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话题十三 天气(Weather)重重 点点 单单 词词天气天气1. season 季节季节 2. weather 天气天气 3. wet 潮湿的潮湿的 4. dry 干燥的干燥的 5. terrible 糟糕的糟糕的 6. temperature 温度温度7. rain下雨;雨水下雨;雨水 8. warm 温暖的温暖的 9. cloudy 多云的多云的 10. wind风风 11. cloud云云 12. blow 吹;刮风吹;刮风13. storm 暴风雨暴风雨 14. hot 热的热的 15. cool凉的凉的 16. eager 渴望的渴望的 17. sunny 晴朗的晴朗的 18. snowy 下雪的下雪的19. cold寒冷的寒冷的 20. fine 晴朗的晴朗的 21. foggy 多雾的多雾的 22. snow 雪雪 23. ice冰冰 24. shower 阵雨阵雨 衣着与天气衣着与天气1. raincoat 雨衣雨衣 2. umbrella 雨伞雨伞 3. hat 帽子帽子 4. rain boot雨靴雨靴 5. jacket 夹克夹克重重 点点 短短 语语1. weather report/forecast 天气预报天气预报 2. according to 根据根据 3. beautiful/lovely/nice day 好天气好天气4. sunny/fine/clear day 晴天晴天 5. be going to do 将会做将会做 6. strong wind强风强风7. cause much rain带来很多雨水带来很多雨水 8. a little windy有点儿风有点儿风 9. get cold变冷变冷10. the highest temperature最高温度最高温度 11. degrees Celsius/centigrade摄氏度摄氏度()12. the lowest temperature最低温度最低温度 13. snow hard/heavily下大雪下大雪 14. hard/heavy snow大雪大雪15. fall below zero降至零度以下降至零度以下 16. much hotter更热得多更热得多 16. much hotter更热得多更热得多 17. go camping野营野营18. because of 因为因为 19. rain hard/heavily下大雨下大雨 20. hard/heavy rain大雨大雨21. thunder storm雷雨雷雨 22. sand storm沙尘暴沙尘暴 重重 点点 句句 型型1. Whats the weather like in Beijing? 北京的天气怎北京的天气怎么样?么样? Its sunny/fine. 天气晴朗。天气晴朗。2. It seems that it will rain. 看起来天好像要下雨了。看起来天好像要下雨了。3. Youd better take an umbrella. 你最好带把伞。你最好带把伞。4. I dislike the weather of Guang Dong, its too wet. 我不喜欢广东的天气,因为太潮湿了。我不喜欢广东的天气,因为太潮湿了。5. The sports meeting will be put off because of the terrible weather. 由于糟糕的天气,运动会将会被推迟。由于糟糕的天气,运动会将会被推迟。书面表达书面表达 假设你是电视台的天气预报员周华,请根据下表提示,假设你是电视台的天气预报员周华,请根据下表提示,用英语写一篇天气预报稿。用英语写一篇天气预报稿。作文要求:作文要求:1. 不得在作文中出现学校真实的名称和学生的真实姓不得在作文中出现学校真实的名称和学生的真实姓名。名。 2. 语句连贯,词数语句连贯,词数80个左右。作文的开头已经给出,个左右。作文的开头已经给出,不计入总词数。不计入总词数。 This is Zhou Hua, your weatherman. Its time for the weather report again. _Now lets look at the weather report for tomorrow and the weekend. Friday will be warm and sunny during the day, cool at night. The temperature will be 22 during the day and 16 at night. You wont need a heavy coat, and take a jacket at work. _The weather on Saturday will be nice in the morning and cloudy in the afternoon. It may rain at night. So you will have clear weather to do some gardening on Saturday morning. Sunday will be cold and windy, and maybe it will snow in some mountains. If you are planning to go there, dont forget your boots and heavy coat.
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