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- 1 - / 10 Book2 Module 1单元测试卷(外研版)Class: Name: Marks: 满分 (120)一、单项填空 (共15小题。 每小题 1分, 满分 15分) 1. Do you have sweet tooth? Yes, but I m on diet now. A. a。 。 a 。 D. a。 a 2. Take plenty of exercise every day, you will become fatter and fatter. A. or B. and C. so D. but 3. There is like walking as a means of keeping fit. You ve got that right. A. something B. anything C. everything D. nothing 4. How about the soup? great! I love it. A. Tasting B. Tasted C. Tastes D. Taste 5. His body temperature is about 37 . Well, it s . He doesn t have a fever. A. ordinary B. normal C. common D. usual 6. It s quite near from here to the railway station. It s only about a walk. A. five-minute B. five-minutes C. five minutes D. five minute s 7. Listen, someone is knocking at the door. I it. A. will answer B. should answer C. answer D. have answered 8. I d rather some wine, if you don t mind. Not at all, anything you want. A. to have B. having C. have D. had 9. The dress cost me $100, but I have been told that it is worth half the price . A. at most B. in all C. at all D. at least 10. As the proverb goes, “ A journey of a thousand miles with a single step ” . Every day is a new day. A. are begun B. is begun C. begin D. begins 11. The dark clouds are gathering and hanging lower and lower. It . Let s go home at once. A. is raining B. is going to rain C. rained D. rains 12. From I ve said, you can see I m an outgoing boy, and I like making friends. A. that B. how C. what D. who 13. “ I shall take you wherever you like as soon as you are travel, ” promised the boy s father. 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 1 页,共 10 页- 2 - / 10 A. well enough to B. enough well to C. well to enough D. enough to well 14. Gao Xiaosong became the first famous star after drinking and be put in prison. A. to drive B. drov e C. driving D. having driven 15. Bob hurt his leg while playing football. . Let s go and see him after class. A. That couldn t be better B. Well, I m sorry. C. Why? D. Terrific! 二、完形填空 (共20小题。 每小题 1.5分, 满分 30分) Through my school years I never imagined falling in love. I wanted to stay 16 just watching my fr iends get mistreated (虐待 ) by their 17 all the time. In my 18 year just turning 17, my best friend decided to set me up with a stranger I d 19 known. I was really lucky to even 20 it to the place because my parents were so 21 with me at the time. So we met and noteven a 22 to say. I wasn t too excited. I was totally nervous. At the time I knew there was something in him I 23 . I couldn t understand that feeling inside 24 me he was the one. My senior year after school ended and he had to 25 the Marines (海军陆战队 ) and I had to go to Ohio. We both had decided to end our relationship26 we didn t think it works from far distance. It was all over. On my 20 birthday there was a 27 on the mail for me and it came from 28 with hisname on it. It had taken him a long time to 29 me and he finally made it. After that day he 30 he would never let me go again. Today he s my 31 , my best friend, and my hero. Within a million milesaway from me, he has 32 his promise. I love him with all my 33 and I mhere waiting. He has been deployed (调度 ) overseas for 8 months and we only34 by e-mail and sometimes calls on the 35 . Today and every upcomingday I wake up with a smile just waiting for him to come back home safely. 16. A. along B. single C. away D. lonely 17. A. teachers B. parents C. classmates D. boyfriends 18. A. primary B. senior C. junior D. middle 19. A. n ever B. ever C. even D. once 20. A. take B. bring C. have D. make 21. A. worried B. anxious C. strict D. angry 22. A. word B. letter C. message D. topic 23. A. hated B. disliked C. liked D. envied 24. A. saying B. giving C. telling D. stopping 25. A. leave for B. take part C. serve for D. work in 26. A. because B. even if C. as if D. now that 27. A. book B. note C. letter D. gift 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 2 页,共 10 页- 3 - / 10 28. A. my boyfriend B. a Marine base C. his hometown D. a faraway place 29. A. find B. see C. visit D. call 30. A. cried B. said C. promised D. mentioned 31. A. husband B. boyfriend C. hope D. future 32. A. made B. kept C. broken D. taken 33. A. head B. heart C. wish D. mind 34. A. miss B. kiss C. think D. communicate 35. A. weekends B. line C. warship D. sea 三、阅读理解 (共20小题。 每小题 2分, 满分 40分) AResearchers say bedtime rules may improve a child s development. A new study found better results in four-year-olds who go to bed around the same time every night and sleep at least eleven hours. Getting less than that led to lower abilities in language, reading and early math skills. Researchers studied about eight thousand children whose parents took part in the research on early childhood. The parents answered questions by telephone at nine months and again at four years. Researcher Erika Gaylor asked parents to follow routines (惯例 ) like reading books or telling stories to their children. Children who go to bed after nine o clock took longer to fall asleep and slept less. Children also got less sleep if they did not have bedtime routines. A separate study found that more sleep may even make a person run faster. The study was small seven players in the StanfordUniversity football team. For the study, they aimed for (争取 ) at least ten hours of sleep each night during the season. After seven to eight weeks of more sleep, the players ran faster in short training races. They also felt less sleepy during the day. Stanford sleep researcher Cheri Mah says sleep should be part of a player s training program. This is some of her advice: Adults should try to get seven to eight hours of sleep a night. Teenagers and young adults should aim for nine hours or more. Go to bed and wake up at the same time every day. And take brief naps during the day to get more sleep. 36. What does Erika Gaylor think can help children fall asleep? A. Talking with children. B. Doing the same things at bedtime. C. Asking doctors for advice. D. Going to bed after nine o clock. 37. The underlined “ that” in the first paragraph refers to “”. A. a bedtime rule B. a four-year-old child C. a book D. eleven hours sleep 38. From the fourth paragraph we can learn that . A. football players need more sleep than others B. players are easily injured if they don t sleep well C. too much training can make players feel sleepy 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 3 页,共 10 页- 4 - / 10 D. enough sleep can make players do well in races 39. What is the researcher Cheri Mah s advice? A. We d better not take naps during the day. B. Teenagers should get up earlier. C. We d better wake up at the same time every day. D. Adults should sleep at least eight hours a night. BA soldier, who was finally coming home after having fought in Vietnam, called his parents from San Francisco. “ Mom and Dad, I m coming home, but I ve a favor to ask. I have a friend whom I d like to bring home with me.”“ Sure, ” they replied, “ we d love to meet him.”“ There s something you should know, ” the son continued. “ He was hurt pretty badly in the fighting. He stepped on a landmine (地雷 ) and lost an arm and a leg. He has nowhere else to go, and I want him to live with us.”“ I m sorry to hear that, son. Maybe we can help him find somewhere to live.”“ No, Mom and Dad, I want him to live with us.”“ Son, ” said the father, “ you don t know what you re asking. Someone with such a handicap (残疾) would be a terrible burden on us. We have our own lives to live, and we can t let something like this disturb our lives. I think you should just come home and forget about this guy. He ll find a way to live on his own.”At that point, the son hung up the phone. The parents heard nothing more from him. A few days later, however, they received a call from the San Francisco police. They were told their son had died after falling from a building. The police believed he killed himself. The heartbroken parents flew to San Francisco and were taken to identifythe body of their son. They recognized him, but to their horror they also discovered something they didn t know their son had only one arm and one leg. 40. The soldier called his parents to. A. ask his parents to allow his friend to live with them B. find out if his parents would accept him as a handicapped man C. tell them to come to San Francisco to identify his dead body D. let them know he loved them from the bottom of his heart 41. The parents wouldn t accept their son s friend because.A. they were too cold-hearted to show love to anybody B. they hated a man who had lost any part of his body C. they didn t want any strange person to live with them D. they thought his friend would make their lives uncomfortable 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 4 页,共 10 页- 5 - / 10 42. Which of the following statements is TRUE? A. The soldier and his friend both lost an arm and a leg. B. The police made a mistake about the identity of the dead body. C. The parents were regretful when they found the dead body. D. The parents lived somewhere not very far away from San Francisco. 43. It can be inferred from the text that. A. the US government should not start the Vietnam War B. nobody in the USA accepts handicapped people C. the soldier felt disappointed at his parents words on the phoneD. God helps those who help themselves CIt is a green tree at all times of the year. But it bears fruit in the height of summer. The hotter it is, the sweeter it becomes. And it seems that we cannot have enough of this nice fruit, for there are almost 1,000 varieties (种类 ) of this king of fruit around the world. It could be round, long or thin. It could be red, yellow or even leaf green. It could be as small as an egg or as big as a football! If someone were to ask you about India s great achievements, you could confidently say, the mango! The name comes from man-kay, which changed to manga. The people who gave it the name mango were the Portuguese (葡萄牙人 ). They first cameto India, about 500 years ago. As they settled down in India, they discovered the mango. They seemed to want more of it so they started experimenting withnew varieties the famous Alphonso we enjoy today is the result of their hard work. Imagine, while Indians have been talking excitedly about it for 3,000 years, the Western world has had it for only 300 years! But how do we know Indians have enjoyed it for 3,000 years? Simple, they were excited enough to actually write about its good qualities in books. Not in any other book, but the Upanishad. It was mentioned by different names such as amra, chutha and sahakara. From ancient times, several qualities have been attached (附加 ) to the mango. In many parts of India, mango leaves are put up at the front door. It s a belief that they have the power to make wishes come true. Though the mango has become a household fruit, its wild cousins can stillbe found in the north-eastern part of India. 44. All the following words were once used as the name of the mango EXCEPT. A. Upanishad B. man-kay C. chutha D. manga 45. Which of the following statements about the mango is TRUE? A. The tree turns green in summer. B. It is originally produced in Portugal. C. It has spread all over the world. D. It is the king in the forest. 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 5 页,共 10 页- 6 - / 10 46. The underlined word “ Alphonso ” in Paragraph 4 refers to .A. a god B. a country C. a famous scientist D. a kind of mango 47. In many parts of India, the mango is considered to be a sign of . A. illness B. danger C. good luck D. health DThere are a lot of festivals celebrated all over the world. They all have somemeanings and reasons behind the celebrations. Pongal is one of the traditional Indian festivals. Pongal is known as a harvest festival, celebrated in the state Tamilnadu ofIndia. It comes in the mid of January, the day on which is the starting of the new month “ Thai ” of Tamil people. It is called different names in differentstates of India. In my place, it is celebrated for four days. The first day is called Bhogi pongal, which means removing all old items from your household and entry of new items. The meaning behind is removal of your bad thoughts and entry of good thoughts inside you. The second day is the actual main day of the celebration. It is the harvest festival, especially celebrated by farmers. It is compared to the thanksgiving day of Western countries. On that day, people will wear new dress and cook lots of vegetable dishes, which are harvested newly. The main dish is the “ PONGAL ” , a sweet dish which is prepared in a mud pot, and dedicated (奉献 ) to Sun GOD, as he is the source of energy to this entire world. The third day of pongal is “ Mattu Pongal” , which is a day for cattle that serves the farmers to achieve the harvest. The final day is “ Kannum pongal” . On this day, people will visit their relatives and greet each other. Throughout the festival, people will decorate their houses with beautiful paintings called “ Kolam”.48. The biggest celebration during Pongal takes place on . A. the first day B. the second day C. the third day D. the final day 49. The main dish, the “ PONGAL ” , is prepared for .A. newcomers B. the whole family C. Sun GOD D. relatives 50. What s the meaning behind “ Mattu Pongal”?A. Removing all old items from your house hold and entry of new items. B. Removing bad thoughts and entry of good thoughts. C. Thanking cattle for their hard work all the year round. D. Thanking relatives for their company and help. 51. Which of the following is NOT a celebration during Pongal? A. Wearing new dress. B. Cooking vegetable dishes. C. Harvesting crops. D. Meeting friends and relatives. E精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 6 页,共 10 页- 7 - / 10 Ben, a 19-year-old teenager, was very fond of playing the violin and prettygood at it as well. Interestingly, he had a few houseplants in his room balcony (阳台 ) where he used to play his violin and he used to water them regularly. After a while he noticed that those plants had grown better than the other plants in the house, even though the regular watering was same for all. He wondered about it and came up with a hypothesis (假设 ), that it might actually be the violin music. Well, his inference (推论 ) may not be incorrect, as there have been experiments which find that music does affect plant growth. Sir Jagdish Chandra Bose, an Indian scientist, performed some experiments which show how music affects plant growth. 1. Plants do like noise. They grow more quickly, grow taller and weigh more than those kept in silence. Therefore, there s a good chance that plants like any sound you might play for them, including music. 2. Plants also like good, attentive care. If you are playing music you like for a plant, it may lead you to take better care of it. You will be more likely to carefully water and feed the plant and make sure it has good light. It might look like the music helps the plant grow, when you are actually taking better care of it. 3. Plants like carbon dioxide (二氧化碳 ). If you are standing by a plant, singing or playing music for it, it is going to absorb (吸收 ) some carbon dioxide from your breath. This could help it grow more quickly. 52. In Paragraph 1, the writer tells the story of Ben to . A. tell an interesting story B. show an unusual inference C. prove a scientific discovery D. introduce an interesting topic 53. The underlined word “ it ” in the first paragraph refers to “”.A. why the houseplants in the room balcony grew better B. the fact that the houseplants in the room balcony grew better C. why the violin music helped the houseplants grow better D. if the houseplants in the room balcony were watered more 54. What was the purpose of Bose s experiments?A. To test a new theory on plant growth. B. To show music does affect plant growth. C. To prove that Ben s inference was correct.D. To find how plant growth is influenced by music. 55. According to Sir Jagdish Chandra Bose, plants . A. grow very slowly in quiet conditions B. grow better in noisy environment C. prefer higher noise levels D. like light music best 四、写作 (共两节 , 满分 35分 ) 第一节阅读表达 (第57题2分,第 56、 58、60题每题 3分,第 59题4分,满分 15 分 ) 阅读下面短文并回答问题(请注意问题后的词数要求)。精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 7 页,共 10 页- 8 - / 10 The traditional school exercise books and pens could become items mentioned only in history lessons. Every pupil at Writhlington School is being offered a laptop to use in clas s and for homework. In what is understood to be a first for British state schools, each of 1,400 boys and girls will have a laptop, which is worth around 400. These will allow pupils at the school to “ hand in”work online and receive instantfeedback (即时反馈) from teachers when they are not in the classroom. The laptop project costs the school more than 400,000. Parents are being asked to pay 2 per week for their children s laptops as long as the children stay at the school. Those who are unable to pay will receive financial assistance (经济援助 ). The headmaster, Will Roberts, says that parents think it is a “ bargain” because laptops are expensive to buy. Mr. Roberts said, “ With the help of the laptop, any time they want to learn, they can. They can work whether they _ or at home. Pupils, who are aged between 11 and 18, can complete homework by connecting to the school servers (服务器 ) from home and view information from the day s lessons. And their work can be marked instantly and teachers can offer feedback and share pupils work away from the classroom. ”Mr. Roberts insists, however, that children should continue to use traditional learning materials. “ There will always be a place for traditional writing and textbooks。 we want to prepare our pupils for the real world, ” he said. The project was started with the help of government-supported charity e-Learning Foundation. It is trying to make information technology more widely used in schools. Spokesman Kevin Pay said using computers can increase pupils work speed “ After all, there is no excuse for not having homework on you. ”56. What is the main idea of the text? (no more than 12 words) _ 57. Why do the parents think the project is rewarding? (no more than 9 words) _ 58. Fill in the blank in Paragraph 3 with proper words. (no more than 5 words) _ 59. What benefits can students and teachers get from the laptop project? (no more than 15 words) _ 60. Why does the e-Learning Foundation give students laptops? (no more than 12 words) _ 第二节书面表达 (满分 20分 ) 随着人们生活水平的不断提高,人们越来越重视自己的身体健康,体育运动也越来越受欢迎。然而,许多学生认为学习任务重,如果进行体育锻炼会浪费时间。请你结合自己的实际情况,谈一谈体育锻炼和学习之间的关系。要求:行文要连贯,词数120左右。精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 8 页,共 10 页- 9 - / 10 参考答案:1 15DADCB AACAD BCAAB 16 35 BDCAD CACCAACBAC ABBDA 36 55 BDDCBDCCAC DCBCC CDADB 56. Writhlington School supplied students with laptops to use. 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 9 页,共 10 页- 10 - / 10 57. Because laptops are expensive for students to buy. 58. are in schools 59. Students can get their work marked quickly and teachers may share students work after school.60. To prepare pupils well for the use of information technology. /To make information technology more widely used in schools. One possible version: As we all know, with the increasing development of living standard, people are now paying more and more attention to theirquality of life. As a result, sports are becoming popular with them. However, many students think that it s a waste of time to take exercise, only because of the burden of study and the anxiety about the examinations. But in my opinion, health plays an important part in our everyday life. Of course, we should work hard. In the meanwhile, we should make use of our spare time to take exercise so that we can keep fit and energetic. Work hard and keep fit, and we ll enjoy our life and have a bright future.精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 10 页,共 10 页
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