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学习好资料欢迎下载星火教育一对一辅导教案学生姓名性别年级学科授课教师上课时间教学课题教学目标完成时态的学习教学重点与难点延续性动词,时态的正确使用,句型转换教学过程现在完成时1,结构:主语 +have/has+ 动词过去分词例句: I have eaten an apple. 否定:疑问句:答句:肯定 /否定2,使用情况:第一种情况:动作在过去发生,对现在产生影响。I have lost my keys ,so I can t go home now. 过去丢了钥匙,但对现在造成了影响回不了家。又如: He has caught a bad cold.He can t go to school. 第二种情况,动作从过去开始发生,并一直持续到现在,并且很有可能继续持续下去。常和 for+时间段 /since+过去时间点(词组或从句)连用等时间状语。常用在完成时中的时间状语:recently, already ,yet,so far,until now, by now, ever。辨析以下几组词汇:just now/just, in the past/in the past few years,already/yet Just 常和完成时连用, just now 表刚才,应用一般过去时。例句: I drank a glass of beer just now. I have just drunk a glass of beer. (just 一般位于 have,has和过去分词之间)In the past 在过去的某个时间点,和过去时连用,in the past few years是过去的几年里,是时间段。例句:I was a teacher in the past I have been a teacher in the past few years. already表已经,位置比较灵活:I have eaten the cake already. I have already eaten the cake. yet 既可以翻译为已经,也可以翻译为还没。精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 1 页,共 4 页学习好资料欢迎下载在填空时需要注意辨别两个中文意义:Have you found your keys (已经)?For+时间段:A I have taught English for 5 years. (时间段)例句 A 若改为 since:自从 引导: I have taught English since 5 years ago. 两句表达的意义相同, 使用方式却不一样, since和 for 可以互相转化, 只需要将时间段和时间点改变。Since的用法:Since 也可以引导时间状语从句,如:I have worked in this shop since I was a little girl. 这种情况下的时态选择为:(主句现完,从句一般过 )再如: James has been a doctor since he graduated from the university. 需要注意的是,表达某事持续多长时间:“it is +一段时间 +since从句”时态选择为: 主句一般现在时,从句一般过去时例: It is two hours since the meeting began. 翻译该句子:Lucy 离开家已经一个礼拜了。(出去旅游了). 句子中有明确一段时间,或暗示是一段时间段时,句子中谓语动词必须使用延续性动词,而不是非延续性动词。非延续性动词不可以和时间段连用。瞬间动词一般的延续性形式完成时的延续性形式leave be away have/has been away begin/start/put onbe on have/has been on turn off - turn onbe off - be on have/has been off end/finish be over have/has been over buy have have/has had borrowkeep have/has kept die be dead have/has been dead get to know know have/has known come/go+介词be+介词have/has been+ 介词open/closebe open/closed have/has been open/closed join/take part in be in+组织/ be a member of+ 组织have/has been in+ 组织/ have/has been a member of+ 组织become be have/has been get marriedbe married have/has been married fall asleep be asleep have/has been asleep catch a cold have a cold have/has had a cold get used to be used to have/has been used to 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 2 页,共 4 页学习好资料欢迎下载例:I have bought a book for ten days. I have had a book for ten days. 练习:翻译下列句子:1,我已经结婚六年了。2,Lucy 的妹妹已经感冒很久了。3,把电视音量调小,宝宝已经睡着了。【注意】1,忌处处都用延续性动词。句子中有明显的时间段时,才需要将非延续性动词改为延续性动词。如: I have bought a new book. I have had this book for 2 months. 2,不只是完成时态中需要延续性动词,下面这两种也经常考:我能借这本书多久?How long can I borrow the book?How long can I keep the book? 请在我离开的那段时间照顾狗。Please look after my dog when I leave. Please look after my dog while I am away. 3,短暂性动词的否定形式可以看做是延续性动词例:We havent met since three years ago. 【注意】Have been to ,have gone to , have been in 的区别have gone to: 在去某地的路上,或者已经离开了出发地,或者已经到了目的地,总之已经离开了说话者的位置,还没回来 。在上表可知,由于go 是短暂性动词,故该词组使用时,不可以和时间段的词组连用。如:James has gone to New York with his family. 表示 James已经出发离开, 或者到了纽约, 或者在去纽约的路上,还没回来。如: I have gone to Shanghai for two days. 这种表达就是错误的。Have been to: 曾经去过某地,现在已经回来,或者已经去了其他地方,总之已经离开了。强调人的过往经历,常和次数连用。如: I have been to the Great Britain for three times. 注意: 0 次也是次数!精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 3 页,共 4 页学习好资料欢迎下载例: I have never USA .(been to/gone to/been in) 从没去过,隐藏了去了0 次的意义。have been in: 还待在句中提到的位置,小地点可用at。通常会和一段时间连用。如:Mr. Smith has been in this school for twenty years. 待了 20 年,现在还在这个学校。练习:注意,不要学了完成时后,处处都用完成时态。过去时和完成时的区别:1,有明确的过去时间状语,如yesterday, last month, a few days ago 等。观察以下填空题:例:We have to repair the window because a strong wind (break) it. 如改为:We have to repair the window today,because a strong wind (break) it yesterday. 2,有上下文提示,确定是否对现在有影响,注意but 等转折词。My father _ went_ (go) to France several times in his twenties. Now he teaches French in a famous university. 答案为一般过去式,而非完成时。精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 4 页,共 4 页
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