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Strategic Human Resource ManagementHuman Resource Management IntegrationStrategic HRM modelsMBAExactly what is Strategic HRM?High performance workplaces, Human Capital Management Government view cited in Reader A 2006The design, implementation & maintenance of strategies to manage people for optimum business performance including the development of policies & processes to support these strategies.Source: Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development (CIPD) 2008A collection of phenomenaIs labour an unfortunate cost, or a critically useful asset?Two SHRM categories (and strategies):1.What are the ideal organisational measures (structures, processes etc) - then seek to improve these2.What are the underlying ideas and forces (culture, that impact on organisational performance) then (positively) influence these Source: Reader A. 2006The nature of human resource management (HRM)Gratton: the significance of human resources as the most important organisational asset:There are fundamental differences between people as an asset and the traditional assets of finance or technologyAn understanding of fundamental differences creates a new way of thinking and working in organisationsBusiness strategies can only be realised through people.Creating a strategic approach to people necessitates a strong dialogue across the organisation(Source: Mullins 2007)Strategic HRMPersonnel management vs. HRMStrategy and alignmentVertical and horizontal integrationElements of Strategic HRMPersonnel management and HRMReactiveEmployee advocateTask focusOperational issuesQualitative measuresStabilityTacticalFunctional integrity People as expensesProactiveBusiness partnerTask & enablement focusStrategic issuesQuantitative measuresConstant changeStrategicMulti-functionalPeople as assetsHolbeche, 1999Strategy and alignmentUnitarist (shared) vs. Pluralist (divergent) conceptionsContingency/Best practice approachesPlanned/Emergent approaches (or evolutionary Marchington & Wilkinson 2008) truly embedded?Generic strategies and HRM (Schuler & Jackson)How is HRM strategic?Integration of personnel policiesHRM responsibility shifts to line managersShift from collectivism to individualismStress on commitment - manager as enabler(Sisson, 1989)Realisation of human capital and high performance workplaces for competitive advantage(Salaman, Storey et al, 2006)How is HRM strategic?Use of planningCoherent approach to design and management of personnel systemsMatching HR activities and policies to explicit business strategyPeople as a strategic resource for competitive advantage(Hendry and Pettigrew, 1986)Vertical integrationLink between environmental context, business strategies and personnel and development policies.(Marchington and Wilkinson, 1986)External fit (Baird and Meshoulam, 1988)Organisational integration(Guest and Peccei, 1994) Degree of integrationSeparation modelFit modelDialogue modelHolistic modelHR driven(Torrington and Hall, 2008)Horizontal integrationThe degree to which different aspects of Personnel and Development are linked together.(Marchington and Wilkinson, 1996)Internal fit(Baird and Meshoulam, 1988)The need for practices to be guided by conscious policy choices to increase the likelihood that practices will reinforce each other and will be consistent over time.(Beer and Spector, 1985)Elements in horizontal integrationResourcing involvement of HRRelations Industrial/professionalReward setting as part of policyDevelopment T&D as a coherent partModels of SHRMSalaman, Storey and BillsberryFombrun, Tichy and Devanna (Michigan)Beer and Spector (Harvard)Warwick modelGuests modelBasic HRM Components(Salaman, Storey and Billsberry, 2006)Human Capital PoolKnowledgeSkillAbilityEmployee Relationships & BehavioursPsychological ContractsJob Related/requiredDiscretionaryOrganisational CitizenshipPeople Management PracticesStaffingTraining RewardsAppraisalWork DesignParticipation RecognitionCommunicationStock of employeesEmployees free will; owned by employeesMeans of maintaining on-going competitive advantage Strategic management and environmental pressures(Fombrun, Tichy and Devanna, 1984)The human resource cycle(Fombrun, Tichy and Devanna, 1984)The Harvard framework(Beer et al., 1984)Analytical model, rather than prescriptiveTakes into account different philosophies and assumptionsThe Warwick model(Hendry and Pettigrew, 1992)Based on the Harvard ModelGives recognition of external contextDoes not assume outcomesDoes assume coherent policies give rise to superior performance知识回顾知识回顾Knowledge Knowledge ReviewReview
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