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M9 U1 Did he live in New M9 U1 Did he live in New York?York? welcome to Beijing welcome to LondonThis is Damings cousin(表哥) Dalong.The US = USA = America(美国)New YorkWashington D.C.San FranciscoHe lives in the US.New YorkWashington D.C.San FranciscoHe lives in San Francisco(旧金山)now.现在他居住在旧金山。San Francisco学学习目目标1、能、能够分角色朗分角色朗读活活动二二对话。2、理解、理解对话含含义,找到,找到带Did he.?的句子?的句子3、熟、熟练运用他人运用他人过去是否做去是否做过某事的某事的句型。句型。学习目标一学习目标一能够分角色朗读对话能够分角色朗读对话学法指导:学法指导:1、自己先读一遍对话,找出不会读的单、自己先读一遍对话,找出不会读的单词小组进行讨论。完成以后举手。词小组进行讨论。完成以后举手。 2 、听录音跟读,模仿语音语调。、听录音跟读,模仿语音语调。3、组长领读一遍,小组内成员分角色朗、组长领读一遍,小组内成员分角色朗读一遍,男生女生读一遍,男生女生PK读一遍。完成以后读一遍。完成以后举手。举手。4、再听录音跟读,纠正发音。、再听录音跟读,纠正发音。目标二读一遍对话找到带Did he?句子Did he live in New York? Did he travel by plane?He lived in Washington DC(华盛顿) last year.去年他居住在华盛顿。Did he live in New York last year?No, he didnt.去年去年Did he live in Washingtong DC. last year?Yes, he did.去年去年Dalong is on holiday(度假) in New York(纽约).大龙在纽约度假。Did she travel by plane?Yes,she did.Did he?travel by planeNo, he didnt.Did she?visit San FranciscoYes, she did.Did you?No, I didnt.watch TVDid heYes, he did.play footballDid sheNo, she didnt.read a bookReview单词?单词?词组?词组?句型?句型?Homework用本节课学过的句型,问一下你的朋友们上周做的事情。
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