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UNIT 3 考点提要考点提要 单词回闪单词回闪 words Flashbackaspect adjustmentimpression pressconstant fastenprevious optimisticguide desertopening citizensurrounding instanttolerate materiallack settlement方面方面; 层面层面 n.印象印象; 感想感想 n.经常发生的经常发生的 adj.先前的先前的, 早先的早先的 adj.导游导游; 指导指导 n./v.开口开口, 开端开端 n.环境环境;周围的周围的 n./adj.调整调整, 调节调节 n.按按;压压; 印刷印刷 v.乐观的乐观的 adj.系牢系牢, 扎牢扎牢 vt.沙漠沙漠, 荒原荒原 n.市民市民 n.瞬间瞬间;立即的立即的 n./adj.材料材料;原料原料 n.忍受忍受; 承受承受 vt.缺乏缺乏, 缺少缺少 n./v.定居定居;解决解决 n.单词拼写练习:单词拼写练习:1.Hundreds of years ago cars were not invented and people usually travelled by horse or by simple vehicle such as a c_.2. What he said just now gave me a very deep i_. I will never forgot it.3. He is a naughty boy and he is c_ disturbing his classmates in class.4. Animals in zoos are not living in their natural pleasing s_.5. Im honored to be here to make an o_ speech on this special day.arriagempressiononstantlyurroundingspening6. As he got well-prepared in the examination, he is very o_ about the outcome.7. I am unable to attend your birthday party because of a p_ engagement(约定约定).8. Generally speaking, fees in p_ schools are higher than those in public schools.9. This factory is built to r_ waste plastics to reduce the pollution.10. Steel and stone are building m_ that we can use to build skyscrapers.ptimisticreviousrivateecycleaterials短语回闪短语回闪 UNIT 2 PHRASES FLASHBACKremindof speed up as though/as if shake from side to sidein all directions catch sight of lose sight of be described as sweep up mix withbe back on ones feet assist in/with sth.a lack of slide intoin no time safety belt在各个方向在各个方向看不见看不见清扫清扫, 打扫打扫恢复恢复, 复原复原似乎似乎, 好像好像使使想起想起缺少缺少(n.)很快很快, 马上马上看见看见被描绘成被描绘成与与混合在一起混合在一起帮助帮助, 协助某人协助某人溜进溜进安全带安全带加速加速两边摇晃两边摇晃短语实际应用:短语实际应用:1. I remember the whole thing _(似乎似乎) it happened yesterday.2. Citizens have all _(受益于受益于) the newly-built highway.3. Estuaries _ (提供提供)both recreation and education _ human beings.4. This table is too big and has _ (占据占据) too much room.1.5. What this young man displayed is _ 2. (缺少缺少) courtesy.as thoughbenefited fromprovide withtaken up a lack of6. Water _ usually _(被描述为被描述为) the source of life.7. The strong wind _ the dead leaves _ into the sky.8. The boy ran directly to his mother when he _(看见看见) her.9. There wasnt much traffic in the street, so we arrived there _.(立刻立刻,马上马上)10. We must protect water and use it wisely because our future _(依赖依赖) it.11. You are required to _ Mr. Smith _ preparing a report. (协助协助)swept upcaught sight ofin no timedepends on assist in is described as1. 今天全国各地都有可能下雨。今天全国各地都有可能下雨。2. 我真想知道究竟出了什么事。我真想知道究竟出了什么事。3. 她走出了屋子她走出了屋子, 后面跟着她的小狗。后面跟着她的小狗。4. 由于缺乏技术由于缺乏技术, 他不能做这项工作。他不能做这项工作。It _ rain in all parts of the country today.I _ what really happened._ by her little dog, she walked out of the house.He cant do the work _ skill.Followed for lack ofis likely towonder翻译翻译5. 他的印度之行给他留下了深刻的印象。他的印度之行给他留下了深刻的印象。6. 要求所有的学生都参加这次考试。要求所有的学生都参加这次考试。7. 你认为未来的人要克服什么困难?你认为未来的人要克服什么困难?His trip to India _on him.All students _ to take this examination.What problems do you think people in the future will _?have to overcomemade a deep impressionare required
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