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Module 2Module 2Highlights of My Senior YearHighlights of My Senior Year原文缩写原文缩写关键知识关键知识基础知识基础知识原文缩写原文缩写再现再现 巧复现巧复现重记忆重记忆 I have received my high school diploma.1.I have received my high school diploma.1. (look) back at (look) back at my senior year,I am just so excited.my senior year,I am just so excited. One One of of the the best best things things about about this this year year has has been been working working 2.2. an an arts arts editor editor for for this this newspaper,3.newspaper,3. has has been been a a real real success success for for me.Another me.Another thing thing that that I I enjoy enjoy is is working working as as 4.4. peer peer mediator,helping mediator,helping students students 5.5. (settle) (settle) problems problems that that they they have have with with other other students.During students.During the the Easter Easter vacation,we vacation,we 6.6. (have) (have) fun fun skiing skiing on on the the Rocky Rocky Mountains.And Mountains.And of of course,I course,I will will never never forget forget 7.7. (elect) to the student council.(elect) to the student council.答案答案: :1.Looking 1.Looking 2.as2.as3.which3.which4.a4.a5.(to) settle 6.had5.(to) settle 6.had7.being elected7.being elected8.suited8.suited9.done9.done10.It10.It The The highlight highlight of of the the year year was was the the senior senior prom,and prom,and to to prepare prepare for for it,I it,I spent spent two two hours hours finding finding a a dress dress that that 8.8. (suit)me (suit)me and and having having my my hair hair specially specially 9.9. (do).The (do).The big big surprise surprise of of the the evening evening was was when when I I was was elected elected prom prom queen!10.queen!10. is is a a pity pity that that itits probably the last time this will happen.s probably the last time this will happen.1.settle v.1.settle v.解决解决, ,处理处理; ;定居定居, ,停留停留; ;平静平静, ,放松放松settler n.settler n.定居者定居者, ,移民移民; ;殖民者殖民者settlement n.settlement n.安顿安顿; ;定居定居; ;解决解决; ;协议协议关键知识关键知识盘点盘点 解疑难解疑难提智能提智能典例链接典例链接: :He hopes toHe hopes to settle down settle down in the country.in the country. 他希望在农村安家落户。他希望在农村安家落户。People People settle insettle in these places because they are easy to get to these places because they are easy to get to and naturally suited to communications and trade. and naturally suited to communications and trade.(2018(2018全国全国,阅读理解阅读理解B)B) 人人们们在在这这些些地地方方定定居居, ,因因为为它它们们很很容容易易到到达达, ,而而且且很很自自然然地地适适应应交交流流和和 贸易。贸易。TheyThey settled down to settled down to a serious discussion over coffee.a serious discussion over coffee. 他们喝着咖啡他们喝着咖啡, ,开始认真讨论问题。开始认真讨论问题。The bird The bird settled onsettled on the wire. the wire.鸟停在电线上。鸟停在电线上。重点领悟重点领悟settle down settle down ( (使使) )平静平静;(;(使使) )稳定定; ;定居定居settle in/intosettle in/into迁入迁入( (新居新居););适适应( (新新环境等境等) )settle down to(doing)sth.settle down to(doing)sth.专心致志于心致志于( (做做) )某事某事settle on/uponsettle on/upon( (鸟等等) )停于停于, ,栖息于栖息于; ;决定决定, ,同意同意巧学活用巧学活用: :With a lot of difficulties With a lot of difficulties (settle), they went to the (settle), they went to the seashore and had a good rest. seashore and had a good rest. (settle) in a friendly way, their quarrel came to an end. (settle) in a friendly way, their quarrel came to an end.S So om me et th hi in ng g i is s b bo ot th he er ri in ng g h hi im m, , s so o h he e d do oe es sn nt t s se et tt tl le e d do ow wn n t to o (read) a book. (read) a book.Since you have settled Since you have settled in a new country, you have to in a new country, you have to make an adjustment to the new environment. make an adjustment to the new environment.People expect that the talk will lead to the People expect that the talk will lead to the (settle)(settle) to the problem. to the problem.settledsettledSettledSettledreadingreadingdowndownsettlementsettlement词语辨析词语辨析: :settlesettle“解决解决, ,处理理”, ,其其对象通常是某种争端象通常是某种争端, ,后常接后常接affair,matter,affair,matter,business,argument,disagreement,dispute,issue,quarrelbusiness,argument,disagreement,dispute,issue,quarrel等。等。solvesolve“ 解解 答答 , ,解解 决决 ” , ,侧重重 的的 是是给出出 一一 个个 答答 案案, ,后后 常常 接接 p pr ro ob bl le em m, ,difficulty,riddle,puzzle,mysterydifficulty,riddle,puzzle,mystery等。等。Their quarrel was Their quarrel was settledsettled in a friendly way. in a friendly way.他们的争吵用友好的方式解决了。他们的争吵用友好的方式解决了。We must think of ways to We must think of ways to solvesolve the problem as soon as possible. the problem as soon as possible.我们必须尽快想出办法解决这个问题。我们必须尽快想出办法解决这个问题。2.suit v.2.suit v.合适合适; ;适合适合; ;相配相配; ;合心意合心意; ;满足满足( (某人某人) )需要需要 n.n.套装套装典例链接典例链接:Finding a date that Finding a date that suits us allsuits us all is difficult. is difficult. 很很难找到一个找到一个对我我们大家都适合的日期。大家都适合的日期。Her speech Her speech was well suited to was well suited to the occasion.the occasion. 她的她的讲话在在这个个场合十分得体。合十分得体。The house The house is suitable foris suitable for a large family. a large family. 这所房子适合大家庭居住。所房子适合大家庭居住。重点领悟重点领悟suit sb.suit sb.(fine) (fine) (很很) )合某人的意合某人的意, ,对某人某人( (很很) )合适合适be suited to/for sthbe suited to/for sth. .对适宜适宜be suited to do sth.be suited to do sth.适于做某事适于做某事be suitable forbe suitable for适合适合be suitable to do sth.be suitable to do sth.适合做某事适合做某事巧学活用巧学活用: :A good teacher suits his lessons A good teacher suits his lessons the age of his pupils. the age of his pupils.You donYou dont want to join the club?Oh well, suit t want to join the club?Oh well, suit (you). (you).He is suitable He is suitable (do) the job because he is never (do) the job because he is never absent-minded. absent-minded.Choose a pair of shoes that Choose a pair of shoes that you best.We you best.Well cycle to a ll cycle to a place for a picnic.(suit) place for a picnic.(suit)totoyourselfyourselfto do to do suitssuitssuitablesuitable词语辨析词语辨析: :He tried the shirt on,but it didnHe tried the shirt on,but it didnt t fit fit him.It was too large. him.It was too large.他试穿了那件衬衣他试穿了那件衬衣, ,但是它不合身但是它不合身, ,它太大了。它太大了。How about eight oHow about eight oclock outside the park?clock outside the park?八点钟在公园外面怎么样八点钟在公园外面怎么样? ?That That suitssuits me fine. me fine.那很合我意。那很合我意。His tie His tie matchesmatches his shirt well. his shirt well.他的领带和衬衣很相配。他的领带和衬衣很相配。suitsuit多多 指指 “ 合合 乎乎 要要 求求 、 口口 味味 等等 ” ; ;也也 可可 表表 示示 ( (衣衣 服服 等等 的的 ) )颜色色 、 款款式、花式、花样等适合。等适合。fitfit多指衣服等尺寸、大小合身多指衣服等尺寸、大小合身, ,合适。合适。matchmatch意意为“使相称使相称, ,使相配使相配, ,使匹配使匹配”, ,指事物在色指事物在色调、形状、性、形状、性质等方面相等方面相配。配。3.consider v.3.consider v.认为认为; ;考虑考虑典例链接典例链接: :As early as 1966,biologists asked the government toAs early as 1966,biologists asked the government to consider consider reintroducing reintroducing wolves to Yellowstone Park wolves to Yellowstone Park.(2017.(2017全国全国,阅读理解阅读理解C)C) 早在早在19661966年年, ,生物学家要求政府考虑将狼重新引入黄石公园。生物学家要求政府考虑将狼重新引入黄石公园。WeWere still re still considering where toconsidering where to move to. move to. 我们仍在考虑搬到哪里去。我们仍在考虑搬到哪里去。I had always I had always considered myself (to be/as)considered myself (to be/as) a strong competent a strong competent woman. woman. 我曾一直以为自己是一个坚强能干的女人。我曾一直以为自己是一个坚强能干的女人。I I consider it necessaryconsider it necessary to help him out of trouble. to help him out of trouble. 我认为有必要帮他摆脱困境。我认为有必要帮他摆脱困境。Your teachers will Your teachers will take take your recent illness your recent illness into considerationinto consideration when marking your exams. when marking your exams. 你的老师在给你评分的时候你的老师在给你评分的时候, ,会考虑到你最近生病这一情况的。会考虑到你最近生病这一情况的。Considering Considering the strength of the opposition, we did very well the strength of the opposition, we did very well to score two goals. to score two goals. 考虑到对方实力强大考虑到对方实力强大, ,我们进了两个球就很不错了。我们进了两个球就很不错了。重点领悟重点领悟consider doing sth.consider doing sth. 考考虑做某事做某事consider sb.(to be/as) +adj./n.consider sb.(to be/as) +adj./n. 认为某人某人considerconsider it it +adj.+ to do/to have done/to be doing+adj.+ to do/to have done/to be doing认为 做某事是做某事是的的take.into consideration /accounttake.into consideration /account 把把考考虑在内在内consideringconsidering prep. prep.鉴于于, ,考考虑到到considerableconsiderable adj. adj.相当大的相当大的, ,相当多的相当多的 considerateconsiderate adj. adj.考考虑周到的周到的特别提示特别提示: :consider+it+adj./n.+to do sth.consider+it+adj./n.+to do sth.意为意为“认为做某事认为做某事”, ,可用于可用于该句型的动词还有该句型的动词还有:feel,think,make,find:feel,think,make,find。其中。其中itit为形式宾语为形式宾语, ,指代后面的指代后面的to doto do不定式。不定式。巧学活用巧学活用: : the poor salary, I decided not to accept the the poor salary, I decided not to accept the job offer. job offer.Taking everything into Taking everything into , his proposal sounds, his proposal sounds reasonable. reasonable.All thingsAll things , I made up my final decision., I made up my final decision.It is It is of you to inform us of the latest of you to inform us of the latest information. information.ParentsParents behavior has behavior has influence on children influence on childrens s development. development.ConsideringConsideringconsiderationconsiderationconsideredconsideredconsiderate considerate considerableconsiderable4.develop v.4.develop v.发展发展; ;冲洗冲洗( (胶卷等胶卷等););养成养成, ,培养培养; ;开发开发; ;生长生长, ,发育发育;(;(开始开始) )患患 ( (病等病等) )典例链接典例链接: :In the last few years tourism here has In the last few years tourism here has developeddeveloped considerably. considerably. 在过去几年里在过去几年里, ,这里的旅游业获得了相当大的发展。这里的旅游业获得了相当大的发展。Hand in hand with reading,he had Hand in hand with reading,he had developed the habit ofdeveloped the habit of making making notes. notes. 在读书的同时在读书的同时, ,他养成了做笔记的习惯。他养成了做笔记的习惯。In less than ten years it In less than ten years it developsdevelops from a seed into a full- from a seed into a full- grown tree. grown tree. 要不了要不了1010年的时间年的时间, ,它就会从一粒种子长成一棵枝叶繁茂的大树。它就会从一粒种子长成一棵枝叶繁茂的大树。重点领悟重点领悟develop the habit ofdevelop the habit of养成养成的的习惯develop intodevelop into发展成展成为; ;长成成with the development ofwith the development of随着随着的的发展展under developmentunder development在在发展中展中巧学活用巧学活用: :Compared with Compared with nations, nations, countries are countries are confronted with more pressure and challenges.(develop)confronted with more pressure and challenges.(develop)developeddevelopeddevelopingdeveloping5.look back at/on 5.look back at/on 回顾回顾, ,回忆回忆典例链接典例链接: :Looking back at/on Looking back at/on the past,I regretted I had wasted so much the past,I regretted I had wasted so much wonderful time. wonderful time. 回顾过去回顾过去, ,我后悔浪费了那么多美好的时光。我后悔浪费了那么多美好的时光。Your complaint is being Your complaint is being looked intolooked into.When we have anything to .When we have anything to report,we will write to you again. report,we will write to you again. 你的诉讼正在调查之中。如果有事需要通知你的诉讼正在调查之中。如果有事需要通知, ,我们会写信给你的。我们会写信给你的。Why not Why not look overlook over your test paper again? your test paper again? 为什么不再仔细检查一遍你的试卷呢为什么不再仔细检查一遍你的试卷呢? ?We areWe are looking forward to looking forward to our summer vacation.our summer vacation. 我们都在期盼暑假的到来。我们都在期盼暑假的到来。Mr.Garcia Mr.Garcia looked down onlooked down on anyone who hasn anyone who hasnt had a college t had a college education. education. 加西亚先生瞧不起任何未受过大学教育的人。加西亚先生瞧不起任何未受过大学教育的人。I have I have looked throughlooked through all my papers, but I still can all my papers, but I still cant find my t find my contract. contract. 我翻阅了所有文件我翻阅了所有文件, ,但仍未找到那份合同。但仍未找到那份合同。巧学活用巧学活用: : (look) back on/at the past, I regretted I had (look) back on/at the past, I regretted I had wasted so much wonderful time. wasted so much wonderful time.Nobody will look up Nobody will look up you if you look down you if you look down yourself. yourself.The left-behind children all look forward to The left-behind children all look forward to (look) (look) after by their parents. after by their parents.Nowadays, it is common to look Nowadays, it is common to look the Web to the Web to look look information. information.LookingLookingtotoon/uponon/uponbeing looked being looked throughthroughupup6.as far as I6.as far as Im concerned m concerned 就我个人来说就我个人来说; ;就我而言就我而言典例链接典例链接: :As far as IAs far as Im concernedm concerned,it sounds like a great idea.,it sounds like a great idea. 就我而言就我而言, ,这听起来是个很好的主意。这听起来是个很好的主意。As far as I knowAs far as I know,he came out first in the exam yesterday.,he came out first in the exam yesterday. 据我所知据我所知, ,他在昨天的考试中得了第一名。他在昨天的考试中得了第一名。They can walk They can walk as far as as far as the riverside every day.the riverside every day. 他们每天散步一直到河边。他们每天散步一直到河边。重点领悟重点领悟as far as I know/as far as I am concernedas far as I know/as far as I am concerned 据我所知据我所知as far as I can rememberas far as I can remember据我所能据我所能记得的得的as far as the eye can seeas far as the eye can see就就视力所能及的力所能及的as far asas far as远到到; ;一直到一直到巧学活用巧学活用: :典例典例其他表达方式其他表达方式 ,it sounds like a great idea.,it sounds like a great idea. ,it sounds like a great idea.,it sounds like a great idea. ,it sounds like a great idea.,it sounds like a great idea.翻译句子翻译句子就我个人而言就我个人而言, ,户外运动不仅使我们接近大自然户外运动不仅使我们接近大自然, ,而且使我们从沉重的学习而且使我们从沉重的学习 任务中摆脱出来得以休息。任务中摆脱出来得以休息。 _ _ _ _For my part For my part In my opinion In my opinion From my point of view From my point of view As far as IAs far as Im concerned,not only does outdoor exercise get m concerned,not only does outdoor exercise get us close to nature but also gives us relaxation from heavy us close to nature but also gives us relaxation from heavy schoolwork.schoolwork.7.It7.Its a great pity that its a great pity that its probably the last time this will s probably the last time this will happen. happen. 真遗憾真遗憾, ,这样美妙的夜晚很可能不会再有了。这样美妙的夜晚很可能不会再有了。典例链接典例链接: :ItIts a pity thats a pity that you didn you didnt attend my birthday party last t attend my birthday party last night.night. 真遗憾你昨天晚上没参加我的生日聚会。真遗憾你昨天晚上没参加我的生日聚会。It seems It seems a pity toa pity to waste it. waste it. 把它浪费掉挺可惜的。把它浪费掉挺可惜的。I just I just felt felt great great pity forpity for those children in tears or in pain. those children in tears or in pain. 我真的很同情那些悲伤痛苦的孩子们。我真的很同情那些悲伤痛苦的孩子们。重点领悟重点领悟It is a pity that.It is a pity that.做某事可惜做某事可惜/ /遗憾憾It is a pity to do sth.It is a pity to do sth.做某事挺可惜做某事挺可惜take/have pity on; feel pity fortake/have pity on; feel pity for同情同情, ,怜怜悯典例链接典例链接: :8 8. .M Me ea an nw wh hi il le e, ,I I f fi in nd d m my ys se el lf f l lo oo ok ki in ng g b ba ac ck k a at t m my y s se en ni io or r y ye ea ar r, ,a an nd d thinking about all the wonderful things that have happened. thinking about all the wonderful things that have happened. 同时同时, ,我发觉自己在回顾自己高中最后一年的时光我发觉自己在回顾自己高中最后一年的时光, ,追忆所有发生过的美好追忆所有发生过的美好 往事。往事。I I found myself smiling found myself smiling back instinctively when our eyes met.back instinctively when our eyes met. 我发现当我们的目光相遇时我发现当我们的目光相遇时, ,我本能地还以微笑。我本能地还以微笑。Suddenly he Suddenly he found himself awakefound himself awake and fully alert. and fully alert. 突然他发觉自己醒了过来突然他发觉自己醒了过来, ,而且高度警觉。而且高度警觉。He was surprised to He was surprised to find his money stolen wfind his money stolen when he got home.hen he got home. 当他到家时当他到家时, ,他吃惊地发现他的钱被偷了。他吃惊地发现他的钱被偷了。At my age I would At my age I would find it hardfind it hard to get another job. to get another job. 在我这个年纪在我这个年纪, ,我觉得很难找到另一份工作。我觉得很难找到另一份工作。重点领悟重点领悟find oneself+find oneself+宾语补足足语, ,通常表示通常表示“在事先毫无知在事先毫无知觉的情况的情况 下突然下突然发现自己自己处于某种状于某种状态”。宾语补足足语常由介常由介词短短语、 现在分在分词、过去分去分词、形容、形容词或副或副词充当。充当。find+sb./sth.+find+sb./sth.+宾语补足足语表示表示“发现某人某人/ /物物”。find+it+adj./n.+to do sth.find+it+adj./n.+to do sth.表示表示“发现/ /认为做某事做某事”。巧学活用巧学活用: : W We e f fi in nd d t th he e n ne ew w f fi il lm m t th ha at t w we e s sa aw w l la as st t n ni ig gh ht t v ve er ry y (interest).I hope to see it again. (interest).I hope to see it again.When he came to life, he found himself When he came to life, he found himself (sit) on a (sit) on a chair, with his hands chair, with his hands (tie) back.(tie) back.But when the police arrived, they found the door But when the police arrived, they found the door (lock) (lock) and all windows and all windows (close). (close).T Th he e t tw wo o g gi ir rl ls s a ar re e s so o a al li ik ke e t th ha at t s st tr ra an ng ge er rs s f fi in nd d i it t d di if ff fi ic cu ul lt t (tell) one from the other. (tell) one from the other.interestinginterestingsittingsittingtiedtiedlockedlockedclosedclosedto tell to tell 句式升级句式升级( (用用“find+find+宾语宾语+ +宾补宾补”改写句子改写句子) )He found that his son was surrounded by letters and papers and He found that his son was surrounded by letters and papers and he was looking very worried. he was looking very worried. _ _ _He found his son surrounded by letters and papers and He found his son surrounded by letters and papers and looking very worried.looking very worried.基础知识基础知识达标达标 细疏理细疏理固双基固双基settlesettle单单词词过过关关1.1. v.v.解决解决; ;定居定居 n. n.解决解决; ;定居定居2.2. v. v.合适合适; ;适合适合 adj. adj.相称的相称的; ;合适的合适的 3.3. v. v.考考虑; ;认为 adj. adj.相当多的相当多的 adj. adj.体体贴的的 n. n.考考虑 prep. prep.就就而而论, ,考考虑到到4.4. v. v.发展展; ;培养培养 n. n.发展展 adj. adj.发达的达的 adj. adj.发展中的展中的settlementsettlementsuitsuitsuitablesuitableconsiderconsiderconsiderableconsiderableconsiderateconsiderateconsiderationconsiderationconsideringconsideringdevelopdevelopdevelopmentdevelopmentdevelopeddevelopeddevelopingdevelopingcheercheer单单词词过过关关5.5. v. v.欢呼呼; ;喝彩喝彩; ;加油加油 adj.adj.兴高采烈的高采烈的 adv.adv.开心地开心地 cheerfulness cheerfulness n.n._6.6. adj.adj.好好强强的的; ;好好竞争的争的 v.v.竞争争 n.n.竞争争 n.n.竞争者争者7.7. v.v.选举; ;推推选 n.n.选举 n.n.选举人人8.8. v.v.吸引吸引 n.n.吸引力吸引力 adj.adj.吸引人的吸引人的cheerfulcheerfulcheerfullycheerfully开心开心competitivecompetitivecompetecompetecompetitioncompetitioncompetitorcompetitorelectelectelectionelectionelectorelectorattractattractattractionattractionattractiveattractiveabilityability单单词词过过关关9.9. n. n.能力能力; ;本本领; ;技能技能 adj. adj.有能力的有能力的 v. v.使使( (人人) )能能够10.10. n. n.传统 adj. adj.传统的的 adv. adv.传统地地11.11. adj.adj.天真无邪的天真无邪的 innocence innocence n. n._ guilt guilt n. n._12.12. v. v.使使( (某人某人) )心烦意乱心烦意乱 n. n.意外的挫折意外的挫折, ,烦恼烦恼 adj. adj.心烦的心烦的, ,烦恼的烦恼的13.course13.course n. n._14.fortnight14.fortnight n. n._15.luggage15.luggage n. n._ ableableenableenabletraditiontraditiontraditionaltraditionaltraditionallytraditionallyinnocentinnocent天真天真, ,清白清白内疚内疚, ,有罪有罪upsetupsetupsetupsetupsetupset课课程程两星期两星期,14,14天天行李行李asas短短语语记记忆忆1.1. far as I far as Im concernedm concerned 就我而言就我而言2 2. . fun fun 玩得开心玩得开心3.look back 3.look back 回回顾, ,回回忆4.work 4.work 从事从事5.5. my view my view 我我认为, ,在我看来在我看来6.be considered 6.be considered 被被认为是是7.7. other words other words 换句句话说8.except 8.except 除了除了以外以外9.be likely 9.be likely do sth. do sth. 有可能做某事有可能做某事havehaveatatononininasasininforfortoto
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