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抗击疫情英语小作文抗击疫情英语小作文 3 3 篇篇抗击疫情英语小作文 3 篇引导语:在、工作和中,大家都尝试过写作文吧,作文是人们把记忆中所存储的.有关知识、经历和思想用书面形式表达出来的记叙方式。那么问题来了,到底应如何写一篇优秀的作文呢?下面是为大家收集的抗击疫情小作文,仅供参考,欢送大家阅读。This will be a spring festival that I will never forget,a sudden epidemic, disrupted peoples plain and peacefullife. This time, everyone is very afraid, nervous, and praythat the virus will not e to their side. It is said thatthis is a new coronal virus! As long as you catch it, itwill bee very dangerous. If you drag it without treatment,you will be in great trouble. The key is that it willinfect people, and its power and influence cannot beunderestimated!This virus contains a lot of microorganisms andbacteria, which are too small to be found by our naked eyes,and can only be seen with a microscope. Bacteria willmultiply in a large number in a good environment inside thehuman body, and can survive for a long time even in a badenvironment. And the virus is like an unborn baby, withoutthe ability of independent survival of the mother.These viruses may sound terrible, like evil spirits,but as long as we wash our hands frequently, pay moreattention to hygiene, take good care of our legs and mouths,and pay attention to the virus situation from time to time,no matter how bad the virus is, we will not find it on ourown!Although these viruses have brought terror anduneasiness to human beings, we can wash our handsfrequently and pay more attention to sanitation, so that wecan drive away all viruses. In order to reduce andeliminate germs, we should not go to densely populatedareas and take the initiative to isolate them at home. Thisis to help the front-line medical staff reduce theirworkload. Lets make a little contribution to themotherland, at least not Make trouble for the country.Come on, China! Come on, Wuhan!Novel coronavirus is the reason why the new year is notso smooth.Just when I saw this news in my friends circle, Ididnt have any waves in my heart, because Wuhan, thesource of this virus, is so far away from Shaanxi, and itshould not be transmitted to Shaanxi. But Im wrong. As theepidemic intensifies, my inner peace will be broken.Affected by the epidemic, I found that everythingaround has changed a lot. When I went out for the morningrun in the morning, I saw that the shops around me had beenclosed for more than half of the time. The road was smoothand there were not too many cars. Oasionally, I met one ortwo pedestrians, who were wearing masks, covering theircollars and drifting like ghosts. There are also out ofstock goods. Everyone is busy storing food. Its a littlescary. When we went home for dinner, our family said thatwe should not go out recently. If we want to go out, wemust take masks with us. At this time, I realized theseriousness of the matter.Although the new virus is terrible, but things havehappened, we should calm down, do not panic, to faceeverything in front of us with an optimistic attitude. Weshould believe in the country, the party and the government,Zhong Nanshan and doctors. They are our strongest backingand the most solid strength. Sadness only increases thepsychological burden.In such a situation, I think we should first improveour awareness, do a good job of their own protection, andprevent the trouble in advance. Wash hands frequently andwear masks when going out. Certainly can not go out aslittle as possible, obediently when a home squat. Athome, we should also ventilate frequently and do a good jobin disinfection.However, some people are restless at home. They readsome articles about the epidemic in their circle of friendseveryday to spread rumors. Novel coronavirus can be curedin most cases only 2-4 weeks later. Lactoferrin can preventnew coronavirus, and the deputy director of Wuhan HealthCommittee is infected by forced isolation. Do you see allthese statements? Do you believe all of them? They are allmade up by the rumor, putting false or distortedinformation into the real information to improve peoplesattention. Some false information even cause some panic!Rumors stop at the wise! For the information to beverified, we should not spread it on the Inter one by one,ten by one, and not give impetus to the false truth. Weshould believe in the country and the government. We shouldpay attention to the official release. In such a criticalmoment, we must not make trouble for our country!I hope all of us can face this crisis with anoptimistic attitude, believe in China, work together andunite as one! Wuhan, e on! China, e on!This years Spring Festival is the most special one. Atthis time of the past year, the streets are full of people,bustling and full of the festive atmosphere of the new year.Today, its cold outside, and theres only a small amountof traffic on the street. The novel coronavirus is the mostconcerned topic of family and friends and social media.As of February 5, 2021, there are 24363 virus cases inChina, 901 cured and 492 dead. As you can imagine, thesituation is very serious. However, in this particularlydangerous time, there are many people who move us.Mr. Zhong Nanshan, 84, a respiratory specialist, cameforward to fight the epidemic in Wuhan. When he wasappointed to defeat the army, he was ordered to be indanger. he was a very old man and put forward precautionsto the people. He was actively involved in how to tacklethe virus when he could be infected. He also purchased 100oxygen generators to Wuhan Hankou hospital. Grandpa Zhongnot only has the academicians specialty, but also has thewarriors bravery and the national scholarsresponsibility.Many medical staff volunteered to fight against thewind. They gave up the chance to reunite with theirfamilies and rushed to the front line of epidemicprevention and control. They are not afraid of the virus.They all swear that they will not shrink in the face of thevirus. In order to wear protective clothing conveniently,many nurses cut off their beautiful long hair. A doctor inWuhan fought the epidemic, worked for 10 days and 9 nights,and finally collapsed in the dormitory due to lack ofphysical strength. Why does he work so hard? Because he hasa belief in fighting the epidemic. With their hard work andsweat, they built a solid defense line for epidemicprevention and control.On the donation list of January 22-28 released byWuhan Red Cross Society, the pany ranked first, whichexceeded everyones expectation. It turned out to be anunknown retail enterprise fat Dong Lai. The person incharge of fat Dong Lai was born in Donglai in 1966 withonly a primary school diploma. But he even donated 50million yuan, more than many well-known enterprises, whichhas to be amazing. When many unscrupulous businesses sellfake masks at high prices, many vegetable dealers andsupermarkets take the opportunity to increase their prices.However, Yu Donglai announced: during the epidemic,vegetables are sold aording to the purchase price. InFebruary 3rd, novel coronavirus Property Management CompanyLimited donated 1 million yuan to the Red Cross Society ofShenzhen for the prevention and control of the new type ofcoronavirus infection.After learning the news of the epidemic, Han Hong, asinger, kept on raising more than 11.5 million yuan forcharity, buying relief materials and sending them to thefront line until he was tired and fell ill.Besides, novel coronavirus was advised to take care ofthe new coronavirus in the cold and cold rain for six hours.Yes, there is no lover in the epidemic. In the face ofnational crisis, our Chinese people are united, step bystep, and head-on! After reading their stories, I canthelp tears wet my eyes. At the most dangerous moment, theyare not afraid of sacrifice, and devote themselves to themotherland and the people. They are the peoples heroes,and they are the stars that should be pursued by us! Wemust learn from these people, inherit and carry forwardthese precious Chinese national spirit. No matter where welive, no matter how powerful we are, if we have money andpower, we will win the battle of epidemic!
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