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Unit-1-What-dads-are-Unit-1-What-dads-are-made-ofmade-of分析分析 Background InformationvDifferences Between American and Chinese FamiliesvMany American children do not call their parents Father and Mother, but just name their names. Chinese children usually call their parents Father and Mother.vMost American parents pay more attention to their childrens ability and independence, while many Chinese parents pay close attention to their childrens school performance. Background InformationvMost American parents never beat their children, but quite a lot of Chinese parents do.vAmerican parents give more freedom to their children than Chinese parents dovAmerican families often have more than one child, while most Chinese families have only one.vChinese parents tend to emphasize their kids shortcomings and criticize them, while American parents do so much less.vChinese parents like to make decisions for their children, while American parents emphasize individualism.Background InformationvAmerican parents encourage their children to use their accumulation freely, while many Chinese parents forbid their kids to spend pocket money without permission. Even more, some American parents like to encourage kids to invest their money, such as buying stocks.Text OrganizationPart IIn McAlpine and Pine families, Dad plays an important role in the nurture of kids. Dads mischief annoys Mom, but it is beneficial to kids in how they play, communicate with the world, and learn. There are three advantages in dads helping with the nurture of their kids.Part IIFirst, dads roughness while playing with kids helps build cognitive skill and acquire social and emotional experiences. Second, dads interest in exploring helps build curiosity and problem-solving skills. Third, daddy-style reading helps set up verbal skills, fluency, word recognition and knowledge base of the kids.Part IIIWith all the distinctive features mentioned above, dads are encouraged to take part in the nurture of their kids. Different styles of mom and dad are complement perfectly to the advantage of children.Language Learningv1. parent v. to be or act as a mother or father 做的父母vHe hardly knows how to parent his first child.v2. over-v1) 过度、太甚voverstudy, overtalk, overuse, overwork, overpraise, overpay, overdrinkv2)在上、在外、从上、越过voverbridge, oversea, overcoat, overlook, overshoe(套鞋),overfly(飞越)v3)颠倒、翻倒voverturn, overthrow, overset(翻转、翻倒)v3.trail, track, tracev1)trail:它的本意是拖在后面的意思,是指根据痕迹进行追踪,这里的痕迹可以是血渍、脚印、车辙,气味、烟等.vThey were trailing a deer.v 他们在追猎一头鹿。v to trail a suspectv 追踪嫌疑犯v2)track :它的本意是足迹、轨道,是指根据痕迹进行追踪,这里的痕迹一般是脚印、车辙,不包括气味等。v3)trace:它的本意.追寻、追溯、回溯,是根据事件影响的结果,如战争留下的痕迹,向回追溯。vWe could not reason out which way the robbers escape, because we are unable to find any trace of them. v4. relish v. to enjoy greatly喜欢,从得到乐趣vHe was relishing his moment of glory.vShe relished the challenge of competition.v她不喜欢每天料理家务。 vShe wont relish having to do the household chores every day.v5. erupt v. to break out suddenly and dramatically (危机、战争、问题等)突然爆发vA riot erupted.v一场暴乱爆发了。vWords of anger erupted from him.v他突然破口大骂。vHer anger erupted.v她发脾气了。veruptive adj. 爆发的,喷出的, veruption n.爆发,喷发 v6. plead v. to make an emotional appeal 请求;恳求(pleaded-pled-pleading)vShe pleaded with them not to hit her boy. v他请求我们让他去听摇滚音乐会。vHe pleaded with us to let him go to the rock concert.vpleading adj. 恳求的 vpleadingly adv. 诉愿地;祈求地 vpleading n. 恳求;答辩;辩论,诉状 vpleader n. 答辩人;辩论者 v7. opppsitev1) adj. facing 对面的vA crowd gathered on the opposite side of the street. v2)adj. completely different; of a contrary kind 完全相反的vCurrents flow in opposite directions.vBlack and white are opposite color.v3) prep. facing 面对vThey sat opposite one another.v4) adv. In a position facing a specified or implied subject 对面 vShe went into the shop opposite.vThey sat opposite at the table.v8. contribute v. to help to cause or bring about 导致;起作用v His action contributed to further dispute.v The government imposed a tax on fuels which contributed to global warming.v9. preference n. a greater liking for one alternative over another 喜好,偏好vHe has a preference for fruit over vegetable.vWhich is your preference, coffee or tea?v10. regulate v. to control or maintain the rate or speed of sth so that it operates properly 调节vPlease regulate the heat in this room.v a well-regulated clockv11. boost up: to lift uphighly 高高举起,提起,提高vHer father likes to boost her up.v to boost up the morale of the soldiersv提高战士们的士气vto boost up pricesv提高价格v12. value v. to consider sth important重视,珍视vValue him for what he achievesvValue sincerely beyond all thingsvvaluable a. 有价值的;贵重的;可估价的 vvalued a.重要的;宝贵的;贵重的;经估价的 vvalueless a. 无价值的;不值钱的;微不足道的 v13. age v1) 表示集合名词、总称vwordage文字、词汇量 percentage 百分比vtonnage 吨数、吨位 wattage 电的瓦数vmileage 英里数 herbage 草本植物vacreage 英亩数 leafage 叶子(总称)v2)表示场所、地点vorphanage 孤儿院 village 村庄vanchorage 停泊所 cottage 村舍vhermitage 隐士住处 passage 通道v3)表示费用vpostage 邮资 railage 铁路运费vWaterage 水运费 cartage 车运费vexpressage 快运费 freightage货运费v4)表示行为或行为的结果vmarriage 结婚 rootage 生根vstoppage 阻止、阻塞 wastage 耗损v5)表示状态、情况、身份及其他vshortage 短缺 parentage 出身、门第vpupilage学生身份 advantage 利益vreportage 报告文学 language 语言v14. miss out on: to lose a chance for, fail to achieve错过机会vHe missed out on promotion.vYou really missed out on a lot of fun by not coming to the party.v15. varied a. incorporating a number of different types or elements 各种各样的;丰富的v a long and varied careerv varied opinionsvvary v. 改变、转变vvariety n. 种类、多样vvariable a. 变量的、可变的、易变的v n. 变量、可变物vvariant a. 不同的、多样的v n. 变体、转化vvariability n. 可变性、变化性v16. stake staked-staked-stakingvn. 桩,棍子;赌注;火刑;奖金 vvt. 资助,支持;系于桩上;把押下打赌 vvi. 打赌vThe investment is dangerous and the stake are high.vat stake 在危险中 ; 利害攸关 ; 在危急关头 ; 危如累卵 vhave a stake in 与利害关系vstake someone to sth 为某人取得某物而提供金钱(或援助),资助某人取得某物 vThe stake 生死攸关 ; 火刑 ; 炮烙 v17. intervene v. to prevent 干扰;干涉vHe acted outside his authority then he intervened in the dispute.vIntervene in the internal affairs of other countriesvIntervening a. 介于中间的vintervention. 介入;调停;妨碍 vinterveners n. 介入者;干涉者 v18.presence n. the state of existing 存在,出席,在场,到场veg: She is so quiet that her presence has hardly been noticed.vThe boy felt constraint in her presence.vHis presence cast a shadow on the meeting. vpresent vt. 提出;介绍;呈现;赠送vpresent n. 现在;礼物;瞄准 vpresent adj. 现在的;出席的 vpresentational adj. 表象的;演出的;上演的;直觉的 vpresenter n. 提出者;推荐者;赠送者;任命者 v19. Ex-v1)(plus a noun) previous 附在名词前,表“以前的”,“前任”vex-husband; ex-wife; ex-president; ex-boyfriendv2)(forming a verb) coming from 构成动词,表“出自”,“向外”,“超出”vexpress; extol(颂扬,赞美); excessv3)(forming a verb) complete 构成动词,表“完全”,“彻底”vexterminate(消灭,根除)v4)(forming a verb) leaving 构成动词,表“离开”,“免除”vexonerate(使免罪); expatriate(移居国外)v5) (forming an adjective) no, without构成形容词,表“不”,“无”vexanimate(缺乏生气的,已死的)v20. supplement v. to add an extra element or amount to vvt. 增补,补充 vn. 增补,补充;补充物;增刊,副刊vShe tool the job to supplement her husbands income.vdo odd jobs to supplement his income.vsupplementary a.补充的;追加的 vsupplementation n. 增补;补充v21.distinctive a. characteristic of one person or thing 特别的;有特色的;独特的;区别性的vDuring the festival and celebration, you can appreciate the music and dance with distinctive features.vdistinctive smellvdistinctive scent of roses vdistinct a.明显的,独特的,清楚的,有区别的vdistinctively ad. 特殊地,区别地vdistinction n. 区别;差别;特性;荣誉、勋章vdistinctiveness n. 特殊性;区别性;辨别性 vdistinctness n. 不同;明显;有特殊性 v22. complement v. to contribute extra features to 补充,补足vThe TV networks and newspapers complement each other. vcomplementary a. 补足的,补充的vcomplementarity n.互补性,补充,补足vComplementation n. 互补,互补作用v课后练习4 p9v1) Although he might have done a lot of wrong thingsv2)help a lotv3)do sth. one after anotherv4)suitable to menv5)She also praises Daddy in front of Willv6)he goes to see them in addition to making telephone calls and writing letters or e-mailsWritingParagraphEssayTopic sentenceSentence of central ideaSupporting ideasEvidence to develop the main ideaConcluding sentenceSentence of conclusionAlthoughthere are some minor differences between them1.They are different in vocabulary.2. The pronunciation is also different3.The third difference worth mentioning is spelling.Thereforethe differences between these two varieties of EnglishBut there are minor differences between them in three areas1.The first difference is2.The second difference is 3.The third difference isGenerally speaking,v课后练习 翻译p23vTask onev根据兰登书屋韦氏词典,“家庭”这个词的字面意思是“父母亲和孩子组成的一群人”。v它指拥有同一身份,在一起的一群人。v由于具有团结所有成员的强大力量,家庭经常能超越社会等级制度。v这意味着家庭不仅仅是各位成员的简单总和。v家庭一词包含很多内容。v家庭成员来源于同一祖先,拥有共同的血缘。v俗话说“血浓于水”,血缘关系在家庭出现危机时能使成员显示出超凡力量。v血缘感使人们拥有全世界最特别、最独一无二的家庭身份。“家”是“家庭”的另一个称呼。v虽然家庭成员不一定都住在一起,但是他们心里始终觉得家是每个成员唯一的,也是最佳的住所。v家庭是最高的教育场所,这所学校几乎什么都教,包括爱。v爱是家庭作为家庭能够教导的最佳美德。v缺失爱的家庭不再是家庭,它意味着世界末日的到来。vTask twovWhen talking about “single-parent family”, many people consider it as a family after divorce according to their instinct.v However, with the diversity of families and social structure, single-parent families may be caused by various factors, such as divorce, death of a spouse, different working or living places of spouses, and even premarital pregnancy. vBecause of different reasons of single-parent families as well as inner and outer resources of children themselves, feelings in and ways of adapting themselves to this situation are different. vPsychologists argue that parents need to pay more attention to the mental health of their children. vThey need to seek suitable means of education according to their childrens personal characteristics. Both “simple rudeness” and “excessive spoiling” should be avoided. v Parents need to discover problems at an early stage and try to solve them by seeking professional help. Otherwise, those unsolved mental problems will severely affect their childrens life, study and lifelong happiness.vAll families have their stories, their dramas, their private jokes, nicknames and phrases. They are the places where our personalities were made. How often have you heard some one with young children complain “oh, no, I think Im turning into my parents”? The other day I found myself turning into one of my grandparents. I was trying to get my baby daughter to eat her dinner and I said “That will make your hair curl.” Now I dont think that green vegetables give you curly hair, or even that curly hair is a great thing to have. Its just a phrase I heard from my granddad a hundred times when I was small. It stayed in my mind, half-forgotten, until the time I could use it myself. I wonder if he heard it from his own grandparents. How many other old fashioned phrases like this stay inside families. When the rest of the world has forgotten them.结束结束
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