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peppep新版六年级下册新版六年级下册unit-unit-2-last-weekend-B-2-last-weekend-B-Lets-talkLets-talkWhat did you do last weekend?I played computer games.I did my homework.I went to the library.I cleaned my room.What did I do last night?I read a new film magazine.Was it interesting?Yes, it was.It talked about a lot of new films.Last weekend I cleaned the room.What did you do? What did you do?Last weekend I stayed at home.What did you do? What did you do?Last weekend I played football.What did you do? What did you do?Last weekend I washed the clothes.What did you do? What did you do?He did his homework. What did he do last night? They went fishing.What did they do yesterday? Pair work: What did he/she do? -He/Shewashed the clothes watched TV played football saw a filmread a book slept had a cold went boating NO, I didnt. I listened to music.Did you clean your room yesterday?Yes, I did.Did you read books?Did you_?Yes, I did./ No, I didntAsk and answer:Lets try1.What did John do last weekend?2. A. He slept. B. He read a new film magazine.2.Are Wu Yifan and John going to meet Amy together?3. A. Yes, they are B. No, they arent.Because he had a cold.Why John slept at home last weekend?Lets talkWhat can you see?Can you guess what they are talking about?Task 1: Listen and answer1. Did John see a film last weekend?No, he didnt. 2. Was the magazine interesting?Yes, it was.He stayed at home all weekend and slept. Task 2: Listen and judge1.They want to go to the bookstore.( )2.The magazine is about the new movie.( )3.John had a headache. ( )4.John did not feel better. ( )TTFFTask 3: Read and choose1.Where are they going to?A.Bookstore B. Cinema C. ShopB.2. whats wrong with John?C.He had a headache.D.He had a cold.E.He had a coughF.3. How will they go there?G.A. On foot B. By bus C. By subwayTask 4: listen and repeatA: Hey, Amy. Lets go to the bookstore. I want to buy the new film magazine.B: Oh, I read it last weekend.A: Was it interesting?B: Yes, it talked about a lot of new films. What did you do last weekend? Did you see a film?A: No, I had a cold. I stayed at home all weekend and slept.B: Oh, Im sorry. Im happy you feel better now.A: Thanks. Lets go by bus. Its faster than walking.Task 5: Role playingA: Hey, Amy. Lets go to the bookstore. I want to buy the new film magazine.B: Oh, I read it last weekend.A: Was it interesting?B: Yes, it talked about a lot of new films. What did you do last weekend? Did you see a film?A: No, I had a cold. I stayed at home all weekend and slept.B: Oh, Im sorry. Im happy you feel better now.A: Thanks. Lets go by bus. Its faster than walking.Add activity: Make a new playcrownThe crown is the national treasure of S city,its in the museum. (这顶皇冠是这顶皇冠是S城的国宝城的国宝,存放于国家博物馆存放于国家博物馆)museumOne day, the crown was gone!(一天,皇冠不一天,皇冠不翼而飞翼而飞)suspect(嫌疑犯嫌疑犯).警方正在审讯嫌疑犯警方正在审讯嫌疑犯The police are interrogating the suspect(嫌疑犯嫌疑犯).Policeman 1: Listen! Did you go to the museum?Suspect (嫌疑犯嫌疑犯). : No, I didnt.Policeman 2: Did you watch TV?Suspect: Yes, I did.Policeman 3: Did you _? (cook dinner/go shopping/)Suspect : _.(Yes, I did / No, I didnt)Policeman1,2and3: What did you do yesterday?Suspect: I _and _at home.(.)Policeman 1, 2 and 3:No! Look! You did!Suspect: Oh, no! (逃逃)Policeman1,2 and 3: stop! Group work(四人小组合作编一个审讯对话)(四人小组合作编一个审讯对话)Homework1.Recite the passage2.Act the dialogue结束结束
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