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初二(下)英语期中试题Name _ 总分 110分听力 25% I. 听小对话选图片5% 1. Which of the following are they talking about? A B C I. 听长对话回答问题:5% (第一段回答6-7 小题,第二段回答8-10 小题) 6. What does Black receive (收到)? _. A. A book. B. A bookmark. C. A postcard. D. A watch. 7. What is the card for? A. Birthday. B. Christmas Day. C. New Years Day. D. Teachers Day8. Which bus does the woman want to take? 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 1 页,共 9 页A. A No. 74 bus. B. A No. 17 bus. C. A No. 6 bus. D. No. 47 bus. 9. Why cant the man help her? A. He is new here. B. He doesn t want to tell her.C. He isnt sure about it. D. We don t know.10. What will the woman do at last? A. Take a taxi. B. Ask a policeman for help C. go there on foot. D. Take a train. III. 短文理解 : 15% (A 部分每小题1 分, B 部分每小题2 分)11. The doctor told Mrs Brown not to eat meat and cakes because _. A. Mrs Brown liked them. B. meat and cakes would make her fat. C. Mr Brown told her to do so. D. meat and cakes are not good food. 12. The next morning Mrs Brown made a cake for _. A. her husband B. herself C. her children D. the doctor 13. Which of the following is true? _. A. Mr Brown ate half of the cake and left the other for his wife. B. Mrs Brown ate half of the cake that morning. C. Mrs Brown ate one cake that morning. D. Mrs Brown did nt eat any cake that morning. 14. Mrs Brown made another cake because _. A. she was good at making cakes B. her husband loved cakes C. she wanted to eat some more D. her husband would be angry if he knew she had eaten the cake. 15. Why was Mr Brown very happy when he saw the half of the cake on the table? A. Because he was hungry. B. Because cakes were his favourite food. C. Because the cake was beautiful and delicious. D. Because he thought his wife began to stop eating cakes. ( B ) ( )16. Do the Greens and the Kings live in the same road? A. Yes, they do. B. No, they don t. C. Nobody tell me. D. We don t know about it. ( )17. The Kings usually get up at _. A. 7:15 B. 6:45 C. 6:15 D. 7:30 ( )18. The Greens and the Kings have lunch at _ time. A. different B. the same C. some D. We don t know. ( )19. Which family have supper late, the Greens or the Kings? A. The King. B. The Kings. C. The Greens. D. We don t know. ( )20. What time do the Greens go to bed at night? A. 10:00. B. 10:45. C. 11:15. D. 11:30. 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 2 页,共 9 页笔试 85%I. 单项选择 : 20% ( )1. -Hello, 5-double 4-6-7-8. -Hello, _ Li Ming? A. Is this B. Is that C. Are you D. Whos ( )2. He speaks English and _. A. so I do B. so do I C. I do so D. do I so ( )3. Thank you for _ to your party. A. asking me B. to ask me C. asking I D. ask me ( )4. -Would you like to come? -Yes, _. A. I d B. I d love to C. I d love D. I d to ( )5. Lets give her _ to eat. A. something different B. anything different C. different something D. different anything ( )6. Li Ming _ home _ he finished his homework. A. won t go; until B. didnt go; untilC. went; until D. goes to; before ( )7. Shall we wait _ Tom _ the school gate? A. of; on B. to; on C. for; at D. for; in ( )8. There is _ snow and ice. A. lot of B. many C. too much D. much too ( )9. They are _ from the water. A. pull the boat up B. pulling the boat up C. pull on the boat D. pulling on the boat ( )10. The shirt is too short. Please give me _ one. A. other B. the other C. another D. the others ( )11. Please _ on the blackboard, Jim. A. write down them B. writes them down C. write them down D. not write them down ( )12. We have _ eggs and _ bread in the fridge. A. a few; a few B. a little; a few C. a little; a little D. a few; a little ( )13. He cant be at home. He _ be at school. A. can B. must C. have to D. must not ( )14. -Your son is too young. Youd better not _ him by himself at home. -No, I _. A. leave; wont B. leave dont C. get; dont D. keep; dont ( )15. Its time to have a rest. The students stopped _ and _ out. A. read; went B. reading; went C. reading; go D. to read; go 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 3 页,共 9 页( )16. The No. 15 bus will _ you there. It only _ you ten minutes. A. bring; take B. take; bring; C. take; takes D. bring; takes ( )17. We won t go swimming if it _ _ tomorrow afternoon. A. rains B. will rain C. rain D. is raining ( )18. _ of the two answers _ right. You listen to the other students. A. Either; is B. Neither; is C. Neither; are D. Either; or ( )19. He can buy _ because he has no money. A. anything B. something C. nothing D. everything ( )20. -They could swim very well all by _ - Do you mean nobody taught _? A. them; them B. theirselves; them C. themselves; themselves D. themselves; them II. 完形填空 : 15% Tom is four years old now. His father works in a middle school and 1 P.E. there. His mother works in a shop and his grandma looks after him 2 . The boy is clever and always 3 that he knows more than his little friends do. This morning Tom s father 4 earlier. The school in which he works was going to hold a sports meeting that day. Of course he was going to be 5 than any other teacher in his school. About two hours later Tom s grandma 6 unwell. Her head hurt but she couldn t go to see a 7 by herself. She called her son, but 8 answered. So she told the little boy to go to tell his father about it. As soon as Tom went out, he 9 his friend Henry. And he asked him to go there with him. The boy wanted to watch the sports meeting and they 10 went there happily. When they got to the school, there were a lot of people on the 11 . And the boys 400-meter relay race 12 . They stopped to watch it. And Tom 13 what his grandma told him to do. They were fascinated (被吸引 ) by the race. Henry asked, “ Why is the front boy running so fast? ”Of course Tom didn t know about it, either. He 14 for a minute and said, “ What a fool! Don t you see the other boys with 15 in their hands are running after him? ”( )1. A. studies B. teaches C. talks about D. watches ( )2. A. at school B. in the zoo C. in the shop D. at home. ( )3. A. tells B. wants C. shows D. likes ( )4. A. left B. stayed C. came D. ate ( )5. A. free B. freer C. busy D. busier ( )6. A. wanted B. left C. guessed D. hoped ( )7. A. teacher B. policeman C. doctor D. worker ( )8. A. nobody B. somebody C. everybody D. anybody ( )9. A. met B. hit C. heard D. listened to ( )10.A. all B. some C. many D. both 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 4 页,共 9 页( )11.A. classroom B. playground C. garden D. park ( )12.A. finished B. ended C. began D. happened ( )13.A. remembered B. forgot C. knew D. said ( )14.A. saw B. played C. thought D. jumped ( )15.A. sticks B. balls C. tickets D. knivesIII.阅读理解 : 20% (110 每小题 1 分, 1115 每小题 2 分) (A) It is Tuesday evening. Mr White is going to the night school. He is going to the bus stop. Now he is waiting for the bus. The bus is coming. It is crowded ( 拥挤的 ). Mr White can not get on. He waits for the next bus. That is crowded, too. He pushed into the bus. He stands next to two old women. The men in front of them are sitting. They dont get up to give the women their seats. Mrs White doesnt go to the night school. She is at home washing the clothes. Joan is helping her. Peter is in the room doing his homework. ( )1. Mr White goes to the night school _. A. on Saturday evening B. on Tuesday evening C. on Friday evening D. on Sunday evening ( )2. Mr White goes to school _. A. by bus B. by car C. on foot D. by bike ( )3. There are _ on the bus. A. two people B. a lot of people C. four people D. three people ( )4. The men in front of the two women _ their seats to them A. get up to give B. don t get up to give C. get ready to give D. are glad to give ( )5. There are _ people in the White family. A. two B. three C. four D. six ( B ) Tom and Mike were good friends. Sometimes they were kind to each, sometimes they were not. But some of their classmates (同班同学 ) said they were like brothers. One day they went out for a walk together. At noon they were very hungry and they went into a restaurant to have lunch. The waiter (侍者 ) came up to them and asked, “What can I do for you?”“Please bring us two apples first.” said Tom. When the waiter put the two apples on the table, Mike took the bigger one at once (立刻). Tom got angry. “You are impolite ( 没有礼貌 ), Mike. Why didnt you take the smaller one?” Tom said. “But I was right,” said Mike with a smile. “If let you take first, which one will you choose(选择)? ” “Of course I ll take the smaller one,” said Tom. “Yes, ” Mike said, “If you take the smaller one. the bigger one will still be mine. dont you think 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 5 页,共 9 页so?” “Oh” Tom couldnt answered. ( )6. Tom and Mike were _. A. always kind to each other B. sometimes kind to each other C. brothers D. not classmates ( )7. They went out for _. A. lunch B. a walk C. apples D. a restaurant ( )8. The waiter brought them _. A. two eggs B. two oranges C. two apples D. some milk ( )9. Mike took the _ apple. A. better B. bigger C. smaller D. worse ( )10.-Who took the apple first? -_. A. Mike B. Tom C. Both Tom and Mike D. Nobody (C) Jack drives a school bus. His bus is different from other school buses because it doesn t carry children. Jacks bus takes dogs to school in the morning and brings them home at night. Jack takes the dogs to “The Dog School”. There he teaches the dogs to obey (服从) and protect (保护 ) their owners (主人 ). All kinds of dogs go to Jacks schoollarge dogs, small dogs, young dogs and old dogs. he says that young dogs are the easiest to teach, but the old dogs can learn too. Do you have a dog? Maybe it would like to go to “The Dog School”. 11. Why id Jack s bus different from other buses? _. 12. Where does Jack work? _. 13. What does Jack teach the dogs to do? _. 14. Where do the dogs sleep at night? _. 15. Which dogs are easier to teach, the young dogs or the old ones? _. IV.补全对话: 10% (用适当的句子或短语完成对话) A: Hello! 8485068. B: Oh, good evening. (1)_ Li Ming, please? A: Certainly. One moment, please. C: Hello, (2)_. B: Oh, hello, Li Ming! (3)_ . C: Oh, hi, Zhang Lin! B: We will go skating next Sunday. (4)_ ? 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 6 页,共 9 页C: Thats great. I listened to the radio this morning. The radio says the temperature will stay below zero and there will be heavy snow. B: OK! (5)_. Bye! C: Bye! V. 根据首字母或汉语写出正确的单词: 5% 1. We often go s_ in winter. 2. The temperature f_ below zero last night. 3. What a hot day! Im afraid its going to be h_ later on. 4. The children looked for the picnic basket because the basket was m_. 5. China is one of the biggest c_ in the world( 世界). 6. Whose (照片) _ are those? 7. My brother enjoys ( 听) _ to the radio. 8. The runners are standing at the (开始) _ line. 9. This morning Aunt Alice looked very ( 忧愁) _. 10. Uncle Wang worked very ( 认真,仔细) _ VI. 看图写短文 : 10% (根据图片内容写60 个左右词的短文,要求故事完整) (提示词汇 : grandmother; birthday; present; take a bus; uncle; cook; delicious; go back ) _ 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 7 页,共 9 页初二期中英语听力材料及参考答案: 听力材料I. 小对话选图片1. W: Peter, I can t see the picture clearly. M: There s something wrong with our TV set. I ll ask somebody to mend it tomorrow. 2. M: How many students are there in your class? W: There are only twenty-four. And half of them are from China. 3. M: What bad weather! It s raining again. W: Yes. It s bad now. the radio says the rain will stop tomorrow. 4. W: Excuse me. Could you tell me how to get to the post office, please? M: Turn left. Then turn right. It s on your left. 5. W: Which do you like better, football or volleyball? M: Football. But I like table tennis best. II. 听长对话回答问题(第一段回答6-7 小题 ,第二段回答8-10 小题 ) ( A ) W: Oh, Black, what s that? Is it a bookmark? M: I don t know. I ve only received it from my pen- friend, Jane. Maybe it s a photo.W: Open it and see. M: OK, ah, it s a birthdaycard, it says, “ Happy birthday to you!” ( B ) W: Excuse me, sir. Do you know if the No. 74 bus passes this way? M: I m not sure.W: Which bus goes to Tian anmen square? M: I couldn t say.W: Was the bus that just went by a No. 74? M: No. It s a No. 6. It doesn t go to Tian anmen square.W: I m new here. I don t know how I can go there. M: The best thing for you to do is to ask a policeman. W: Well, that seems to be the only thing I can do. III. 短文理解 : Mrs Brown was very fat. “ Don t eat meat and cakes,” her doctor said to her. “ I m going to stop her eating them, doctor,” her husband said.The next morning, Mrs Brown made a beautiful cake for her husband, and her husband ate half of it. Then he went out. Mrs Brown cut a very small piece of the cake and ate it. It was very good. She cut a bigger piece and ate it. In a few minutes, she finished the cake. “ My husband is going to be very angry,” she said, “ What am I going to do?”She made another cake very quickly, ate half of that, and left half on the table. 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 8 页,共 9 页Her husband came back later. He saw the half of the cake on the table and was very happy. (B). The Greens and the Kings live in the same road. The Kings usually get up ay about a quarter past seven. They have lunch at a quarter past twelve, and usually have supper quite early at a quarter to six. They go to bed at about ten o clock at night. The Greens usually have breakfast a little later at about half past seven. They have their lunch at about half past twelve. They usually have supper quite late at about a quarter to seven. At night they go to bed at about a quarter to eleven. 听力答案 : I. 听对话选图片: 15. BCBCC II. 听长对话( A ) 6. C 7. A ( B ) 8. A 9. C 10. B III. 短文理解 : 1115. BACDD 1620. AAACB 笔试答案 : I. 选择题 : 110 BBABA, BCCBC 1120. CDBAB,CABCD II. 完形填空 : 1 5. BDCAD 610. BCAAD 1115. BCBCA III. 阅读理解 : ( A ) 15 BABBC ( B ). 610. BBCBA (C)11. Because it doesn t carry children. 12. He works at “ The Dog School” . 13. He teaches the dogs to obey and protect their owners. 14. They sleep in their own home. 15. The young dogs are easier to teach. IV. 补全对话1. MayCould/Can I speak to 2. Li Ming is here/ speaking/ This is Li Ming. 3. This is Zhang Lin. 4. Will you go with us/me 5. Let s go then V. 单词拼写 : 1. skating/swimming 2. fell 3. hotter 4. missing 5. countries 6. photos 7. listening 8. starting 9. worried 10. carefully VI.看图写短文:It is Grandmas birthday. Father, Mother and I went to visit her. She lives with my uncle in a village not too far away. Early in the morning We bought some presents and took the bus to get there. Grandma and Uncle were glad to see us. We gave the presents to grandma and she was very happy. When we sat down to talk, uncle went to cook lunch. The meal was very nice and we all enjoyed it very much. At 4 oclock, we said goodbye and went back home. 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 9 页,共 9 页
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