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Unit-12-Culture-shockUnit-12-Culture-shock分析分析一、单词拼写一、单词拼写写出下列英语单词或汉语意思。写出下列英语单词或汉语意思。1. _ n.& v.带子带子,乐队乐队 2. _ n.sound made by a dog 3. _ vt. 登记登记,预订预订 4. _ n.摘要摘要adj.简洁的简洁的5. _ n.习惯习惯,风俗风俗, 6. _ v.think about 7. _ n.礼貌礼貌 8. _ adj. 谦虚的;适度的谦虚的;适度的9. _ v.make a proposal10. _ n.the sound of laughing bandbarkbookbriefcustomconsidermannersmodestsuggestlaughter11. _ n.邮筒邮筒,邮箱邮箱12. _ n.地震地震13. _ n.污点污点, 地点地点v.弄脏弄脏14. _ vt.& n.出口出口15. _ n.& vt.包裹包裹,.打包打包16.aspect n. _17.cautious adj. _18.dessert n. _19.canteen n. _20.appetite n. _mailboxearthquakespotexportparcel方面方面小心的小心的甜食甜食食堂食堂嗜好嗜好,胃口胃口 21.circus n. _22.detective _23.mushroom _24.expectation n. _25.erupt v. _26.flashlight n. _27.handkerchief n. _28.indicate vt. _29.literature n. _30.splendid adj. _马戏团马戏团侦探侦探蘑菇蘑菇,暴发户暴发户v.迅速增加迅速增加期待期待,期望期望爆发爆发手电筒手电筒手帕手帕显示显示,指出指出文学文学(作品作品), 文艺文艺壮丽的壮丽的, 极好的极好的二、单词运用二、单词运用从上题中选择一个单词并用其恰当形式填从上题中选择一个单词并用其恰当形式填空。空。1.The musical comedy was very funny and interesting.All the audience were excited, bursting into_.2.Today I am not myself, so I have no_for any food.3.In order to enable our customers to know our latest products quickly, here this sales brochure gives a_ introduction of them.laughterappetitebrief4.Last night a heavy traffic accident happened to his family.Whats worse, he himself was killed on the _.5._that she has made this mistake for the first time, youshould not blame her.spotConsidering三、单词派生三、单词派生写出下列各词的派生词。写出下列各词的派生词。1.fog n.雾雾 v. 被雾笼罩被雾笼罩 _adj. 有雾的有雾的, 朦胧的朦胧的 _adv.有雾地有雾地,模糊地模糊地 _adj. 无雾的无雾的2.arrive vt. 达到,取得达到,取得 _n.到来到来, 到达到达 _n.到达者到达者3.physic n.医学医学, 医术医术, 泻药泻药 vt. 给给服药服药, 治愈治愈 _adj. 身体的身体的, 物理的物理的 _n. 物理学物理学 _n.物理学者物理学者, 唯物论者唯物论者 _n. 内科医师内科医师foggyfoggilyfoglessarrival arriverphysicalphysicsphysicistphysician4.fair adj.美丽的美丽的,公平的公平的, 晴朗的晴朗的, 美人美人, 展览会展览会 _n.公平公平, 正直正直, 美好美好 _adv.公正地公正地, 相当地相当地 _adj.不公平的不公平的5.写出下例由前缀写出下例由前缀multi构成的单词的意思构成的单词的意思(1) multi-cultural _ (2) multi-purpose _ (3) multi-channel _(4) multifunctional _ (5) multinational _adj. 多国的多国的, 跨国公司的跨国公司的, 多民族的多民族的fairnessfairlyunfairadj. 多元文化的多元文化的adj. 多用途的,多功能的多用途的,多功能的adj.多通话线路的多通话线路的, 多波段的多波段的adj. 多功能的多功能的四、词语活用四、词语活用用所给词的适当形式填空。用所给词的适当形式填空。1.When its_the trains are late more often than not.(fog)2.Yesterday the fog was so thick.Luckily, it is _today so that I can fly.(fog)3.Steam has already_my glasses.(fog)4.On his_, we began to perform.(arrive)5.The skirt on the shelf is fresh (new) _. (arrive) foggyfoglessfoggedarrivalarrival6.That a doctor shall be able to_ any disease is a misconception.(physic)7.A_is a scientist who studies_ . (physic)8.The principle of_is of great importance in law.(fair)9.There must be_play whatever the competition is.(fair)fair physicphysicistphysicsfairness五、词组互译五、词组互译将下列词组或短语译成中文或英语。将下列词组或短语译成中文或英语。1.a broad choice of _2.apologize to sb. _3.be attached to _4.exchange sth.for sth. _ 5.give sb a lift _6.loads of.= a load of _7.the majority of _8.in advance _很多的选择很多的选择向某人道歉向某人道歉附属于附属于, 喜爱喜爱用用交换交换让某人搭便车让某人搭便车大量的大量的大多数大多数提前提前, 预先预先9.on the contrary _10.put /bring an end to _ 11.wander through _12.whisper to sb. _13.see.off _14._建议某人做某事建议某人做某事15._避免做某事避免做某事16._全神贯注于全神贯注于, 专心于专心于be absorbed in 相反地相反地结束结束蜿蜒曲折地流经蜿蜒曲折地流经对某人耳语对某人耳语, 密谈密谈为为送行送行advise sb.to do sth.avoid doing sth.17. _(某人某人)对对熟悉熟悉18. _(某事某事)为为熟悉熟悉19. _属于属于20. _喜欢喜欢21. _原谅某人做原谅某人做22. _坚持做坚持做23. _归功于归功于/应感谢应感谢24. _凝视凝视25. _冒险做冒险做be familiar withbe familiar tobelong tobe fond offorgive sb.doinginsist on doing sth.owe sth.to sb.stare atrisk doing sth.六、动词填空六、动词填空用括号中所给动词的适当形式填空。用括号中所给动词的适当形式填空。1.There are people from all over the world (live) _here and as result, there are many international restaurants.2.As soon as we said goodbye, my friend _ (go) back to his room_ (close) the door behind him.3.Last time, when I visited China, we saw the tour guide_(wear) a very pretty fur coat on the day we_ (leave).livingwentclosingwearingleft4.The early settlers were mostly English and Irish, but since1945, the population_ (become) more and more_ (mix) with people from Southern Europe and Asia.5.I was enjoying my dessert and_(talk) to my American friend Janice at the table when I noticed people_(stare) at me.has becomemixedtalkingstaring 七、介词填空七、介词填空用适当的介词填空。用适当的介词填空。1.She said that_some American people, it sounded I _was shouting.2.You are going to have to get used to bacon and eggs_ a few slices of toast _ breakfast_here, Aunt Mei.3.At first, we didnt feel we belong_ here, but now we are attached_the land we live_.4.This is a great place_camping but you have to look out_snakes and spidersAustralia has some_ the most dangerous in the world.5.Contrary_ popular belief, Australia is not a dull place all for people_ wanting culture.at tolikewithforovertoonforforofto八、连词填空八、连词填空用适当的连接词填空。用适当的连接词填空。1.So dont be surprised_ you hear laughter _ you dont think anythings funny.2.But even_ some British people are quite strange, the majority of them are really friendly_ Ive made some good friends.3.Ive always been outgoing_ since an embarrassing experience in a New York restaurant Ive been much more cautious.4.I cant bear the way_the native Australians have been treated.5.Are all Australians_proud of their country_ you are?ifwhenthoughandbutthat/in which/不填不填asas九、精彩段落九、精彩段落按照句子结构的语法性和上下文连按照句子结构的语法性和上下文连贯的要求,在空格处填入一个适当的词,或使用贯的要求,在空格处填入一个适当的词,或使用括号中词语的正确形式填空。括号中词语的正确形式填空。 To avoid getting 1_ (confuse) about the British tipping system, you need to check your bill to see if a tip 2_(include) or not. 3 _ it isnt, I suggest leaving10% of the bill 4_ the waiter or waitress 5_ a bit more if the service is good.Talking of money- its really easy to exchange travellers cheque at banks or hotels so I advise you to get some of those 6_ you come.confusedis included Ifforevenbefore I think we should consider staying in the English countryside for a few nights as I know you enjoy hiking.We can wander 7_the field and even pick a few mushroom to have with 8_ breakfast ! I have learnt which one are tasty and safe to eat so we wont risk getting sick! And dont forget 9_ warm coat! It can get pretty cold and 10_(fog) in this country.foggy throughoura1.absorb vt. 吸收吸收(take or suck in),全神贯注全神贯注搭配:搭配:指出下列各个词组的汉语意思。指出下列各个词组的汉语意思。(1)be absorbed in his business_(2)be absorbed in a book _(3)absorb all the knowledge _吸收一切知识吸收一切知识忙于生意忙于生意专心看书专心看书运用:运用:用用absorb完成下列句子。完成下列句子。(1)吸收墨水的纸称为吸墨纸。吸收墨水的纸称为吸墨纸。Paper_is called blotting paper.(2)他完全专心于他的业务。他完全专心于他的业务。He_his business.(3)那个聪明的男孩把他的老师们所教的知识全部那个聪明的男孩把他的老师们所教的知识全部都吸收了。都吸收了。The clever boy_ that his teachers could give him.that absorbs inkis entirely absorbed inabsorbed all the knowledge2.owe vt. 欠欠 (债债);把;把归功于归功于搭配:搭配:用适当的介词填空或翻译。用适当的介词填空或翻译。(1) owe sb.sth.= owe sth._ sb.欠某人某物欠某人某物(2) owe sth. _sb./ sth.把某事归功于某人把某事归功于某人/物物(3) owe it to sb.that _(4) owing _(= because of) 因为因为toto把把归功于某人归功于某人to运用:运用:完成下列句子。完成下列句子。(1) 他还欠我他还欠我30美元工钱。美元工钱。He still_my work.(2) 我们深受父母师长之恩。我们深受父母师长之恩。We_our mother and teachers. (3) 因为下雨因为下雨, 我们不能来。我们不能来。_, we couldnt come.(4) 多亏了你我才按时赶到学校。多亏了你我才按时赶到学校。I_that I went to school on time.(5) 我的成功应该归功于我的老师。我的成功应该归功于我的老师。I_my teachers.owe my success toowes me $30 forowe a great deal toOwing to the rainowe it to you3.exchange vt.vi.& n.交换交换搭配:搭配:用适当的词填空。用适当的词填空。(1)_exchange for以交换以交换 (2)exchange gifts_Peter和彼特交换礼物和彼特交换礼物(3)exchange US dollars_RMB将美元换成人将美元换成人民币民币(4)exchange _交换意见交换意见(5)exchange_ 交流经验交流经验(6)exchange _互相问候互相问候注意:注意:exchange后接可数名词时,通常用复数。后接可数名词时,通常用复数。 inwithforideas/views/opinionsexperiencegreetings运用:运用:根据中文完成下面的句子。根据中文完成下面的句子。(1) 她教他法语以交换英语。她教他法语以交换英语。She is teaching him French_.(2) 玛丽和安交换了坐位。玛丽和安交换了坐位。_.(3)在会上,我们就此事交换了意见。在会上,我们就此事交换了意见。We_the event at the meeting. exchanged our opinions aboutin exchange for EnglishMary exchanged seats with Anne4.request n. & vt.请求请求搭配:搭配:填入适当的词完成下列短语或句式。填入适当的词完成下列短语或句式。(1) request sth. _sb.向某人请求某物向某人请求某物(2) request sb. _do sth 请求某人做某事请求某人做某事 (3) request that sb._do sth.要求某人做某事要求某人做某事(4) make a request to sb._sth.向某人请求某物向某人请求某物 (5)come_sbs request应某人的请求而来应某人的请求而来of/fromtoshouldforat运用:运用:用适当的词填空或用所给词的适当形式填空。用适当的词填空或用所给词的适当形式填空。(1)Mr.Paine made a request that I_ (help) him.(2)Visitors are requested_(not touch) the exhibits.(3)Theyve made an urgent request_ international aid.(4) They requested that I_ (arrive) at 8 a.m.They requested us_(arrive) at 8 a.m.(5) All I request of you is that you_(be) early. should helpnot to touchforshould arriveto arriveshould be5.conduct n. vt.& vi. 表现,经营,实施,引导表现,经营,实施,引导理解:理解:指出下列各句中指出下列各句中conduct的词性和意思。的词性和意思。(1)Your children conduct themselves well.(2) My aunt conducts her business very successfully. (3) The guide conducted us around the whole city.(4)I cannot allow such conduct.(5)He conducted the members of the audience to their seats.动词,意为动词,意为“引导引导”。动词,意为动词,意为“表现表现(=behave themselves)”。动词,意为动词,意为“经营,管理经营,管理”。动词,意为动词,意为“带领带领”。名词,意为名词,意为“行为行为”。6.injure vt.伤害,使受伤,损害伤害,使受伤,损害理解:理解:理解下列各例句的意思。理解下列各例句的意思。(1)Three people were killed and five injured in the crash.(2)He injured his knee yesterday.(3)I hope I didnt injure her feelings.(4)Dishonesty injures a business.欺骗有害生意。欺骗有害生意。撞车事故中三人死亡撞车事故中三人死亡, 五人受伤。五人受伤。他昨天伤了膝盖。他昨天伤了膝盖。我希望我没有伤害她的感情。我希望我没有伤害她的感情。辨析:辨析:injure, wound, hurt (1) injure常指身体上或精神上的伤害,常指在意常指身体上或精神上的伤害,常指在意外事故中受伤。外事故中受伤。(3) hurt没有没有injure正式,可以指身体上的疼痛,正式,可以指身体上的疼痛,也可指精神上的痛苦或感情上的伤害。也可指精神上的痛苦或感情上的伤害。hurt的伤的伤害可与害可与injure同样严重,也可指较轻的疼痛。同样严重,也可指较轻的疼痛。(2)wound主要指用刀枪等武器打伤、切伤等,多主要指用刀枪等武器打伤、切伤等,多指在战争中或战斗中受伤,有时也用于精神上的指在战争中或战斗中受伤,有时也用于精神上的伤害,但远不及前两者常见。伤害,但远不及前两者常见。运用:运用:用用injure, hurt或或wound的适当形式填空。的适当形式填空。(1) In that war he was seriously_by an enemy bullet.(2) Youll_her feelings if you forget her birthday.(3)No one was seriously_in the traffic accident.(4)The tight shoe_my foot.(5) The_(伤者伤者) were rushed to hospital. wounded injured/hurt injured/hurt hurtinjured/wounded7.export vt.vi.& n. 出口,输出,排出,出口货,输出量出口,输出,排出,出口货,输出量联想:联想:反义词反义词import 进口进口运用:运用:根据中文提示填空。根据中文提示填空。(1) Fruit_(出口出口) from this country.(2) Many new materials_ (输出输出) to foreign countries.(3)我们出口稻米我们出口稻米,但进口小麦。但进口小麦。We_.(4)非洲向欧洲出口牛肉。非洲向欧洲出口牛肉。Africa is_Europe.(5)你们国家有哪些主要的出口物品?你们国家有哪些主要的出口物品?What are the chief_your country? exports ofis exportedare exportedexport rice but import wheatexporting beef to8.forgive (forgave, forgiven) vt. 宽恕宽恕用法:用法:表示表示“原谅某人某事原谅某人某事”可接双宾语,如,可接双宾语,如,forgive his mistakes/ rudeness/ crimes原谅他的错原谅他的错误误/无礼无礼/罪行罪行);若表示;若表示“原谅某人做了某事原谅某人做了某事”接接for doing sth或或for what clause.有时可用作为及物动有时可用作为及物动词。词。运用:运用:根据中文提示翻译或完成英文句子。根据中文提示翻译或完成英文句子。(1)请宽恕我吧。请宽恕我吧。_.(2)我们原谅了他的无礼。我们原谅了他的无礼。_(3)原谅我来得这么晚。原谅我来得这么晚。_(4)他原谅她对他说过的那些话。他原谅她对他说过的那些话。 _what she had said to him.(5)我的意见是最好宽大为怀,不念旧恶。我的意见是最好宽大为怀,不念旧恶。My advice is that_and forget.Please forgive meWe forgave him his rudeness.Forgive me for coming so late.He forgave her forits best to forgive9.afford vt.负担得起负担得起(的费用的费用);抽得出;抽得出(时间时间)用法:用法:多与多与can, could和和be able to连用,后面接连用,后面接名词、代词或不定式。名词、代词或不定式。I cant afford the expense.我负担不了这笔费用。我负担不了这笔费用。The final exams are coming up.We cannot afford to waste even a minute.快要期终考试了,快要期终考试了,我们现在一分钟也不能浪费。我们现在一分钟也不能浪费。运用:运用:翻译下列句子。翻译下列句子。(1)我们终于买得起房子了。我们终于买得起房子了。_(2)你能抽得出时间度假吗?你能抽得出时间度假吗?Are you able to_?afford the time for a holidayAt last we can afford (to buy)a house.10.majority n. 多数,大多数多数,大多数;(选票中)多得的票数(选票中)多得的票数Of the first Spanish to go to California, the majority were religious men who came to teach the Catholic religion to the natives.最初来到加利福尼亚的西班牙人中,最初来到加利福尼亚的西班牙人中,大多数是向原住民传教天主教的教徒。大多数是向原住民传教天主教的教徒。At the meeting, young people were in the majority.在会在会上年轻人占大多数。上年轻人占大多数。The proposal was passed by a majority of 66.提议以超提议以超过过66票通过。票通过。The Republican won the election by a(n) absolute/ overwhelming/ thin majority.共和党以绝对共和党以绝对/压倒压倒/微弱多微弱多数赢得了这次选举。数赢得了这次选举。用法用法: (1)用作用作“多数,大多数多数,大多数”解时,常与解时,常与the和和of连用,连用,即即“the majority of.”,后可用不可数名词,也,后可用不可数名词,也可用可数名词复数可用可数名词复数, 谓语动词由后面的名词决定。谓语动词由后面的名词决定。(2)用用“the majority”作主语时,若强调整体,谓作主语时,若强调整体,谓语动词用单数;强调个体时,谓语动词用复数。语动词用单数;强调个体时,谓语动词用复数。(3) 用作用作“(选票中)多得的票数(选票中)多得的票数”解时,常与解时,常与a和和of连用,即连用,即“a majority of.”,不可说,不可说“majorities of.”或或“the majorities of.”。运用:运用:用用be的正确形式填空。的正确形式填空。(1) The majority_for the budget.(2) The majority of students_hard-working.(3) The majority of the damage_easy to repair.拓展拓展: (1) minority n. 少数;少数派;少数票少数;少数派;少数票/人人(2) minorities n. 少数民族少数民族was/wereareis11.familiar adj.熟悉的,常见到的,常听说的熟悉的,常见到的,常听说的He looks so familiar but I cant remember his name.他他看上去非常面熟,但我想不起他的名字来了。看上去非常面熟,但我想不起他的名字来了。The name seems familiar to me.这个名字我似乎很熟悉。这个名字我似乎很熟悉。She is familiar with modern jazz.她熟悉现代爵士乐。她熟悉现代爵士乐。搭配:搭配:sth.be familiar to sb.某物对某人来说是熟悉的某物对某人来说是熟悉的 sb.be familiar with sth.某人对某物熟悉某人对某物熟悉运用:运用:写出下句的同义句。写出下句的同义句。他的名字我耳熟。他的名字我耳熟。His name is familiar to me.=_I am familiar with his name.12.attach vt.贴上,系上;使依附,使附属贴上,系上;使依附,使附属搭配:搭配:attach A to B把把A附附/贴在贴在B上上 be attached to依恋依恋He attached a label to his baggage.他往行李上贴他往行李上贴了一个标签。了一个标签。This hospital is attached to our medical department.这所医院附属于我们医学系。这所医院附属于我们医学系。派生:派生:attached adj.依恋的依恋的 attachment n.依恋;附件依恋;附件13.contrary adj.相反的,截然不同的相反的,截然不同的(常接常接to) n.相反的事实相反的事实/事情事情/情况情况(前加前加the)搭配:搭配:(1)on the contrary 恰恰相反,与此相反恰恰相反,与此相反(2)to the contrary相反的,相反地,不同地相反的,相反地,不同地(3)(be) contrary to.违反,与违反,与相反相反Contrary to popular belief, many cats dislike milk.与普通的看法相反,许多猫并不喜欢牛奶。与普通的看法相反,许多猫并不喜欢牛奶。My idea is contrary to his.我的想法和他的相反。我的想法和他的相反。 辨析:辨析:on the contrary和和to the contrary(1)on the contrary 常常放在句首,有时也可放在常常放在句首,有时也可放在句中,用作修饰句子的状语,表示对刚说的话进句中,用作修饰句子的状语,表示对刚说的话进行反对。行反对。(2)to the contrary不是修饰整个句子的状语。它可不是修饰整个句子的状语。它可以充当定语、状语或表语。以充当定语、状语或表语。运用:运用:用用to或或on填空。填空。(1)It doesnt seem ugly to me, _ the contrary, I think its rather beautiful.(2)I know nothing _ the contrary.toon14.lively adj.有生气的,活泼的,热闹的有生气的,活泼的,热闹的He is lively as well as healthy.他既健康又活泼。他既健康又活泼。辨析:辨析:lively, alive, living & live(1)alive活着的,在世的活着的,在世的 (只能作表语,补语,后只能作表语,补语,后置定语置定语)(2)living活着的,有生命的活着的,有生命的 (作前置定语和表语作前置定语和表语) (3)live活的活的(只能在动物前面作定语只能在动物前面作定语);现场直播;现场直播( adj. & adv.)(4)the living 活着的人活着的人(与与the dead相对相对)运用:运用:用上述几个词填空。用上述几个词填空。(1)She is a_child and popular with everyone.(2)Mr Wang was still _after the powerful earthquake.(3)More than 10,000 people were buried_ during the earthquake.(4)He is the best_pianist.(5)There is no_fish in this pool.livelyalive/livingalivelivinglive/living1.see.off (去车站、机场等去车站、机场等)给给(某人某人)送行送行;赶走赶走联想联想:_(去车站、机场等去车站、机场等)迎接迎接(某人某人)运用:运用:翻译下列句子。翻译下列句子。(1)我的朋友昨天到机场为我送行。我的朋友昨天到机场为我送行。(2)她的狗把那两个贼赶走了。她的狗把那两个贼赶走了。(3)我们要不要为她开个送别晚宴呢?我们要不要为她开个送别晚宴呢?(4)下周的星期三我要去北京机场接我的儿子。下周的星期三我要去北京机场接我的儿子。I am to meet my son at Beijing Airport next Wednesday.meetMy friend went to the airport to see me off yesterday.Her dog saw off the two thieves.Shall we have a see-off party for her?2.insist on (doing )sth.坚持主张做某事坚持主张做某事I insist on seeing it.我一定要见到它。我一定要见到它。拓展:拓展:(1)insist that 坚持要做某事坚持要做某事(接从句用虚拟语气接从句用虚拟语气)(2)insist that 坚持一种事实坚持一种事实(接从句用真实语气接从句用真实语气)辨析:辨析:(1)persist in坚持行动,常指固执己见或继续坚坚持行动,常指固执己见或继续坚持不改。持不改。(2)stick to坚持,信守,忠于坚持,信守,忠于(原则、决定、计原则、决定、计划、诺言、意见划、诺言、意见),通常接名词或代词。,通常接名词或代词。运用:运用:翻译下列句子或用所给词的适当形式填空。翻译下列句子或用所给词的适当形式填空。(1) He insisted that he was a Party member and _(send) the front.(2) We all insist that we_(not rest) until we finish the work.(3)他坚持要我跟他一起去。他坚持要我跟他一起去。(4)如果你再继续违法的话,你会坐牢的。如果你再继续违法的话,你会坐牢的。If_the law you will go to prison.(5)我已作出了决定,而且我会坚守这一立场。我已作出了决定,而且我会坚守这一立场。I have made my decision and Im going to_.be sent(should)not restHe insisted on / upon my going with himyou persist in breakingstick to it 3.first of all 首先首先First of all, we should make a list of shopping.首首先先, 我应当列出买东西的单子。我应当列出买东西的单子。Happiness lies first of all in health.幸福首先在幸福首先在于健康。于健康。4.get/be used to (doing) sth.习惯于习惯于(做做)某事某事用法:用法:用用get往往含有由不习惯往往含有由不习惯“变得变得”习惯之意,习惯之意,表示已经习惯的状态用表示已经习惯的状态用be。注意。注意to是介词是介词, 其后接其后接名词、代词或动词的名词、代词或动词的-ing形式。形式。 运用运用1:翻译下列句子。翻译下列句子。(1)你很快就会习惯住在这里的。你很快就会习惯住在这里的。 (2)你不久就会习惯这里的气候。你不久就会习惯这里的气候。 (3)生活是不公平的;去适应它吧。生活是不公平的;去适应它吧。 Life is not fair; get used to it.Soon you will get used to living here.Youll soon get used to the climate here.联想:联想: 翻译下列词组。翻译下列词组。(1) sb.used to do sth. _(2) sth.be used to do sth. _(3)get accustomed to (doing) sth. _(4)be accustomed to (doing) sth._运用运用2:翻译下列句子。翻译下列句子。(1)他过去和我们一起住。他过去和我们一起住。(2) 她习惯于饭后散步。她习惯于饭后散步。(3) 木头常常被用来制作桌椅。木头常常被用来制作桌椅。某人过去常做某事某人过去常做某事某物被用来做某事某物被用来做某事变得习惯于变得习惯于习惯于习惯于He used to live with my family.She is used (=accustomed)to taking a walk after dinner.Wood is often used to make desks and chairs.5.would rather宁愿宁愿用法:用法:后面多接动词原形;若接从句,从句谓后面多接动词原形;若接从句,从句谓语动词用过去时表示虚拟语气。语动词用过去时表示虚拟语气。I would rather stay at home.我宁愿待在家里。我宁愿待在家里。I would rather you went to the cinema now.我宁我宁愿让你现在就去看电影。愿让你现在就去看电影。搭配:搭配:would rather do A than do B宁愿做宁愿做A事事而不愿做而不愿做B事事He would rather die than give in.他宁死不屈。他宁死不屈。运用:运用:翻译下列句子。翻译下列句子。(1)我宁愿考不及格,也不愿意考试作弊。我宁愿考不及格,也不愿意考试作弊。I would rather_in the examination.(2)我宁愿饿死也不乞讨。我宁愿饿死也不乞讨。(3)我宁愿你明天来。我宁愿你明天来。fail than cheatI would rather starve than beg.I would rather you came tomorrow6. soon after 在在之后不久,稍后之后不久,稍后( adv.prep & prep)We shall arrive soon after.我们将随后很快就到我们将随后很快就到达。达。The babys mother deserted him soon after giving birth.那个母亲生下他后不久就把他遗弃了。那个母亲生下他后不久就把他遗弃了。The book was published soon after it was written.那本书写完后不久就出版了。那本书写完后不久就出版了。运用:运用:翻译下列句子。翻译下列句子。(1)他毕业后不久便还清了所有的债务。他毕业后不久便还清了所有的债务。_, he paid off all his debt.(2)暴风雨过后不久,太阳出来了。暴风雨过后不久,太阳出来了。The sun came out_. soon after the storm (stopped)Soon after he left school7.keep on doing sth.不断做,反复做不断做,反复做Keep on going.Never give up Never! 坚持不懈,决不放坚持不懈,决不放弃!弃!Dont keep on making such noise.不要老是发出这样的不要老是发出这样的噪音。噪音。辨析:辨析:keep on doing sth.和和keep doing sth.(1)keep doing sth.常常含有不间断的意思。常常含有不间断的意思。(2)keep on doing sth.可能有间断,强调可能有间断,强调“反复反复”和和“决心决心”,而且常常附加感情色彩。,而且常常附加感情色彩。(3)与与sitting, standing, lying, sleeping等静态的动词连用时,等静态的动词连用时,只能用只能用keep doing。运用:运用:用用keep或或keep on的适当形式填空。的适当形式填空。(1)Whatever happens, _ trying.(2)They_ working till late in the night yesterday.(3)He_ phoning me, and I really dont want to talk to him.(4)I_ standing under a burning sun for a long while that day.keptkeep onkept onkeeps on8.belong to 属于属于用法:用法:只用于主动语态,不能用于被动语态;只用于主动语态,不能用于被动语态;只用于一般时态,不用于进行时态。只用于一般时态,不用于进行时态。The bike belongs to Helen.这辆自行车是海伦这辆自行车是海伦的。的。China is a developing country, belonging to the Third World.中国是个发展中国家,属于第三世中国是个发展中国家,属于第三世界。界。注意:注意:千万不要受汉语千万不要受汉语“属于某人的属于某人的”而在而在belong to后误接表示后误接表示“某人的某人的”的物主代词或者名的物主代词或者名词的所有各格;而要接宾格或者直接接名词。词的所有各格;而要接宾格或者直接接名词。运用:运用:翻译下列句子。翻译下列句子。 这辆新车是属于我的。这辆新车是属于我的。The new car belongs to me.1.I dont know what your expectations are of London, but knowing that youve never traveled outside of Asia, I thought Id tell you a bit about what you can expect to find. (M P36) 我不知道你期望的伦敦是怎样的我不知道你期望的伦敦是怎样的, 但听说但听说你从未踏出过亚洲你从未踏出过亚洲, 所以我愿意告诉你一些可能在伦敦遇所以我愿意告诉你一些可能在伦敦遇到的情形。到的情形。结构分析结构分析: 本句是一个由两个主从复合句构成的由本句是一个由两个主从复合句构成的由but 引引导表示转折关系的并列句。在第一个主从复合句中导表示转折关系的并列句。在第一个主从复合句中, 主句主句是是I dont know.,由,由what引导的从句作引导的从句作know的宾语的宾语, 即即宾语从句;第二个主从复合句中宾语从句;第二个主从复合句中, 主句是主句是Id tell you a bit about.,而其中的而其中的about后又有后又有what引导从句作宾语。引导从句作宾语。but后面的后面的knowing是现在分词短语做状语是现在分词短语做状语,中间带一个中间带一个that引引导的宾语从句,导的宾语从句,I thought是插入语。是插入语。句脉把握:句脉把握:I dont know what.but doing., I thought Id.学以致用:学以致用:用以上句型翻译下列句子用以上句型翻译下列句子 我不知道考试结果会怎样我不知道考试结果会怎样,但我知道它非常重要但我知道它非常重要, 所以我想我会尽力做好准备。所以我想我会尽力做好准备。I dont know what the result will be, but knowing its importance, I thought Id try my best to prepare for the test.2. I told her the coat suited her, but she looked very embarrassed, saying that it was a cheap one she had bought a long time ago. (M P40)我对她说我对她说,这件衣服真合身。没想到她看上去很不这件衣服真合身。没想到她看上去很不好意思,解释说这件外衣是很早以前买的,而且好意思,解释说这件外衣是很早以前买的,而且很便宜。很便宜。结构分析结构分析:本句是一个由本句是一个由but 连接的并列句连接的并列句, 现在分词现在分词saying结构作结构作looked的伴随状语。的伴随状语。that it was a cheap one作作saying的宾语从句,的宾语从句,she had bought a long time ago是定语从句,修饰是定语从句,修饰a cheap one。句脉把握:句脉把握:I told her., but she., saying that.学以致用:学以致用:用以上句型翻译下列句子。用以上句型翻译下列句子。我们又饿又失望我们又饿又失望,但他带着我们最需要的所有食物和药但他带着我们最需要的所有食物和药品及时来到了。品及时来到了。We all felt very disappointed and hungry, but he appeared timely,bringing all the food and drugs that we were in great need of.1. There is so much here that is different from home.这儿的很多事情与国内不一样。这儿的很多事情与国内不一样。(B p.36)句型:句型:There is so much here / now that.这里这里/现在现在 有许多有许多提示:提示:that引导定语从句,引导定语从句,that在从句中做主语在从句中做主语,不能省略。不能省略。仿写:仿写:根据汉语意思,完成英文句子。根据汉语意思,完成英文句子。(1) 当你初到英国时当你初到英国时,肯定会感受文化上的冲击肯定会感受文化上的冲击,因为这里因为这里很多事情与国内不一样。很多事情与国内不一样。On arrival in UK for the first time, you will surely be experiencing culture shock because_.(2) 现在与过去很多事情不同啦现在与过去很多事情不同啦, 我们必须与时俱进。我们必须与时俱进。_.(3) 经过这件事后经过这件事后, 他对生活的态度改变了许多。他对生活的态度改变了许多。After the event,_in his attitude toward life_.that is different from the pasthere that is different from your homeThere is so much nowadays that is different from the past.We must advance with the timesthere is so muchthere is so much2. When I first arrived in San Francisco, I had a difficult time understanding certain aspects of the American。刚刚到旧金山时,我一度觉得很难理解美国人的某些处事方到旧金山时,我一度觉得很难理解美国人的某些处事方式。式。(B p.40)句型:句型:when sb.first did.had a difficult time doing sth.当某人第一次做当某人第一次做时,很难做时,很难做提示:提示:固定结构固定结构have a difficult time doing sth.= have trouble /difficulty (in) doing sth.仿写:仿写:根据汉语意思,完成英文句子。根据汉语意思,完成英文句子。(1) 当第一次上课时当第一次上课时, 我又激动又害怕我又激动又害怕, 很难控制自己的情很难控制自己的情绪。绪。 _my students a lesson, _ _my mood, excited and anxious.(2) 熊猫宝宝刚到这个新的住处时,熊猫宝宝刚到这个新的住处时, 有点不适应。有点不适应。_at the new habitation, _the new environment.(3) 刚调到这个岗位时刚调到这个岗位时, 我有点适应不业务。我有点适应不业务。_ this post, my _business.When I first gavedifficult time controllingWhen the little panda first arrivedshe had difficulty adjusting toWhen I was first transferred toI had a difficult time managingI had a3. I had a similar experience the last time I visited China.上次我访问中国时,我的经历与你差不多。上次我访问中国时,我的经历与你差不多。(B p.40)句型:句型:.the last time.提示:提示:the last time名词短语作连词用,引导时间状语名词短语作连词用,引导时间状语从句。从句。仿写:仿写:根据汉语意思,完成英文句子。根据汉语意思,完成英文句子。(1) 我最后一次看到他时,他还相当健康。我最后一次看到他时,他还相当健康。He was quite well_I saw him.(2) 上次我们爬这座山时上次我们爬这座山时, 这里没有一株树木。这里没有一株树木。_, it was totally treeless here.(3) 上次我们见面时上次我们见面时, 他还是一个银行职员。他还是一个银行职员。He was still a bank clerk_.the last time (when)The last time we climbed the mountainthe last time we met4. Thats why surfing is such a popular sport.这就这就是冲浪之所以成为一项如此普及的体育运动的原是冲浪之所以成为一项如此普及的体育运动的原因。因。(B p.42)句型:句型:Thats why.提示:提示:why引导表语从句引导表语从句,引出结果。引出结果。仿写:仿写:根据汉语意思,完成英文句子。根据汉语意思,完成英文句子。(1) 数学考试又不及格,这就是她难过地哭起来的数学考试又不及格,这就是她难过地哭起来的原因。原因。She failed in the math exam again_, with grief.(2) 全球气候变暖越演越厉害全球气候变暖越演越厉害, 这就是为什么科学这就是为什么科学界如此关注工业国家二氧化碳的排放。界如此关注工业国家二氧化碳的排放。Global warming is getting from bad to worse._the discharge of Carbon Dioxide.Thats why scientific societies have been so concerned aboutThats whyshe criedThats why she can attract(3) 英国具有优美的自然环境和优质的教育资源。英国具有优美的自然环境和优质的教育资源。这就是为什么她每年能够吸引成千上万的海外学这就是为什么她每年能够吸引成千上万的海外学生的原因。生的原因。UK owns beautiful nature and qualified education resources._hundreds of thousands of overseas students every year.结束!结束!
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