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Unit Four What can you do?Part A Lets learn Do a surveysing English songs 唱英文歌曲唱英文歌曲dance 跳舞跳舞kung fupanda功夫熊猫功夫熊猫do kung fu 练武术练武术cartoon 漫画漫画draw cartoons 画漫画画漫画play the pipa 弹琵琶弹琵琶pipa 琵琶琵琶A: What can you do?B: I can.dancesing English songsdo kung fudraw cartoonsplay the pipaWhat, what, what can you do?Sing, sing, I can sing English songs.What, what, what can you do?Play, play, I can play the pipa.What, what, what can you do?Do, do, I can do kung fu.What, what, what can you do?Dance, dance, I can dance.What, what, what can you do?Draw, draw, I can draw cartoons.sing English songsdancedo kung fudraw cartoonsplay the pipa Listen to the tape and read the new words aloud. 听录音并且大声地朗读新单词。 Make a dialog with your partners using the new words and sentences. 与你的搭档一起用新单词和句子编一段对话。
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