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五种基本结构句型五种基本结构句型五种基本五种基本结构句型结构句型主谓(不及)主谓(不及)主谓(及)宾主谓(及)宾主系表主系表主谓主谓+双宾双宾主谓宾主谓宾+宾补宾补 主谓主谓(不及)(不及)What happened ?(时态)时态)He is swimming.(时态)时态)He writes carefully.(状语)状语)He often runs under the tree.(状状)主谓(及)宾主谓(及)宾宾(名宾(名/代):代):We read English.宾(不定式):宾(不定式):I decide to visit you.宾(宾(V-ing):):I enjoy speaking English.主系表主系表be+名名/形形/介介系系+形形We are students.We are in the classroom.She is beautiful.感:感:It sounds wonderful.变:变:He often gets angry.保持:保持:We should keep healthy.主谓主谓+双宾双宾give/send/ sth. to sb.= give/send/sb. sth.e.g. I lent him the bike. = I lent the bike to him.buy/make sb. sth.= buy/make sth. for sb.e.g. I bought him a bike. = I bought a book for him.主谓宾主谓宾+宾补宾补动名词:一找二听三让四看动名词:一找二听三让四看(see sb. doing) I heard a girl singing.名(宾补):名(宾补): We call him Tom.形(宾补):形(宾补):It makes me happy.不定式不定式带带“to”:ask/tell /want sb. to do e.g. He told me to repair it.不带不带 “to”:(二听三让四看)(二听三让四看)e.g. I saw him come in.
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