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Unit 2 What time do you go to school ? -Whats the time ? -Its 3:00 oclock. -现在几点钟?现在几点钟? -现在是三点钟。现在是三点钟。Whats the time ?=what time is it ?123691: 00 One oclock3: 00 three oclock5: 00 five oclock6: 00 six oclock9: 00 nine oclockWhats the time ?=what time is it ?123692: 10 two ten3:15 three fifteen4:20 four twenty5:30 five thirty6:40 six forty7:45 seven forty-five8:50 eight fifty9:55 nine fifty-five123692: 10 ten past two3:15 fifteen past three4:20 twenty past four5:30 half past five123696:40 twenty to seven7:45 fifteen to eight8:50 ten to nine9:56 four to tenExpress ways of time:vv1 1、钟点数、钟点数、钟点数、钟点数+ +分钟数分钟数分钟数分钟数2: 103:155:307:45two tenthree fifteenhalf past fiveseven forty-five 2: 00two oclockvv2 2、分钟数、分钟数、分钟数、分钟数+past+past+钟点数钟点数钟点数钟点数2: 10Express ways of time:3:154:205:30ten past twofifteen past threetwenty past fourhalf past fivevv3 3、差分钟数、差分钟数、差分钟数、差分钟数+to +to +下一钟点数下一钟点数下一钟点数下一钟点数Express ways of time:6:407:458:509:56twenty to sevenfifteen to eightten to ninefour to ten-What time do you go to school? -I go to school at 7:00.-What time do you get up? -I get up at 6:00.-What time do you have breakfast? -I have breakfast at 6:30.-What time do you take a shower? -I take a shower at 5:00 p.m.-What time do you run? -I run at 6:00 p.m.-What time do you go to bed? -I go to bed at 9:30 p.m.vvWhen and what timeWhen and what time When When 和和和和 what time what time 都是对时间提问的疑问都是对时间提问的疑问都是对时间提问的疑问都是对时间提问的疑问代词,用代词,用代词,用代词,用what time what time 提问的句子一般可以用提问的句子一般可以用提问的句子一般可以用提问的句子一般可以用whenwhen代替,反之则不一定。代替,反之则不一定。代替,反之则不一定。代替,反之则不一定。 When When ,何时,表示对大时间的提问,何时,表示对大时间的提问,何时,表示对大时间的提问,何时,表示对大时间的提问。e.g. When do you come here?e.g. When do you come here? What time What time 表示对具体的点钟提问表示对具体的点钟提问表示对具体的点钟提问表示对具体的点钟提问, ,回答相对回答相对回答相对回答相对具体。具体。具体。具体。e.g. What time do you get up?e.g. What time do you get up?v5:30v13:21v19:00v9:55v14:07vfive thirty amvone twenty-one pmvseven pmvseven past two pmvfive to ten pmInterviewer: Scott has _(一个)一个)interesting job. He _(工作)工作)at a _ _(广播电台)。广播电台)。 Scott,what time is your radio show?Scott: From twelve oclock at night to six oclock _(在早上)在早上)Interviewer: What time do you usually _(起起床)?床)?Scott: _(在)在)eight thirty _(在晚上)。在晚上)。Then I eat breakfast at nine.Interviewer: Thats a funny time for breakfast!Scott: yeah ._(那之后),那之后),I usually exercise at _(大约)大约)ten twenty.Interviewer: when do you _(去上班)去上班)?Scott: At eleven oclock ,so Im never _ _ work.根据中文提示完成句子:根据中文提示完成句子:1.你通常什么时候洗澡?你通常什么时候洗澡? _ _ do you usually _ a shower?2.他通常什么时候去上学?他通常什么时候去上学? _ _ he usually _ _ _?3.她每天下午她每天下午5点回家。点回家。 She _ _ _ 5:00 _ the afternoon.4.我父母通常早上我父母通常早上8点钟去工作。点钟去工作。 My parents usually _ _ work _ 8 _ the morning.5.我的小黑狗每天晚上我的小黑狗每天晚上9点睡觉。点睡觉。 My little black dog _ _ _ at 9 every night.What timetakeWhen doesgo to schoolgoes home at ingo toatingoes to bed6.谢谢你的来信。谢谢你的来信。 Thanks _ _ letter.7.我每天在我每天在7:15吃早餐。吃早餐。 I eat breakfast at _ _ past seven.8.在大约在大约8点钟我的小弟弟起床。点钟我的小弟弟起床。 At _ 8 _ my little brother _ up.9.下学后,我做作业。下学后,我做作业。 _ school, I _ _.10.在晚餐之前,我看电视。在晚餐之前,我看电视。 _ dinner, I _ TV.for youra quarteraroundoclockgetsAfter do homeworkBefore watch判断句子正误并改错判断句子正误并改错:1.What time when do you usually get home?( )2.When does your father goes to work?( )3.My mother usually make breakfast for us. ( )4.I usually do homework about 8:oo in the evening.( )5.When do Rick usually get up?( )6.School starts at nine oclock.( )7.Do you want know about my morning?( )8.People usually watch TV in evening.( )makesatdoestothe翻译下列句子:翻译下列句子:1.你通常什么时候睡觉?你通常什么时候睡觉?2.他通常在学校吃午餐。他通常在学校吃午餐。3.放学后我通常打篮球。放学后我通常打篮球。4.我的小弟弟通常在我的小弟弟通常在8点起床。点起床。5.通常我们下午上两节课。通常我们下午上两节课。When do you usually go to bed?He usually has lunch at school.I usually play basketball after school.My little brother usually gets up at 8 oclock.We usually have two classes in the afternoon.Hi ! I m Tony . I dont like _(get up)early. In the morning, I get up at eight. Then I go to school at _(八点半)。八点半)。I dont have_(许多)许多)time for breakfast, so I usually eat very quickly._(做为午餐)做为午餐), I usually eat_(汉堡汉堡包)。包)。_(放学后),放学后),I sometimes play basketball for_(半个小时)。半个小时)。When I _(到达家),到达家),I always do my homework_(首首先)。先)。In the evening,I _watch TV_play computer games. At ten thirty,I brush my _(牙)牙)and then I _(睡觉)睡觉)Mary is my sister. She usually_(起床)起床)at six thirty. Then she always _(洗洗淋浴)淋浴)and _(eat) a good breakfast .After that,she _(去学校)去学校)at_( 八点半)八点半). At twelve, she eats_(许许多)多)fruit and _(蔬菜)蔬菜)for lunch。After lunch, she sometimes plays volleyball. She always eats_(冰激冰激凌)凌)after dinner. She knows its not good_her,but it tastes_(好)。好)。 In the evening ,she does_homework and usuallyswims or _(散步)。散步)。At nine thirty ,she goes to bed.
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