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初中英语短语归纳. A.look 短语1.look at 看7.look like 看起来像2.look for 寻找8.look through 浏览3.look up 查阅,向上看9.look into 向里看4.look out 向外看,小心10.look around 环顾四周5.look over 仔细检查11.look forward to 期盼,期待6.look after 照顾,照料12.look ahead 向前看B.put 短语1.put up 举起,挂起,搭建2.put on 穿上,戴上,上演3.put away 把放好4.put off 推迟,推延5.put down 把 放下,记下6.put out 扑灭,伸出7.put into 把 放进 -,把 译成 - 8.put ones heart into 全神贯注于C.get 短语1.get up 起床2.get off 下车3.get on 上车 ,相处,进展4.get over 克服,恢复,原谅5.get back 回来,返回6.get through 接通电话7.get along 进展,相处8.get into 陷入9.get out 出去,离开10.get together 相聚11.get ready for 为 做准备12.get married 结婚13.get in the way (of) 碍事,挡道14.get to 到达D.give短语1.give up doing 放弃2.give out 分发3.give away 赠送,分发4.give back 归还E.think短语1.think of 想起,认为2.think up 想出,提出3.think about 考虑4.think over 仔细考虑F.take 短语1.take up 占据(时间,空间)2.take after 与(父母等 )相像3.take place 发生4.take care小心,当心5.take off 脱下,起飞6.take out 拿出,取出7.take away 拿走,带走8.take down 取下9.take it easy 从容,不紧张10.take care of 照顾,照料11.take a rest休息一下12.take a shower 洗澡13.take part in 参加14.take pride in 对感到自豪15.take a photo 拍照16.take turns 轮流,依次17.take an interest in 对感兴趣18.take a vacation 去度假精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 1 页,共 8 页19.take medicine 服药20.take an action 采取行动21.take a taxi 打的22.take ones advice接受某人的建议Gkeep 短语1.keep on 继续2.keep out 不让 进入,挡住3.keep off 使不踏入4.keep away from 远离5.keep down 控制,抑制6.keep healthy/fit 保持健康7.keep from 隐瞒8.keep doing sth 一直做某事9.keep sb doing sth 使某人一直做某事10.keep sb from doing sth 阻止某人做某事11.keep up 坚持,保持12.keep in touch with sb 与某人保持联系H.turn短语1.turn on 打开2.turn off 关闭3.turn up 调大,放大;出现4.turn down 调小,关小;拒绝5.turn over 翻转过来6.turn left/right 向左转 /向右转7.turn to 转向+ sb for help 向某人求助 I.make短语1.make up 编造,杜撰,构成,组成2.make a noise 吵闹3.make a decision 做决定4.make room for 为腾地方5.make faces 做鬼脸6.make mistakes 犯错误7.make the bed 铺床8.make friends (with) 交朋友9.make a living by doing 谋生,度日10.make money 赚钱11.make progress 取得进步12.make it 约定,成功,及时赶到12.make sure 务必,确保14.make a plan 制定计划15.make a telephone call 打电话16.make up one s mind 下决心17.make sb feel at home 使某人感到宾至如归18.make a contribution to 为 -做贡献J.come短语1.come over 顺便来访2.come true 实现,达到3.come out 出来,开放,出版4.come on 加油,来吧5.come back 回来6.come up with 想出,提出7.come in 进来8.come along 出现,发生,来到9.come from 来自,产自10.come across 遇见, (偶然 )发现K.on短语1.on duty 值日,值班2.on time 准时,按时3.on foot 步行4.on vacation 度假5.on sale 销售,出售6.on TV 在电视里7.on display 展出,陈列8.on board 在船上9.on the Internet 在网上10.on the radio 在收音机里11.on one s way to 在 的路上12.on weekends 在周末13.on the other hand 另一方面14.on the left/right 在左边 /右边15.on the phone 用电话交谈 ,在通话16.on business 出差精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 2 页,共 8 页17.depend on 依赖,取决于18.get on 上车 ,相处,进展19.work on 从事,忙于,演算20.put on 穿上,戴上;上演21.turn on 打开22.try on 试穿,试戴23.pass on传递24.hold on 稍等片刻25.go on 继续26.decide on 决定27.concentrate on 专心,专注28.live on 以为生29.spend/waste on 在花费 /浪费30.come on 加油,来吧L.in短语1.in all 总共,共计2.in class 在课上3.in English 用英语4.in short 总之,简言之5.in a hurry 匆忙6.in the end 最后,终于7.in the future 在将来8.in time 及时9.in fact 事实上,实际上10.in bed 在床上11.in hospital 住院12.in the way 碍事的,挡道的13.in this way 这样14.in red 穿着红衣服15.in danger 处于危险中16.in trouble 处于困境中17.in a minute 立刻,马上18.in surprise 惊奇地,惊讶地19.in public 当众,公开20.in general 大体上,一般而言,通常21.in common 共有的,公有的22.in style/fashion 时尚的23.in good health 身体健康24.in front of 在-前面25.in the sun 在阳光下26.in the past few years 在过去几年时间里27.in order to 为了28.in the past 在过去29.do well in 在方面干得好30.major in 专修,主修31.be interested in 对 感兴趣32.take part in 参加33.be weak in 在-差34.take pride in 以-而自豪35.hand in 上交,交纳36.arrive in/at 到达M.at短语1.at once 立刻,马上2.at least 至少3.at most 最多4.at last 最后5.at home 在家6.at noon 在中午7.at night 在夜晚8.at times 有时,偶尔9.at school 在上学10.at table 在吃饭11.at present目前,现在12.at work 在工作13.at all 全然,根本14.at the age of 在岁时15.at the end of 在结尾16.at the moment 此刻,现在17.at the same time 同时18.at first 首先19.aim at 旨在,目的是20.knock at 敲击21.look at 看着22.shout at 叫喊,叫嚷23.point at 指着24.arrive at 到达25.be good at 善于,擅长26.be angry at 对-生气27.be surprised at 对感到惊讶28.laugh at 嘲笑29.arrive at(小地点 ) 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 3 页,共 8 页N.up短语1.give up 放弃2.take up 占据,占去,从事3.put up 举起,挂起,张贴,搭建4.set up 建立,创立5.open up 打开,开阔6.dress up乔装打扮7.stay up 熬夜,不睡觉8.wake up 醒来,唤醒9.look up 向上看,查阅10.cheer up 使振作11.end up with/doing 以结束,结果为12.go up 升起,上升13.hurry up 赶快14.use up 用光,用完15.show up 出席,露面16.stand up 起立,站起来17.make up 编造,杜撰,构成,化妆18.think up 想出,提出19.cut up 切碎20.pick up 捡起,乘搭便车21.mix up 混合22.call up 打电话23.grow up 成长,长大24.ring up 打电话25.clean up 把打扫干净,把收拾整齐26.fix up 修理,修补27.get up 起床28.keep up 保持,坚持29.fill up 装满30.send up 发射O.out短语1.give out 给出,分发2.hand out 分发3.hang out 闲逛4.break out 爆发5.sell out 卖完,售完6.look out 向外看,小心7.go out 出去,熄灭8.put out 伸出去,熄灭,扑灭9.keep out 不使进入10.find out 查明,弄清11.run out 用完,用尽12.take out 拿出,取出,带出13.clean out 打扫干净,清除14.come out 出来,开放,出版15.work out 产生结果,算出16.point out 指出17.help sb out 帮助某人解决困难18.get out.出去,离开P.off短语1.get off 下车2.put off 推迟,拖延3.take off 脱下,起飞4.go off 发出响声,离开5.turn off 关闭6.cut off 切断7.set off 激起,引起,出发8.break off 突然中止,中断9.keep off 远离,使不踏入10.run off 迅速离开,跑掉11.be off 离开,走开12.fall off 落下,从掉下13.show off 炫耀,卖弄Q.for短语1.wait for 等待2.look for 寻找3.pay for 为付款4.care for 关心,照料5.stand for 代表6.leave () for 动身去某地7.ask for 请求,要求8.prepare for 为做准备9.provide for sb 为某人提供10.thanks for 为而感谢精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 4 页,共 8 页11.get ready for 为做准备12.be famous for 因而闻名13.be good for 对-有益14.be bad for 对有害15.be late for 迟到16.be used for 用来做R.with短语1.agree with 同意2.play with 与玩,玩弄3.share with 与分享4.come up with 想出,提出5.end up with 以而结束6.fight with 与-打架7.catch/keep up with 赶上8.be filled with 装满9.deal/do with 对付,处理10.provide sb with 为某人提供11.begin/start with 以 开始12.get along/on well with与相处得融洽13.argue with 与 争吵14.with one s help 在某人的帮助下15.with the light on 开着灯16.quarrel with 与-吵架17.be busy with 忙于 18.be angry with sb 生某人的气19.be strict with sb 对某人严格要求20.be popular with 深受的喜欢21.fall in live with爱上22.help sb with sth 帮助某人做某事23.compare with 与相比S.about短语1.talk about 谈论 ,讨论2.worry about 担心3.care about 关心,担心4.learn about 了解关于5.think about 考虑6.be excited about 对感到兴奋7.be nervous about 对紧张8.be serious about 对是认真的9.complain about 埋怨,抱怨T.of短语25.be afraid of 害怕2.be tired of 厌倦3.be sure of 确信4.be made of 由做成4.be terrified of 害怕 - 6.be fond of 喜欢7.be careful of 小心 -,当心 - 8.be full of 装满9.be proud of 以-而自豪10.be confident of 对有信心11.take care of 照顾,照料12.think of 考虑,认为;想起13.hear of 听说14.remind of 使某人想起15.dream of 梦想16.run out of 用完,用光17.look out of 向-外看18.because of 因为,由于19.instead of 代替,而不是20.plenty of 大量的,充足的21.kind of 稍微,有点22.all kinds of 各种各样的23.the number of 的数量24.a number of 许多25.hundreds of 数百 - 26.thousands of 成千上万的27.in front of 在的前面28.at the end of 在的尽头 /末尾29.a pair of 一双 /副 /条30.a piece of 一片 /块/条/则 - 31.a set of 一副 /串32.a lot of 许多,好多U.be+adj/过去分词+介词精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 5 页,共 8 页1.be interested in 对 感兴趣2.be surprised at 对 感到惊讶3.be famous for 因 而闻名4.be good at 擅长于5.be angry with/at 生 的气6.be worried about 担心7.be strict with/in 对 要求严格8.be proud of 以-而自豪9.be ready for 为做准备10.be busy with 忙于 - 11.be popular with 深受 - 的喜爱12.be nervous about 对-感到紧张13.be excited about 对 感到兴奋14.be similar to 与相似15.be different from 与不同16.be filled with 里装满17.be used to 习惯于18be afraid of 害怕 - 19.be good for 对有益20.be bad for 对有害21.be friendly to 对-友好22.be relaxed about 对-感到放松23.be covered with 被 -所覆盖24.be crazy about 热衷于 - 25.be fond of 喜欢 - 26.be terrified of 害怕27.be full of- 里充满 - 28.be made of-由做成V.其它1.after all 毕竟,终究2.according to 根据,按照,据所说3.because of因为,由于4.as for 至于5.by mistake 错误地6.by accident 偶然地,意外地7.for example 例如8.for instance 例如9.instead of 代替,而不是10.thanks to 幸亏,由于,因为11.to be honest 老实说,说实在的12.to one s surprised 令某人惊奇的是- 13.to start with 首先14.thanks for 为而感谢- 15.both-and 两个都,既 -又- 16.either-or 或者或者- 17.neither nor 既不 -也不 - 18.not only but also 不但而且19.not until 直到 -才20.so -that 如此 - 以至于 - 21.as soon as一 -就22even though 即使,尽管23.would rather than宁愿 -而不 - 24.what if 如果 将会怎么样25.too -to 太而不能26.so that 以便,结果,目的是27.teach oneself 自学28.enjoy oneself 玩得开心29.by oneself 独自30.help oneself to 随便吃 - 31.learn -by oneself 自学32.hurt oneself 伤害自己33.by the way 顺便说,顺便问一下34.in the way 碍事的,挡道的35.on one s way 在去的路上36.in this way 这样37.in some ways 在某种程度上,在某些方面38.the way to 去某地的路39.pay attention to 注意40.look forward to 期盼,期待41.hold on to 继续,坚持42.be/get used to 习惯于43.make a contribution to 为做贡献44.prefer to 与 -相比更喜欢45.a few 一些,46.a little 稍微,一点儿47.a bit 一点儿48.across from 在对面49.all the time 始终,一直50.all year round 一年到头51.all over 遍及,整个52.around the world 全世界53.as as possible尽可能54.as as和-一样5563.add to 把加到上56.be afraid to 害怕做某事精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 6 页,共 8 页57.be in agreementwith 与意见一致58.be willing to 愿意做某事59.just now 刚才60.break down 停止运转,出故障61.break off 突然中止,中断62.break the rule 违反规则63.break out 爆发64.be able to 能,会65.be supposed to被期望或被要求- 66.between and在之间67.belong to 属于68.cut in line 插队69.can t stop doing 情不自禁做某事70.next to 紧接着,相邻71.day off 休息日,不工作72.do chores 做家务73.do the dishes 洗盘子74.do the laundry 洗衣服75.do some reading 看书76.do homework 做作业77.dream of/about 梦想,向往78.drop by 顺便或偶然拜访79.divide-into 把-分成 - 80.each other 互相,彼此81excuse me请原谅82.go by(指时间 ) 过去,消逝83.knock into 与相撞84.feel like doing 想要做某事85.family name 姓氏86.first name 名字87.fall asleep 入睡88.fall in love with爱上89.fall into 落入,陷入90.fall ill 病倒,患病91.first of all 首先92.fill -with 用-装满 93.go to sleep 入睡94.go home 回家95.go to school 去上学96.go to a movie 去看电影97.go to bed 去睡觉98.go to work 去上班99.go shopping 去购物100.go hiking 去远足101.have a headache头痛102.have a look 看一看103.have a talk 谈一谈104.have a cold 感冒105.have a great time 玩得开心106.have fun 玩得开心107.have/get sth done 让别人做某事108. have to 不得不109. hardly ever 几乎不110.have trouble in doing sth 做某事有困难111.how/what about-? 怎么样?112.had better do sth 最好做某事113.hear of 听说114.hear about 听说115.hear from 收到某人的来信116 hold on to 继续,坚持,117.here you are 给你118.happy birthday 生日快乐119.host family 寄宿家庭120.how far 多远121.how long 多长时间122.how soon 多久以后123.how often 多久一次124.how many 多少125.how much 多少钱,多少126.how old 多大127.it doesn t matter 没关系128.keep healthy/fit 保持健康129.later on 以后,过后130.learn from 向学习131.let sb down 使某人失望或沮丧132.from time to time偶尔,不时133.leave for 动身去某地134.less than不到,少于135.listen to 听- 136.next to 紧接着,靠近137.not -any more 不再,再也不138.no talking 禁止谈话139.more than 多于,超过140.not at all 一点也不141.no longer 不再,已不142.not-in the slightest 一点也不,根本不143.out of style 过时144.play football 踢足球精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 7 页,共 8 页145.of course 当然146.places of interest 名胜古迹147.pretty well 相当好148.watch TV 看电视149.play sports 做运动150.phone number 电话号码151.prevent sb from doing sth 阻止某人做某事152.such as 例如153.quite a few 相当多,不少154.shake hands握手155.rather than 而不,非156.right away/now 立刻,马上157.run away 逃走158.be in agreement 意见一致159.regard -as-把-看作 - 160.ride a bike 骑自行车161.sleep late 睡过头,起得晚162.Why not ? 为什么不?163.so far 到目前为止164.suit sb fine 合某人的意,对某人合适165.talk show 访谈节目166. translate into 把翻译成167.try one s best尽力做 - 168.used to 过去常常169.stressed out紧张的170.the same as与一样171.three quarters 四分之三172.the day after tomorrow 后天173.wait in line 排队等候174.what about ? 怎么样?175.What s the matter? 怎么了?176.What s the problem? 怎么了?177.What s wrong? 怎么了?178.have two days off 休息两天精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 8 页,共 8 页
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