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关于职业规划英语作文关于职业规划英语作文关于职业规划英语作文岁月流逝,流出一缕清泉,流出一阵芳香,如何才能提升自己,职业开展顺利呢?请好好规划今后的职业开展道路。我们该怎么去写职业规划呢?下面是精心的关于职业规划英语作文,欢送阅读与收藏。A friend of mine has been taking an online careerplanning course these days. He told me the other day he haslearned a lot from it. He remended me to subscribe to it.What do you say?I think it is good if we know enough about careerplanning. We will make wiser choices. What else did he tellyou about it?Well, just something in general, like several key stepsin planning career and how to set specific and tenablegoals.Sounds practical! To be honest, sometimes I feelpuzzled about my future career. I am not sure if this jobsuits me the best though I work very hard on it and enjoybeing a hard worker. I have always wanted to try somethingelse and learn some new skills.Making a decision to start over is not an easy thing todo. It seems that you need this course more than I do. Ilove my current job. If I take this course, I hope to learnsome tricks to get myself more organized at work. If theycan give suggestions about how to boost work relationships,that will be great. I need these to improve my current workperformance.Ok, then we can sign up for it together.How long have you been in this pany?I came two years ago after I graduated from college.This is my first job.You must have found much difference between working inpany and studying in college.Of course! Everyday, there is a deadline to meet.Bosses watching and testing me all the time, not liking incollege, handed in paper months later and tested onschedule. It is so busy. But anyway, I have trying my bestto be a good employee.Well, youve adapted yourself very well. Everyone inour office thinks youve made a great progress in the pasttwo years. What is your secret?It is so encouraging to hear this remark. The secret isto make plans. Write down your goals, short-term and long-term and make detail plans for a week or a month. Then justwork hard.Want to be a small fish in a big pond or the other wayround? Every graduate faces this question when he startshis career. A large number of college graduates prefer tostay in the big cities. To them, staying in big citiesmeans more opportunities to see the big world and morespace for career development. At the same time, highersalary is another temptation.But some other graduates want to start in small towns.Even though there may not be many big panies, they can havea quieter and less petitive life. Another reason is thatthey can be a big fish in a small pond. They can easily getthe managements attention and may win promotion earlier.As far as I am concerned, I prefer to start in ametropolis like Shanghai. A good begin is half the battle,and in Shanghai I can find a job in a big pany where I canmeet people from different places and cultures. I willlearn from them what I can not get from textbooks.In conclusion, making a career plan depends on onesvalue in life and work. No matter which choice one choose,hopefully everyone will have a bright future.想要在一个大池塘或其他方式是一个小的鱼吗?每个毕业生都面临这个问题,当他开始他的职业生涯。大批大学毕业生更倾向于留在大城市。对他们,在大城市停留意味着更多的时机看到大世界和更多的职业开展空间。在同一时间,较高的工资是另一个诱惑。但一些其他毕业生想在小城镇开始。虽然可能不会有很多大公司,他们可以有一个安静的和不太有竞争力的生活。另一个原因是,他们可以是一个大的鱼在一个小池塘。他们可以很容易的得到管理者的关注,并可能获得晋升早。就我而言,我更喜欢在一个像上海这样的大都市里。良好的开端是成功的一半,在上海我可以在一家大公司找到工作,我可以在不同的地方和不同文化背景的人见面。我会从他们身上学到什么我不能从教科书中得到的东西。总之,制定一个职业方案取决于个人的生活和工作的价值。不管选择哪一个选择,希望每个人都有一个光明的未来。As is known to all, many famous people have high IQsuch as Albert Einstein, a thinking machine, who wasconsidered as the greatest scientist of the 20th century.Does high IQ play an important part in ones career? Theanswer is yes. However, with the development of our society,more and more studies show that EQ counts more than IQ incareer.众所周知,许多著名人士都有着高智商比方说爱因斯坦,一部思考机器,被人们称为 20 世纪最伟大的科学家。高智商在人的生涯中很重要吗,答案是肯定的。但是随着我们社会的开展,越来越多的研究说明,在职业生涯中情商比智商更重要。believe it or not, there are several reasons. In thebeginning, IQ means cleverness and intelligence, and EQstands for an ability of judging, dealing, adapting and soon. Furthermore, IQ represents rational while EQ is in thename of emotional. The latter one helps you get well alongwith other people by a positive way, which is moresignificant to your suess. At last, high IQ just gets moreknowledge and skills, but high EQ gains peoples respect,understanding and support.不管你相信与否,有以下几个理由。首先,智商代表着聪明与智慧,而情商代表着一种判断、处理、适应等等的能力。其次,智商代表着理性而情商代表着感性。而后者能够帮助你与他人更好地相处,这对你的成功非常重要。最后,高智商仅仅给人以更多的知识和技能,但是高的情商得到的却是人们的尊重,理解和支持。In a word, EQ counts more than IQ in career. Pleaseremember to improve your EQ if you are high in IQ.总而言之,在职业生涯中情商比智商更重要。如果你有着高的智商,那么请记住要提高你的情商。Talking about career,Ive been planning since my firstyear in the university.I always knew that I wanted to apply for english-related jobs.My dream career is an english interpreter.AndI want to be an english teacher after I quit theinterpreting job.I dont just want to be confined by onejob.Changing my career once or twice,I can acquiredifferent experience and enrich my life.As part of mycareer planning I made a strict schedule for myself to keepto.In my first year in university,I extended my vocabularyand learned grammar very hard.I knew that I should have athorough grounding in english if I wanted to use itfluently in the future,especially if I wanted to translatefreely.In grade two,I began to apply for some part-timeinterpreting jobs.I knew that I should gain enough workexperience,so as to win in the exceedingly petitive jobmarket.Moreover,I got to know more foreigners,who would helpme a lot with my future job.Now In grade three,I begin tosend my CV to foreign-owned panies for internship.I clearlyknow that it is too late if I send CV to apply for jobswhen graduation is close-at-hand.In grade four,if the panywhere I have the internship is content with me,I would staythere after graduating from the university.If not,I wouldsend CVs to other panies.After earning enough money andacquiring enough experience,I would change my career intoan english teacher.Being a teacher I would have more sparetime to be at my disposal.With my good mastering of englishI think I am qualified for an english teacher.As for theteaching skills,I would certainly attend some goodteachers classes to learn from them.I would also municatewith the students to get to know what they are thinking andwhat they really need.During the years as a teacher,I wouldteach the students my own way of english learning,show theoutside world to them,and introduce new ideas to them,so asto broaden their horizons.谈论的职业生涯中,我一直方案因为我在大学的第一年。我一直都知道我想申请提供英语的工作。我的梦想职业是一位英语翻译。后,我想成为一名英语老师我退出口译工作。我不只是想限于一项工作。改变我的职业生涯一次或两次,我可以获得不同的体验和丰富我的生活。作为我职业规划的一局部使自己保持一个严格的时间表。在我大学的第一年,我扩展我的词汇量和学习语法很难。我知道我应该有一个全面的根底英语如果我想流利地使用它在未来,特别是如果我想自由翻译。二年级的时候,我开始申请做一些兼职口译工作。我知道我应该获得足够的工作经历,以赢得在竞争极其剧烈的就业市场。此外,我认识了更多的外国人,谁能帮助我很多我的未来的工作。在三年级时,我开始我的简历发送给外资企业实习。我清楚地知道,太晚了,如果我发送简历申请工作当毕业即将来临的。在四年级,如果公司在我实习内容与我,我将从大学毕业后留在那里。如果没有,我将简历发送给其他公司。赚足够的钱和获得足够的经历后,我将改变我的事业进入一个英语老师。作为一个老师我将有更多的空闲时间处理。掌握好英语我认为我能胜任一名英语老师。至于教学技能,我肯定会参加一些好教师的课程学习。我也会与学生们交流来了解他们在想什么,他们需要什么。年期间作为一名老师,我会教学生自己的英语学习方法,给外面的世界,并介绍新思想,开阔他们的视野。This is what I want to be.If my English is as good as my Chinese, which I amworking on, I want to be living with English. I will learna trade in English, totally, such as a car technician. Iwill be able to use English to talk about all the 20,000parts of a car, to talk about how to assemble a car withthose 20,000 parts, and to assign jobs to my men when I beea supervisor. When I am in the trade of my choice, I willnot use Chinese at all, because my men will not understandChinese. They will understand English and many otherlanguages but not Chinese. English is our working language,our socialising language.Why do I plan my career as above? Because what I can dowith Chinese I may not be able to do in English. If I wantto do the same thing in both Chinese and English, I have tolearn how to do it in both languages. That is a waste of mytime.When I want to bee a car technician, I only need tolearn the trade in English, thus wasting no time to learnthe same trade again in Chinese, nor wasting timetranslating English into Chinese, which I know already.My career will be a car technician in English. That iswhat I want to be.这就是我想要的。如果我的英语和我的中文一样好,我在工作,我要生活在英语。我将学习英语,贸易完全,比方买一辆汽车技师。我将能够用英语谈论汽车的所有 20000 个零件,谈论如何与 20000 个零件组装一辆车,并将工作分配给我的人当我成为主管。我贸易的选择时,我不会使用中文,因为我的男人不会理解中国。他们会懂英语和许多其他语言而不是中国。英语是我们的工作语言,社交语言。为什么我方案我的事业?因为我能做什么与中国英语我可能无法做。如果我想做同样的事情中英文,我必须学习如何用两种语言。这是一个浪费我的时间。当我想成为一个汽车技师,我只需要学习英语的贸易,因此没有浪费时间学习同样的贸易在中国,也不浪费时间英文翻译成中文,我已经知道。我的职业生涯将在英语汽车技师。这就是我想要的。
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