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LONGMEN-GROTTOESLONGMEN-GROTTOESLongmen Grottoes was recorded into the list of world cultural and natural heritage in The grottoes, which The grottoes, which overwhelmingly overwhelmingly depict Buddhist depict Buddhist subjects, are densely subjects, are densely dotted along the two dotted along the two mountains: mountains: Xiangshan (to the Xiangshan (to the east) and Longmen east) and Longmen shan (to the west). shan (to the west). The Yi River flows The Yi River flows northward between northward between them. them. Welcome to longmen!It is the full view of Longmen GrottoesNight scene . There are over 2100 niches, more than 100,000 statues, some 40 pagodas and 3600 tablets and steles in the caves of Guyang, Binyang and Fengxian.The biggest cavefengxian caveWhile the cave sculptures of the Tang Dynasty are of a vigorous, elegant and realistic style, the stone statues in Fengxian Cave, carved under the edict of Empress Wuzetian (reigned 690-705), can be considered as the most typical of the period. These are made up of one Lou shekels of the Buddha, and a series of pairs of Bodhisattvas, heavenly kings, protectors and worshippers. Lou shekels of the Buddha height:17.14m head:4m ear:1.9mTravel in the springtime, walk along the roadBinyang cave The Buddha statues in the Binyang Cave, typical Northern Wei carvings, represent a style in transition from the simple and compact depictions in the Yungang Grottoes of Datong, Shanxi Province, to the vigorous and realistic Tang Dynasty sculptures. Large scaleGuyang caveIt is a transmit from official script to the regular scriptLotus cave Our each minute you may see to 1,000 images of Buddha. Some of them are very small ,even 2cm in total height. The Longmen Grottoes look like richly colorful, the comprehensive big museum, for research and so on our country history, religion, culture, art, medicine, has provided the extremely precious material. BYE BYE!
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