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项目介绍项目介绍晨晨 读读 背背 诵诵相关短语相关短语 1. be founded on May 1 成立于成立于5月月1日日2. meet the needs of 满足满足的需要的需要3. be designed for 为为设计设计4. develop into发展成为发展成为5. grow steadily稳定增长;稳步发展稳定增长;稳步发展6. convey a message 传达一个信息传达一个信息7. be suited to适合适合8. be fit for/be suitable for/be appropriate for适合适合9. be similar to与与相似相似10. be considered to be/as被认为是被认为是11. make an analysis of分析分析12. be popular with为为所喜欢;受所喜欢;受 欢迎欢迎13. present new ideas提出新想法提出新想法14. change peoples way of life改变人们的生改变人们的生 活方式活方式15. appeal to sb. 引起某人的好感引起某人的好感16. sth be available to sb.某物被提供给某人某物被提供给某人17. consumption patterns消费方式消费方式 18. be closely related to life与生活密切相关与生活密切相关19. symbolize/represent peace象征着和平象征着和平20. make it possible for sb. to do sth.使某人使某人 做某事成为可能做某事成为可能21. a wide range of dishes许多各种不同的菜许多各种不同的菜 肴肴22. represent China at the Olympics在奥运在奥运 会上代表中国会上代表中国 相关句式相关句式 1. 射击,原先是一种生存手段,只射击,原先是一种生存手段,只是到了十九世纪末才发展成一种运是到了十九世纪末才发展成一种运动项目。动项目。Shooting, originated as a means of survival, developed into a sport only in the late 19th century.2. 到了到了1968年才允许女子参加奥运射击项目年才允许女子参加奥运射击项目。Women were first allowed to compete in the Olympic shooting only in 1968.3. 最令人称奇的是,你可以利用声音命令它发最令人称奇的是,你可以利用声音命令它发出信息。出信息。What is most amazing is that you can order it to do things like sending messages with your voice.4. 鼓励学生阅读相关的读物,提供他们鼓励学生阅读相关的读物,提供他们一个发展的平台。一个发展的平台。Students are encouraged to do a lot of related reading, which provides them with a platform for development.5. 根据自己的兴趣,每个学生可以从根据自己的兴趣,每个学生可以从20门门课程中选两门。课程中选两门。Every student can choose two subjects out of 20 according to their own interests.6. 白茶,因呈银白色而得名,被认为是白茶,因呈银白色而得名,被认为是中国六大茶类之一。中国六大茶类之一。White tea, which gets its name from its silver-white color, is regarded as one of the six major Chinese teas.7. 白茶可追溯到北宋,有着悠久的历史,白茶可追溯到北宋,有着悠久的历史,主要产于福建和台湾。主要产于福建和台湾。Dating back to the Song Dynasty, White Tea has a long history and it is mainly grown in Fujian and Taiwan.技技 巧巧 点点 拨拨 1. 项目描述包括介绍某本书、某份报纸、某项目描述包括介绍某本书、某份报纸、某部电影、某个运动项目、某个组织、某种物部电影、某个运动项目、某个组织、某种物品、某项活动、某种风俗习惯等。品、某项活动、某种风俗习惯等。2. 写作时要注意词性,比如说写作时要注意词性,比如说“这个产品是这个产品是高质量的高质量的”,考生容易错译为,考生容易错译为 “This product is high quality”, 事实上事实上quality是是个名词,名词前加上个名词,名词前加上of,才相当于形容词的,才相当于形容词的用法,因此,这句应译为用法,因此,这句应译为“This product is of high quality”。典典 型型 例例 题题 随着互联网的发展和电脑的普及,网上购物已随着互联网的发展和电脑的普及,网上购物已经越来越受到人们的欢迎。经越来越受到人们的欢迎。写作内容写作内容请写一篇短文介绍淘宝网,内容包括:请写一篇短文介绍淘宝网,内容包括:名称:淘宝网(名称:淘宝网(Taobao)法人代表:马云法人代表:马云创建时间:创建时间:2003年年5月月10日日创建地点:浙江杭州创建地点:浙江杭州投资:约投资:约4.5亿元亿元收入:收入:2013年约年约187.45亿元,该行业世界第一亿元,该行业世界第一员工人数:约员工人数:约3000个个目标:创造目标:创造1000万个就业岗位。万个就业岗位。产品服务:从汽车、电脑到服饰、家居用品等。产品服务:从汽车、电脑到服饰、家居用品等。评价:是深受中国人欢迎的亚洲最大网上交易平评价:是深受中国人欢迎的亚洲最大网上交易平台,改变了人们的消费方式。台,改变了人们的消费方式。参考词汇:法人代表参考词汇:法人代表 legal representative, 交易平台交易平台 trading platform Taobao, whose legal representative is Ma Yun, was founded on May 10th, 2003 in Hangzhou, Zhejiang Province. It was invested with only 450 million yuan when it was founded, but in 2013, it earned about 18.745 billion yuan, ranking first in the world in the industry. On it, there are various items on sale, such as cars, computers, clothing, and household goods. Taobao, whose aim is to create 10 million jobs, has about 3,000 staff now. As the largest trading platform online in Asia, it is very popular with Chinese and has changed peoples consumption patterns.课堂练习课堂练习 The statue, built in 1903 and with a history of over 100 years, is three metres high and covers an area of 80 square metres. When you look at it in the front, you will find it looks like a student who is reading a book in the sun. It stands in the front of our campus, representing the deep-thinking and hard-working students. It also symbolizes the comfortable learning environment in our school. The statue was donated by the first 32 graduates of our school. 课外作业课外作业 Dim sum, a kind of traditional food in Guangdong, has a history of more than 150 years. Dim sum is usually small and there are only 3 to 4 pieces in a dish, served in bamboo containers. It has a wide range of dishes, mainly including steamed buns, dumplings etc. In Guangdong, going out for dim sum means going out to drink tea, as tea is served with dim sum. It is not only a tradition for the old to have morning tea and dim sum after morning exercise, but also a common way for family members, friends or businessmen to get together.
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