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XXXX 英语专四听力英语专四听力 5 5 篇篇引导语:以下是为大家的英语专四听力 5 篇,希望能帮助考生更好地备考英语专四,欢送阅读!Open-source software开源软件Open-source software is puter software that isavailableto the general public in source code form.开源软件是一种公开源代码的计算机软件。If a person has enough knowledge about putersand puterprogramming,如果一个人有足够的计算机或者计算机编程知识,he or she can change the programs source code.他或她就能改变程序的源代码。The source code is like a set of directions thatshowthe program how to operate.源代码就是一组指令显示程序如何操作。People change the codes so that the program willoperate in a way that will meet their needs.人们改变编码,使程序以他们想要的方式来运行。Sometimes changing the code will make the program runfaster.有时候改变程序代码会使程序运行更快,Or it will take problems out of the program.或者解决程序中的问题。These problems can cause a puter program to shut down.这些问题可能引起程序关闭。People who change the source code of a puter programshare these programs with eachother on the Inter.改变计算机程序源代码的人在因特网上与他人共享这些修改正的程序。Programmers enjoy being able to improve puter programson their own.程序员们乐于自己去改善程序,They enjoy being able to ask other people on the Interfor help with their programs.他们在因特网上寻求关于程序的帮助。Working together, people can improve puter programs forthe good of the group.在一起工作,人们可以提高计算机程序的集团利益。Skyscrapers摩天大楼Skyscrapers were invented in the United States.摩天大楼最终诞生于美国。As early as the 1880s, two new technicaldevelopmentsmade these taller buildings possible.早在 19 世纪 80 年代,两项新技术的开展使得这些高楼成为可能。One development was the mechanical elevator.第一项为哪一项机械电梯,It meant that people would not have to climb manystepsto reach the upper floors of tall buildings.这意味着人们不用爬很多级楼梯才能到达高层建筑的较高楼层。The development of steel building technology alsohelped make taller buildings possible.钢铁建筑技术的开展也促使了更高层建筑的诞生。Many experts consider the Home Insurance Building inChicago to be the first skyscraper.许多专家认为芝加哥的家庭保险大楼是第一座摩天大楼。This tower was about 55 meters tall.它高 55 米,Today this would not be considered much of a skyscraper.这个高度在现在并不算是摩天大楼,But at the time, this height was striking.但在当时已经很惊人了。The structure was built using a steel frame.整个建筑使用钢铁框架建造,This frame was load-bearing,meaning that the steelskeleton would support the buildingsweight, not its walls.这个框架是承重的,意味着钢架要支撑这栋楼的重量,而不是墙。Before this technology, a taller building requiredcreating thicker stone walls to support itsweight.在这项技术之前,高楼要求用更厚的石头来建墙。Thick walls are extremely heavy,and allow less room forwindows and light.厚墙非常笨重,留给窗户和光线的空间很少。Corporations公司A corporation is a kind of business organizationwith anunlimited lifetime.股份是一种无时间限制的企业组织形式。Corporations can sell stock as a way to raise money.公司可以通过出售股票来筹集资金。Stock represents shares of ownership in apany.股票是个人持有公司股份多少的凭证。Investors who buy stock can trade their shares orkeepthem as long as the pany is in business.只要公司处于经营之中,投资者可以随意出售或一直持有自己的股份。A pany might use some of its earnings to pay dividendsas a reward to shareholders.公司获利后,会将收益的一局部当作回报分给股东,Or it might reinvest the money into the business.或是将钱再投资到公司的工程。If shares lose value, investors can lose all of themoney they paid for their stock.如果股份失去价值,投资者就会亏掉购置股票的资金,But shareholders are not responsible for the debts ofthe corporation.但他们不承当公司债务。A corporation is a legal entity separate from itsowners.股份是独立于所有者以外的法律实体。A board of directors controls corporate policies.董事会负责制定公司政策,The directors appoint top pany officers,but might ormight not hold shares in thecorporation.他们可以任命公司高级职员,但却不一定持有公司的股份。Corporations can have a few major shareholders.公司可以有几个主要股东,Or ownership can be spread among the general public.也可以将所有权分散给群众。Insurance保险Insurance is a guarantee against financial loss.保险是降低经济损失的一种保障。Insurance policies can be bought for all sorts ofthings.保险无所不保,The most mon kinds of insurance include life,health andproperty.最常见的包括:人寿保险,安康保险及财产保险。For example, an insurance pany will pay torepair orreplace the property if it is damaged or stolen.例如:如果投保人的财产受到损毁或被盗,保险公司会为投资人支付维修或重购的费用。How much a pany will pay in the event of a claimdepends on how much insurance thepolicyholder has bought.The amount may also depend on the conditions that led tothedamage.保险金赔偿的多少不仅与投保人购置保险金的多少有关,而且还与造成投保人损失的实际情况有关。There are two main kinds of insurance panies.保险公司有两大类:Insurance carriers provide insurance to individuals,groups and businesses.原保险公司和再保险公司。原保险公司通常通过保险代理公司或保险经纪人为个人,团体或企业提供保险;Reinsurance panies help reduce the financial risk tocarriers.而再保险公司那么为投保的原保险公司降低经济风险。These are insurance panies for insurance panies.这些都是保险公司。Carriers usually sell their policies through insuranceagencies or brokers.运营人通常通过保险机构或经纪人出售他们的政策。Brokers bring together buyers and sellers.经纪人由买家和卖家聚集。Large businesses often use brokers when choosingproducts to insure their workers, propertyand interestsagainst risk.大型企业在选择产品上通常会让经纪人参与以确保他们的员工、财产和利益无风险。Identity Theft身份窃取Identity theft is considered one of the top crimesinthe United States.身份窃取被认为是美国最严重的罪行之一。Identity thieves steal personal information.盗窃者窃取个人信息,They collect Social Security numbers, bankingrecordsand telephone numbers.搜集社保账号,银行记录以及号码,They use this information to request loans or getcreditcards in the name of the victim.然后利用这些信息以受害者的名义申请贷款或办理信用卡。Victims of identity theft can spend years attempting tore-establish their financial history andgood name.受害者可能要花几年的时间去重新建立起自己的财务纪录和信用;Some have been denied jobs or arrested for crimes inwhich they were not involved.有些受害者还会因此找不到工作或被冤枉被捕。Identity thieves use several methods to get what theyneed.盗窃者常不择手段以获得自己想要的信息。They may trick people into giving personal informationover the telephone.They also may stealdocuments containingsuch information.他们可能通过从受害者那里骗取个人信息或盗取包含这些信息的文件。American lawmakers will consider plans to increasesupervision of panies that collectpersonalinformation.Several plans have been proposed to helpindividuals whose personalinformation was stolen.如今,美国立法者有意加强对收集个人信息的公司的监视管理,现已提出几个方案帮助那些丧失个人信息的人。Another proposal would let Americans halt anyinvestigation into their financial history withouttheirpermission.另一项提议那么要求停顿任何未经允许的个人过去财务状况的调查。
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