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Unit 3 A day outReading (Reading () )八年级八年级 英语英语 上上 Homework correctingLets correct our homework first.Talk about the place of interest you want to visit best. When WhyHowWhat WhereA: Where are you going at holiday?B: I am going to Beijing inA: How are you going there?B: I am going there by plane. ModelA: What are you going to visit there?B: I am going to visit the Great Wall.A: Why do you want to go there?B: Because I want to visit our capital. Self-learning 1Self-learning 1自学一o 1. 阅读“自学提示”o (1)自学内容: P32 文章 o (2)自学方法:认真仔细阅读文章 完成短文填空。 I was very happy that day because my teacher Mr Wu _ my cousin Linda to _ in our school trip. At first we felt _ because there was heavy _ on the way. Finally we_ at the World Park. When we saw the Eiffel Tower, we became_. In the World Park, there were models of over a hundred places of _ from all over the world. We also saw the song and dance_. We really enjoyed _ on that _day. After our trip, Daniel _ a home page on the Internet. He put his photos on it.joininvitedboringtrafficarrivedexcitedinterestshowsourselvesamazingputFill in blanks Self-learning 2 Self-learning 2 o 自学二 o自学内容:1、精读P32 课文,找出语言点 及重要句型,小组讨论意思及用法, 然后全班核对。 2、完成练习。 Phrases1. 邀请某人做某事邀请某人做某事2. 学校旅行学校旅行3.过得很高兴过得很高兴4.车辆很多车辆很多5.到达到达6. 迫不及待做某事迫不及待做某事7. 下下(车车) invite sb to do sth a school trip enjoy oneself a lot of traffic arrive at/in.cant wait to do get off8.整个世界整个世界9.在我们面前在我们面前10.名胜古迹名胜古迹11.由由制作的制作的12. 和和一样伟大一样伟大13. 主要风景主要风景14. 在他的和主页上在他的和主页上 Phrases the whole world in front of us places of interest be made of as great as.The main sights on his home page invite sb to do sth join their school trip to the World Park a fine warm day in a clear blue sky be far away (from) a lot of/ much traffic on the way a little boring arrive at the park cant wait to do sth get off/ on the bus get into/ out of the car models of (more than 100 ) places of interest from all over the world become /be excited be made of steel as great as the one back home cant believe ones eyes/ears the main sights of the world 世界主要风景世界主要风景 in a/one day the song and dance shows 歌舞表演歌舞表演 learn a lot about different cultures on the Internet put them on his home page Go and see for yourselves 你亲自去看你亲自去看 1. Im doing fine here. 我在这里挺好的。我在这里挺好的。 Things are going fine. 事事顺利事事顺利 Everything goes well. 一切都好。一切都好。 2. There was a lot of traffic on the way and the journey was a little boring.3. It took us about two hours to get there by bus.4.Soon the whole world was there in front of us!5.They are small but wonderful.6. The model Golden Gate Bridge looked as great as the one back home.It was amazing to see the sights of the world in a day.It was also great to learn a lot about different cultures.It is + 形容词形容词+to do sth. It is important _(learn) English well. It is necessary _(change) the water once a day. 保持教室干净很必要。保持教室干净很必要。互相帮助很重要。互相帮助很重要。对我们来说学好一门外语很重要。对我们来说学好一门外语很重要。It is necessary to keep the classroom clean.It is important to help each other.It is important for us to learn a foreign language.to learnto change2. invite sb to do sth 他邀请我到他家吃饭。他邀请我到他家吃饭。 他邀请我今晚去喝咖啡。他邀请我今晚去喝咖啡。 他邀请我们参加他的生日晚会。他邀请我们参加他的生日晚会。 He invited me to his home to have dinner.He invited me to have coffee tonight.He invited us to his birthday party.3. Please call me when you _ Beijing. A. arrive B. get C. arrive at D. reach I will visit him when I _ there. A. arrive in B. reach in C. arrive at D. get Do you know when the train _? A. arrive B. get to C. reach D. getDDA arrive in Beijing get to Beijing reach Beijing arrive there get there 4. cant wait for sth cant wait to do sth 我迫不及待想打开那只盒子。我迫不及待想打开那只盒子。 孩子们等不及他们的圣诞礼物了。孩子们等不及他们的圣诞礼物了。 我迫不及待要与家人去北京旅行了。我迫不及待要与家人去北京旅行了。I cant wait to open the box.The children cant wait for their Christmas presents.I cant wait to go on a trip to Beijing with my family.5. cant believe ones eyes/ears When I saw so many models of places of interest, I _ (不能相信我的眼睛不能相信我的眼睛). When I heard what he said, I _(不能相不能相信我的耳朵信我的耳朵). I couldnt believe my eyesI couldnt believe my ears interest1.There are many places of _(interesting) in Beijing.2. Music _(interest) me more than drawing.3. Both swimming and drawing are his _(interest).4. He shows a great _(interest) in this subject.5.Im _(interest) in history than geography.6.Cant we do something _(interest)?.interestinterestsinterestsinterestmore interestedinteresting1.There is a tower on the t_ of the hill.2.The p_ of the USA lives in the White House.3. The river is about 200 kilometers long and 150 meters w_.4. The Eiffel Tower is made of s_.5. This big stone weighs over 50 t_.6. Look! The bird is flying freely in the s_.7. He shows his _ (interesting) in science.8. Can you see the words on the blackboard _(clear)?9. The film was _(bore). 10._(final) we arrived there on time.11.Did you all enjoy _(you) at the party last night?12.Dont leave the boy at home by _(he).opresidentideteelonskyinterestclearlyboringFinallyyourselveshimselfSelf-learning 3Self-learning 3自学三o 1. 阅读“自学提示”o (1)自学内容: P32 文章 o (2)自学方法:认真仔细阅读课文 尽可能复述故事。 Write an e-mail to your close friend to tell him/her your pleasant trip to a place of interest.
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