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What would you like for What would you like for dinner?dinner?Id like for dinner.Id like for dinner.noodles nu:dlz n. n.面条面条potatoestomatoes a potato pteIt a tomato tmeIt a carrot krt carrots a cabbage kbkbI Iddcabbages cabbageU U不可数不可数beef bi:fbi:f mutton mtnmtn chicken ttI Ik kI Inn potatoescabbageschickenmuttonbeeftomatoescarrots What, what, what would you like?What, what, what would you like?TomaTomatotoeses, , tomatomatotoeses, Id like , Id like tomatomatotoeses. .What, what, what would you like?What, what, what would you like?PotatoPotatoeses, , potatopotatoeses, Id like , Id like potatopotatoeses. .What, what, what would you like?What, what, what would you like?CarrotCarrots s, , carrotcarrots s, , Id likeId like carrotcarrots s. .What, what, what would you like?What, what, what would you like?CabbageCabbages s, , cabbagecabbages s, , Id like Id like cabbagecabbages s. .eLtscnhtaWhat, what, what would you like?What, what, what would you like?BeefBeef, , beefbeef, Id, Id likelike beef beef. .What, what, what would you like?What, what, what would you like?MuttonMutton, , muttonmutton, Id like , Id like muttonmutton. .What, what, what would you like?What, what, what would you like?ChickenChicken, , chickenchicken, , Id like Id like chickenchicken. .What, what, what would you like?What, what, what would you like?NoodleNoodles s, , noodlenoodles s, Id like , Id like noodlenoodles s. .eLtscnhtaCool Noodle HouseCool Noodle HouseSUMMER JOB:Do you want a busy but interesting job? Do you want to meet many famous people(名人名人)? Then we have a job for you as a waiter. If you want to get the job, you must finish my 6 tasks(任务任务).Task6 Task5 Task4 Task3 Task2 Task1 Task1 I want to buy some foods in the market . Would you like to go with me ?Lets buy some foods in the market.Student: What kind of food would you like?Boss: Id like1.noodles _2.beef _3.mutton _4.chicken _5.cabbage _6.potatoes _7.tomatoes _Match the words Match the words with the foods.with the foods.1acagdfebTask6 Task5 Task4 Task3 Task2 Task1 Task2There are 3 specials in our noodle house .Can you introduce(介绍)(介绍) them ?n.特色菜特色菜beefbeef and tomato noodlestomatoSpecial 1beef tomatocabbagechickenchicken and cabbage noodlesSpecial 2chicken cabbagemuttonpotatomutton and potato noodlesSpecial 3mutton potatoCool Noodle HouseCool Noodle HouseTask3 Mr Obama comes into our Cool Noodle House. Listen and check ( ) the noodles that he orders.Listen. Check ( ) the noodles that Mr Obama orders.1b_Special 1 _Special 2 _Special 3Special 1Special 2Special 3Task4Id like you to act in pairs as the waiter and the customer(顾顾客客).A: Can I help you?B: Yes, please. Id like some noodles.A: What kind of noodles would you like?B: Id like.and. noodles.A: OK! Wait a minute.Act in pairs as the waiter and the customer(顾客顾客).A: Can I help you?B: Yes, please. Id like some noodles.A: What kind of noodles would you like?B: Id like.and. noodles.A: OK! Wait a minute.A: Can I help you?B: Yes, please. Id like some noodles.A: What kind of noodles would you like?B: Id like.and. noodles.A: OK! Wait a minute.A: Can I help you?B: Yes, please. Id like some noodles.A: What kind of noodles would you like?B: Id like.and. noodles.A: OK! Wait a minute.A: Can I help you?B: Yes, please. Id like some noodles.A: What kind of noodles would you like?B: Id like.and. noodles.A: OK! Wait a minute.A: Can I help you?B: Yes, please. Id like some noodles.A: What kind of noodles would you like?B: Id like.and. noodles.A: OK! Wait a minute.Cool Noodle HouseCool Noodle HouseTask5Can you guess (猜猜) what kind of noodles they would like?Student: What kind of noodles would he like ? Boss: Can you guess(猜猜)?Student: I think hed like . noodles.Student: What kind of noodles would she like ? Boss: Can you guess(猜猜)?Student: I think shed like . noodles.Student: What kind of noodles would they like ? Boss: Can you guess(猜猜)?Student: I think theyd like . noodles.Task6 Four of you work in a group and make a poster (海报)(海报)to introduce(介绍)(介绍)a special a special in the Cool Noodle House.the Cool Noodle House. And then choose(选择)(选择) a student to introduce it.Traditional Traditional (传统)(传统)Chinese foods.Chinese foods.Traditional Traditional (传统)(传统)Chinese foods.Chinese foods.Are they healthy1.Make a survey. Ask your classmates what kind of noodles they would like.2.Surf the Internet and try to get more information about different kinds of noodles.elenta126.comhttp:/www.meishichina.com/YuanLiao/MianTiao/1. New words: noodles, beef, mutton, cabbage, potato, tomato, special.2. Sentences: -What kind of noodles would you like? -Id like beef and tomato noodles, please. Summary The content of assessment评价内容Self-assessment学生自评Partner-assessment同伴互评Teacher-assessment教师评价Participate in the activities参与课堂活动The spirit of co-operation合作精神Interest, confidence, creativeness兴趣、自信心、创造力Pronunciation,intonation,fluency语音、语调及流畅程度Use new words and expressions新词汇的掌握、使用情况Listening tasks听力任务完成情况 Accomplish the tasks完成任务情况 Assessment等级:等级:A-Excellent(优秀优秀) B-Good(良好良好) C-Average(一般一般) D-Need Improvement (有待提高有待提高)
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