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thatmanisshortthatmanisshort Whats this? What are they? Whats this?/ What are they?Its a panda.Theyre pandas.Whats this? What are they? Its an elephant. Theyre elephants.Whats this? What are they? Its a monkey.Theyre monkeys.Whats this? What are they? Its a tiger.Theyre tigers.bigsmalltallshortfatthin反义词组tall(高) - short (矮)big(大)- small(小) fat(胖)- thin(瘦)用用 “big” or “small”填空填空Its a ball.Its a ball.Its a bird.Its a bird.bigbigsmallsmallWhats this? Its a tiger.Its big.What are they?They are monkeys.They are small.Hes tall.Oh, hes short.Listen and read:Man 男人男人This man 这个人这个人That man 那个人那个人This man is tall.That man is short.This monkey is small and thin.That monkey is big and fat.四、读一读,判断句子与图片是(T)否(F)相符。( )1、-Whats this ? -Its a tiger. ( ) 2、This is a monkey.Its small. ( ) 3、-Whats that ?-Its a monkey. ( ) 4、-What are they ? -Theyre lions.TTTF五、连线五、连线1、What are they ? ? A A. .这这这这只只只只猴猴猴猴子子子子瘦瘦瘦瘦。2 2、I It t s s a a p pa an nd da a. . B B. .它它它它们们们们是是是是什什什什么么么么?3 3、T Th he ey y r re e s smma al ll l. . C C. .它它它它是是是是一一一一只只只只熊熊熊熊猫猫猫猫。4 4、T Th ha at t mma an n i is s s sh ho or rt t. . D D. .它它它它们们们们小小小小。5 5、T Th hi is s mmo on nk ke ey y i is s t th hi in n. . E E.那那个个人人很很矮矮。Look at Amy, she is _,Look at Amys father,he is_.A. tall B. short C. long B AThe mouse(老鼠(老鼠) is_.The cat is_.A.big B.shortC.smallCABye-bye结束!结束!
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