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Units 1112.高频单词聚焦高频单词聚焦1_ n名声;名誉;名气名声;名誉;名气2_ vt. 疑心;不相信疑心;不相信 n. 嫌疑犯;可疑对象嫌疑犯;可疑对象3_ adj. 不确切;无把握的不确切;无把握的4_ vt. 使兴奋;使冲动使兴奋;使冲动5_ n. 缺点;缺陷缺点;缺陷reputationsuspectuncertainexciteshortcoming6_ vi. 辞职辞职7_ vt. 祝贺,庆贺祝贺,庆贺8_ n. 结合;混合物结合;混合物9_ n. 羞耻;惭愧;遗憾羞耻;惭愧;遗憾的的事事10_ n. 预料,期待;期望预料,期待;期望resigncongratulatecombinationshameexpectation11_ n. 妥协;和解;折衷妥协;和解;折衷12_ n. 规章;条例规章;条例13_ vi.& vt. 扩大;增加;增强扩大;增加;增强14_ n. 职业职业15_vt. 提倡提倡compromiseregulationexpandprofessionadvocate16_ vt. 适合于适合于17_ vt. 分布;分发;分配分布;分发;分配18_ vt. 捐赠;赠送捐赠;赠送19_ n. 方面方面20_ n. 标准;尺度标准;尺度suitdistributedonateaspectcriterion21_ n. 总结;概要总结;概要22_ n. 全体职工全体职工/雇员雇员23_ adj. 临时的临时的24_ adj. 暴力的;强烈的暴力的;强烈的25_ n. 财政财政(学学);金融;金融vt. 为为提供资金提供资金summarystafftemporaryviolentfinance26_ adj. 不在场的;缺席的不在场的;缺席的27_ prep. 在在旁边;旁边;与与一起一起28_ vt. 选择;挑选选择;挑选29_ n. 方案表;日程安排方案表;日程安排表表30_ adj. 义务的;有责任的义务的;有责任的absentalongsideselectschedulecompulsory.重点短语扫描重点短语扫描1_ 继续支持;继续支持;保持联系保持联系2_ 不顾艰难不顾艰难3_ 从从中退中退出出4_ 由于;为由于;为了了的利的利益益5_ 照料;照管照料;照管stick withthrough thick and thinpull out offor the sake ofkeep an eye on6_ 考虑;体谅考虑;体谅7_ 普遍说来;作普遍说来;作为整体为整体8_ 再一次再一次9_ 依照依照行行事;做到;事;做到;不不辜负辜负(期望期望)10_ 作出承诺作出承诺take.into accountas a wholeonce againlive up tomake a commitment11_ 首先;第一;首先;第一;起初起初12_ 重视重视13_ (从活动、竞从活动、竞赛等中赛等中)退退出;辍学出;辍学14_ 吸收吸收15_ 展开;分散开展开;分散开to begin withattach importance todrop out (of)take inspread out.课文原句突破课文原句突破1Do you_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _(你是否能与朋友福祸与共你是否能与朋友福祸与共)?【答案】【答案】stick with your friends through thick and thin2._ _ _ _ _ _(无论你多么无论你多么努力努力),working towards a career for which you are not suitable is not going to get you there.【答案】【答案】No matter how hard you try3In areas where agriculture plays an important role,people_ _ _ _ _ _(不重视教育不重视教育)【答案】【答案】do not attach importance to education4._ _ _ _(远程教育的方法很奏效远程教育的方法很奏效),and now many American children in small countryside schools study subjects using computer software,email and video conferencing.【答案】【答案】Distance learning has helped5Learning through doing _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _(意味着积极意味着积极探索环境探索环境) and finding out about things by moving and touching.【答案】【答案】means being very active in exploring the environmentsuspect sb.of (doing) sth.疑心某人做了某事疑心某人做了某事suspect sb.to be.疑心某人是疑心某人是suspect that.疑心疑心suspect vt.疑心;猜疑疑心;猜疑 He was suspected of the murder by the police.警察认为他涉嫌那起谋杀案。警察认为他涉嫌那起谋杀案。I suspect him to be a thief.我疑心他是个贼。我疑心他是个贼。Betty suspected that Tom is the murderer.贝蒂疑心汤姆是凶手。贝蒂疑心汤姆是凶手。suspect n嫌疑犯;可疑对象嫌疑犯;可疑对象The police arrested the suspect yesterday.警察昨天逮捕了那个嫌疑犯。警察昨天逮捕了那个嫌疑犯。1.We _him _giving false information.That would be terrible.Asuspect;ofBsuspect;withCsuspect;from Dsuspect;in【答案】【答案】A2(2021年广州模拟年广州模拟)Nobody wants to make friends with the boy_money.Asuspected of having stolen Bsuspecting to stealCsuspected having stolen Dsuspecting to have stolen【答案】【答案】Aresign ones position辞去职务辞去职务resign oneself to听任摆布,甘心受听任摆布,甘心受;只;只好好resign officeleave office辞职辞职The old man has resigned his post as chairman.老人已辞去了主席职务。老人已辞去了主席职务。 resign v.辞职;辞去;辞职;辞去;resignation n.放放弃;辞职弃;辞职 be out of office离职,下台离职,下台be in office 在职,当权在职,当权take office就职就职hold an office任职任职The president took office last summer.总统是总统是去年夏天就职的。去年夏天就职的。3.翻译句子翻译句子(1)她辞去了政府职务。她辞去了政府职务。_(2)你只好耐心多等一会儿。你只好耐心多等一会儿。_【答案】【答案】(1)She resigned from the government.(2)You must resign yourself to waiting a bit longer.a sharp decline in profits利润的骤减利润的骤减economic /moral decline经济经济 /道德衰退道德衰退fall /go into decline陷入衰退陷入衰退on the decline走下坡路;在衰退中走下坡路;在衰退中 decline vi.拒绝;变小;变少;变弱;拒绝;变小;变少;变弱;vt.拒绝;使下降;拒绝;使下降;n.下降;衰退;斜坡下降;衰退;斜坡 the decline of life晚年;暮年晚年;暮年decline an offer /proposal谢绝帮助谢绝帮助 /提议提议decline to do sth.拒绝做某事拒绝做某事We asked them to come to our party,but they declined the invitation.我们请他们来参我们请他们来参加我们的聚会,但他们婉拒了。加我们的聚会,但他们婉拒了。I invited her to join us,but she declined with thanks.我邀请她和我们在一起,可是她婉言谢绝了。我邀请她和我们在一起,可是她婉言谢绝了。He declined to discuss his plans.他拒绝讨论他的方案。他拒绝讨论他的方案。decline,refuse与与reject用法比较:用法比较:这几个词都有这几个词都有“拒不接受或拒不接受或“不予考虑不予考虑的意思。的意思。(1)decline指较为有礼貌地拒绝别人的邀请指较为有礼貌地拒绝别人的邀请或谢绝别人的主动帮助或效劳,有时也表示或谢绝别人的主动帮助或效劳,有时也表示在较为正式的场合不接受或不做某事。一般在较为正式的场合不接受或不做某事。一般来说,来说,decline所表示的拒绝需通过言语表达所表示的拒绝需通过言语表达出来。出来。注意:注意:decline后不可直接跟人作宾语,但可后不可直接跟人作宾语,但可跟其他名词或动词不定式。跟其他名词或动词不定式。(2)refuse表示不愿意或不能做某事,但隐表示不愿意或不能做某事,但隐含明确、断然甚至是不礼貌地拒绝。含明确、断然甚至是不礼貌地拒绝。refuse可接名词或代词,主语可以是人或物,拒绝可接名词或代词,主语可以是人或物,拒绝要求、申请、请愿、引诱、忠告、帮助等。要求、申请、请愿、引诱、忠告、帮助等。(3)reject指拒绝或不接受。与指拒绝或不接受。与refuse相比,相比,reject侧重于作出坚决拒绝的客观因素,而侧重于作出坚决拒绝的客观因素,而refuse更侧重于主观因素。更侧重于主观因素。decline an invitation to dinner谢绝宴请谢绝宴请He refused to lend Jack any money.他拒绝借他拒绝借钱给杰克。钱给杰克。The army doctors rejected several recruits as unfit.军医拒收几名新兵,认为身体不合格。军医拒收几名新兵,认为身体不合格。4.用用decline,refuse或或reject正确形式填空正确形式填空(1)He invited me to the party,but I had to_for I had an important thing to do.(2)He was_for the army because of his bad eyesight.(3)He absolutely_their request.(4)The blind man smilingly_to be helped across the road.(5)The committee_the proposal.【答案】【答案】(1)decline(2)rejected(3)refused(4)declined(5)rejecteda smooth road平坦的大道平坦的大道smooth the fields平整土地平整土地Her face is smooth and soft.她的脸平滑而柔她的脸平滑而柔软。软。 smooth adj.平滑的,流畅的,平静平滑的,流畅的,平静的;的;vt.使使变平坦;使平静下来变平坦;使平静下来 Did you have a smooth flight from New York?你从纽约乘飞机来,一路顺利吗?你从纽约乘飞机来,一路顺利吗?The sea was smooth.大海一片平静。大海一片平静。I tried my best to smooth the anger of my father.我尽最大努力才使父亲平息了怒火。我尽最大努力才使父亲平息了怒火。smooth away,smooth down与与smooth over用法比较:用法比较:(1)smooth away“消除,宾语经常是困难、消除,宾语经常是困难、障碍、分歧、忧虑等。障碍、分歧、忧虑等。(2)smooth down“使平静下来,指情绪、使平静下来,指情绪、形势、大海等。形势、大海等。(3)smooth over“使平息下来,使稳定下来,使平息下来,使稳定下来,指争吵、争论、情况等。指争吵、争论、情况等。Any differences between the groups were soon smoothed away.几个组之间的所有分歧很快就消除了。几个组之间的所有分歧很快就消除了。She spoke to both sides in the dispute in an attempt to smooth things over.她和争执双方她和争执双方谈话,试图进行调解。谈话,试图进行调解。5.At first,he doubted my honesty but at last he_.Asmoothes away it Bsmoothes it awayCsmoothed it away Dsmoothed away it【解析】此题意为【解析】此题意为“起初,他疑心我的诚起初,他疑心我的诚意,但最后他消除了这种疑虑。意,但最后他消除了这种疑虑。smooth away中的中的away是副词,代词是副词,代词it必须置于必须置于away之前,且句子应该用一般过去时,故排除之前,且句子应该用一般过去时,故排除A、B、D。【答案】【答案】Cselect sb.to do sth.挑选某人做某事挑选某人做某事select sb.as.选举某人为选举某人为make a selection of.挑选挑选She was selected as the parliamentary candidate for Bath.她被选为巴斯地区的议员候选人。她被选为巴斯地区的议员候选人。 select v.& adj.选择;挑选,选拔选择;挑选,选拔(尤尤指最好的或最适宜的指最好的或最适宜的);精选的;精选的 Six theatre companies have been selected to take part in this years festival.已选定六个剧已选定六个剧团参加今年的戏剧节。团参加今年的戏剧节。The woman selected a vegetable dish from the menu.那位女士从菜单中选了一个素菜。那位女士从菜单中选了一个素菜。The final team selection will be made tomorrow.明天将确定队员的最后人选。明天将确定队员的最后人选。select,choose与与elect用法比较:用法比较:(1)select精选,指在同种的许多东西中,精选,指在同种的许多东西中,仔细审慎地加以仔细审慎地加以“选择,标准较严格,即选择,标准较严格,即在精选之中有所淘汰。在精选之中有所淘汰。(2)choose选择、抉择,用途较广,指一般选择、抉择,用途较广,指一般的的“选择,指抉择时侧重意志和判断。选择,指抉择时侧重意志和判断。(3)elect选举选举(指通过正式手续指通过正式手续),后接人及,后接人及所任的职务。所任的职务。6.用用select,choose或或elect正确形式填空正确形式填空(1)There are plenty of restaurants to_from.(2)She became the first black woman to be_to the Senate.(3)All our hotels have been carefully_for the excellent value they provide.(4)They were_from among many applicants.【答案】【答案】(1)choose(2)elected(3)selected(4)selectedfeel shame at/for.感到羞耻感到羞耻Its a shame to do sth.做某事真可惜做某事真可惜/遗憾遗憾It is a shame that.真遗憾真遗憾What a shame it is!多么遗憾!多么遗憾! shame n.羞耻;惭愧;遗憾的事;可羞耻;惭愧;遗憾的事;可耻的人耻的人 She hung her head with shame.她羞愧地低下了头。她羞愧地低下了头。Its a shame that she wasnt here to see it.她要是在这儿亲眼看看,那该多好。她要是在这儿亲眼看看,那该多好。shameful adj.可耻的;不体面的可耻的;不体面的ashamed adj.感到羞愧的感到羞愧的be ashamed of (doing) sth.为为(做做)某事感到羞某事感到羞愧愧be ashamed for sb.为某人感到羞愧为某人感到羞愧be ashamed to do/have done sth.为做为做/做过某做过某事感到羞愧事感到羞愧I am ashamed to have done you wrong.我为冤枉你了而感到羞愧。我为冤枉你了而感到羞愧。7.The child has a talent for music and should be trained properlyits a_to waste such talent.Ajoy BsurpriseCchallenge Dshame【答案】【答案】Dstaff是集合名词,作主语时,谓语动词可用是集合名词,作主语时,谓语动词可用单数,亦可用复数。单数,亦可用复数。have a staff of有有职员职员be on the staff为职员之一为职员之一All the staff are /is off today.全体人员今天休全体人员今天休假。假。staff n.工作人员;职员工作人员;职员 Our schools teaching staff is /are excellent.我们学校的教师阵容很优秀。我们学校的教师阵容很优秀。He has a staff of 50 in his company.他公司有他公司有50名职员。名职员。Im on the staff of the college.我是那所大学我是那所大学的职员。的职员。crew (船、飞机、火车上的船、飞机、火车上的)全体工作人员全体工作人员committee全体委员全体委员The committee are discussing the proposal.全体委员在讨论这个提议。全体委员在讨论这个提议。8.Ive been told that Mr Smith is_the staff of that famous hospital.Aof BatCin Don【解析】【解析】on the staff表表“职员之一。职员之一。【答案】【答案】Ddonate sth.(to sb./sth.)捐赠,赠送捐赠,赠送(钱、物等钱、物等)donation nC 捐赠物;捐赠物;n.U 捐赠,赠送捐赠,赠送I will donate large sums to relief organizations.我将向救济组织捐赠巨款。我将向救济组织捐赠巨款。donate vt.捐赠,赠送捐赠,赠送 (1)present vt.送给,赠与,常与送给,赠与,常与with搭配。搭配。They presented flowers to the teacher.They presented the teacher with flowers.他们向老师献了花。他们向老师献了花。(2)give away捐赠,分发;泄露;暴露;背捐赠,分发;泄露;暴露;背弃,出卖弃,出卖John gave all his possessions away to the poor.约翰把所有财产都分给了穷人。约翰把所有财产都分给了穷人。 9.If most breadwinners_a days pay to the Hope Project,then it will be hopeful.Agift BpresentCdonate Dgive【解析】【解析】句意为:如果大多数养家人都为句意为:如果大多数养家人都为希望工程捐献他一天所得,那么希望工程大希望工程捐献他一天所得,那么希望工程大有希望。有希望。gift指赋予某人什么才能,通常用指赋予某人什么才能,通常用于被动语态;于被动语态;give为一般用语;为一般用语;present是正是正式颁给某人,通常附有仪式,着重强调赠者式颁给某人,通常附有仪式,着重强调赠者与接受方的关系;与接受方的关系;donate所赠的对象一般是所赠的对象一般是慈善事业或机构。慈善事业或机构。【答案】【答案】Ctake a load off ones mind解除某人的忧虑解除某人的忧虑loads of /a load of大量的大量的load sth.into /onto把把装载到装载到里里 /上上load sth.with sb./sth.用用装载装载load down 给给加以重载加以重载load n.负荷;负载负荷;负载 There is a cargo ship carrying a load of grain near the river.河边有一条满载谷物的货船。河边有一条满载谷物的货船。I have a fairly light teaching load this term.这学期我的教学负担相当轻。这学期我的教学负担相当轻。The machine cant cope with such a heavy work load.这台机器承受不了这么重的工作负荷。这台机器承受不了这么重的工作负荷。They helped me to load my furniture onto the truck.他们帮我把家具装上火车。他们帮我把家具装上火车。Jane felt loaded down with money worries.简被金钱上的烦恼压得一筹莫展。简被金钱上的烦恼压得一筹莫展。load也可用做动词,意为也可用做动词,意为“把把装上装上(车、车、船等船等);使承载;使负荷。;使承载;使负荷。unload 卸下来。卸下来。Have you finished loading?你们装完货没有?你们装完货没有?Load the furniture into the van.把这些家具把这些家具装到货车上。装到货车上。10.完成句子完成句子(1)因为吵闹的音乐声,我们受到了很多的因为吵闹的音乐声,我们受到了很多的埋怨。埋怨。We got_complaints about the loud music.(2)把钢琴装上车时千万要小心。把钢琴装上车时千万要小心。Be careful when you_the piano_the truck.【答案】【答案】(1)a load of/loads of(2)load;into/ontoalongside sb.在某人旁边在某人旁边stand alongside并排站着并排站着alongside of(美美)沿着,和沿着,和并肩并肩 /排排A new car was parked alongside ours.一辆新车停在了我们的车旁边。一辆新车停在了我们的车旁边。alongside prep.& adv.在旁边;紧挨着在旁边;紧挨着 They brought the rescue boats alongside.他们把救援船并排放着。他们把救援船并排放着。They walked alongside of the river.他们沿着他们沿着河边散步。河边散步。The soldiers stood at attention alongside of each other.战士们并排立正站好。战士们并排立正站好。英语中有些词或短语也可以表示英语中有些词或短语也可以表示“在在旁旁边边“紧挨着紧挨着“沿着等。沿着等。by在在旁边,从旁边,从旁边旁边next to紧挨着,仅次于,除紧挨着,仅次于,除之外之外along /down沿着沿着beside在在旁边旁边The desk is next to the wall.桌子紧靠着墙。桌子紧靠着墙。Come over here,Tom,and stand by me.过来汤姆,站在我旁边。过来汤姆,站在我旁边。11.New York is the largest city_London.Aalongside BbesideCby Dnext to【解析】此题题意为【解析】此题题意为“纽约是仅次于伦敦纽约是仅次于伦敦的最大城市。并不是的最大城市。并不是“在伦敦旁,所以在伦敦旁,所以A、B、C不正确。不正确。next to有有“仅次于,除仅次于,除之外之意。之外之意。【答案】【答案】Dfull schedule排得很满的日程表排得很满的日程表tight schedule时间很紧的日程表时间很紧的日程表ahead of schedule先于预定时间,提前先于预定时间,提前behind schedule迟于预定时间,晚点迟于预定时间,晚点schedule n.进度表,日程表进度表,日程表 on schedule按照预定时间,及时,准时按照预定时间,及时,准时a flight schedule班机时刻表班机时刻表Everything is going according to schedule.一切都在按预定方案进行。一切都在按预定方案进行。schedule也可作动词,常用于被动语态,意也可作动词,常用于被动语态,意为为“将某事列入进度表。将某事列入进度表。be scheduled for sth.安排为安排为be scheduled to do sth.安排做安排做The sale is scheduled for tomorrow.大减价定大减价定于明天举行。于明天举行。12.The test is scheduled_May 12th.Ain BforCon Dto【解析】句意为【解析】句意为“考试安排在考试安排在5月月12日进日进行。行。schedule可作及物动词,意为可作及物动词,意为“安排,安排,预定,可用于句型预定,可用于句型be scheduled for或或be scheduled to do sth.。【答案】【答案】Barise from从从中产生中产生arise against 起来对抗起来对抗A new difficulty has arisen.出现了新的困难。出现了新的困难。 arise(arose,arisen) vi.发生;出现;产发生;出现;产生;起来;站起生;起来;站起 These are the problems arising out of the lack of communication.这是因缺乏交流而出现的问题。这是因缺乏交流而出现的问题。The people arose against the ruler.人民起来人民起来对抗统治者。对抗统治者。From a region of seven million people has arisen some of the greatest pop music in the world.在一个仅有七百万人口的地方孕育了在一个仅有七百万人口的地方孕育了一些世界上最流行的音乐。一些世界上最流行的音乐。arise,rise与与raise用法比较:用法比较:(1)arise (arose,arisen) vi.发生;出现;发生;出现;呈现;短语呈现;短语arise out of /from因某事物而产因某事物而产生、造成、引起。生、造成、引起。(2)rise (rose,risen) vi.主要义项有:上升;主要义项有:上升;起立;起床;升起;起义等。使用关键在于起立;起床;升起;起义等。使用关键在于其不及物动词的性质,不能跟宾语,不能用其不及物动词的性质,不能跟宾语,不能用于被动语态。使用时不要受汉语意思的影响。于被动语态。使用时不要受汉语意思的影响。(3)raise (raised,raised) vt.主要义项有:主要义项有:提升;提高;举起;增加;筹措;提出;养提升;提高;举起;增加;筹措;提出;养育;饲养等。育;饲养等。The sun rises in the east and sets in the west.太阳从东方升起,西方落下。太阳从东方升起,西方落下。13.用用arise,rise或或raise正确形式填空正确形式填空(1)Use this money when the need_.(2)Are there any matters_the minutes of the last meeting?(3)He_his voice in order to be heard.(4)Her voice_in anger.(5)He_to welcome me.(6)The wind_I think there is a storm coming.(7)The river_by several meters.(8)The book_many important points for our consideration.(9)I_by my aunt on the farm.(10)He_a lot of money with the help of the painter.【答案】【答案】(1)arises(2)arising from(3)raised(4)rose(5)rose(6)is rising(7)has risen(8)raises(9)was raised(10)has raiseda summary end 概括性的结尾概括性的结尾give a clear summary 作简要总结作简要总结in summary 概括地说概括地说The following is a summary of our conclusions.现将我们的几点结论综述如下。现将我们的几点结论综述如下。Would you give me a summary of your speech?请把你的演说摘要给我,好吗?请把你的演说摘要给我,好吗?summary adj.概括的;概括的;n.摘要摘要 summarize vt.摘要,总结摘要,总结sum n& v合计,总计合计,总计to sum up概括起来说;总结概括起来说;总结a large sum of 一大笔一大笔He paid an enormous sum for the painting by Turner.他花了一大笔钱买特纳的画。他花了一大笔钱买特纳的画。He gave a talk,summarizing recent trends in philosophy.他发表了一个概述当前哲学界动态的讲话。他发表了一个概述当前哲学界动态的讲话。14._,there are three main ways of solving the problem.ASum up BTo summarizeCTo summary DTo sum up【解析】本句意为【解析】本句意为“概括起来说,主要有概括起来说,主要有三种解决这个问题的方法。根据词组搭配,三种解决这个问题的方法。根据词组搭配,可知选可知选D。【答案】【答案】Dpull down 把把往下拉;拆毁往下拉;拆毁pull on 穿上;戴上穿上;戴上pull through (使使)渡过难关;渡过难关;(使使)恢复健康恢复健康pull apart 拆开,拉开拆开,拉开pull in/out (车车)进站,停下进站,停下/驶出,出站驶出,出站pull over 驶向路边;向路边停靠驶向路边;向路边停靠(或让车或让车)pull out of 从从中退出;中退出;(车车)离站,开出离站,开出 As I had doubts about the soundness of the company,I decided to pull out before it was too late.由于我对这公司的信誉抱有疑问,因此我决由于我对这公司的信誉抱有疑问,因此我决定趁早退出。定趁早退出。Its easier to pull down than to build up.破坏破坏容易建设难。容易建设难。His injuries are severe but hes expected to pull through.他的伤势很重,但有望康复。他的伤势很重,但有望康复。pull的反意词为的反意词为push(推推)。push ones way out 挤出来挤出来Please push the door open for me.请把门给请把门给我推开。我推开。15.用适当的介词或副词填空用适当的介词或副词填空(1)Wang Hongguo,head of the rescue team,said he had found her under a mass of concrete,“We had to pull her_very gradually.She looked quite sturdy(健康健康),so she might pull_.(2)I dont know why so many severe events got together and happened in the same year.Maybe its a test of our government and our country.But I believe we can pull_.(3)Many fans cried after Liu Xiang was forced by injury to pull_the 110meter hurdles.【答案】【答案】(1)out;through(2)through(3)out of不定式短语充当插入语的有不定式短语充当插入语的有to start with 首先首先to tell the truth 说实话说实话to be honest 老实说老实说to be frank 坦白说坦白说 to begin with 首先;第一;起初首先;第一;起初(作插入语作插入语) to make things worse 更为糟糕的是更为糟糕的是to be exact 确切地说确切地说We cant possibly goto begin with,its too cold,and besides,we have no money.我们是去不成了我们是去不成了首先,天气太冷;此外,首先,天气太冷;此外,我们没有钱。我们没有钱。To be honest,I can hardly wait.说实话,我说实话,我等不及了。等不及了。begin/start with 以以开始开始in the beginning 一开始;初期一开始;初期at the beginning of 在在之初之初from beginning to end 从头至尾从头至尾Ive read the book from beginning to end,and still cant understand it.我把整本书从头我把整本书从头至尾看了一遍,但还是没看懂。至尾看了一遍,但还是没看懂。16.The hotel was awful;_,our room was far too small.Then we found that the shower didnt work.Ato begin with BbesidesCin reality Das a whole【答案】【答案】Adrop by/in 顺便顺便(偶尔偶尔)访问访问drop off (数量等数量等)减少;减少;(价值等价值等)降低降低drop to 下降到下降到drop across 偶然遇见偶然遇见 drop out of(从活动、竞赛等中从活动、竞赛等中)退退出;辍学出;辍学 She had to drop out of the race because of injury.由于受伤她不得不退出比赛。由于受伤她不得不退出比赛。Ill drop in and leave the new address.我顺便来一趟,把新住址留下。我顺便来一趟,把新住址留下。Traffic in the town has dropped off since the bypass opened.这条旁道通车后,城里来往的车辆就减少了。这条旁道通车后,城里来往的车辆就减少了。drop in at /on.为顺便拜访,而为顺便拜访,而visit或或pay a visit to为专程拜访。为专程拜访。This is the school and teachers that we visited yesterday.这是我们昨天参观的学校和拜访的老师。这是我们昨天参观的学校和拜访的老师。17.Joe Jones,the eldest of the eight children,had to_out of high school at the age of 16 to help his father on the farm.Aleave BdropCfall Dgo【解析】【解析】leave作作“离校,退学或毕业讲离校,退学或毕业讲时,是及物动词,即时,是及物动词,即leave school;drop out of有有“放弃的意思;放弃的意思;fall out为为“争吵,发争吵,发生,产生生,产生的结果;的结果;go out of school虽虽有有“走出学校的意思,但不符合语境,这走出学校的意思,但不符合语境,这里是里是“退学的意思,应选退学的意思,应选B。【答案】【答案】B It is important that all members of the team feel that each of them makes an equal contribution and that they help and support each other.所有团队成员都觉得他们每个人要做出相同所有团队成员都觉得他们每个人要做出相同的奉献、要互相帮助、互相支持,这是很重的奉献、要互相帮助、互相支持,这是很重要的。要的。在在it is important /vital /necessary /essential that.句式中,句式中,that从句中的谓语动词通常用从句中的谓语动词通常用虚拟语气,即:虚拟语气,即:should v.形式,形式,should可可省略。省略。It is essential that the meeting be put off.会议会议有必要延期。有必要延期。It is vital that Mr Jones should receive the letter before this evening.重要的是琼斯先生重要的是琼斯先生在今晚以前要收到这封信。在今晚以前要收到这封信。Is it necessary that you be so strict with your students?你有必要对学生这么严厉吗?你有必要对学生这么严厉吗?在在it is strange /a pity that.句式中,也常用句式中,也常用虚拟语气;虚拟语气;should do或或should have done,前者意为前者意为“竟然要做某事,后者意为竟然要做某事,后者意为“竟竟然做了某事,然做了某事,should不可省略。不可省略。Its strange that such a great man should be so forgetful.真奇怪,这么一个大人物竟然这么好忘事。真奇怪,这么一个大人物竟然这么好忘事。Its a pity that he should have left the famous university.他竟然离开了那所著名大学,真可惜。他竟然离开了那所著名大学,真可惜。18.It is_that she come here twice a week to help do the room.Aright BgoodChelpful Dnecessary【解析】【解析】It is necessary that sb.(should) do sth.表示表示“某人有必要做某事。某人有必要做某事。【答案】【答案】D此处此处one in three students是固定说法,意为是固定说法,意为“三分之一的学生,亦可说三分之一的学生,亦可说one out of three students。此短语在句中作主语时,谓。此短语在句中作主语时,谓语动词通常用单数,因为主语实际上是语动词通常用单数,因为主语实际上是one。 One in three students in the United States lives in the countryside,and providing them with a full curriculum is difficult.在美国,三分之一的学生住在乡下,在美国,三分之一的学生住在乡下,所以给他们提供全部课程是有困难的。所以给他们提供全部课程是有困难的。 One in ten students is able to solve the problem.十分之一的学生能解决这个难题。十分之一的学生能解决这个难题。One in five employees of the company has got a doctors degree.这家公司五分之一的雇员具有博士学位。这家公司五分之一的雇员具有博士学位。请注意序数词的表达方式:请注意序数词的表达方式:onethird三分之一;三分之一;two thirds三分之二;三分之二;one/a half 二分之一;二分之一;three quarters四分之四分之三三One third of us have been abroad.我们当中有三分之一的人出过国。我们当中有三分之一的人出过国。19.One out of three cars produced by the factory_exported to the European market.Ais BareChas Dhave【解析】【解析】句子主语是句子主语是one。【答案】【答案】A These characteristics combine in unique ways in each person,forming personality types,each made up of different inner processes and ways of functioning in the world.这些特点以独特的方式在每个人身这些特点以独特的方式在每个人身上组成各种个性类型,每种个性类型又是由上组成各种个性类型,每种个性类型又是由不同的内部作用和外部机能构成的。不同的内部作用和外部机能构成的。 each made up of different inner processes是是由由“名词过去分词构成的独立结构。名词过去分词构成的独立结构。“名词过去分词等构成的独立结构在句中名词过去分词等构成的独立结构在句中可用做原因、时间、条件和伴随状语。可用做原因、时间、条件和伴随状语。 His legs wounded,the soldier couldnt run fast.腿受伤了,那位战士跑不快。腿受伤了,那位战士跑不快。There being no bus,I had to walk home.没有公交车了,我只好步行回家。没有公交车了,我只好步行回家。独立主格结构前面也可加介词独立主格结构前面也可加介词with,构成,构成with的复合结构。的复合结构。With so much work to do,we cant kill any time by playing cards.由于有这么多工作要做,我们不能用打牌来由于有这么多工作要做,我们不能用打牌来消磨时间。消磨时间。With the sun up,they continued their journey.太阳升起来了,他们继续他们的旅行。太阳升起来了,他们继续他们的旅行。20.(2021年银川模拟年银川模拟)Weather_,well go to the zoo tomorrow morning.Apermits BpermittingCpermitted Dis permitted【答案】【答案】B.单词拼写单词拼写1David gets along quite well with his_(同事同事)【答案】【答案】colleagues2“There is no e_of snow tonight, the weatherman said.【答案】【答案】expectation3There has been a sharp_ (下降下降) in profits this year.【答案】【答案】decline4How many students are a_ from class today?【答案】【答案】absent5The woolen shirt is s_to the touch.【答案】【答案】smooth6The_(趋势趋势) of our own day is towards firm,solid,verifiable knowledge.【答案】【答案】tendency7The bird_(张开张开) its wings and flew off in a free way.【答案】【答案】expanded8I wasnt able to o_that book because I didnt have enough money.【答案】【答案】obtain9Its e_that you are tired.You really need some sleep.【答案】【答案】evident10Can you fit me into your_(时间时间安排安排) for Tuesday afternoon?【答案】【答案】schedule.短语运用短语运用11The project became so expensive that we had to_it.【答案】【答案】pull out offor the sake of;take sth.into account;live up to;pull out of;stick to;drop out of;as a whole;to begin with;rather than;turn out 12She eventually gave up smoking_her health.【答案】【答案】for the sake of13He didnt pass the college entrance examination and failed to_his parentsexpectations.【答案】【答案】live up to14These policies finally_to be of great importance to agriculture.【答案】【答案】turned out15In most of the universities,coursework is_as well as exam results.【答案】【答案】taken into account16Why didnt you ask for help,_try to do it on your own?【答案】【答案】rather than17The festival will be great for our city and for the country_.【答案】【答案】as a whole 18I cant come._I dont feel well.Besides,I dont have much money.【答案】【答案】To begin with19If you _the truth,youll have nothing to fear.【答案】【答案】stick to20Teenagers who_high school have trouble finding jobs.【答案】【答案】drop out of.句型转换句型转换21A.As a matter of fact,almost all work in many fields is done in teams.B_ _,almost all work in many fields is done in teams.【答案】【答案】In reality22A.Your advice is very valuable to me.BYour advice is_ _ _to me.【答案】【答案】of great value23A.To begin with it is important to create a positive attitude.B_ _ _,it is important to create a positive attitude.【答案】【答案】First of all24A.The success of a country in bringing education to all also depends on the economy.B_a country _ _in bringing education to all or not also depends on the economy.【答案】【答案】Whether;will succeed25A.Thirty percent of the students in the United States live in the countryside.B_ _ _students in the United States_in the countryside.【答案】【答案】Three in ten;live
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