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英文书信的起首语I was glad to receive your letter of May 4 . With great delight I learn that . I have the pleasure to tell you that. We have received with many thanks your letter of 20 May, and take the pleasure of sending you our latest catalog. I m writing to英文书信的结束语I hope to hear from you very soon. I look forward to your early reply (your reply at your earliest convenience. Your early reply will be highly appreciated. I look forward to our next meeting. Please let us know if you want more information. Any other particulars required I shall be pleased to give you. We enclose two copies of. Enclosed is a resume of my background and experience. 如何完美表达书信中的 “ 谢谢”I sincerely (deeply) (warmly) appreciate . 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 1 页,共 30 页我真挚的深深的热情的感谢. I am very sincerely (most) (truly) grateful to you for . 为了.,我非常真挚的深深的真诚的感谢您。(待续) Thank you from the bottom of my heart. 衷心感谢您。Thank you so much for your generous hospitality. 非常感谢您慷慨的款待。Please accept ( I wish to express )my sincere (grateful) (profound) appreciation for . 请接受致以真挚的衷心的深切的感谢. There is nothing more important (satisfying) (gratifying) to me than to receive one of your letters. 再也没有比收到您的来信更使我觉得重要快慰感激了。It s generous of you to take so much interest in my work( to give me so much of your time) (to show me so much consideration). 承蒙对我的工作如此操心 为我花费这么多时间 对我如此关心 。I regret very much that I did not have an opportunity to thank you personally for . 未能面谢,深表遗憾。Thank you for one of the most memorable days of my trip. 为了旅途中最值得留念的一天,谨向您表示感谢Thank you for doing so much to make my trip to New York interesting 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 2 页,共 30 页(pleasant)(resultful). 为了使我去纽约的旅游有趣愉快大有收获,您做了许多事,特此致谢。You must give me the chance to return your kindness when you visit here. 希望您光临我处,使我能答谢您的盛情。求学信你想去美国某大学攻读中西文学的比较研究。信中介绍了你毕业的院校、现从事的职业及专业、拟学的专业等。信中还提及索要求学的申请表格及咨询奖学金等事宜。信末提醒学校及时回信。Dear Sir/Madam, I am writing to request admission into the Department of English Language and Literature at your university for the fall semester of 2011. It is my long-cherished desire to pursue comparative study of Chinese and Western literature at a university in the United States. I graduated from the Foreign Languages Department of Shandong University, a famous university in the western part of China. I am currently a teacher of English for non-English majors at Shandong University of Science and Technology. 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 3 页,共 30 页I really appreciate it if you could send me the necessary application forms for admission with information about how to apply for scholarship or other financial aid. I am looking forward to your reply/response at your earliest convenience. Yours faithfully Li Ming 通知(告示)Directions: The Students Union of your department is planning a Chinese Speaking Contest. Write an announcement which covers the following information: 1) 比赛目的、时间、地点,2) 参赛者的要求,3) 裁判和奖励的细节。You should write about 120 words. Do not sign your own name at the end of the letter. Use Department of Chinese Language and Literature at the end of the announcement. Chinese Speaking Contest February 3, 2008 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 4 页,共 30 页To improve students ability to speak Chinese and enrich after-class activities, the Students Union of Department of Chinese Language and Literature is organizing a school-wide Chinese speaking contest to be held on Saturday next week (February 10th) at the Students Auditorium( 礼堂 ). Those who are interested may sign up with the monitor of their classes before Tuesday next week. Five professors will be invited to be judges. The first six winners will be given awards. Everybody is welcome to be present at the contest.The Students Union Department of Chinese Language and Literature 邀请信和通知其实类似,开头讲目的,中间讲流程,最后提醒。My fellow students: I am*, the president of the students union. According to the recent conference of the university board, * will be held in*(时间和地点,and it is decided that every class shall send 3 representatives to attend this significant activity. Here are the details and precedures we have to follow on that精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 5 页,共 30 页day. At 9 a.m.Then.3 hours later. By the way , youd better.and remember all the details. I am cordially looking forward to seeing all of you. Yours sincerely, & 邀请信Directions: You want to invite some friends to a party. Write an invitation letter to them individually: 1 邀请参加晚会,2 说明举办晚会的原因,3 将安排哪些活动。Dear *, I am greatly honored to formally invite you to participate in Mr. Guo Jings wedding ceremony with Ms. Huang Rong to be held at Beijing Grand Hotel from 8 to 10 p.m. on April 1, 2007. As you are a close friend of us, we would very much like you to attend the celebration and share our joy. The occasion will start at seven oclock in the evening, with the showing of their wedding ceremony. This will be followed by a dinner party. At around ten, we will hold a small musical soiree(晚会,黄昏时的聚会 ), at which a band will perform some works by Bach and Strauss. 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 6 页,共 30 页We are looking forward to the pleasure of your company (yourreply and arrival). Yours sincerely, Li Ming 投诉信1、对所遇到的困扰,恶劣的服务态度,劣质的产品等提出抗议和改良的建议。内容有理,批评有节。语言注意点投诉信应重点说明投诉的原因,叙事应客观、准确、简洁。最后提出的解决方法应切实可行。在表达自己的不满时,语言要把握分寸,不失风度。2、正文主要有个部分:说明投诉的对象阐述投诉的具体原因表示希望投诉后能尽快得到改正3、推荐模板Date, Dear ,I am writing to complain aboutDate, Dear ,I am writing to inform you that I 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 7 页,共 30 页I trust you will take my complaints seriously and. If it is not properly settled, I would ask you to give back my money, or I would complain to the concerned authorities. Yours sincerely, Name find unsatisfactory.I hope you attach importance to this matter, and help settle it as soon as possible. Yours sincerely, Name 4、常用表达:(1) I am writing to complain about (2) I am writing to show my great anger about (3) Hope you will improve your (4) It is high time you took some measures to solve (5) I sincerely hope such things will never take place again. (6) If you cant give me a satisfactory answer, I will complain it to the Consumer Association. Sample 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 8 页,共 30 页Directions: Write a letter to complain about the bad service youhave received, write about 100 words. You do not need to write the address. Mar. 15 Dear manager, I am writing to show my great anger about the bad service I encountered in your department store last Sunday. That saleswoman (No.411) was by no means patient enough to answer my questions about the products. She was so eagerly talking with her friend that she just turned a deaf ear to my questions. I felt disappointed that such bad service could have happened in a so-called five-star department store. I hope you do something to stop such things happening any more, just to save your store s fame.Yours sincerely, Li Ming 写一封信给某网上销售公司,投诉你在网上购买的CD 播放机迟迟没有寄来,昨天收到后又有质量问题,不能正常播放,建议该公司改良服务质量,并要求退换有问题的播放机。Dir Sirs, 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 9 页,共 30 页I m writing to you to complain about the poor service of your online service department. On April 12, I ordered a CD player from your online service department through internet. I didnt receive the delivery until yesterday, May 3, which is 10 days after you have promised. Moreover, the quality of the CD player is not up to the standard; it simply doesnt work now. I m returning the faulty CD player to you and I hope you can replace it and improve youroverall quality of service. Yours sincerely, Li Ming 抱歉信1、由于违约,或做错了事,说错了话,或是因服务不周造成了某种不良后果,当事人必须为此抱歉。书写抱歉类便条时要注意:(1)要言辞恳切,诚心诚意,指出自己并非故意伤害或开罪对方,切忌对自己的过失作过多辩白。(2). 要请对方谅解自己的过失或给对方带来的不便。(3). 需要使用I m sorry, I apologize 等字眼明确表达自己的歉意。精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 10 页,共 30 页2、正文主要有 4 个部分 : (1). 抱歉行为和内容。(2). 抱歉的具体理由。(3). 弥补方法。(4). 进一步致歉3、推荐模板Date, Dear ,Please accept my sincere apology for I am sorry again for the inconvenience I have caused to you. Yours sincerely, Name Date, Dear ,I am sorry to tell you that I wont be able toI am very sorry for the trouble. Yours sincerely, Name 4、常用表达:1. I write to apologize for having caused you so much trouble.2. Please accept my apology for . 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 11 页,共 30 页3. I am writing to express my apology for 4. I am sorry for causing you the inconvenience. 5. I really didn t mean to hurt/offend/insult you. Sample Directions: You are already have a date with your friend but suddenly have another thing to do and you have to tell your friend that you cant go. Express your reason clearly in about 100 words. May 5, 2008 Dear Jane, I am sorry to tell you that (I am writing to express my apology that) I won t be able to come this afternoon because I have to go to the airport at 2:00 p. m. to meet an overseas visitor from Australia. I really have kept our date in my mind all these days, however, I received my boss e-mail this morning, he asked me to go to the airport to meet one of his friends from abroad, its suddenly and urgent and I must go. Please forgive me. Would you please ring me up to make another time? (I hope you will forgive me and please call me as soon as possible so we can discuss the next meeting time.) 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 12 页,共 30 页 Yours, 六、建议信1、建议信是对收信人就某一问题提出看法、建议或忠告。建议信不同于投诉信, 所以写信人一定要注意礼貌当先。建议信一般包括以下内容:首先说明写信的目的,其次,在肯定优点的基础上提出自己的建议或看法否则别人以为你在投诉,而不是在提建议,最后表达希望采纳建议。2、正文主要有 3 个部分1自我介绍、说明目的2委婉地提出建议及改良措施,或提出忠告3礼貌地总结或期盼回复3、推荐模板Date, Dear , I am writing to draw your attention to the fact thatDate, Dear , I am writing to express my views concerningFirst and foremost, in 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 13 页,共 30 页To solve the problem, in my opinion,For one thing . For the other thing I would be ready to discuss this matter to further details. Yours sincerely, Name addition, whats more I hope you will find these proposals useful. Yours sincerely, Name 4、常用表达 : 建议信开头段常用句子:* I am writing to express my views concerning* I would like to suggest that * I am writing in reply to * I am writing with my suggestion about * May I suggest that * In my opinion, I would say建议信结尾段常用句子:精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 14 页,共 30 页* I would be more happy to see improvements in this regard. * I would be ready to discuss this matter to further details. * I trust you will take my suggestion into account. * I hope you will find these suggestions/proposals/recommendations are helpful/practical/useful/beneficial. Sample Directions: There is an error in an English magazine that you feel must be corrected. Write a letter to the editor to: (1) point out the mistake (2) suggest correction, and (3) express your interests in the magazine. You should write about 100 words. Do not sign your own name at the end of the letter. Use “Wang feng ” instead. You do not need to write the address. May 23,2009 Dear Editor, I have been a devoted reader of your magazine Crazy English ever since a friend recommended it to me three years ago. I enjoy reading particularly articles in your “Wonderful Life ” series, which are both 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 15 页,共 30 页informative and entertaining. However, there is an error that I feel should not be ignored. In the article titled “This is Australia” of the May 4thedition, the population in Australia is 21,000,000 but it was printed 2,100,000 It might be only a small mistake , but it could nonetheless be misleading, especially to the serious readers who have a particular interest in the subject. I hope you can check it as soon as possible(I hope the mistake can be corrected soon), and wish your magazine becomes more and more excellent! Yours sincerely, Li Ming Directions: Write a litter to your university library, making suggestions for improving its service. You should write about 100 words on ANSWER SHEET 2. Do not sign your own name at the end of the letter. Use Li Ming instead. Do not write the address. 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 16 页,共 30 页范文:To Whom It May Concern, As a student of this university, I would like to take the opportunity to express my appreciation for your kind assistance as always. Meanwhile, I feel that it would be beneficial to express my views concerning the quality of the library service. In the first place, I find that most keyboards of the library computers are in poor operation, which brings much inconvenience to the users. I would also recommend the library to improve the efficiency of purchasing new books and subscribing to academic journals. Last but not least, the study rooms need to be furnished with a better lighting system. I hope that you take my suggestions into serious consideration. Yours sincerely, 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 17 页,共 30 页Li Ming 万能句型:I would like to take the opportunity to express my appreciation for your kind assistance as always. I feel that it would be beneficial to express my views concerning. In the first place.I would also recommend.Last but not least. I hope that you take my suggestions into serious consideration. 2Directions: Write a letter to the president of your college about the unpleasant conditions of the university dormitory, and suggesting possible solutions 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 18 页,共 30 页You should write about 100 words on ANSWER SHEET 2. Do not sign your own name at the end of the letter. Use Li Ming instead. Do not write the address. 范文:Dear Sir, As I am a freshman, I feel that it is my obligation to make some suggestions concerning the basic conditions of our dormitory. Generally speaking, the dormitory building situates in a satisfying environment and is well-equipped. However, there are two unpleasant aspects that cause inconvenience to us: 1) the heating system is in need of improvement-it fails to maintain warmth in our rooms during the winter; 2) the furniture is not designed in a practical manner -there lacks a shelf to place books. I would be more than happy if my proposal could be considered and positive changes take place in these regards. 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 19 页,共 30 页Yours sincerely, Li Ming 万能句型:A freshman as I am, I feel that it is my obligation to make some suggestions concerning. I would be more than happy if my proposals could be considered and positive changes take place in these regards. 介绍信1、介绍信是介绍本单位人员到外单位参观学习、联系工作、了解情况或出席某种会议等所写的一种书信。介绍信具有介绍和证明的作用。使用介绍信,可以使对方了解来人的身份和目的,以便得到对方的信任和支持。 语言注意点介绍信应措辞礼貌得体,对被介绍人的说明应简洁明了、重点突出。2、正文主要有三个部分:1. 说明被介绍人的身份;精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 20 页,共 30 页2. 提出希望收信人做的事情;3. 如果是请收信人照顾被介绍人,表示感谢;如果是请收信人与被介绍人共同工作,则对合作表示乐观。3、推荐模板Date Dear , I am writing (Please allow me) to introduce to you the bearer of this letter, *,who I shall very happy if you can assist in any way.Thank you very much for your help.(Any kindness to her will be deeply appreciated.) Yours sincerely, * Sample Directions: One of your classmates and friends Wang Yu will go to a university in London to study for several mont精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 21 页,共 30 页hs. Please write a letter to a British friend in London and introduce Wang Yu to him/ her. You should write about 100 words and do not need to write the address. July7,2009 Dear Joyce, I am writing to introduce one of my best friends Wang Yu to you. She is a very generous and trusted girl and we have known each other since childhood. She is invited by a university to study there for a few months. I am worried that she cannot take good care of herself since she has not been abroad before. I hope you can help her when she is in difficulty. Any kindness to her will be deeply appreciated. Yours, Li Ming 推荐信1、推荐信是一个人为推荐另一个人去接受某个职位或参与某项工作而写的信件。 特定含义下指本科生或硕士研究生到其他一般是国外大学研究生院攻读硕士或博士学位时,请老师所写的推荐信。一般说来美国的研究生院要求提供3 封推荐信,信件作者应该熟悉学生,并且有一定知名度。精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 22 页,共 30 页2、正文主要有三个部分:(1) 介绍推荐人和提及与自己的熟悉程度(2) 对推荐人的评价(3) 提及推荐者综合素质有关的内容3、推荐模板 Date, Dear ,I take my great pleasure in recommending to you * as a He/She is a I am confident that I strongly recommend him to you with no reservations. Yours sincerely, Name Date, Dear ,. I am writing to recommend.(Name) for this post. He/She is a Therefore, I do not hesitate to recommend her as an ideal candidate for the post you advertised. Yours sincerely, Name精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 23 页,共 30 页4、推荐信经常使用一些褒奖的形容词来描述被推荐人: bright, clever , capable, gifted, talented, outstanding, prominent, diligent, industrious, hardworking, humorous, cooperative, competent, original, innovative, ambitious, creative, persistent, kind-hearted, generous, honest, helpful, considerate, devoted, dedicated, committed, promising, 常用表达 : (1)Mature ,dynamic and honest. (2)Excellent ability of systematical management. (3)Ability to work independent1y,mature and resourcefu1. (4)A person with ability plus flexibility should app1y. (5)A stable personality and high sense of responsibility are desirable. (6)Work well with a multi-cultural and diverse work force. (7)Bright,aggressive applicants. (8)Ambitious attitude essential. 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 24 页,共 30 页(9)Initiative,independent and good communication skill. (10)Willing to work under pressure with leadership quality.(11)Willing to assume responsibilities. (12)Mature ,self-motivated and strong interpersonal skills. (13)Energetic,fashion-minded person. (14)With a pleasant mature attitude. (15)Strong determination to succeed. (16)Strong leadership skills. (17)Ability to work well with others. (18)Highly-motivated and reliable person with excellent health and pleasant personality. (19)The ability to initiate and operate independently. (20)Strong leadership skill while possessing a great team spirit. Sample Directions: Write a letter to recommend Wang Xin for his further study in a college, write about 100 words, do not精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 25 页,共 30 页sign your own name at the end of the letter. Use “Zheng Jie ” instead. You do not need to write the address. May 8, Dear Sir ,It is my pleasure to recommend Wang Xin for his application to graduate studies in your school. Mr. Wang has been my research assistant since September 1997. He is an enthusiastic and ambitious young man with extremely high potentiality. All the work handed to him was completed satisfactorily. With his help, I have been able to spend more time in writing the research paper. I really consider myself very fortunate to have such a capable assistant. I am certain his diligence, coupled with a good competence and pleasant personality, will assure him of academic achievements in his future academic pursuits. I strongly recommend his admission without any reservation.Sincerely yours, Zheng Jie 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 26 页,共 30 页相关外贸函电表达(1)自我介绍1.We handle the import business of textiles. 我公司经营纺织品的进口业务。2. We deal in light industrial products.我们专营轻工业产品。3. We are engaged in the exportation of chemicals. 我们经营化工产品的出口。1. We learn from . that your firm specializes in ., and would like to establish enter into business relationship with you. 从得悉你公司专门经营 ,现愿与你公司建立业务关系。2. We have the Pleasure to introduce ourselves to you with the hope that we may have an opportunity of building up business relations with your firm. 我们有幸自荐,盼望能有时机与贵公司建立业务关系。3. We wish to introduce ourselves to you as a state operated corporation dealing exclusively in Light Industrial Goods. 现向贵司自我介绍,我们是国营公司,专门经营轻工业品。We are particularly interested in your products, and would like to have more detailed information on all of your commodities. 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 27 页,共 30 页本公司对贵方的产品特感兴趣,盼能从贵方获得更多的商品详细资料。(2) 我们盼望于近日内接获回信1. We should appreciate an early reply. 2. Your prompt reply would be greatly appreciated. 3. Please send your reply by the earliest delivery. 4. We look forward to receiving your early reply. (3) 关于某某事项,谨表谢意1. Please accept our thanks for the trouble you have taken. 2. We are obliged to you for your kind attention in this matter. 3. We thank you for the special care you have given to the matter. 4. Please accept our thanks for the trouble you have taken. 有劳贵方,不胜感激。5.We thank you for the special care you have given to the matter. 贵方对此悉心照顾,不胜感激。6.We should be grateful for your trial order. 如承试订货,不胜感激。7.It will be greatly appreciated if you will kindly send us your samples. 如承惠寄样品,则不胜感激。8.We are greatly obliged for your bulk order just received. 收到贵方大宗订货,不胜感激。(4)请原谅给您添了麻烦精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 28 页,共 30 页1.We hope you have not been seriously inconvenienced by the delay. 4. We greatly regret that we have caused you such an inconvenience. (5) 随函附寄We enclosed you a list of quotation报价单 . A copy of our Export List 出口商品目录 are enclosed. Enclosed please find a copy of our price list价目表. Please find enclosed a copy of our price list. As requested, we enclose our illustrated catalog and price-list and trust that you will find it of much interest. 依照您的要求, 我们随函附上本公司图示目录及价目表一份,相信您会甚感兴趣。(6) 询盘Please let us have your lowest quotation. Please make us your lowest quotation for Chinese Folding Fans. 请报中国折扇最低价。We hope you will allow us an extra discount of 5%. 盼贵方惠予额外 5%折扣。7报盘/报价We are willing to allow 5% reduction in price on all orders over 1,000 pieces. 如果订购超过 1,000 件时,本公司同意降低价格5%。精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 29 页,共 30 页However, we have to inform you that there is no room to make any further reduction in prices as we have already cut them to the absolute minimum. 但本公司已没有再减价的余地,因为我方已将价格减到最低限度。索赔We are very sorry to inform you that your last shipment is not up to your usual standard. 贵方运到的最后一船产品不符合原来标准,特此奉告。On examination we found that the goods do not agree with the original sample. 经过检查,我们发现货物与原样品不一致。When unpacking the case, we found the colour unsatisfactory. 开箱后,我方发现颜色不令人满意。We find that the quality of your shipment is not in conformity with the agreed specification. 我们发现你方来货的质量与所协定的规格不完全一致。评论,观念,各有不同做好自己那份就好精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 30 页,共 30 页
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