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【最新】中学初中英语Unit 3 He used to cause a lot of trouble课件 人教新目标版 课件1)Knowledgegoals:知识目标知识目标Canunderstandreadingmaterial.2).Abilityobjects:能力目标能力目标(1)Tolearnreadingstrategy.(2)Improvereadingability.3).Moralobject:情感目标:情感目标:Careforyourfamilies,yourfriendsandpeoplearoundyou,trytofindtheiradvantages.(关注父母,关注周围的人,学会爱人,发现他人闪光点关注父母,关注周围的人,学会爱人,发现他人闪光点)【最新】中学初中英语Unit 3 He used to cause a lot of trouble课件 人教新目标版 课件Sheusedtobealovelygirl.Herfather_inacaraccident.Afterherfathers_,herlifeismuchmoredifficult.HermotherlookedafterLinda_.Shecouldnt_payforLindaseducation.SoLindawas_happy._somefriends_her,andhelpedheralot._shebecomeshappyagain.dieddeathaswellasshecouldaffordtonolongerTohersurprisepayattentiontoIntheend(导入导入)Linda【最新】中学初中英语Unit 3 He used to cause a lot of trouble课件 人教新目标版 课件Maybe you will meet some new words, dont be afraid of them, try to guess them according to the article.Putthesentencesintothecorrectplacesinthereading.a.Howwasheabletochange?b.anddidntgiveuptryingtohelphimc.ThatswhenIdecidedtochanged.afterhisfathersdeathafewdaysagoe.EventheteacheragreedthatMartinwaswastinghistime52413(预习检查)预习检查)(阅读技巧)(阅读技巧)【最新】中学初中英语Unit 3 He used to cause a lot of trouble课件 人教新目标版 课件He used to _.Now he _.Why? _ _. be a problem childis one of the best students in his classHis mothers love helped him to feel good about himself. Fastreading(速读)(速读):【最新】中学初中英语Unit 3 He used to cause a lot of trouble课件 人教新目标版 课件2.Shealsotoldmethatmyfatherwaswithus,hewaswatchingme,andwouldalwayseverythinggoodIdo.Carefulreading(任务型阅读任务型阅读)1.Why did his mother have to work?1.Becauseshecouldntherchildseducation.Shehadtomakealotofmoney.2.What did Martins mother tell him?affordtopayforeventhoughnolongertakepridein【最新】中学初中英语Unit 3 He used to cause a lot of trouble课件 人教新目标版 课件What did his mother tell him on the phone?What did Martin use to be? Did his mother give up him? What did she do? What changed Martins life?What is Martin like now?A problem childSend him to a boys boarding schoolA conversation with his motherEven though his father was no longer with them,he was watching him and would take pride in everything good he does.He works hard and is one of the best students in his class.【最新】中学初中英语Unit 3 He used to cause a lot of trouble课件 人教新目标版 课件1.他太穷了以至于他没有能力买电脑。他太穷了以至于他没有能力买电脑。Hes so poor that he cant _ _ _ a computer.学以致用学以致用affordtobuy2.Shedidntlivehereanymore.(同义句同义句)She_livedhere.no longer3._(即使即使)itsraininghard,wellgototheparkasusual.Even though/if4.Shetookgreatprideinthesuccessofherthreechildren.(汉译英)(汉译英)她为她三个孩子的成就而感到自豪。她为她三个孩子的成就而感到自豪。5.我以作为一个中国人而自豪。我以作为一个中国人而自豪。【最新】中学初中英语Unit 3 He used to cause a lot of trouble课件 人教新目标版 课件Read and circle 1.Martin is still a bad boy. 2.There wasnt enough money for the family. 3.Martin finally understood what his problem was. 4.Martins father didnt use to help him.5.What his mother said didnt change Martins mind.TrueTrueTrueTrueTrueFalseFalseFalseFalseFalseDont knowDont knowDont knowDont knowDont knowAfterreading【最新】中学初中英语Unit 3 He used to cause a lot of trouble课件 人教新目标版 课件1.Moststudents_computergames.2._,hewonthefirstprizeinthematch.3.PeopleinChina_LiuXiangssuccess.4.Hetriedhisbestto_smoking.5.Heis_afraidofsnakes.6._,theyreachedthetopofthemountain. be interested in , in the end, give upto ones surprise, no longer , take pride in巩固提升巩固提升areinterestedin TohissurprisetakeprideingiveupnolongerIntheend【最新】中学初中英语Unit 3 He used to cause a lot of trouble课件 人教新目标版 课件Whochangedbetter?In the past Now used to be/dodidnt use to be/doworks hardis a best studentfeels good about Its important for to Hello , everyone. I think changed better. He used to , but with the help of now he(寻找闪光点寻找闪光点)【最新】中学初中英语Unit 3 He used to cause a lot of trouble课件 人教新目标版 课件
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