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大学英语作文写作模板大学英语作文写作模板许多同学都会问有关作文万能模板的问题,你是否还在为英语作文写作头痛呢?来看看下面给大家提供的大学英语作文的写作模板吧。(1)模版 1Aording to the chart / graph / diagram / table, weclearly learn that . As early as ,. Then,. Last,. Incontrast, by ,.There are many reasons aounting for .Firstly, .Secondly,. Finally,. As a result,.As far as I am concerned,. For one thing,. For another,.In brief, I hold that.(2)模版 2What is shown in the chart / graph / diagram / tableabove indicates that in recent years, more and more peoplepay attention to . The number of those who has increased ,and furthermore,.There are two factors responsible for the changes. Inthe first place,. Moreover,. Yet, it is noticeable that .From the analysis, we can safely draw the conclusionthat. It is possible that in the future, the tendency will.(3)模版 3As is shown in the chart / graph / diagram / tableabove, has charged drastically in the past . While ,nowthe percentage of is . Meanwhile, the number of has soaredup to .There are mainly two possible reasons contributing tothe rapid changes. The first is that . Secondly,.In my point of view, the changes have a great influenceon . At the same time,. To sum up ,.(1)模版 1is currently being a serve problem in China, which happento . So long as , will always unsurprisingly .Why does bee so rampant? First and foremost,.Secondly,. Last but not least, . As a consequence,.(2)模版 2During the last decade, there has been a steady rise inthe number of . In detail,.Three reasons, in my mind, aount for this socialphenomenon. First and foremost,. Moreover,. In addition,.As a result,.Personally, I firmly believe that the problem derivesfrom . Thus, if the government make relevant policies andtake relevant measure to , the problem can be readilysolved in .(3)模版 3Nowadays, is/are doing great harm to .What are the incentives that drive people to ? The mostimportant factors should be . Furthermore,. It directlyleads to the patent and salient harmfulness that .Consequently, it is high time that the whole societyshould contribute to the collective efforts to put an endto .(1) 模版 1Different people have different views on.Some peoplethink that,whereas others aegue that .As far as I am concerned, I agree with the opinionthat .For one thing,I firmly believe that .Foranother,.Just think of,who/which.Taking all these factors into consideration,we maysafely e to the conclusion that.Only ifcan we ,just as thesaying goes,.(2)模版 2In recent years there have been many reports of .Itturns a new chapter of in China,and will have far-reachingeffects in the forthing years.The biggest benefit,in my eyes,is that.Inaddition,.Finally,.Apart from the benefits mentioned above,we should alsoface several unavoidable challenges.In the first place,.Inthe second place,.Whats more,.In summary,we should.(3)模版 3Nowadays more and more are monly and widely used ineveryday life,ranging from to.The popularity of will have a great influence on .Onthe one hand,.On the other hand,.To conclude,are just like a double-edged sword.Withthem we may.However,one point should be kept in mind thatwe should make sensible use,always being a master insteadof slaving of them.(1)模版 1It is quite natural for to ponder over the question ofwhether to .Many will choose not to,generally for three reasons.Onthe one hand,.On the other hand,.Mostimportantly,.Nevertheless, oher people adopt a pletelydifferent view,thinking that.Moreover, they further argue that.From what we have discussed above,we can draw theconclusion that the question quite depends on personalchoice.In my own eyes,.(2)模版 2When taking about whether ,we will be most surprised tofnd that the present situation is utterly plicated,For onething ,.For another,.Three factors,in my point of view,aount for thisphenomenon.First and foremost,.Secondly,.Last but notleast,.As far as I am concerned,I firmly believe that,onlywhen.(3)模版 3A national debate has sprung up on.Many people wele itwith applause and enthusiasm,believing that.However, those who strongly oppose the are not amongthe minority.They hold that.Moreover,.In aword,.From my perspective,should be.On the onehand,personally I would argue that.On the other hand,.Inconclusion,.(1)模版 1With the rapid growth of national economy,more andmore,which causes a serious problem of.Urgent measures are needed to tackle the above-mentioned problem.On the one hand ,so that is at hand.Onthe other hand,.More importantly,.All in all,only whencan we solve the problem of so asto meet everyones need .Ultimately,.(2)模版 2Nowadays, .It has bee such a serious problem that it isarousing the concern of the entire society.To put an end to the serious problem, in my mind, itcalls for the efforts from all sides. First of all,.Moreover,. Last but not least,.In my point of view, only when all of us join in theefforts of at all levels can we expect to have and .(3)模版 3If the Chinese people even want to improve their lifequality, the problem of has to be solved. With more andmore people , this problem is being more and more seriousin terms of scale and scope.First of all,. Whats more,. Only when all the peoplestop pursuing personal interests at the price of can wehope to put an end to this unfavorable situation.The is of great importance to every member of oursociety. As long as the government, society and individualsmake joint efforts, a sound solution is not far away.(1)模版 1Recently it seems that.MANY people,especially,think itwill certainly do good tobecause.Moreover,.Nevertheless,after careful consideration,I have tostate that the above view is more than biased,given thefollowing readons.First of all,.Besides,.Furthermore,.We can see clearly that althoughmay bring favorableresults,there are still problems concerning.It seemsnecessary for to make a careful consideration befero.(2) 模版 2Until recently most people hold hostile attitudestowards.Some people view it aswhile others consider it.Recent research,however,shows thatis of great benefitin many respects.,scientists tell us,.Surprisinglyenougu,also.The most remarkable thing aboutis that.Now we can draw the conclusion that.I strongly advocatethat we should make good use of it to.(3) 模版 3In current society,we e across too many peole who putmuch emphasis on .In many cases,has bee the sole criterionfor judging a persons.I argue that we should not put too much emphasis on.Tobegin with,we should not take it for granted that thosewhowill naturally.Moreover,.Yet,.The above discussion points to a factthat.Consequently,it is of vital importance for us torealize that.
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