meet根据句意,是在大门口“ 见面 ” 的意思。 .情景交际 (10 分A:Hello!My 1 is Ben.Im from London.2your name?3B:4is Jingjing.Im from Beijing.Im twelve 5old.6is my friend.7from Dalian.His name is A:89A:Oh,Im in Grade Eight,too!We are in the 10答案 :1.name打招呼时,先向对方介绍自己的名字。2.Whats打招呼时,先向对方介绍自己的名字,然后问对方的名字。3.Where由对话内容可知,此处应问对方来自哪里。4.My name此处是承接上文,回答上面的问题。5.years由上文可知,此处表年龄。6.This此处表向对方介绍。7.Hes承接上文,介绍对方的名字。8.Which根据下文 “ 你在什么年级” ,可知用 which grade 来提问。10.same根据上文,回答“ 我们 ” 是在同一个班。精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 5 页,共 8 页6 / 8 .完形填空(10 分Jim is 1 American boy.Hes a 2 student.His teacher is Miss Gao.Jim helps his teacher to put 3books and the tape recorder on the desk every day.They have a new 4.In it you can 540 desks and chairs.6a blackboard,a clock and a map 7the wall.Here are some pens on the desks.The red 8is Jims.The others are Johns.John is Jims 9friend,Ann isnt 10here today.She is ill.Look at the 1.A.a B.an C.the 2.A.middle school B.Middle School C.middle schools 3.A.my B.your C.his 4.A.room B.class C.grade D.classroom 5.A.look B.look at C.see 6.A.There is B.There are C.There have 7.A.on B.in C.at D.to 8.A.pens B.pencils C.one D.ones 9.A.fine B.good C.nice D.right 10.A./ B.at C.on D.of 答案 :1.B一个美国男孩,单数须用冠词,American 以元音音素开头的。2.Amiddle school 不用大写,并且可直接表示,无需用所有格,表学校名称时一定要大写。3.DMiss Gao 是女的。4.D根据下文,在教室里有课桌。5.C此处强调 “ 看见 ” 的结果。6.A就近原则, there be句型中 be的单复数由最邻近的名词决定。7.A在墙上,用介词on。8.C前面出现的名词,为了不重复出现,用one/ones 来代替 ,后面的 is 决定只能用单数。9.B“ 好朋友 ” 习惯用形容词good 来表示。10.Ahere为副词,前面不能有介词。 .阅读理解 (15 分A Mike wants to borrow an eraser from his friend Ann.But Anns eraser is at home.Mike wants to buy one in the shop.The shop near the school sells books,pens and many things like that.The shop is big and nice.It is open 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 6 页,共 8 页7 / 8 A.books B.a pen C.a ruler D.an eraser A.at home C.in her bag D.on the desk A.food B.fruit C.drink D.school things A.at 6:00 B.at 8:00 C.in the morning D.in the evening 5.TA.big B.nice C.nice but small D.big and nice 答案 :1.D从短文第一句可以直接找到答案。2.A从短文第二句可以直接找到答案。3.D学校附近的卖书、笔等的商店肯定是卖学习用具。4.B从最后一句可以找到答案。5.D从倒数第三句可以找到答案。BMr Green is a teacher.He teaches English in No.1 Middle School.He works hard.Mrs.Green stays at home.She doesnt go to work every day.She does the housework very well.Their son,Billy is nine.Billy likes playing and doesnt like learning.He cant do his homework and often asks his mother to help him.But Mrs Green cant do it,either.She asks Mr.Green to do all the homework for Billy every day.Mrs Green says she does some A.English B.a Chinese C.American D.an English A.teacher B.worker C.housewife D.student A.seven B.eight C.nine D.ten A.playing B.cooking C.studying D.doing 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 7 页,共 8 页8 / 8 A.Billy B.Mr Green C.Mrs Green D.his teacher 答案 :6.D第一句提到Mr Green 教英语。7.CMrs Green 每天都不用上班,家务又做得很好,应选housewife“家庭主妇 ” 。8.C由第三行直接可以找到答案。9.C他不喜欢learning。studying 和 learning 是同义词。10.B从短文倒数第二句可直接得到答案。 .书面表达 (10 分请根据表格内容,写五个句子。Name Alice Sindy Country America England Age eleven twelve Nationality( 国籍 ) American English Class three four 答案 :5.Sindy is in Class Four. 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 8 页,共 8 页
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