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Lesson 30 Football or polo? 足球还是水球?What happened to the man in the boat? The Wayle is a small river that cuts across the park near my home. I like sitting by the Wayle on fine afternoons. It was warm last Sunday, so I went and sat on the river bank as usual. Some children were playing games on the bank and there were some people rowing on the river. Suddenly, one of the children kicked a ball very hard and it went towards a passing boat. Some people on the bank called out to the man in the boat, but he did not hear them. The ball struck him so hard that he nearly fell into the water. I turned to look at the children, but there werent any in sight: they had all run away! The man laughed when he realized what had happened. He called out to the children and threw the ball back to the bank. 参考译文威尔河是横穿过我家附近公园的一条小河。我喜欢在天气晴朗的下午到河边坐坐。上星期日天气很暖和。于是我和往常一样,又去河边坐着。河岸上有些孩子正在玩耍,河面上有些人正在划船。突然,一个孩子狠狠地踢了一脚球,球便向着一只划过来的小船飞去。岸上的一些人对着小船上的人高喊,但他没有听见。球重重地打在他身上,使他差点儿落入水中。我转过头去看那些孩子,但一个也不见,全都跑了!当那个人明白了发生的事情时,笑了起来。他大声叫着那些孩子,把球扔回到岸上。【New words and expressions】 (7 )1 polop?ul ?u n. 水球2 cutk?t v. 穿过3 rowr?u, rou v.划(船) 4 kickkik v.踢5 towardst?w ?:dz prep.朝,向6 nearly ni?li ad. 几乎7 sightsait n.眼界,视域一单词讲解:polo马球(四人一组骑在马上对打木球的比赛)水球 water polo Wayle n. 威尔(河名)Cut vt. 切,割,剪,划,砍cut-cut-cut 例: She cut her finger on a piece of broken glass. 他在一块碎玻璃上划伤自己的手指。cut the apple into halves 把苹果切成两半cut the apple into thirds 把苹果切成三半cut 恤 e apple into quarters 把苹果切成四半His cruel remarks cut her deeply. 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 1 页,共 10 页他残酷的评论伤透了她的心. cut 的有关短语: cut class 旷课cut across/cut through 穿过(尤指抄近道)例: I usually cut across the park on my way home. I usually cut through the park on my way home. 我回家的路上总是穿过那个公园。cut down砍到(树木)减少 量例: The apple tree was dead and he cut it down. 这个苹果树死了,他把树砍倒了。The car industry cut down production. 汽车工业降低了产量。cut down the expenses减少开支chop 劈slit 切割开gash 砍进(割一条长而深的缺口)slice 切成薄片carve 雕刻dice 切成小方块tear 撕裂trim 修剪row 1) n. 一排,一列,一行,成排的座位例: The boy was sitting in the first row. 这个小男孩坐在第一排。Would you arrange the chairs in five rows? 你把椅子排成五排吗?in a row排成一排连续的例: Children were standing hand in hand in a row. 孩子们手拉手的站成一排。He has been absent for 5 years in a row. 他已经连续五天缺席了。精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 2 页,共 10 页a hard row to hoe(v. 用耕锄耕地)艰苦的生活row 横行line 竖排file 一纵队(排的很整齐)2)V. 划船例: Can you row a boat? 你会划船吗?They rowed across the rive。他们划过了这条河。3)n划船运动go for a row去划船go for a walk去散步4) 划船;一排(列)row(rau 争吵 row v. row with sb 与. 争吵n. 例: What s the row about? 到底在吵什么呢?make a rowkick up a row起哄,大吵大闹kick 1)v. 踢kick sb /sth with the foot 踢例: Mummy, Dick kicked me on the leg! 妈妈, Dick 踢我的腿。( Tom ,Dick ,Harry人的名字)kick the ball踢kick a hole in the door在门上踢了一个洞Be careful of that horse-it often kicks. 小心这匹马,它常踢人。(idiom) Kick a man when he is down. 落井下石2) vt.虐待,欺负例: The boy is always kicking his younger brother about. 这个小男孩总是欺负他弟弟。kick脚踢punch 拳打精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 3 页,共 10 页toward (s) prep. 朝方向对(表关系),接近(表时间),有. 趋势例: He walked towards the door. 他朝门走过来。His attitude towards me has changed. 他对我的态度转变了。Towards the end of the game she fell asleep. 临近比赛结束时,她睡着了。There is a tendency towards inflation. 有通货膨胀的趋势。towards只能表示朝着目标移动(强调越来越近)例: We drove towards Miami. 我们开车去迈阿密。to 含有到达的含义例: We drove to Miami. 我们开车到了迈阿密。nearly adv. 大约,接近,差不多例: Its nearly 2 oclock. 大约两点了。That car nearly ran over a dog.那辆车差点撞到一条狗。almost与 nearly最接近,但almost可与 nobody,nothing, nowhere,never连用 nearly则不能。approximately/ about在超过或没有超过某标准的两种情况下,均可使用,但almost,nearly用于接近单位达到某标准的情况。例: It cost approximately 300, I cant remember exactIY. 大概花了300 美元我记不太清了。sight n. 1) 视力,视觉lose ones sight 失明(become blind) far-sighted 远视near-sighted 近视short-sighted 目光短浅的long-sighted 目光长远的例: Out of sight, Out of mind. 眼不见,心不烦。at the sight of 看至到(seeing) We laughed at the sight of her strange clothes. 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 4 页,共 10 页我们一见她的奇装异服就笑了。He fell in love with the girl at the first sight. 他对那女孩子一见钟情。2) 视界,视野in sight 在视野之内out of sight 在视野之外例: The train is still in sight. 火车还看得见。Get out of my sight. 滚开 ! (Get out!) Get out of here! Get away from here! 二、关键句型Key Structures some /any的用法。1) 二者都可以表示不定量的代词,相当于 “ 一止暨 ” ,可修饰可数名词复数和不可数名词,some多用于肯定句, any多用于疑问句,否定句或条件从句。例: There are some scenic spots around the city. 在这个城市周边有些风景优美的地方。Lets get some fruit for the children. 给孩子们买些水果吧。Do you need any reference books? 你需要一些参考书吗?They haven t put forward any concrete proposals. 他们还没有提出一些明确的建议。If you find any new words in it, mark them out. 如果你发现那些生词的话,把它们标出来。2) 有些疑问句表示请求,建议,反问等,这时多用some而不用 any ;例:Would you mind buying me some aspirin? 你为我买些阿司匹林好吗?Aren t there some stamps in that drawer? 抽屉里面有邮票吗?3) some和 any 还可以用来修饰可数名词单数,这时some表示 “ 某一个 “ any表示 ” 任何一个 “ 随便哪一个 ” 。例: You will regret it someday. 总有一天你会后悔的。You can get it in any department store. 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 5 页,共 10 页你在任何一个百货商店都可以买到。冠词 the的用法1) 在人名和地名前不加冠词a 或 the 例: John lives in England. He has a house in London. 2) 在海洋,河流,山脉前,一定要用定冠词the 例: Who was the first person to sail across the Pacific? 谁是第一个横渡太平洋的人呢?It can get rough in the Mediterranean (地中海)。地中海可能很不平静c Many great cities are built on rivers: Paris is on the Seine, London is on the Thames and Rome is on the Tiber. 很多大城市建在河岸上,巴黎在桑纳河上,伦敦在泰晤士河上,罗马在地波河上。I know a man who has been on climbing expeditions in many parts of the world. He has climbed in the Alps, the Himalayas, and the Rocky Mountains. 我认识一个参加过世界各地登山探险的人,他曾攀登过阿尔卑斯山脉,喜马拉雅山山脉以及落基山。3) 由普通名词构成的专有名词前加the 。America-the Unite States of America China- the People s Republic of China the Great Wall , the Summer Palace, the Forbidden City 4) 表示特定的或上文提到过的事物(或双方都明了的事物)前加the 。例:工 am interested in the film. 我对这部电影感兴趣。Pass me the slippers please. 请把拖鞋递给我。5) 世界上独一无二的事物前加the the earth the moon the sun 6) 在序数词或形容词的高级前加the the second storey二层楼the largest room最大的房间7) 在方位词前面加the on the left on the right in the east 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 6 页,共 10 页in the west 8) 在表示时间的一些固定短语前加the in the morning in the afternoon in the evening in the day time 9)the放在形容词前表一类人the poor the rich the old the young the sick the new the blind 10) 在姓氏复数形式前,表示一家人或夫妇俩。the Whites; the Browns; the Tuners 11) 在乐器前加the the piano; the guitar; the saxophone 12) 表世纪的某个年代in the 1980 s 13) 在发明物的前加the 例: The telephone was invented by Bell. 电话是由贝尔发明的。The compass was invented in China. 指南针是中国发明的不加冠词的时候:1) 专有名词,物质名词,抽象名词,人名,地名前不加冠词,China London America Smith Art matter 2) 季节,月份,星期,节假日,一日三餐,前不加冠词March May National s day Valentine Children s day Supper Spring Saturday 3) 学科名称,球类,棋类名词前不加冠词mathematics politics football basketball chess Exercise: 1. 用 some和 any填空l)Is there _ hope of our fulfilling the plan? 2)My mother bought _ sweets for me. 3)1f I can spare _ money , I II buy a dictionary. 4)Would you like _ beer? 5)Come _ day you like. 6) You will realize your dream _ day. 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 7 页,共 10 页答案 : any some any some any some 2、在必要地方填上冠词a 或 the l) _ refrigerators are necessary in hot countries. 2) Which river is _ longest, _ Nile, _ Amazon, or Mississippi? 3) Heyerdahl crosses _ Pacific on _ raft. 4) Why is _ Britain sometimes called United Kingdom? 5) We sailed up _ Red Sea and then went through _ Suez Canal 答案: 1)不填 2)the the the the 3 )the a 4)不填 the 5)the the 三、课文讲解Text The Wayle is a small river that cuts across the park near my home. 定语从句 that/which修饰物的关系代词ear adj. /prep在附近,表示含糊的“ 近“ 的意思,可能还有相当一段距离。close 表示可接触的范围内的by 在的旁边在 的近旁nearby 1)adj. 附近的 a nearby town/a town nearby附近的村庄2)adv. 附近地例: my parents live nearby. 我的父母亲住在附近。I like sitting by the Wayle on fine afternoons. on fine afternoons afternoons表示每当下我都会。to ,表一般规律,用一般现在时。in the afternoon on fine afternoons on the afternoon of July the fourth It was warm last Sunday, so I went and sat on the river bank as usual. as usual 像平常一样than usual 比平常as before 像以前than before 比以前Some children were playing games on the bank and there were some people rowing on the river. 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 8 页,共 10 页用过去进行时描述故事背景rowing现在分词表伴随状语Suddenly, one of the children kicked a ball very hard and it went towards a passing boat, but he did not hear them. call out to sb(for sth) 大声喊叫(己引起别人的注意)The ball struck him so hard that he nearly fell into the water. strike strike-struck-struck SO + adj/adv.+ that 如此 . 以至于例: He was so ill that we had to send for a doctor. 他病得如此重以至于我们请大夫去。She was so angry that she couldnt speak. 她如此的生气以至于说不出话来。You speak so fast that I can t follow you. 你讲的如此快以至于我都跟不上你了。I am so nervous that I don t know what to say. I turned to look at the children ,but there werent any in sight: they had all run away! there werent any in sight 一个也看不见了The man laughed when he realized what happened. when引导时间状语从句Im cooking dinner when they came home. 当他们到家时我正在做饭。When you are in trouble, visit this man. 当你有困难时,找这个男人laugh 大声地笑出声地笑smile 微笑grin 露齿而笑chuckle 低声轻笑sneer 嘲笑giggle 咯咯地笑happen 表示偶然事件发生(无被动)He called out to the children and threw the ball back to the bank. call out to sb对大声喊叫精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 9 页,共 10 页四、练习Exercises 1. Why did they kick the ball so _? A. hardly B. hard C. hardy D hardily 分析: B. 可以作形容词和副词,作副词表示“用力地”,符合题意A. 几乎不,不符合题意;C. 是个形容词表示强壮的,不能修饰动词;D. 大胆地,刚毅地,不符合题意2. The ball _ him very hard. A. knocked at B. beat C. bounced D. hit 分析: A. 敲打,敲出声音;B. 打,敲,表示连续地,有规律地敲打;C. 指球弹起,弹跳;D. 打,打击,强调打中的概念。3. They had run away, so they had_. A. dismissed B. disturbed C. displaced D. disappeared 分析: A. 解散,开除B. 妨碍,打扰;C. 使脱离正常位置:D. 消失,不见。4. The medicine is on sale everywhere. You can get it at _ chemists. A. each B. some C. certain D. any 分析: any 强调“任何一个”;each 强调“每一个”;some和 certain都表示“某一个”语意不符。六、补充内容谚语1. All is not gold that glitters. All that glitters is not gold. 外表可以迷惑人;不要根据漂亮的外表来判断事物;发光的未必都是金子。2. All is well that ends well结果好就一切都好。精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 10 页,共 10 页
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