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Section Lesson 4课前自主预习课前自主预习ordinarytypeuniquenobleskipswordgenerationimmigrationbe dressed inback and forthfit in withbe famous forfrom one generation to anotheron special occasionsin the 1960sin the air.语篇理解语篇理解Choose the best answer according to the text.1When we speak of a kind of dance telling a story,we refer to .Aballet Bfolk dancesCsocial dances Dballroom dances答案:答案:A2Folk dances are usually danced .Ain singles Bin couplesCin groups Din China答案:答案:C3What happened to social dances in the late eighteenth and nineteenth centuries?AIt was introduced to North America.BIt became more popular.CIt was held in palaces or the homes of noble families.DIt began in the noble families.答案:答案:B4Which types of dancing came into being in the USA?ABallet and folk dances.BThe waltz and the Tango.CTap dancing.DThe ChaCha and rock n roll dances.答案:答案:C5How is the last paragraph developed?ABy space. BBy comparison.CBy analysis. DBy time.答案:答案:D课内研析探究课内研析探究.单句语法填空单句语法填空1 (dress) in an overcoat with green and red,the little girl looks funny.答案:答案:Dressed2They argued back forth for a long time about what they should do next.答案:答案:and3Scientists continue to develop new (type) of crops which produce heavier harvest.答案:答案:types4Amy joined a painting group but didnt seem to fit ,so she left.答案:答案:in5The issues being discussed here are not unique the US.答案:答案:to6Good customs should be handed down from generation generation.答案:答案:to.选词填空选词填空in the air,be famous for,back and forth,be dressed in,from one generation to another1He walked in his room,thinking about the difficult maths problem.答案:答案:back and forth2The girl who red is my second daughter.答案:答案:is dressed in3The antiques have been handed down to them .答案:答案:from one generation to another4Because of too many differences between the two sides,a lot of questions are still left .答案:答案:in the air5Einstein as a scientist his Theory of Relativity.答案:答案:was famous;for完成句子完成句子1据我所知,他这人很容易相处。据我所知,他这人很容易相处。 As far as I know,he is easy .答案:答案: to get along with2当我们到学校时,我们看见门锁着。当我们到学校时,我们看见门锁着。When we got to school,we saw .答案:答案:the door locked 3谈论这种事情是浪费时间。谈论这种事情是浪费时间。Its a waste of time .答案:答案:talking about such a thing 4打算说服他是没用的,他很固执。打算说服他是没用的,他很固执。It is no use ;he is very stubborn.答案:答案:trying to persuade him5你不可能一次把一切都带走。你不可能一次把一切都带走。You cant take .答案:答案:everything away at a time谢谢观看!谢谢观看!
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