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Unit-7-PollutionUnit-7-Pollutionfor Review(复习)复习)ofintooutoutAttach to ; right awayfeel comfortable with; Combinewith; reach forCorrespond with ;existrespond; gap; mallOn a daily basis; identifyBack and forth; coreOut of touch; guilty necessarily1核心核心2当然当然3认出认出4不接触不接触5来回来回6结合结合7愉快相处愉快相处8立刻立刻9通信通信 存在存在10答复答复11隔阂隔阂12每天每天13 内疚内疚14购物中心购物中心15联系联系 16伸手拿伸手拿Teaching objectives(教学目标)(教学目标) u Knowledge objective(知识目标)(知识目标)To master key words and sentence patterns.u Ability objective(能力目标)(能力目标)To master the main ideas of the text, practice their reading and writing abilityu Moral objective(情感目标)(情感目标)To understand the importance of environmental protection, and do something in daily life.Lead in(导入)(导入) Ask the students to talk about the following to question: 1. List some examples in our surroundings about pollution, and analyze its cause.2. What is the first solution to reduce air pollution ?Pre-Reading: 情境体验情境体验Environment pollution is everywhere in our daily life. Suppose you are a man who is on the way to work, you may come across many forms of pollutions. List some, and analyze the causes with your partners, then conclude how to solve them.情境体验规则:规则: 1.1.清点人数,均分为清点人数,均分为6 6组,选出组长;组,选出组长; 2.2.各各组组以以小小组组为为单单位位讨讨论论,每每人人发发言言,组组长长归归纳,选出队员表演纳,选出队员表演; ; 3. 3.每个组依次表演。每个组依次表演。情境体验Presentation : Each group show their performance.情境体验 Teachers Evaluation:1. Good points.2. Details that students should pay attention to. Section A:Smog in My CitySmog in My CityPara.1 When I wake up in the morning, I pause briefly before opening my curtains, and what I see out of my window is likely to set the tone for the rest of the day. smog n. U; C mixture of smoke and fog 烟雾烟雾(指城市里由汽车和工厂废气所造成的(指城市里由汽车和工厂废气所造成的不洁空气)不洁空气) e.g. Smog is a major problem in Los Angeles. 在洛杉矶,烟雾污染是一个很严重的在洛杉矶,烟雾污染是一个很严重的问题。问题。 tonen. 1) singular; U 基调;气氛基调;气氛 e.g. The tone of the report was radical. 报告的基调十分激进。报告的基调十分激进。set the tone for something 为某事确定基调为某事确定基调 e.g. His funny opening speech set the tone for the evening. 他幽默风趣的开场白为整个晚会定下了基调。他幽默风趣的开场白为整个晚会定下了基调。 Para.2 I am not checking up on the weather. Instead, I want to know exactly how bad the pollution is going to be. On some mornings, it is truly horrible. It is as if the whole city has been turned into a smokers room with a yellowish color staining the sky. yellowish adj. slightly yellow 微黄色的e.g. The leaves vary from yellowish green to dark green. 树叶的颜色从淡淡的黄绿到深绿不等。 Para.3 And this month, pollution in my city went from bad to. well, dangerous. The hospitals were filled with patients, old and young, suffering from breath-related problems. People were warned to stay indoors and the streets were unusually quiet. relate vt. show or make a connection between two or more things 与与有联系有联系 e.g. I found it difficult to relate the two ideas in my mind. 我发现要把这两个想法在脑子里联系我发现要把这两个想法在脑子里联系起来很困难。起来很困难。 Para.4 Sales of air purifiers for homes, as well as face masks, rocketed and some stores simply ran out. Even for a city that is used to pollution, this was an emergency. sale n. C; U an act or the process of selling something 销售;出售 e.g. The sale of cigarettes to children is forbidden in many countries. 在很多国家,卖烟给孩子是被禁止的。purifier n. C a machine or a substance that removes harmful substances from something 净化器;净化剂;清洗装净化器;净化剂;清洗装置置 e.g. She asked John if hed help her to install a water purifier in her kitchen. 她问约翰是否能帮她在厨房安装一个她问约翰是否能帮她在厨房安装一个净水器。净水器。 maskn. C a covering for part or all of the face, worn to hide or protect it 面罩;面罩;面具面具 e.g. Nurses should wear masks and caps on the job. 护士上班时应戴口罩和帽子。护士上班时应戴口罩和帽子。Para.5 For years, the local authorities often played down the pollution in the city, insisting it was fog in most cases, despite evidence to the contrary that was plain for all to see. play down make something seem less important or less bad than it really is 减弱;淡化;轻描淡写减弱;淡化;轻描淡写 e.g. The newspaper stories played down the actors unattractive past. 报纸上的报导淡化处理了这个演员不太光彩的报纸上的报导淡化处理了这个演员不太光彩的过去。过去。 Para.6 Faced with public pressure, the local authorities started publishing the hourly air-quality readings this year. And when the recent unusually heavy smog hit, the state media, for the first time on this issue, made its voice heard. pressure n. U an attempt to persuade someone by using influence, arguments, or threats (利用影(利用影响、辩论或威胁施加的)压力响、辩论或威胁施加的)压力 e.g. They are putting pressure on people to vote yes. 他们正在向人们施加压力,要求他们投赞他们正在向人们施加压力,要求他们投赞成票。成票。 publish 1) make official information available for everyone to read 公布;公开公布;公开 e.g. The latest unemployment figures will be published tomorrow. 最新的失业数字将于明天公布。最新的失业数字将于明天公布。 2) arrange for a book, magazine etc to be written, printed, and sold 出版;出版;发行发行 e.g. She was only 19 when her first novel was published. 当她的第一部小说发表时,她才当她的第一部小说发表时,她才19岁。岁。Para.7-8 The pollution story led the countrys main evening TV news program. Even the major national daily newspaper ran a headline asking “Whats wrong with our air?”. Well, the answer is not far to seek. The problem is caused by the country developing at a speed and scale unheard-of in history. It has been growth at all costs, resulting in widespread environmental worsening. runvt. print and publish an item or a story in a newspaper or magazine 刊登刊登 e.g. On advice from their lawyers they decided not to run the story. 他们遵照他们律师的意见,决定不刊他们遵照他们律师的意见,决定不刊登这则新闻了。登这则新闻了。 scale n. U the size or extent of something, especially when compared with something else 规模;程度规模;程度 e.g. It was impossible to comprehend the full scale of the disaster. 要了解这场灾难的整个规模是不可能的。要了解这场灾难的整个规模是不可能的。growth n. U an increase in the size, amount or degree of something 增长;生长增长;生长 e.g. The rapid growth in crime is a big problem in the country. 犯罪率的快速增长是这个国家的一大难题。犯罪率的快速增长是这个国家的一大难题。 Para.9-11 Coal-burning energy plants power the countrys factories; they provide the heat for hundreds of millions of homes, but they also emit poisonous gases into the air. In my city alone, several million cars choke the streets, an illustration of the countrys growing prosperity. But all these vehicles, normally bumper to bumper, are also a sign of a country that is not coming to terms with pollution. power vt. supply with power 提供提供动力动力 e.g. The aircraft is powered by a new type of engine. 这架飞机是由一种新型的引这架飞机是由一种新型的引擎提供动力的。擎提供动力的。 2) U control over others; governmental control 权利;政权权利;政权 e.g. He was found guilty of passing on secret papers to a foreign power. 他被判定犯有向外国政府泄密文件的他被判定犯有向外国政府泄密文件的罪行。罪行。 heat n. warmth or the quality of being hot 热;热能热;热能 e.g. Ice needs heat to melt. 冰融化需要热力。冰融化需要热力。v. make something become warm or hot (把(把)加热;(使)变热加热;(使)变热 e.g. Metals expand when heated and contract when cooled. 金属受热膨胀,受冷收缩。金属受热膨胀,受冷收缩。emit vt. send out something such as light, heat, sound, gas etc. 散发;发出散发;发出 e.g. Boiling water emits steam. 沸水散发出蒸汽。沸水散发出蒸汽。 poisonous adj. very harmful and can cause illness or death 有毒的;有害的有毒的;有害的 e.g. Carbon monoxide is a highly poisonous gas. 一氧化碳是毒性很高的气体。一氧化碳是毒性很高的气体。 And it is not just the air quality. Lakes, rivers and underground water supplies have all been badly polluted by lightly regulated industry. Almost no one in the city trusts the water that comes out of their taps. So maybe the great smog of this city in recent days will mark a turning point. A time when the people say: “We need to put quality of life before economic growth.” In recent months, there have been several large-scale protests against factories being built in various cities.trust vt. believe in the honesty and worth of (someone or something); have confidence in 信任;信赖信任;信赖 e.g. The villagers didnt trust the Americans, but they trusted their own government. n. 1) U confidence; faith 信任;相信;信任;相信;信赖信赖 e.g. Trust is a key factor in a successful marriage. 信任是婚姻成功的关键因素。信任是婚姻成功的关键因素。 tap n. C a device which controls the flow of liquid or gas (自来水,煤气等的)旋(自来水,煤气等的)旋塞;龙头塞;龙头 e.g. Could you turn the tap off? 你能把龙头关掉吗?你能把龙头关掉吗? turning point the time when an important change takes place, usually with the result that a situation improves 转折点转折点 e.g. The promotion marked a turning point in her career. 这次升职是她事业的转折点。这次升职是她事业的转折点。 Para.12 But a huge sea change looks unlikelyfor now, anyway. Economic growth remains the citys top priority. Without it, large numbers of people could be left unemployed. There are still millions of people who want the keys to their first car, their first air-conditioner, even a fridge. huge adj. very large e.g. They live in a huge house. 他们住着一个很大的房他们住着一个很大的房子。子。 sea of change a strong and noticeable change in a situation 重大的变化;彻底的改变重大的变化;彻底的改变 e.g. The event caused a sea of change in public attitudes. 这次事件使公众的态度有了巨大的这次事件使公众的态度有了巨大的变化。变化。 Who is going to be the one to deny them their dream? For that reason, clean air is likely to remain a rarity in my city for years to come. Some wealthy people are taking their kids to live in Canada or Australia. But for most, that is not an option. rarityn. C; U something rare; the quality of being rare 罕见的事物;稀有罕见的事物;稀有 e.g. Rain is a rarity here. 在这里下雨是很稀罕的事情。在这里下雨是很稀罕的事情。 Para.13 As for me, after about five years of living here, I have ordered my first air purifier. And I now wear a face mask for my bike ride to work. And every morning, before opening my curtains, I pause and hope that the wind has blown the pollution away. blow v. move and make currents of air, or be moved or make something move on a current of air (风)吹(风)吹 e.g. The wind is hardly blowing right now. 现在几乎没有风。现在几乎没有风。 summaryNew wordsheatemit poisonous gas choke illustrationprosperity vehicle bumper underground supplybadly pollute regulate industry trust tap economic protest huge unlikelyanyway unemployed fridge rarity blow Phrases and expressions set the tone (for something) check up on run out play down to the contrary at all costs result in come to terms with turning point sea change ConsolidationCoal-burning energy plants 1) _ the countrys factories; they 2) _ the heat for hundreds of millions of homes, but they also 3) _ poisonous gases into the air. In my city alone, several million cars 4) _ the streets, an illustration of the countrys growing prosperity. But all these vehicles, normally bumper to bumper, are also a 5) _ of a country that is not coming to 6) _ with pollution. 1. Reading outpower provide emit chokesign terms1. What happened to the city recently? The city was hit by _. 2. What were people warned to do? They were warned to _. 3. According to the author, why did the local authorities start publishing the hourly air-quality readings this year? They did so because of _. 2. Getting the messagean unusually heavy smogstay indoorspublic pressureHomework 1. Read the text aloud after class. 2. Memorize all the new words and phrases in this unit.go Para.2 Best wishes for you all
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