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.单词识记单词识记1_adv.towards a higher place or position2_vto officially agree to a plan,request,etc3_na person or company that pays for a radio or television programme,or for a concert or sporting event,usually in return for advertising4_nthe money that you spend on somethingPeriod Three Cultural Corner5_adj.slightly wet,often in a way that is unpleasant 6_vto make something look more attractive by putting things on it7_nthe freedom to organize your own life, make your own decisions,etc.without needing help from other people8_adv.in a typical manner9_vto show the image of somebody/something on the surface of something10_na doctor who is trained to perform medical operation in a hospital.答案答案1.upwards2.approve3.sponsor4.expense5damp6.decorate7.independence8.typically9reflect10.surgeon.短语天地短语天地1_诗歌爱好者诗歌爱好者2_一个诗歌的黄金年代一个诗歌的黄金年代3_远古神话远古神话4_异口同声的异口同声的5_用用抨击某人;用抨击某人;用使某人震惊使某人震惊6be/ become addicted to _7approve of sth_8learn.by heart_答案答案1.the poetry lover2.a golden age of poetry3.the myths of past ages4.a chorus of5.shock sb with sth6沉迷于,对沉迷于,对上瘾上瘾7.赞成某事,支持某事赞成某事,支持某事8.努力努力学学It was a time of revolution and new ideas in Europe.信息提取信息提取a time of. 的时代的时代 例句仿写例句仿写依我看,我们生在一个十分艰难的时代。依我看,我们生在一个十分艰难的时代。I think that we are born into _1.句型搜索句型搜索The English Romantic poets,as they are now known,were very interested in what was happening in the rest of the continent.信息提取信息提取what was happening in the rest of the continent是宾语从句作介词的宾语。是宾语从句作介词的宾语。例句仿写例句仿写这本新书是关于载人航天飞船是如何升入太这本新书是关于载人航天飞船是如何升入太空的。空的。The new book is about _.答案答案1.a time of great difficulty2.how the manned spaceship was sent up into space2One of the critics is coming over this morning for a preview.一位评论家今天早上要来看预展。一位评论家今天早上要来看预展。First of all,lets preview the text in class for some minutes.首先,我们就这篇课文课堂预习一会儿。首先,我们就这篇课文课堂预习一会儿。1preview nCv.预观,预看预观,预看前缀前缀pre表示表示“在在之前之前”,premature adj.不成熟的不成熟的preschool adj.学龄前的学龄前的view v观看,查看观看,查看review v复习,回顾;复习,回顾;(再再)检查;审查检查;审查(re表示表示“又,再,又,再,重重”)【完成句子完成句子】课前预习功课是每位高中学生必须做的。课前预习功课是每位高中学生必须做的。Its required for every high school student to _the lessons before class.不要静止孤立地看待事物。不要静止孤立地看待事物。Dont_things statically and isolatedly.答案答案previewviewLocal people lined up to donate blood for the brave girl.当地群众排队给这位勇敢的姑娘献血。当地群众排队给这位勇敢的姑娘献血。More than 100 men hurried to the scene to donate their blood.有有100多人赶到现场献血。多人赶到现场献血。donate sth to sb/sth把某物捐给某人或某物把某物捐给某人或某物donation nC/U捐赠捐赠(物物)donor nC捐赠者捐赠者2donate v捐赠,提供捐赠,提供【完成句子完成句子】给教堂捐些钱您看怎么样?给教堂捐些钱您看怎么样?What would you say to_some money_the church?她以个人名义向基金会捐款。她以个人名义向基金会捐款。She made a personal_ to the fund.答案答案donate;todonationBright posters decorate the streets.鲜艳的广告招贴画点缀着街道。鲜艳的广告招贴画点缀着街道。After the house is built,how much will it cost to decorate?房子造好后装修要花多少钱呢?房子造好后装修要花多少钱呢?decorate.with.用用装饰装饰decoration nU装饰,装潢;装饰,装潢;C,常用复数,常用复数装饰品装饰品decorator nC装饰者,装潢师装饰者,装潢师 3decorate v装点;美化;装修装点;美化;装修【完成句子完成句子】人们总是在圣诞节时用冬青来装饰房屋。人们总是在圣诞节时用冬青来装饰房屋。People often_their houses_holly at Christmas.她采了一大捧花来装饰桌子。她采了一大捧花来装饰桌子。She picked a large bunch of flowers for table_答案答案decorate;withdecorationwhichever pron./adj.无论哪一个无论哪一个/类类 Ill take whichever picture you dont want.我随便拿一幅你不要的画好了。我随便拿一幅你不要的画好了。Ill give it to whichever of you wants it.你们之中随便,谁要我就给谁。你们之中随便,谁要我就给谁。whichever作连接代词,意为作连接代词,意为“无论哪个;无论哪无论哪个;无论哪些些”,引导宾语从句、主语从句,引导宾语从句、主语从句作连接形容词,意为作连接形容词,意为“无论哪个;无论无论哪个;无论哪些哪些”,注意,此用法的,注意,此用法的whichever必须必须同被修饰的词一起放在从句前引导从句同被修饰的词一起放在从句前引导从句4【单项填空单项填空】_team wins on Saturday will go through to the national championships.ANo matter what BNo matter which CWhatever DWhichever 答案答案D“The Declaration of Independence” was made in America in 1776.独立宣言独立宣言于于1776年在美国宣布。年在美国宣布。African people are fighting for the freedom and independence of their countries.非洲人民为争取自由和国家的独立而战斗。非洲人民为争取自由和国家的独立而战斗。depend on依靠,依赖依靠,依赖independence fromindependent of独立于独立于,自立于,自立于It all depends.看情况而定。看情况而定。I used to be dependent on my parents.Now Im independent of them.我从前依赖父母,现在独立了。我从前依赖父母,现在独立了。5independence nU 独立独立【单项填空单项填空】_matters to do the job well what you are or where you come from? Neither.It depends on whether you put your heart into it.AWhich is it that BWhat it is thatCWhich it is that DWhat is it which答案答案AThere was a chorus of birds.鸟儿在齐声合唱。鸟儿在齐声合唱。The actors speech was greeted by a chorus of laughter.演员的讲话引起了哄堂大笑。演员的讲话引起了哄堂大笑。in chorus 一齐,一致一齐,一致chorus nC合唱;合唱曲;齐声合唱;合唱曲;齐声1a chorus of 异口同声的异口同声的【完成句子完成句子】听众发出一阵嘘声。听众发出一阵嘘声。_ boos rang out from the audience.教师提问时,孩子们迅速齐声回答。教师提问时,孩子们迅速齐声回答。When the teacher asked questions,the children answered up _答案答案A chorus ofin chorusThe store stays open to midnight to cater for latenight shoppers.为照顾夜晚购物的顾客,该店一直开到午夜。为照顾夜晚购物的顾客,该店一直开到午夜。TV must cater for many different tastes.电视节目必须迎合各种人的爱好。电视节目必须迎合各种人的爱好。2cater for 满足满足的要求的要求【完成句子完成句子】满足一个人的所有愿望是很困难的。满足一个人的所有愿望是很困难的。It is difficult to _ones every wish.课程分全日制和兼读制,以照顾不同背景学员的需要。课程分全日制和兼读制,以照顾不同背景学员的需要。The programme is offered for either fulltime or parttime study _students of different backgrounds.答案答案cater forto cater forThey also update the poems every few months.每几个月他每几个月他们就更新一次诗歌。们就更新一次诗歌。本句中本句中every few months是是 “每每(隔隔)几个月几个月”的意思。的意思。every的用法:的用法:every other 单数名词单数名词 表示表示 “每隔一每隔一”every few 复数名词复数名词 表示表示 “每隔几每隔几”every基数词复数名词基数词复数名词 或或 every序数词单数名词序数词单数名词 表示表示 “每每(隔隔) ”。1【辨析辨析】each/every的用法区别的用法区别(1)each强调个别,而强调个别,而every则用来概括全体,与则用来概括全体,与all相当。相当。所以,与所以,与almost,nearly,without exception等连用时,可等连用时,可用用every,不能用,不能用each。ach student in this class gave a different answer.这个班的学生所给答案一个人一个样。这个班的学生所给答案一个人一个样。Every student / All students in this class passed the exam.这个班的所有同学都考试及格了。这个班的所有同学都考试及格了。(2)each指两者或者两者以上的指两者或者两者以上的“每一每一”,而,而every则指三者则指三者或三者以上的或三者以上的“每一每一”。即。即each可指两者,而可指两者,而every则不能。则不能。There are lots of trees on each (either) side of the river.河河的两岸有许多树。的两岸有许多树。(3)each还可用作代词和副词,而还可用作代词和副词,而every只能用作形容词,只能用作形容词,作定语。作定语。【单项填空单项填空】These plants are watered_Aeach other day Bevery other dayCeach of two days Devery of two days_of the boys has got a pencil and some paper.A.All BEvery CEveryone DEach答案答案BDAs he grew older he became less interested in political ideas.随着年纪增长,他对政治观点的兴趣减弱。随着年纪增长,他对政治观点的兴趣减弱。本句中本句中as作连词,表示两个同步发展的动作或行为,译为作连词,表示两个同步发展的动作或行为,译为“随着随着”As time went on/ by,she became more and more worried.随着时间的推移,她变得越来越焦急。随着时间的推移,她变得越来越焦急。2【单项填空单项填空】_ private cars are bringing us convenience,they may also cause more traffic accidents and pollution.AWhile BAsCIf DSince_ it is true that a students most important goal is to do well in his or her studies,it doesnt need to be the only goal.AWhen BAsCWhile DBefore答案答案AC
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