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1 初中英语情态动词详细用法归纳(含练习及答案)情态动词有具体的词义,但也同助动词一样,需要与其他词语一起构成句子的谓语,另外情态动词没有人称和数的变化,情态动词后必须跟动词原形。考点一: can,may,must 等情态动词在陈述句中的用法:1. can 的用法:(1).表示能力、许可、可能性。表示能力时一般译为“ 能、会 ” , 即有种能力,尤其是生来具备的能力 .如: She can swim fast, but I cant . 她能游得很快,但我不能。I can see with my eyes. 我用眼睛看。 could 是 can 的过去式。表示过去的能力。be able to do sth. 常常指经过努力,花费了时间和劳力之后才能做到某事。is/am/are able to do sth was/were able to do sth. (2).表示许可,常在口语中。如:You can use my dictionary. 你可以用我的字典。(3) .表示推测, 可能性, 意为 “ 可能 ” , 常用于否定句和疑问句中,此时 cant 译为 “ 不可能 ” 。 如:Can the news be true? 这个消息会是真的吗?Can it be our teacher?那个人有可能是我们老师吗?No, it can t be our teacher. He is on a visit to the Great Wall.不可能。咱们老师正在游览长城呢。【例题】 I think Miss Gao must be in the library. She said she would go there. No. She _be there, I have just been there.A.can t B.mustn t C.needn t D.wouldn t【解析】根据下文“ 我刚去过那儿 ” 可知,应为 “ 不可能 ” , cant 表示推测 答案 A could 的用法:(1).can的过去式, 意为 “ 能、 会” , 表示过去的能力。 如: He could write poems when he was 10. 他十岁时就会写诗。(2). could 在疑问句中,表示委婉的语气,此时could 没有过去式的意思。如:Could you give me a hand? 你能帮我个忙吗?Could I use your pen? 我能用一下你的钢笔吗? Yes, you can.可以。 (用could 问,不能用could 答。 )2. may 的用法:(1).表示请求、 许可,比 can 正式,如:May I borrow your bike? 我可以借你的自行车吗?You may go home now. 现在你可以回家了。【例题】 _ I borrow your MP3? Sure . Here you are. A. May B.Should C.Must D. Would 【解析】在此处表示请求,意为“ 做 可以吗 ” 。答案: A (2) .表示推测,谈论可能性,意为“ 可能, 或许 ” ,一般用于肯定句中。如:It may rain tomorrow . 明天可能会下雨。She may be at home. 她可能在家呢 . may not 翻译为“可能不”(3) .may 的过去式为might ,表示推测时。可能性低于may。 如:He is away from school. He might be sick. 他离开学校了,可能是他生病了。(4) . 表示希望、祈求、祝愿,常可译为“祝愿”。通常是用may +主+V 例如: May you have a good time. 祝你过得愉快。May you be happy! 祝你幸福!May you succeed!祝你成功!3. must 的用法:(1).must 表示主观看法,意为“ 必须、一定 ” 。 如: You must stay here until I come back. 在我回来之前你必须呆在这儿。Must I finish my homework right now? 我必须现在交作业吗?(must 引导的疑问句) 肯定回答: yes ,you must. 否定回答: No, you needn t/ don t have to (2) 其否定形式mustn t表示 “ 一定不要” “千万别 ” “禁止 , 不许 ”. 如: You mustn t play with fire. 你不许玩火。 You mustnt be late. 你一定不要迟到。(3)must 表示有把握的推测,用于肯定句 ,指百分百肯定。 如: The light is on, so he must be at home now.灯亮着,他现在肯定在家。精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 1 页,共 7 页2 (4)must 和 have to 都有”必须”的含义,但侧重点不同:must 强调说话者主观(自己)的看法。have to 强调客观(外力作用)的需要,也可以翻译为“不得不”。I must go to school and learn some Knowledge. 我必须会学校上课学一些知识。(自己要回)I have to go to school because the holiday is over. 假期结束了我不得不回学校上课了。must 没有人称和数的变化,而have to 有动词单三形式:has to 和 动词过去式:had to 将来时: will have to must not=mustnt 表示禁止. 当 must 提问时,肯定回答用must。否定回答用neednt 和 dont have to 4. need 的用法:(1).need做情态动词 时: 表示“需要、 必须” ,主要用于 否定句 和疑问句 中,其否定形式为neednt,意为 “ 没有必要,不必” 。用 need 提问时,肯定回答为must,否定回答为neednt或 dont have to 。 如: Need I do my homework now? Yes, you must .是的。 No. you needn t /don t have to. 不,你不必。(2).need 还可以作 实义动词 ,此时有人称、数和时态的变化,如果主语是人sb.:sb. need(s) sth. 某人需要某物sb. need to do sth. 某人需要去做某事need的单三 needs. 过去式 needed 。 变否定借助don t/doesn t /didn t 如: I need to pass the exam. 我需要通过这次考试。He needs to learn English .他需要学习英语。如果主语是物sth.: Sth. need doing 某事需要被做= need to be done 这种情况下应注意两点:.主动形式的动名词doing 具有被动的含义;.该动名词可以改为其动词不定式的被动形式而句子的意义不变。例如:. Your car needs washing. = Your car needs to be washed. 你的车需要洗了。5. shall 的用法:shall 表示征求对方意见 (多用于第一、 三人称),如:Shall we go out for a walk? 我们出去散步好吗?在英语中,我们可以用其他多种方式提出我们的建议或征求对方意见。Shall 意为 ” 要不要 .? “ 好吗?”用于第一人称,表将来,而will 可用于任何人称。(1).用“ Lets do.”来提出建议。如:Lets go for a walk after supper. (2).用“What/How about.? ”来提出建议; about 后接名词或动词ing 形式。 如:What about/How about a drink? What about/How about taking Tom with us? (3).用“ Why not.?”来提出建议,表示“何不”not 面后接动词原形。 “Why not.?”实际上是“Why dont you/we.? ”的简略形式。如:Why not meet at the school gate at eight? Why dont we stay here another day? (4).用“ Would you like.? ”来提出建议,意思是“你想要吗?”Would you like 后可接名词或不定式。如: Would you like a cup of tea?Would you like to go and see her? 因此,如果我们说:“去游泳好吗 ?”英语中可有这样几种表达法:Shall we go for a swim?Lets go for a swim,shall we?What about/How about going swimming?Why not go for a swim?Would you like to go for a swim?What do you think of going for a swim?6. should 的用法:(1).should 意为 “ 应该 ” ,可表示劝告、 建议、 义务、 责任等。如:We should protect ourselves. 我们应该我们自己。精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 2 页,共 7 页3 should not=shouldn t +do 动词原形had better 的用法: had better 意为 “ 最好 ” ,没有人称的变化,后接+动词原形,其否定形式为:had better not。如:We had better go home now. 我们最好现在回家。 You had better not go home now.你最好现在不要回家。should 和 had better 可以互换should not=shouldn t 和 had better not 可以互换7. will 的用法:Wil l 表示意愿、意志、打算,可用于多种人称。如:I will help you if I m free this afternoon.今天下午如果我有空,我就会帮你。是一般将来时的“标志词”,will+ do动词原形注意:1、will 在 there be句型中的形式及其句式变换。由于“一般将来时”的结构可以用“will+ 动词原形”来表示,所以there be 句型的一般将来时的形式就是 there will be 。(一定不能说there will have ) 例如: There are many students in our school. There will be many students in our school. There will be a sports meeting next week. 一定不能说:There will have a sports meeting next week. 2、will 与 be going to do sth 区别:. be going to 表示打算,计划,安排要去做的事情或有预兆即将发生某事,will 表示的将来时间则较远一些,如:He is going to Beijing on National Day. He will write a book some day. . be going to 表示根据主观判断将来肯定发生的事情,will 表示客观上将来势必发生的事情。如: I am going to be a teacher. He will pass the exam because of hard work. .在有条件从句的主句中,一般不用be going to, 而多用 will, 如:I will go to school if I feel better. 考点二:含有情态动词的疑问句的回答: 1.对 may 引出的问句,可以有下列回答方式:Yes,you may. Yes, of course.Yes, certainly.Sure .No, you mustn t. No, you can t.2.对 must 引出的疑问句,回答方式为:Yes, must. No, needn t/ don t have to.3.could 在疑问句中, 表示委婉的语气,此时 could 没有过去式的意思。如:Could you do me a favour? 你能帮我个忙吗?Could I use your pen?Yes, you can.可以。 (回答不用could)4. shall 引出的疑问句用于第一人称,表示征求对方意见或客气的请求。其回答方式有以下几种:Yes, please.All right.No, thank you. 5. would you 的回答方式有以下几种:Yes, I will. (No, I won t.)Sure . (I m sorry , I can t.)All right/ OK/ With pleasure.Certainly. (No, thank you .)Yes, please. 【例题】 Would you give me a hand and pass my thanks to Lily? _. A.That s right B.With pleasure C.It doesn t matter D.No trouble【解析】 A. 意为 “ 对了 ” ,B.意为 “ 乐意效劳 ”, C. 意为 “ 没关系 ” D.意为 “ 不费事 ” 。答案: B 6.will you ?提问回答方式,可以使yes,./no 也可以。 Id be glad to. 考点三 :不同情态动词的否定意义也不同:1.(1).can t可译为 “ 不会 ” , 如: I can t play basketball. 我不会打篮球。(2)当句子表推测时,用 cant 表达 ” 不可能 ” , 如:He cant be ill. He is playing chess with Tom. 他不可能病了,他正和Tom 下棋呢。(3)cant 还可用来回答“ May I ? ” 这样的问句。如:May I come in ? 我可以进来吗?No, you mustn t. / can t. 不,你不能。(4)cant 还可用于固定习语中。cant help doing 禁不住,情不自禁cant wait to do sth 迫不及待如: She cant help crying. 她不禁大哭起来。The children cant wait to open the box. 孩子们迫精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 3 页,共 7 页4 不及待地想打开盒子。2. may 的否定式为may not,译成 “ 可能不 ” ,如: He may not be at home. 他也许不在家。3. (1)mustn t 表示不许, 不可。如:He mustn t leave his room. 他不许离开他的房间。You mustn t talk in class. 你们不可以在课上说话。(2) mustn t 也可用于以may 表示要求时的否定回答中。如:May I stand here? 我可以站在这里吗? No, you mustn t (can t). 不,不行。4. needn t 意为 “ 不必 ” 。如: You needn t meet him unless you d like to.你不需要见他,除非你愿意。5. shouldn t 表示不应该。如:You shouldn t feel so unhappy over such little things. 对于这种小事,你不应该感到这么不高兴。考点四 : 情态动词表示推测的用法: 一、 “情态动词 +动词原形”表示对现在的推测。1、must 表示肯定的推测100%的肯定,一般用于肯定句中。如: He must be at home because the light is still on. 2、Should 表示推测的可能性比较大,must 的可能性小一点。如: It is already 10 oclock now they should be there.3、can表示推测时一般用于否定句或疑问句。如: Who is knocking at the door?Can it be the postman? could 表示推测时,语气can比要弱,说话者留有余地Could it be an animal? It could not be, because it is not moving. 4、may 表示推测 ,用于肯定句。 might 也可以表推测只是表示其可能性较小于may。如: The man may be your new teacher. Where is Mr Li? He might be working in his office. 【情态动词易混点归纳】易混点一 : can 和 be able to : 两者表示能力时用法相同,但can 只有原形“ can”和过去式“could”两种形式,在其他时态中要用 be able to 来表示。另外be able to 常常指经过努力,花费了时间和劳力之后才能做到某事。如:Jim can t speak English.吉姆不会说英语。 He could speak English at 5. 他五岁时就会说英语。 We ll be able to see him next week.下星期我们将会见到他。He has been able to drive. 他已经会开车了。 I m sure you ll be able to finish it quickly.我相信你能迅速地完成。We were able to reach the top of the mountain at noon.我们能在中午到达山顶。易混点二 :can 和 may 1. can 和 may 均可用来征求意见或许可,意为“可以”, 一般可互换使用。 如:Can/ May I help you ? 我能帮助你吗?2. can 和 may 表示推测 /可能性时的区别:Can 不肯 , May 不问。妈妈( must)肯定不否问。1)在肯定句中用might,may, must,不用 can 如: She may be in the classroom . 她可能在2) 在否定句中用cant(不可能), 不用may, must。3)在疑问句中表示推测用can,不用might,may,must 教室里。 Where can they be now? 他们现在可能在哪儿?That can t be true. 那不可能是真的。易混点三 : may be 和 maybe 用法区别常用位置may be may 为情态动词,be 为动词原形句中,作谓语maybe 副词,大概、也许,相当于perhaps 句首,作状语精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 4 页,共 7 页5 例如: He may be wrong , but I m not sure. 也许他错了,但我也不确定。易混点四: cant 和 mustn t 1. can t 根据其基本用法可译为:(1)不会。如: I can t speak English . 我不会说英语。(2)不能。如: We cant do it now because its too dark.天太黑了,我们现在干不了。(3)否定句中表示推测。“ 不可能 ” ,如:The man cant be our teacher because he is much younger thanour teacher. 那个人不可能是咱们老师,他年轻得多。2. mustn t 意为 “ 禁止、不许 ” , 用来表达命令,表示强烈的语气。如:You mustn t play football in the street. It s too dangerous.你不可以在街上踢足球,太危险了。易混点五: must 和 have to 1.must 侧重于个人意志和主观上的必要。have to 侧重于客观上的必要,可用于现在时、 过去时和将来时。 如: I know I must study hard. 我知道我必须努力学习。My brother was very ill, so I had to call the doctor in the mid-night. 我弟弟病得厉害,我只得半夜里把医生请来。I haven t got any money with me, so Ill have to borrow some from my friend. 我身上没带钱, 只好向朋友借点了。He said they must work hard.他说他们必须努力工作。2. have to 可以用于多种时态;而must 只用于一般现在或将来。如:The composition is due to hand in this morning, so I had to finish it last night. 作文今天早晨到期,因此我不得不昨天晚上完成。【情态动词例题解析】1、 _ you pass me a pen? I d like to write down the phone number. Sure. Here it is. A. Can B. Need C. Might D. Must 【解析】由题干可知,本句表示请求、许可。答案:A 2、May I go to the cinema, mum? Certainly, but you _ be back by 11 o clock.A. can B. may C. must D. need 【解析】由题意可知,此处并非表推测的用法,而是妈妈对孩子提出的要求,故选 C, 意为 “ 必须” 。答案: C3、You _ get there by bus. A. don t need B. needn t to C. don t need to D. need don t to【解析】由选项A 可知need 为实义动词,故应加上 to 才正确。选项 B neednt为情态动词,应去掉 to,故选C. 4、You _ worry about me. It s nothing serious. A. can t B. mustn t C. needn t D. won t【解析】由题干It s nothing serious 可推断,第一句意为“ 你不必为我担心” , 故选 C。 本题易错选 B, mustn t 意为 “ 禁止 ” ,故不正确。答案:C 5、Excuse me. Is this the right way to the Summer Palace? Sorry, I m not sure . But it _ be.A. might B.mustn t C.can t D.must解析】考查情态动词might 表推测的用法。“I m not sure ” 说明说话者的语气并不肯定,所以要用might。答案: A 6、The man in the office_be Mr. Black, because he went home just now. A.mustn t B.may not C.can t D.needn t【解析】 由下文he went home just now 可知,作者判断办公室里那个人(不可能是Mr. Black 。 mustnt 意为 “ 千万别 ” ,may not 意为 “ 可能不 ” , neednt意为 “ 不必 ” 。 cant 意为不可能,故选 C。7、Can you go surfing with us this afternoon? I d like to , but I _ look after my sister at home , because my mother is ill.A.need B.must C.have to D.should 【解析】由题干 my mother is ill 为客观要求可知,选 C. 8、May I take this book out of the reading room? _. Please read it here. A. Certainly B.No, you needn t C.No, you mustn t D.No, you may not【解析】 May I ?的否定答语为No, you can t/ mustn t.;Must I ? 否定答语为No,you neednt/don t 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 5 页,共 7 页6 have to.;Can I ?的否定答语为No, you can t. 在口语交际中,要体会句子中的情感差别。答案:C【情态动词活学巧练】1. John_ come to see us tonight, but he isnt very sure yet. A. may B. can C. has to D. must 2. They _ do well in the exam. A. can be able to B. be able to C. can able to D. are able to 3. May I take this book out? No, you_. A. cant B. may not C. neednt D. arent 4 .You_ go and see a doctor at once because youre got a fever. A. can B. must C. dare D. would 5. Can you speak Japanese? No, I_. A. mustnt B. cant C. neednt D. may not 6. He_ be in the classroom, I think. No, he _ be in the classroom. I saw him go home a minute ago. A. can; may not B. must; may not C. may; cant D. may; mustnt 7. Shall I get one more cake for you, Dad? Thanks, but you_, Ive had enough. A. may not B. must not C. cant D. neednt 8. Even the top students in our class cant work out this problem, so it _ be very difficult. A. may B. must C. can D. need 9. He isnt at school. I think he _ be ill. A. can B. shall C. must D. has to 10. _ I take this one? A. May B. Will C. Are D. Do 11. The children_ play football on the road. A. cant B. can C. mustnt D. must 12. You _ be late for school again next time. A. mustnt B. neednt C. dont have to D. dont need to 13. Must I do my homework at once? No, you_. A. neednt B. mustnt C. cant D. may not 14. His arm is all right. He_ go and see the doctor. A. has not to B. dont have to C. havent to D. doesnt have to 15Youd better_late next time. A. not to be B. not be C. wont be D. dont be 16. Youd better _ your hair _ once a month. A. had; cut B. had; cutted C. have; cut D. have; cutted 17. You_ ask that man over there. Maybe he knows the way. A. had better not to B. had not better C. had better D. had better not 18.Shall we go and visit the History Museum next Sunday? _ A. Here you are B. Sorry , I cant C. Yes, please D. Let me try 19 Why dont you ask Mike to go with us? Thanks, _. A. I will B. I wont C. lean D. I may 20. _ I take the newspaper away? No, you mustnt. You_read it only here. A. Must; can B. May; can C. Need; must D. Must; must 21 Excuse me. _ you please pass me that cup? A. Do B. Should C. Would D. Must 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 6 页,共 7 页7 22. _ you like to have another try? A. Could B. Will C. Would D. Do 23 Would you like to go boating with us? Yes, _. A. Id like B. I want C. Id like to D. I do 24.You_ worry about your son. He will get well soon. A. neednt B. cant C. mustnt D. have to 25.The poor man needs our help, _ he? A. need B. neednt C. does D. doesnt 26. Must we do our homework first? No, you_. You may have a rest first. A. mustnt B. neednt C. may not D. cant 【参考答案】1-5. A D A B B 2-10. C D B C A 11-15. C A A D B 16-20.C C B A B 21-25.C C C A D 26.B 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 7 页,共 7 页
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