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the partys fine style, carry forward the traditional Chinese virtues, practicing t he Socialist core values, vigorously carry forward the spirit of Jiao Yulu, Hongqi Canal spirit and spirit of persistence, honesty in politics, strict statesman, stick to the spiritual heights of the Communists. Four to devotion, as, do play a role in qualifying. Official Communist duty. To fulfill the partys purpose, maintain for the people themselves, and dedication, devotion, maintain pi oneer, pi oneering and enterprising spirit, active at the well-off extra practice, make contributions. The ince ntive function of party organizations at all levels should give full play to advanced models, establish a re presentative, advanced and typical of the times, and guide the broad masses of party members to emulate. In honor of the 95 anniversary of founding as an opportunity to award in recognition of a number of outstanding party members advanced grass-roots party organizations, outstanding party workers, and put the pione er trees. Third, the reform efforts for example, be sure to change into. Learning to teachEducation i n order to solve the pr oblem, if it does not solve the problem, it will form, goes through the motions. To strengthen t he consciousness of problems and insisted on pr oblem-oriented, problem-solving learning education for traction, truly deep investigation into change, modification. A che cked swing. Learning education programme for party-building in our city actually proposed to focus on solution of fuzzy ideals and beliefs waver, consciousness, purpose of the party weak sense, honesty and self-discipline awareness is not strong, depressed, six issues of ethical misconduct study contents spe cific programmes for all party members and leading cadres above the county level shall focus on further refinement to the pr oblems. Specific to every party member and every cadre , also require s a combination of actual and controlled, focused and really put yourself in, people see thing s, see, with their own specific probl ems to learn Constitution Party rules, series, address, so preci sion to find the problem, laying a soli d foundation for further corrective action. B to make change. For check put of problem, through established rectification Taiwan account, and take special supervision, and on account PIN, approach, insisted do side learn side modified, and that know that modified, while focused on put two learn a do learning education rectification with grasp party of mass line education practice activities and three strict three real topic education problem rectification combined up, consolidation expande d has made of rectification results, strongly corrected for officer not for, and Chi and endless corre cted four wind, and regulation masses side of abuses, ensure work advance more powerful, and problem solution more completely. T hird, we must consolidate our a chievements. For more public, some party members who focus on the outstanding issues, combining concentrated ectification and strengthening the management of daily education, the spirit of reform short of the complete system, pay clo se attention to system implementation, really make the party organization and party member education and strict management, solid. Finall y, the urge work on the lead, be sure to promote efficiency. Two education, not on education educational, not working with the Centre two, must stick around the Center, servi ng the overall situation, coordinate, truly result-oriented and promote efficiency. Curre nt and future a period, to tightly around coordination advance four a full strategy layout, winning full built society this a central and work overall, put carried out lear ning education as promoted work of important opportunities and powerful power, gui de Ge neral members cadres insi sted development first priority, active adapted economic devel opment new normal, consciously practi ce line five big developme nt concept, effective grasp supply side structural reform, to guarantees and improved livelihood, construction more high ecologi cal vitality happi ness of city. Last year, we carry out three-three activities as a three-three special education important, find education and effective platform to facilitate the combination of work. Reference this a good practices, provincial, and municipal decided in two learn a do learning education in the carried out five check five promoting, the County District units to insisted put two learn a do learning education and five check five promoting organic fusion, and common advance, do one plan layout, and one organization implementation, put carried out two learn a do situation, and five check five promoting situation as party work evaluation of importantContent, as an important aspect of mutual evaluation on party members, testing as an important basis for leading bodies and leading ca dre s performance and guide the broad masses of party members and cadres to study education opens up to the main economic and social development. At present, the overall smooth economic operation in our city, but downward pressure is still high, faced a number of challenges and tests. Meanwhile, coincides with the city, County and township party committees this year general election year, how to really choose loyal, clean and serves as a good cadre, iron di sci pline of General Feng Qing Qi , Qi, Qi Shun, swapped out Powerful good situation, is a real test for all of us. General work on two to study the effect of education i nspection, if the true serie s of party rules and Constituton speaks well and truly become a qualified party member, nat urally we can deal with advance and retreat left turn treatment, proper organizational arrangements and selection, proper treatment of personal interests. o put carried out two learn a do learning education w ith do reform development stable the work combined up, and seriously do Center work, and daily and job combined up, and guarantees improved livelihood, and promote social harmony combined up, and completed the task combine第一课童年教学目标1 童年的回忆、 我们多么幸福、 摇啊摇、 小酒窝等作品,有如四夫幅精致多彩的画面, 它表达出对童年生活的回忆与热爱。我们从音乐声中感受并体验这种人间的真挚情感,珍惜今天的幸福生活。2聆听童年的回忆时,边听边看图形谱,从中初步感受速度在音乐表现中的作用。3进一步熟悉歌曲,通畅地唱好摇啊摇 小酒窝曲调。有感情的背唱这两首歌曲,并进行即兴表演。4听辨音的高低并进行模唱,能基本唱准。教学重点、难点1聆听、欣赏。听辨音的高低并进行模唱,能基本唱准。2休止符、有感情演唱歌曲。教学准备:电子琴课时划分:二课时第一课时:童年一、组织教学1听音乐拍手进教室。(选用苏珊娜)2确立良好坐姿,明确课堂纪律,师生问好。二、导入师:同学们,老师给大家请来了一位好朋友,它是谁呀?(小兔子出场)生:兔子!兔:小朋友们你们好,我叫小兔!师:小兔子今天给大家带来了一首非常好听的钢琴曲,名字叫童年的回忆。兔: 小朋友们,这首钢琴曲是小兔子特别爱听得一首,音乐中有一段乐曲像我精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 1 页,共 34 页the partys fine style, carry forward the traditional Chinese virtues, practicing t he Socialist core values, vigorously carry forward the spirit of Jiao Yulu, Hongqi Canal spirit and spirit of persistence, honesty in politics, strict statesman, stick to the spiritual heights of the Communists. Four to devotion, as, do play a role in qualifying. Official Communist duty. To fulfill the partys purpose, maintain for the people themselves, and dedication, devotion, maintain pi oneer, pi oneering and enterprising spirit, active at the well-off extra practice, make contributions. The incentive function of party organizations at all levels should give full play to advanced models, establish a re presentative, advanced and typical of the times, and guide the broad masses of party members to emulate. In honor of the 95 anniversary of founding as an opportunity to award in recognition of a number of outstanding party members advanced grass-roots party organizations, outstanding party workers, and put the pione er trees. Third, the reform efforts for example, be sure to change into. Learning to teachEducation i n order to solve the pr oblem, if it does not solve the problem, it will form, goes through the motions. To strengthen t he consciousness of problems and insisted on pr oblem-oriented, problem-solving learning education for traction, truly deep investigation into change, modification. A che cked swing. Learning education programme for party-building in our city actually proposed to focus on solution of fuzzy ideals and beliefs waver, consciousness, purpose of the party weak sense, honesty and self-discipline awareness is not strong, depressed, six issues of ethical misconduct study contents spe cific programmes for all party members and leading cadres above the county level shall focus on further refinement to the pr oblems. Specific to every party member and every cadre , also require s a combination of actual nd controlled, focused and really put yourself in, people see thing s, see, with their own specific probl ems to learn Constitution Party rules, series, address, so preci sion to find the problem, laying a soli d foundation for further corrective action. B to make change. For check put of problem, through established rectification Taiwan a ccount, and take special supervision, and on account PIN, approach, insisted do side learn side modified, and that know that modified, while focused on put two learn a do learning education rectification with grasp party of mass line education practice activities and three strict three real topic education problem rectification combined up, consolidation expande d has made of rectification results, strongly corrected for officer not for, and Chi and endless corre cted four wind, and regulation masses side of abuses, ensure work advance more powerful, and problem solution more completely. T hird, we must consolidate our a chievements. For more public, some party members who focus on the outstanding issues, combining concentrated ectification and strengthening the management of daily education, the spirit of reform short of the complete system, pay close attention to system implementation, really make the party organization and party member education and strict management, solid. Finall y, the urge work on the lead, be sure to promote efficiency. Two education, not on education educational, not working with the Centre two, must stick around the Center, servi ng the overall situation, coordinate, truly result-oriented and promote efficiency. Curre nt and future a period, to tightly around coordination advance four a full strategy layout, winning full built society this a central and work overall, put carried out lear ning education as promoted work of important opportunities and powerful power, gui de Ge neral members cadres insi sted development first priority, active adapted economic devel opment new normal, consciously practice line five big developme nt concept, effective grasp supply side structural reform, to guarantees and improved livelihood, construction more high ecologi cal vitality happi ness of city. Last year, we carry out three-three activities as a three-three special education important, find education and effective platform to facilitate the combination of work. Reference this a good practices, provincial, and municipal decided in two learn a do learning education in the carried out five check five promoting, the County District units to insisted put two learn a do learning education and five check five promoting organic fusion, and common advance, do one plan layout, and one organization implementation, put carried out two learn a do situation, and five check five promoting situation as party work evaluation of importantContent, as an important aspect of mutual evaluation on party members, testing as an important basis for leading bodies and leading ca dre s performance and guide the broad masses of party members and cadres to study education opens up to the main economic and social development. At present, the overall smooth economic operation in our city, but downward pressure is still high, faced a number of challenges and tests. Meanwhile, coincides with the city, County and township party committees this year general election year, how to really choose loyal, clean and serves as a good cadre, iron di sci pline of General Feng Qing Qi , Qi, Qi Shun, swapped out Powerful good situation, is a real test for all of us. General work on two to study the effect of education i nspection, if the true serie s of party rules and Constitution speaks well and truly become a qualified party member, nat urally we can deal with advance and retreat left turn treatment, proper organizational arrangements and selection, proper treatment of personal interests. o put carried out two learn a do learning education w ith do reform development stable the work combined up, and seriously do Center work, and daily and job combined up, and guarantees improved livelihood, and promote social harmony combined up, and completed the task combine跑步一样轻快好听,你们能自己听一听,找一找吗?(这时候小乌龟,鸭子也纷纷出现了)乌龟:还有我,还有我呢,音乐里面也有像我的爬行速度一样慢的音乐,你们也找找看呀!鸭子:我走路一摇一晃,既不像小兔子跑得那样快,也不像乌龟爬得那样慢,我的速度说不好,反正你们帮我找一找,我还没有找到呢!三、新授1聆听钢琴曲童年的回忆,请同学们根据三个小动物的话,来分乐段!听完,做简单分析,画书。2小游戏。聆听音乐学三种小动物走路的样子。(给学生走路空间)3分小组讨论,每组选出三个同学分角色扮演!4小兔子讲故事。让小兔子讲述她小的时候与外婆如何共度美好童年的?(创编一个小故事)兔:现在回忆起最难忘的事情就是外婆哄我进入梦乡的那个好听的童谣!同学们想知道吗?”(小兔子朗诵一遍歌词)生:让学生打开书读一遍。 (没有感情!)兔: “不像不像,你们读的一点都不像我的外婆一样好听!外婆的声音很小。”生:这个时候让学生再读,他们的声音一定按照小兔子的要求,声音轻而弱。兔:“不像不像,还是不像我的外婆,我的外婆读的速度没这么快。”生:第二次的要求同学们还能更好做到。兔:不像不像,还是不像我的外婆, 我的外婆不但会读, 还会唱呢,你们行吗?”生:同学们听到这里他们憋足了劲异口同声地说:“行” 。5学习歌曲,聆听几边。6学生小声跟唱。7音乐小知识反复记号四、创编活动进行简单表演精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 2 页,共 34 页the partys fine style, carry forward the traditional Chinese virtues, practicing t he Socialist core values, vigorously carry forward the spirit of Jiao Yulu, Hongqi Canal spirit and spirit of persistence, honesty in politics, strict statesman, stick to the spiritual heights of the Communists. Four to devotion, as, do play a role in qualifying. Official Communist duty. To fulfill the partys purpose, maintain for the people themselves, and dedication, devotion, maintain pi oneer, pi oneering and enterprising spirit, active at the well-off extra practice, make contributions. The incentive function of party organizations at all levels should give full play to advanced models, establish a re presentative, advanced and typical of the times, and guide the broad masses of party members to emulate. In honor of the 95 anniversary of founding as an opportunity to award in recognition of a number of outstanding party members advanced grass-roots party organizations, outstanding party workers, and put the pione er trees. Third, the reform efforts for example, be sure to change into. Learning to teachEducation i n order to solve the pr oblem, if it does not solve the problem, it will form, goes through the motions. To strengthen t he consciousness of problems and insisted on pr oblem-oriented, problem-solving learning education for traction, truly deep investigation into change, modification. A che cked swing. Learning education programme for party-building in our city actually proposed to focus on solution of fuzzy ideals and beliefs waver, consciousness, purpose of the party weak sense, honesty and self-discipline awareness is not strong, depressed, six issues of ethical misconduct study contents spe cific programmes for all party members and leading cadres above the county level shall focus on further refinement to the pr oblems. Specific to every party member and every cadre , also require s a combination of actual and controlled, focused and really put yourself in, people see thing s, see, with their own specific probl ems to learn Constitution Party rules, series, address, so preci sion to find the problem, laying a soli d foundation for further corrective action. B to make change. For check put of problem, through established rectification Taiwan account, and take special supervision, and on account PIN, approach, insisted do side learn side modified, and that know that modified, while focused on put two learn a do learning education rectification with grasp party of mass line education practice activities and three strict three real topic education problem rectification combined up, consolidation xpande d has made of rectification results, strongly corrected for officer not for, and Chi and endless corre cted four wind, and regulation masses side of abuses, ensure work advance more powerful, and problem solution more completely. T hird, we must consolidate our a chievements. For more public, some party members who focus on the outstanding issues, combining concentrated ectification and strengthening the management of daily education, the spirit of reform short of the complete system, pay close attention to system implementation, really make the party organization and party member education and strict management, solid. Finally, the urge work on the lead, be sure to promote efficiency. Two education, not on education educational, not working with the Centre two, must stick around the Cente r, serving the overall situation, coordinate, truly result-oriented and promote efficiency. Curre nt and future a period, to tightly around coordination advance four a full strategy layout, winning full built society this a central and work overall, put carried out learning education as promoted work of important opportunities and powerful power, gui de Ge neral members cadres insi sted development first priority, active adapted economic developme nt new normal, consciously practice line five big developme nt concept, effective grasp supply side structural reform, to guarantees and improved livelihood, construction more high ecologi cal vitality happi ness of city. Last year, we carry out three-three activities as a three-three special education important, find education and effective platform to facilitate the combination of work. Reference this a good practices, provincial, and municipal decided in two learn a do learning education in the carried out five check five promoting, the County District units to insisted put two learn a do learning education and five check five promoting organic fusion, and common advance, do one plan layout, and one organization implementation, put carried out two learn a do situation, and five check five promoting situation as party work evaluation of importantContent, as an important aspect of mutual evaluation on party members, testing as an important basis for leading bodies and leading ca dre s performance and guide the broad masses of party members and cadres to study education opens up to the main economic and social development. At present, the overall smooth economic operation in our city, but downward pressure is still high, faced a number of challenges and tests. Meanwhile, coincides with the city, County and township party committees this year general election year, how to really choose loyal, clean and serves as a good cadre, iron di sci pline of General Feng Qing Qi , Qi, Qi Shun, swapped out Powerful good situation, is a real test for all of us. General work on two to study the effect of education i nspection, if the true serie s of party rules and Constitution speaks well and truly become a qualified party member, nat urally we can deal with advance and retreat left turn treatment, proper organizational arrangements and selection, proper treatment of personal interests. o put carried out two learn a do learning education w ith do reform development sta ble the work combined up, and seriously do Center work, and daily and job combined up, and guarantees improved livelihood, and promote social harmony combined up, and completed the task combine小兔子:哎!现在我真得很想回到从前,躺在外婆的怀抱里好好睡上一觉。外婆总会用他那温柔的手抚摸我的头、 身体还有小尾巴! 可惜可惜啊,再也看不到了!同学们你们会哄我入睡吗? (这个时候全班同学那种迫不及待的手已经开始按照小兔子刚才的一番话模仿了。 )同学们当然说没问题!于是,主题曲再次想起,学生们终于理解了这首歌曲, 用缓慢的速度, 温柔的声音, 细致的表演完成了这首歌曲!五、课堂小结从音乐的体验中联想你的童年生活中最值得回忆的一幕,向大家说说。精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 3 页,共 34 页the partys fine style, carry forward the traditional Chinese virtues, practicing t he Socialist core values, vigorously carry forward the spirit of Jiao Yulu, Hongqi Canal spirit and spirit of persistence, honesty in politics, strict statesman, stick to the spiritual heights of the Communists. Four to devotion, as, do play a role in qualifying. Official Communist duty. To fulfill the partys purpose, maintain for the people themselves, and dedication, devotion, maintain pi oneer, pi oneering and enterprising spirit, active at the well-off extra practice, make contributions. The incentive function of party organizations at all levels should give full play to advanced models, establish a re presentative, advanced and typical of the times, and guide the broad masses of party members to emulate. In honor of the 95 anniversary of founding as an opportunity to award in recognition of a number of outstanding party members advanced grass-roots party organizations, outstanding party workers, and put the pione er trees. Third, the reform efforts for example, be sure to change into. Learning to teachEducation i n order to solve the pr oblem, if it does not solve the problem, it will form, goes through the motions. To strengthen t he consciousness of problems and insisted on pr oblem-oriented, problem-solving learning education for traction, truly deep investigation into change, modification. A che cked swing. Learning education programme for party-building in our city actually proposed to focus on solution of fuzzy ideals and beliefs waver, consciousness, purpose of the party weak sense, honesty and self-discipline awareness is not strong, depressed, six issues of ethical misconduct study contents spe cific programmes for all party members and leading cadres above the county level shall focus on further refinement to the pr oblems. Specific to every party member and every cadre , also require s a combination of actual nd controlled, focused and really put yourself in, people see thing s, see, with their own specific probl ems to learn Constitution Party rules, series, address, so preci sion to find the problem, laying a soli d foundation for further corrective action. B to make change. For check put of problem, through established rectification Taiwan a ccount, and take special supervision, and on account PIN, approach, insisted do side learn side modified, and that know that modified, while focused on put two learn a do learning education rectification with grasp party of mass line education practice activities and three strict three real topic education problem rectification combined up, consolidation expande d has made of rectification results, strongly corrected for officer not for, and Chi and endless corre cted four wind, and regulation masses side of abuses, ensure work advance more powerful, and problem solution more completely. T hird, we must consolidate our a chievements. For more public, some party members who focus on the outstanding issues, combining concentrated ectification and strengthening the management of daily education, the spirit of reform short of the complete system, pay close attention to system implementation, really make the party organization and party member education and strict management, solid. Finall y, the urge work on the lead, be sure to promote efficiency. Two education, not on education educational, not working with the Centre two, must stick around the Center, servi ng the overall situation, coordinate, truly result-oriented and promote efficiency. Curre nt and future a period, to tightly around coordination advance four a full strategy layout, winning full built society this a central and work overall, put carried out lear ning education as promoted work of important opportunities and powerful power, gui de Ge neral members cadres insi sted development first priority, active adapted economic devel opment new normal, consciously practice line five big developme nt concept, effective grasp supply side structural reform, to guarantees and improved livelihood, construction more high ecologi cal vitality happi ness of city. Last year, we carry out three-three activities as a three-three special education important, find education and effective platform to facilitate the combination of work. Reference this a good practices, provincial, and municipal decided in two learn a do learning education in the carried out five check five promoting, the County District units to insisted put two learn a do learning education and five check five promoting organic fusion, and common advance, do one plan layout, and one organization implementation, put carried out two learn a do situation, and five check five promoting situation as party work evaluation of importantContent, as an important aspect of mutual evaluation on party members, testing as an important basis for leading bodies and leading ca dre s performance and guide the broad masses of party members and cadres to study education opens up to the main economic and social development. At present, the overall smooth economic operation in our city, but downward pressure is still high, faced a number of challenges and tests. Meanwhile, coincides with the city, County and township party committees this year general election year, how to really choose loyal, clean and serves as a good cadre, iron di sci pline of General Feng Qing Qi , Qi, Qi Shun, swapped out Powerful good situation, is a real test for all of us. General work on two to study the effect of education i nspection, if the true serie s of party rules and Constitution speaks well and truly become a qualified party member, nat urally we can deal with advance and retreat left turn treatment, proper organizational arrangements and selection, proper treatment of personal interests. o put carried out two learn a do learning education w ith do reform development stable the work combined up, and seriously do Center work, and daily and job combined up, and guarantees improved livelihood, and promote social harmony combined up, and completed the task combine第二课时:小酒窝一、师生问好。二、复习歌曲1发声练习: 1 2 3 4 5 5 4 3 2 1 小猫 爱吃鱼,鱼。2实践模唱,复习歌曲摇啊摇 。三、导入师: 世界真大,有许许多多美好的事物, 比如:鲜花、 绿草、蝴蝶、 小溪、高山,到处充满美丽、和平、欢乐。最近老师也在同学们的脸上发现了美丽的东西,同学们互相观察观察到底老师发现了什么?生:各抒己见!师:老师最喜欢的是每个同学的微笑,因为我会看到你们每个人脸上可爱的小酒窝!四、学习歌曲小酒窝1初听歌曲小酒窝,感受音乐的欢快的情绪。2按节奏朗诵歌词。3再次聆听歌曲,学生可以小声跟着录音学唱歌曲。4重点难点句教唱:“左边一个,右边一个,成天价笑呵呵咿呀咿子喂。”5跟着伴奏完整的演唱歌曲。6制作彩色小酒窝,利用剪刀剪出两个圆形酒窝贴到脸上,教师给学生配备即时贴纸。7休止符游戏。精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 4 页,共 34 页the partys fine style, carry forward the traditional Chinese virtues, practicing t he Socialist core values, vigorously carry forward the spirit of Jiao Yulu, Hongqi Canal spirit and spirit of persistence, honesty in politics, strict statesman, stick to the spiritual heights of the Communists. Four to devotion, as, do play a role in qualifying. Official Communist duty. To fulfill the partys purpose, maintain for the people themselves, and dedication, devotion, maintain pi oneer, pi oneering and enterprising spirit, active at the well-off extra practice, make contributions. The incentive function of party organizations at all levels should give full play to advanced models, establish a re presentative, advanced and typical of the times, and guide the broad masses of party members to emulate. In honor of the 95 anniversary of founding as an opportunity to award in recognition of a number of outstanding party members advanced grass-roots party organizations, outstanding party workers, and put the pione er trees. Third, the reform efforts for example, be sure to change into. Learning to teachEducation i n order to solve the pr oblem, if it does not solve the problem, it will form, goes through the motions. To strengthen t he consciousness of problems and insisted on pr oblem-oriented, problem-solving learning education for traction, truly deep investigation into change, modification. A che cked swing. Learning education programme for party-building in our city actually proposed to focus on solution of fuzzy ideals and beliefs waver, consciousness, purpose of the party weak sense, honesty and self-discipline awareness is not strong, depressed, six issues of ethical misconduct study contents spe cific programmes for all party members and leading cadres above the county level shall focus on further refinement to the pr oblems. Specific to every party member and every cadre , also require s a combination of actual and controlled, focused and really put yourself in, people see thing s, see, with their own specific probl ems to learn Constitution Party rules, series, address, so preci sion to find the problem, laying a soli d foundation for further corrective action. B to make change. For check put of problem, through established rectification Taiwan account, and take special supervision, and on account PIN, approach, insisted do side learn side modified, and that know that modified, while focused on put two learn a do learning education rectification with grasp party of mass line education practice activities and three strict three real topic education problem rectification combined up, consolidation xpande d has made of rectification results, strongly corrected for officer not for, and Chi and endless corre cted four wind, and regulation masses side of abuses, ensure work advance more powerful, and problem solution more completely. T hird, we must consolidate our a chievements. For more public, some party members who focus on the outstanding issues, combining concentrated ectification and strengthening the management of daily education, the spirit of reform short of the complete system, pay close attention to system implementation, really make the party organization and party member education and strict management, solid. Finally, the urge work on the lead, be sure to promote efficiency. Two education, not on education educational, not working with the Centre two, must stick around the Cente r, serving the overall situation, coordinate, truly result-oriented and promote efficiency. Curre nt and future a period, to tightly around coordination advance four a full strategy layout, winning full built society this a central and work overall, put carried out learning education as promoted work of important opportunities and powerful power, gui de Ge neral members cadres insi sted development first priority, active adapted economic developme nt new normal, consciously practice line five big developme nt concept, effective grasp supply side structural reform, to guarantees and improved livelihood, construction more high ecologi cal vitality happi ness of city. Last year, we carry out three-three activities as a three-three special education important, find education and effective platform to facilitate the combination of work. Reference this a good practices, provincial, and municipal decided in two learn a do learning education in the carried out five check five promoting, the County District units to insisted put two learn a do learning education and five check five promoting organic fusion, and common advance, do one plan layout, and one organization implementation, put carried out two learn a do situation, and five check five promoting situation as party work evaluation of importantContent, as an important aspect of mutual evaluation on party members, testing as an important basis for leading bodies and leading ca dre s performance and guide the broad masses of party members and cadres to study education opens up to the main economic and social development. At present, the overall smooth economic operation in our city, but downward pressure is still high, faced a number of challenges and tests. Meanwhile, coincides with the city, County and township party committees this year general election year, how to really choose loyal, clean and serves as a good cadre, iron di sci pline of General Feng Qing Qi , Qi, Qi Shun, swapped out Powerful good situation, is a real test for all of us. General work on two to study the effect of education i nspection, if the true serie s of party rules and Constitution speaks well and truly become a qualified party member, nat urally we can deal with advance and retreat left turn treatment, proper organizational arrangements and selection, proper treatment of personal interests. o put carried out two learn a do learning education w ith do reform development sta ble the work combined up, and seriously do Center work, and daily and job combined up, and guarantees improved livelihood, and promote social harmony combined up, and completed the task combine五、聆听我们多么幸福1导入师:看到每个同学的脸上都有两个笑起来的小酒窝,老师真开心, 那么老师问一问大家你们在微笑的时候感受到了什么呢?生:高兴!幸福!师:同学们说的都很好!我们的生活是快乐、幸福的!有一首歌曲就是唱我们的生活多么幸福快乐,我想同学们一定很想听一听!2欣赏我们多么幸福 ,可以随着音乐拍手或做动作。六、课堂小结,听音乐走出教室。母亲(诗歌)小草的母亲是谁?小草的母亲是大地,是她给了小草蓬勃的生命。鸟儿的母亲是谁?鸟儿的母亲是蓝天,是她给了鸟儿奋飞的空间。 鱼儿的母亲是谁?鱼儿的母亲是江河, 是她给了鱼儿畅游的场所。 我们的母亲是谁?我们的母亲是祖国,是她给了我们幸福的生活。精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 5 页,共 34 页the partys fine style, carry forward the traditional Chinese virtues, practicing t he Socialist core values, vigorously carry forward the spirit of Jiao Yulu, Hongqi Canal spirit and spirit of persistence, honesty in politics, strict statesman, stick to the spiritual heights of the Communists. Four to devotion, as, do play a role in qualifying. Official Communist duty. To fulfill the partys purpose, maintain for the people themselves, and dedication, devotion, maintain pi oneer, pi oneering and enterprising spirit, active at the well-off extra practice, make contributions. The incentive function of party organizations at all levels should give full play to advanced models, establish a re presentative, advanced and typical of the times, and guide the broad masses of party members to emulate. In honor of the 95 anniversary of founding as an opportunity to award in recognition of a number of outstanding party members advanced grass-roots party organizations, outstanding party workers, and put the pione er trees. Third, the reform efforts for example, be sure to change into. Learning to teachEducation i n order to solve the pr oblem, if it does not solve the problem, it will form, goes through the motions. To strengthen t he consciousness of problems and insisted on pr oblem-oriented, problem-solving learning education for traction, truly deep investigation into change, modification. A che cked swing. Learning education programme for party-building in our city actually proposed to focus on solution of fuzzy ideals and beliefs waver, consciousness, purpose of the party weak sense, honesty and self-discipline awareness is not strong, depressed, six issues of ethical misconduct study contents spe cific programmes for all party members and leading cadres above the county level shall focus on further refinement to the pr oblems. Specific to every party member and every cadre , also require s a combination of actual nd controlled, focused and really put yourself in, people see thing s, see, with their own specific probl ems to learn Constitution Party rules, series, address, so preci sion to find the problem, laying a soli d foundation for further corrective action. B to make change. For check put of problem, through established rectification Taiwan a ccount, and take special supervision, and on account PIN, approach, insisted do side learn side modified, and that know that modified, while focused on put two learn a do learning education rectification with grasp party of mass line education practice activities and three strict three real topic education problem rectification combined up, consolidation expande d has made of rectification results, strongly corrected for officer not for, and Chi and endless corre cted four wind, and regulation masses side of abuses, ensure work advance more powerful, and problem solution more completely. T hird, we must consolidate our a chievements. For more public, some party members who focus on the outstanding issues, combining concentrated ectification and strengthening the management of daily education, the spirit of reform short of the complete system, pay close attention to system implementation, really make the party organization and party member education and strict management, solid. Finall y, the urge work on the lead, be sure to promote efficiency. Two education, not on education educational, not working with the Centre two, must stick around the Center, servi ng the overall situation, coordinate, truly result-oriented and promote efficiency. Curre nt and future a period, to tightly around coordination advance four a full strategy layout, winning full built society this a central and work overall, put carried out lear ning education as promoted work of important opportunities and powerful power, gui de Ge neral members cadres insi sted development first priority, active adapted economic devel opment new normal, consciously practice line five big developme nt concept, effective grasp supply side structural reform, to guarantees and improved livelihood, construction more high ecologi cal vitality happi ness of city. Last year, we carry out three-three activities as a three-three special education important, find education and effective platform to facilitate the combination of work. Reference this a good practices, provincial, and municipal decided in two learn a do learning education in the carried out five check five promoting, the County District units to insisted put two learn a do learning education and five check five promoting organic fusion, and common advance, do one plan layout, and one organization implementation, put carried out two learn a do situation, and five check five promoting situation as party work evaluation of importantContent, as an important aspect of mutual evaluation on party members, testing as an important basis for leading bodies and leading ca dre s performance and guide the broad masses of party members and cadres to study education opens up to the main economic and social development. At present, the overall smooth economic operation in our city, but downward pressure is still high, faced a number of challenges and tests. Meanwhile, coincides with the city, County and township party committees this year general election year, how to really choose loyal, clean and serves as a good cadre, iron di sci pline of General Feng Qing Qi , Qi, Qi Shun, swapped out Powerful good situation, is a real test for all of us. General work on two to study the effect of education i nspection, if the true serie s of party rules and Constitution speaks well and truly become a qualified party member, nat urally we can deal with advance and retreat left turn treatment, proper organizational arrangements and selection, proper treatment of personal interests. o put carried out two learn a do learning education w ith do reform development stable the work combined up, and seriously do Center work, and daily and job combined up, and guarantees improved livelihood, and promote social harmony combined up, and completed the task combine第二课草原教学目的1有感情地演唱歌曲, 并通过其他创编活动来初步感受内蒙古歌舞的民族风格。2通过小组合作表演等音乐实践活动,发展学生的创造思维能力,提高学生创造音乐美的才能和合作协调能力。教学重点1通过在小组集体活动中,用各种创编活动来感受内蒙古歌舞的民族风格,激发学生对祖国美好河山的热爱。2创编活动,节奏练习,旋律片段创作。教学难点:掌握四分音符和二分音符。教学准备:电子琴课时划分:二课时第一课时:草原上一、组织教学1听音乐拍手进教室。2确立良好坐姿,明确课堂纪律,师生问好。二、复习歌曲1发声练习: 1 2 3 4 5 5 4 3 2 1 小猫 爱吃鱼,鱼。2实践模唱,复习歌曲摇啊摇 、 小酒窝。三、导入精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 6 页,共 34 页the partys fine style, carry forward the traditional Chinese virtues, practicing t he Socialist core values, vigorously carry forward the spirit of Jiao Yulu, Hongqi Canal spirit and spirit of persistence, honesty in politics, strict statesman, stick to the spiritual heights of the Communists. Four to devotion, as, do play a role in qualifying. Official Communist duty. To fulfill the partys purpose, maintain for the people themselves, and dedication, devotion, maintain pi oneer, pi oneering and enterprising spirit, active at the well-off extra practice, make contributions. The incentive function of party organizations at all levels should give full play to advanced models, establish a re presentative, advanced and typical of the times, and guide the broad masses of party members to emulate. In honor of the 95 anniversary of founding as an opportunity to award in recognition of a number of outstanding party members advanced grass-roots party organizations, outstanding party workers, and put the pione er trees. Third, the reform efforts for example, be sure to change into. Learning to teachEducation i n order to solve the pr oblem, if it does not solve the problem, it will form, goes through the motions. To strengthen t he consciousness of problems and insisted on pr oblem-oriented, problem-solving learning education for traction, truly deep investigation into change, modification. A che cked swing. Learning education programme for party-building in our city actually proposed to focus on solution of fuzzy ideals and beliefs waver, consciousness, purpose of the party weak sense, honesty and self-discipline awareness is not strong, depressed, six issues of ethical misconduct study contents spe cific programmes for all party members and leading cadres above the county level shall focus on further refinement to the pr oblems. Specific to every party member and every cadre , also require s a combination of actual and controlled, focused and really put yourself in, people see thing s, see, with their own specific probl ems to learn Constitution Party rules, series, address, so preci sion to find the problem, laying a soli d foundation for further corrective action. B to make change. For check put of problem, through established rectification Taiwan account, and take special supervision, and on account PIN, approach, insisted do side learn side modified, and that know that modified, while focused on put two learn a do learning education rectification with grasp party of mass line education practice activities and three strict three real topic education problem rectification combined up, consolidation xpande d has made of rectification results, strongly corrected for officer not for, and Chi and endless corre cted four wind, and regulation masses side of abuses, ensure work advance more powerful, and problem solution more completely. T hird, we must consolidate our a chievements. For more public, some party members who focus on the outstanding issues, combining concentrated ectification and strengthening the management of daily education, the spirit of reform short of the complete system, pay close attention to system implementation, really make the party organization and party member education and strict management, solid. Finally, the urge work on the lead, be sure to promote efficiency. Two education, not on education educational, not working with the Centre two, must stick around the Cente r, serving the overall situation, coordinate, truly result-oriented and promote efficiency. Curre nt and future a period, to tightly around coordination advance four a full strategy layout, winning full built society this a central and work overall, put carried out learning education as promoted work of important opportunities and powerful power, gui de Ge neral members cadres insi sted development first priority, active adapted economic developme nt new normal, consciously practice line five big developme nt concept, effective grasp supply side structural reform, to guarantees and improved livelihood, construction more high ecologi cal vitality happi ness of city. Last year, we carry out three-three activities as a three-three special education important, find education and effective platform to facilitate the combination of work. Reference this a good practices, provincial, and municipal decided in two learn a do learning education in the carried out five check five promoting, the County District units to insisted put two learn a do learning education and five check five promoting organic fusion, and common advance, do one plan layout, and one organization implementation, put carried out two learn a do situation, and five check five promoting situation as party work evaluation of importantContent, as an important aspect of mutual evaluation on party members, testing as an important basis for leading bodies and leading ca dre s performance and guide the broad masses of party members and cadres to study education opens up to the main economic and social development. At present, the overall smooth economic operation in our city, but downward pressure is still high, faced a number of challenges and tests. Meanwhile, coincides with the city, County and township party committees this year general election year, how to really choose loyal, clean and serves as a good cadre, iron di sci pline of General Feng Qing Qi , Qi, Qi Shun, swapped out Powerful good situation, is a real test for all of us. General work on two to study the effect of education i nspection, if the true serie s of party rules and Constitution speaks well and truly become a qualified party member, nat urally we can deal with advance and retreat left turn treatment, proper organizational arrangements and selection, proper treatment of personal interests. o put carried out two learn a do learning education w ith do reform development sta ble the work combined up, and seriously do Center work, and daily and job combined up, and guarantees improved livelihood, and promote social harmony combined up, and completed the task combine1聆听音乐草原放牧师:今天老师要带你们去一个美丽的地方去看看,你们想不想去呀?生:想!师:在看的时候如果你有什么感受都可以用你的方式表现出来,比如跟着唱、 打拍子等等。2情境想象,进入主题师:草原是不是很美丽呀?生:是!(让学生自由发挥想象, 老师作提示: 天上有什么?地上有什么?草原有什么颜色?它们分别是什么?生: 天上有白云, 地上有羊、 马、狗,草原有绿色、 蓝色、红色、白色、棕色,绿色是草和山,蓝色是天空和河流,白色是云和绵羊,还有蒙古包是白色红边的,棕色是马和狗。 )3初步掌握歌曲风格师:下面再给你们听一首歌, 也是关于草原的。 听的时候要思考这首曲子是什么速度、情绪、节奏和旋律是怎样的?(播放歌曲草原上的录音)4听一听、想一想草原上和小酒窝在情绪、速度上有什么不同?A、优美、舒展地、宽广B、欢快、活泼地、紧凑四、学习歌曲草原上1进入新课: (师)今天我们要来当一回蒙古人,唱蒙古歌,跳蒙古舞。2聆听歌曲,初步感受内蒙民歌的特点。这首歌曲为4/4 拍的羽调式内蒙古族歌曲,音乐语言简练易记, 旋律线条起伏较大, 基本素材只包含两个乐句的八小节乐段。节奏舒展,旋律优美,生动地勾画出一幅风和日丽、绿草如茵的草原风光,就仿佛置身于一望无边的辽阔草原当中,抒发了牧民舒畅愉快、 热爱家乡的美好生活,刻画了内蒙古人民的爽朗豪放、热情好客的性格。3用听唱法学习歌曲,小声的跟着录音范唱学习歌曲。4听辨音的长短:(师)同学们,你们有没有发现在唱这曲子的时候,在同一个小节里有的歌词唱得短一些,有的要唱得长一些?请同学回答。(生)高、照、精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 7 页,共 34 页the partys fine style, carry forward the traditional Chinese virtues, practicing t he Socialist core values, vigorously carry forward the spirit of Jiao Yulu, Hongqi Canal spirit and spirit of persistence, honesty in politics, strict statesman, stick to the spiritual heights of the Communists. Four to devotion, as, do play a role in qualifying. Official Communist duty. To fulfill the partys purpose, maintain for the people themselves, and dedication, devotion, maintain pi oneer, pi oneering and enterprising spirit, active at the well-off extra practice, make contributions. The incentive function of party organizations at all levels should give full play to advanced models, establish a re presentative, advanced and typical of the times, and guide the broad masses of party members to emulate. In honor of the 95 anniversary of founding as an opportunity to award in recognition of a number of outstanding party members advanced grass-roots party organizations, outstanding party workers, and put the pione er trees. Third, the reform efforts for example, be sure to change into. Learning to teachEducation i n order to solve the pr oblem, if it does not solve the problem, it will form, goes through the motions. To strengthen t he consciousness of problems and insisted on pr oblem-oriented, problem-solving learning education for traction, truly deep investigation into change, modification. A che cked swing. Learning education programme for party-building in our city actually proposed to focus on solution of fuzzy ideals and beliefs waver, consciousness, purpose of the party weak sense, honesty and self-discipline awareness is not strong, depressed, six issues of ethical misconduct study contents spe cific programmes for all party members and leading cadres above the county level shall focus on further refinement to the pr oblems. Specific to every party member and every cadre , also require s a combination of actual nd controlled, focused and really put yourself in, people see thing s, see, with their own specific probl ems to learn Constitution Party rules, series, address, so preci sion to find the problem, laying a soli d foundation for further corrective action. B to make change. For check put of problem, through established rectification Taiwan a ccount, and take special supervision, and on account PIN, approach, insisted do side learn side modified, and that know that modified, while focused on put two learn a do learning education rectification with grasp party of mass line education practice activities and three strict three real topic education problem rectification combined up, consolidation expande d has made of rectification results, strongly corrected for officer not for, and Chi and endless corre cted four wind, and regulation masses side of abuses, ensure work advance more powerful, and problem solution more completely. T hird, we must consolidate our a chievements. For more public, some party members who focus on the outstanding issues, combining concentrated ectification and strengthening the management of daily education, the spirit of reform short of the complete system, pay close attention to system implementation, really make the party organization and party member education and strict management, solid. Finall y, the urge work on the lead, be sure to promote efficiency. Two education, not on education educational, not working with the Centre two, must stick around the Center, servi ng the overall situation, coordinate, truly result-oriented and promote efficiency. Curre nt and future a period, to tightly around coordination advance four a full strategy layout, winning full built society this a central and work overall, put carried out lear ning education as promoted work of important opportunities and powerful power, gui de Ge neral members cadres insi sted development first priority, active adapted economic devel opment new normal, consciously practice line five big developme nt concept, effective grasp supply side structural reform, to guarantees and improved livelihood, construction more high ecologi cal vitality happi ness of city. Last year, we carry out three-three activities as a three-three special education important, find education and effective platform to facilitate the combination of work. Reference this a good practices, provincial, and municipal decided in two learn a do learning education in the carried out five check five promoting, the County District units to insisted put two learn a do learning education and five check five promoting organic fusion, and common advance, do one plan layout, and one organization implementation, put carried out two learn a do situation, and five check five promoting situation as party work evaluation of importantContent, as an important aspect of mutual evaluation on party members, testing as an important basis for leading bodies and leading ca dre s performance and guide the broad masses of party members and cadres to study education opens up to the main economic and social development. At present, the overall smooth economic operation in our city, but downward pressure is still high, faced a number of challenges and tests. Meanwhile, coincides with the city, County and township party committees this year general election year, how to really choose loyal, clean and serves as a good cadre, iron di sci pline of General Feng Qing Qi , Qi, Qi Shun, swapped out Powerful good situation, is a real test for all of us. General work on two to study the effect of education i nspection, if the true serie s of party rules and Constitution speaks well and truly become a qualified party member, nat urally we can deal with advance and retreat left turn treatment, proper organizational arrangements and selection, proper treatment of personal interests. o put carried out two learn a do learning education w ith do reform development stable the work combined up, and seriously do Center work, and daily and job combined up, and guarantees improved livelihood, and promote social harmony combined up, and completed the task combine跑、叫、壮、肥。5实践活动(师)现在这里有些打击乐器, 你认为用哪种乐器可以表现出长音?哪种乐器表现短音?6有表情的演唱歌曲。五、拓展1进一步掌握风格,播放一段蒙古舞蹈我也来当小骑兵,让同学们留意看内蒙古舞蹈有什么特点。2老师鼓励学生在合作讨论中分组出来表演各自创编的表演活动共同评选出最有创意合作得最好的一组六、课堂小结内蒙古人的性格开朗 , 而且很热情好客,如果你们到内蒙古去做客,他们一定会很热情地招待你, 这就是我们中国众多少数民族中的内蒙古族,是中华民族不可缺少的一部分。内蒙古草原参观活动结束了,请同学们骑着马离开这个美丽的大草原。(放我也来当小骑兵音乐,学生们做着骑马状离开课室)精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 8 页,共 34 页the partys fine style, carry forward the traditional Chinese virtues, practicing t he Socialist core values, vigorously carry forward the spirit of Jiao Yulu, Hongqi Canal spirit and spirit of persistence, honesty in politics, strict statesman, stick to the spiritual heights of the Communists. Four to devotion, as, do play a role in qualifying. Official Communist duty. To fulfill the partys purpose, maintain for the people themselves, and dedication, devotion, maintain pi oneer, pi oneering and enterprising spirit, active at the well-off extra practice, make contributions. The incentive function of party organizations at all levels should give full play to advanced models, establish a re presentative, advanced and typical of the times, and guide the broad masses of party members to emulate. In honor of the 95 anniversary of founding as an opportunity to award in recognition of a number of outstanding party members advanced grass-roots party organizations, outstanding party workers, and put the pione er trees. Third, the reform efforts for example, be sure to change into. Learning to teachEducation i n order to solve the pr oblem, if it does not solve the problem, it will form, goes through the motions. To strengthen t he consciousness of problems and insisted on pr oblem-oriented, problem-solving learning education for traction, truly deep investigation into change, modification. A che cked swing. Learning education programme for party-building in our city actually proposed to focus on solution of fuzzy ideals and beliefs waver, consciousness, purpose of the party weak sense, honesty and self-discipline awareness is not strong, depressed, six issues of ethical misconduct study contents spe cific programmes for all party members and leading cadres above the county level shall focus on further refinement to the pr oblems. Specific to every party member and every cadre , also require s a combination of actual and controlled, focused and really put yourself in, people see thing s, see, with their own specific probl ems to learn Constitution Party rules, series, address, so preci sion to find the problem, laying a soli d foundation for further corrective action. B to make change. For check put of problem, through established rectification Taiwan account, and take special supervision, and on account PIN, approach, insisted do side learn side modified, and that know that modified, while focused on put two learn a do learning education rectification with grasp party of mass line education practice activities and three strict three real topic education problem rectification combined up, consolidation xpande d has made of rectification results, strongly corrected for officer not for, and Chi and endless corre cted four wind, and regulation masses side of abuses, ensure work advance more powerful, and problem solution more completely. T hird, we must consolidate our a chievements. For more public, some party members who focus on the outstanding issues, combining concentrated ectification and strengthening the management of daily education, the spirit of reform short of the complete system, pay close attention to system implementation, really make the party organization and party member education and strict management, solid. Finally, the urge work on the lead, be sure to promote efficiency. Two education, not on education educational, not working with the Centre two, must stick around the Cente r, serving the overall situation, coordinate, truly result-oriented and promote efficiency. Curre nt and future a period, to tightly around coordination advance four a full strategy layout, winning full built society this a central and work overall, put carried out learning education as promoted work of important opportunities and powerful power, gui de Ge neral members cadres insi sted development first priority, active adapted economic developme nt new normal, consciously practice line five big developme nt concept, effective grasp supply side structural reform, to guarantees and improved livelihood, construction more high ecologi cal vitality happi ness of city. Last year, we carry out three-three activities as a three-three special education important, find education and effective platform to facilitate the combination of work. Reference this a good practices, provincial, and municipal decided in two learn a do learning education in the carried out five check five promoting, the County District units to insisted put two learn a do learning education and five check five promoting organic fusion, and common advance, do one plan layout, and one organization implementation, put carried out two learn a do situation, and five check five promoting situation as party work evaluation of importantContent, as an important aspect of mutual evaluation on party members, testing as an important basis for leading bodies and leading ca dre s performance and guide the broad masses of party members and cadres to study education opens up to the main economic and social development. At present, the overall smooth economic operation in our city, but downward pressure is still high, faced a number of challenges and tests. Meanwhile, coincides with the city, County and township party committees this year general election year, how to really choose loyal, clean and serves as a good cadre, iron di sci pline of General Feng Qing Qi , Qi, Qi Shun, swapped out Powerful good situation, is a real test for all of us. General work on two to study the effect of education i nspection, if the true serie s of party rules and Constitution speaks well and truly become a qualified party member, nat urally we can deal with advance and retreat left turn treatment, proper organizational arrangements and selection, proper treatment of personal interests. o put carried out two learn a do learning education w ith do reform development sta ble the work combined up, and seriously do Center work, and daily and job combined up, and guarantees improved livelihood, and promote social harmony combined up, and completed the task combine第二课时:我是草原小牧民一、组织教学1拍手进教室,确立良好坐姿,明确课堂纪律。2师生问好。二、导入1发声练习1 2 3 4 5 5 4 3 2 1 la la la la la la la la la la 2复习歌曲草原上。3聆听琵琶协奏曲草原小姐妹 。三、学唱歌曲1体验感知,聆听歌曲范唱。大家在歌声中感受到什么?(交流)2按节奏有表情的朗读歌词: 我是个草原小牧民 手拿着羊鞭多自豪3有“ La”模唱主旋律,注意难点。4用听唱法学习歌曲。5、小声跟范唱完整的演唱歌曲。6创新表现,处理歌曲。大家想用怎样的声音来表现这种形象?四、拓展延伸,表现歌曲精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 9 页,共 34 页the partys fine style, carry forward the traditional Chinese virtues, practicing t he Socialist core values, vigorously carry forward the spirit of Jiao Yulu, Hongqi Canal spirit and spirit of persistence, honesty in politics, strict statesman, stick to the spiritual heights of the Communists. Four to devotion, as, do play a role in qualifying. Official Communist duty. To fulfill the partys purpose, maintain for the people themselves, and dedication, devotion, maintain pi oneer, pi oneering and enterprising spirit, active at the well-off extra practice, make contributions. The incentive function of party organizations at all levels should give full play to advanced models, establish a re presentative, advanced and typical of the times, and guide the broad masses of party members to emulate. In honor of the 95 anniversary of founding as an opportunity to award in recognition of a number of outstanding party members advanced grass-roots party organizations, outstanding party workers, and put the pione er trees. Third, the reform efforts for example, be sure to change into. Learning to teachEducation i n order to solve the pr oblem, if it does not solve the problem, it will form, goes through the motions. To strengthen t he consciousness of problems and insisted on pr oblem-oriented, problem-solving learning education for traction, truly deep investigation into change, modification. A che cked swing. Learning education programme for party-building in our city actually proposed to focus on solution of fuzzy ideals and beliefs waver, consciousness, purpose of the party weak sense, honesty and self-discipline awareness is not strong, depressed, six issues of ethical misconduct study contents spe cific programmes for all party members and leading cadres above the county level shall focus on further refinement to the pr oblems. Specific to every party member and every cadre , also require s a combination of actual nd controlled, focused and really put yourself in, people see thing s, see, with their own specific probl ems to learn Constitution Party rules, series, address, so preci sion to find the problem, laying a soli d foundation for further corrective action. B to make change. For check put of problem, through established rectification Taiwan a ccount, and take special supervision, and on account PIN, approach, insisted do side learn side modified, and that know that modified, while focused on put two learn a do learning education rectification with grasp party of mass line education practice activities and three strict three real topic education problem rectification combined up, consolidation expande d has made of rectification results, strongly corrected for officer not for, and Chi and endless corre cted four wind, and regulation masses side of abuses, ensure work advance more powerful, and problem solution more completely. T hird, we must consolidate our a chievements. For more public, some party members who focus on the outstanding issues, combining concentrated ectification and strengthening the management of daily education, the spirit of reform short of the complete system, pay close attention to system implementation, really make the party organization and party member education and strict management, solid. Finall y, the urge work on the lead, be sure to promote efficiency. Two education, not on education educational, not working with the Centre two, must stick around the Center, servi ng the overall situation, coordinate, truly result-oriented and promote efficiency. Curre nt and future a period, to tightly around coordination advance four a full strategy layout, winning full built society this a central and work overall, put carried out lear ning education as promoted work of important opportunities and powerful power, gui de Ge neral members cadres insi sted development first priority, active adapted economic devel opment new normal, consciously practice line five big developme nt concept, effective grasp supply side structural reform, to guarantees and improved livelihood, construction more high ecologi cal vitality happi ness of city. Last year, we carry out three-three activities as a three-three special education important, find education and effective platform to facilitate the combination of work. Reference this a good practices, provincial, and municipal decided in two learn a do learning education in the carried out five check five promoting, the County District units to insisted put two learn a do learning education and five check five promoting organic fusion, and common advance, do one plan layout, and one organization implementation, put carried out two learn a do situation, and five check five promoting situation as party work evaluation of importantContent, as an important aspect of mutual evaluation on party members, testing as an important basis for leading bodies and leading ca dre s performance and guide the broad masses of party members and cadres to study education opens up to the main economic and social development. At present, the overall smooth economic operation in our city, but downward pressure is still high, faced a number of challenges and tests. Meanwhile, coincides with the city, County and township party committees this year general election year, how to really choose loyal, clean and serves as a good cadre, iron di sci pline of General Feng Qing Qi , Qi, Qi Shun, swapped out Powerful good situation, is a real test for all of us. General work on two to study the effect of education i nspection, if the true serie s of party rules and Constitution speaks well and truly become a qualified party member, nat urally we can deal with advance and retreat left turn treatment, proper organizational arrangements and selection, proper treatment of personal interests. o put carried out two learn a do learning education w ith do reform development stable the work combined up, and seriously do Center work, and daily and job combined up, and guarantees improved livelihood, and promote social harmony combined up, and completed the task combine师:在课后,大家可以收集更多的歌唱草原的歌曲唱一唱,或者通过诗歌朗诵、或者创作、或者绘画等多种形式表达出来。五、课堂小结,下课。、精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 10 页,共 34 页the partys fine style, carry forward the traditional Chinese virtues, practicing t he Socialist core values, vigorously carry forward the spirit of Jiao Yulu, Hongqi Canal spirit and spirit of persistence, honesty in politics, strict statesman, stick to the spiritual heights of the Communists. Four to devotion, as, do play a role in qualifying. Official Communist duty. To fulfill the partys purpose, maintain for the people themselves, and dedication, devotion, maintain pi oneer, pi oneering and enterprising spirit, active at the well-off extra practice, make contributions. The incentive function of party organizations at all levels should give full play to advanced models, establish a re presentative, advanced and typical of the times, and guide the broad masses of party members to emulate. In honor of the 95 anniversary of founding as an opportunity to award in recognition of a number of outstanding party members advanced grass-roots party organizations, outstanding party workers, and put the pione er trees. Third, the reform efforts for example, be sure to change into. Learning to teachEducation i n order to solve the pr oblem, if it does not solve the problem, it will form, goes through the motions. To strengthen t he consciousness of problems and insisted on pr oblem-oriented, problem-solving learning education for traction, truly deep investigation into change, modification. A che cked swing. Learning education programme for party-building in our city actually proposed to focus on solution of fuzzy ideals and beliefs waver, consciousness, purpose of the party weak sense, honesty and self-discipline awareness is not strong, depressed, six issues of ethical misconduct study contents spe cific programmes for all party members and leading cadres above the county level shall focus on further refinement to the pr oblems. Specific to every party member and every cadre , also require s a combination of actual and controlled, focused and really put yourself in, people see thing s, see, with their own specific probl ems to learn Constitution Party rules, series, address, so preci sion to find the problem, laying a soli d foundation for further corrective action. B to make change. For check put of problem, through established rectification Taiwan account, and take special supervision, and on account PIN, approach, insisted do side learn side modified, and that know that modified, while focused on put two learn a do learning education rectification with grasp party of mass line education practice activities and three strict three real topic education problem rectification combined up, consolidation xpande d has made of rectification results, strongly corrected for officer not for, and Chi and endless corre cted four wind, and regulation masses side of abuses, ensure work advance more powerful, and problem solution more completely. T hird, we must consolidate our a chievements. For more public, some party members who focus on the outstanding issues, combining concentrated ectification and strengthening the management of daily education, the spirit of reform short of the complete system, pay close attention to system implementation, really make the party organization and party member education and strict management, solid. Finally, the urge work on the lead, be sure to promote efficiency. Two education, not on education educational, not working with the Centre two, must stick around the Cente r, serving the overall situation, coordinate, truly result-oriented and promote efficiency. Curre nt and future a period, to tightly around coordination advance four a full strategy layout, winning full built society this a central and work overall, put carried out learning education as promoted work of important opportunities and powerful power, gui de Ge neral members cadres insi sted development first priority, active adapted economic developme nt new normal, consciously practice line five big developme nt concept, effective grasp supply side structural reform, to guarantees and improved livelihood, construction more high ecologi cal vitality happi ness of city. Last year, we carry out three-three activities as a three-three special education important, find education and effective platform to facilitate the combination of work. Reference this a good practices, provincial, and municipal decided in two learn a do learning education in the carried out five check five promoting, the County District units to insisted put two learn a do learning education and five check five promoting organic fusion, and common advance, do one plan layout, and one organization implementation, put carried out two learn a do situation, and five check five promoting situation as party work evaluation of importantContent, as an important aspect of mutual evaluation on party members, testing as an important basis for leading bodies and leading ca dre s performance and guide the broad masses of party members and cadres to study education opens up to the main economic and social development. At present, the overall smooth economic operation in our city, but downward pressure is still high, faced a number of challenges and tests. Meanwhile, coincides with the city, County and township party committees this year general election year, how to really choose loyal, clean and serves as a good cadre, iron di sci pline of General Feng Qing Qi , Qi, Qi Shun, swapped out Powerful good situation, is a real test for all of us. General work on two to study the effect of education i nspection, if the true serie s of party rules and Constitution speaks well and truly become a qualified party member, nat urally we can deal with advance and retreat left turn treatment, proper organizational arrangements and selection, proper treatment of personal interests. o put carried out two learn a do learning education w ith do reform development sta ble the work combined up, and seriously do Center work, and daily and job combined up, and guarantees improved livelihood, and promote social harmony combined up, and completed the task combine第三课友谊单元主题音乐是世界性的、无国界的“语言” ,是人类通过特定的“语言” (音响)结构实现思想和情感表现与交流的必不可少的重要形式。本单元以四首作品为载体, 让学生通过对音乐“语言”的理解和感悟,知道不同国家的人们能成为好朋友,好伙伴之间应该相互合作, 相互理解, 相互信任, 友谊能让所有的人享受阳光和快乐!教学目标1 同伴进行曲等四首作品,反映了中外少年儿童同伴间的珍贵友谊之情,欢快、热情的音乐体现了好伙伴之间的合作意识与集体主义精神。2聆听同伴进行曲,听辨乐曲的相同乐段并学画图形谱。边听音乐边进行队列表演活动。聆听船歌时,能听辨合唱部分的二声部音调并画出二声部的图形谱。3流畅的唱好原谅我、 噢!苏珊娜。为原谅我编新歌词,为噢!苏珊娜编舞,提高音乐表现力。教学重点、难点1聆听、欣赏。听辨音的高低并进行模唱,能基本唱准。2休止符、有感情演唱歌曲。教学准备:电子琴课时安排:二课时精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 11 页,共 34 页the partys fine style, carry forward the traditional Chinese virtues, practicing t he Socialist core values, vigorously carry forward the spirit of Jiao Yulu, Hongqi Canal spirit and spirit of persistence, honesty in politics, strict statesman, stick to the spiritual heights of the Communists. Four to devotion, as, do play a role in qualifying. Official Communist duty. To fulfill the partys purpose, maintain for the people themselves, and dedication, devotion, maintain pi oneer, pi oneering and enterprising spirit, active at the well-off extra practice, make contributions. The incentive function of party organizations at all levels should give full play to advanced models, establish a re presentative, advanced and typical of the times, and guide the broad masses of party members to emulate. In honor of the 95 anniversary of founding as an opportunity to award in recognition of a number of outstanding party members advanced grass-roots party organizations, outstanding party workers, and put the pione er trees. Third, the reform efforts for example, be sure to change into. Learning to teachEducation i n order to solve the pr oblem, if it does not solve the problem, it will form, goes through the motions. To strengthen t he consciousness of problems and insisted on pr oblem-oriented, problem-solving learning education for traction, truly deep investigation into change, modification. A che cked swing. Learning education programme for party-building in our city actually proposed to focus on solution of fuzzy ideals and beliefs waver, consciousness, purpose of the party weak sense, honesty and self-discipline awareness is not strong, depressed, six issues of ethical misconduct study contents spe cific programmes for all party members and leading cadres above the county level shall focus on further refinement to the pr oblems. Specific to every party member and every cadre , also require s a combination of actual nd controlled, focused and really put yourself in, people see thing s, see, with their own specific probl ems to learn Constitution Party rules, series, address, so preci sion to find the problem, laying a soli d foundation for further corrective action. B to make change. For check put of problem, through established rectification Taiwan a ccount, and take special supervision, and on account PIN, approach, insisted do side learn side modified, and that know that modified, while focused on put two learn a do learning education rectification with grasp party of mass line education practice activities and three strict three real topic education problem rectification combined up, consolidation expande d has made of rectification results, strongly corrected for officer not for, and Chi and endless corre cted four wind, and regulation masses side of abuses, ensure work advance more powerful, and problem solution more completely. T hird, we must consolidate our a chievements. For more public, some party members who focus on the outstanding issues, combining concentrated ectification and strengthening the management of daily education, the spirit of reform short of the complete system, pay close attention to system implementation, really make the party organization and party member education and strict management, solid. Finall y, the urge work on the lead, be sure to promote efficiency. Two education, not on education educational, not working with the Centre two, must stick around the Center, servi ng the overall situation, coordinate, truly result-oriented and promote efficiency. Curre nt and future a period, to tightly around coordination advance four a full strategy layout, winning full built society this a central and work overall, put carried out lear ning education as promoted work of important opportunities and powerful power, gui de Ge neral members cadres insi sted development first priority, active adapted economic devel opment new normal, consciously practice line five big developme nt concept, effective grasp supply side structural reform, to guarantees and improved livelihood, construction more high ecologi cal vitality happi ness of city. Last year, we carry out three-three activities as a three-three special education important, find education and effective platform to facilitate the combination of work. Reference this a good practices, provincial, and municipal decided in two learn a do learning education in the carried out five check five promoting, the County District units to insisted put two learn a do learning education and five check five promoting organic fusion, and common advance, do one plan layout, and one organization implementation, put carried out two learn a do situation, and five check five promoting situation as party work evaluation of importantContent, as an important aspect of mutual evaluation on party members, testing as an important basis for leading bodies and leading ca dre s performance and guide the broad masses of party members and cadres to study education opens up to the main economic and social development. At present, the overall smooth economic operation in our city, but downward pressure is still high, faced a number of challenges and tests. Meanwhile, coincides with the city, County and township party committees this year general election year, how to really choose loyal, clean and serves as a good cadre, iron di sci pline of General Feng Qing Qi , Qi, Qi Shun, swapped out Powerful good situation, is a real test for all of us. General work on two to study the effect of education i nspection, if the true serie s of party rules and Constitution speaks well and truly become a qualified party member, nat urally we can deal with advance and retreat left turn treatment, proper organizational arrangements and selection, proper treatment of personal interests. o put carried out two learn a do learning education w ith do reform development stable the work combined up, and seriously do Center work, and daily and job combined up, and guarantees improved livelihood, and promote social harmony combined up, and completed the task combine第一课时:噢!苏珊娜一、组织教学1听音乐拍手进教室。2确立良好坐姿,明确课堂纪律,师生问好。二、复习歌曲1发声练习:1 2 3 4 5 5 4 3 2 1 小 猫 爱 吃鱼,鱼。2实践模唱,复习歌曲我是草原小牧民。三、聆听同伴进行曲1初听全曲,了解音乐风格和辨别演奏的乐器类型。一问:音乐适合跳舞、走步还是睡觉?二问:从音乐中你能听出是用哪种类型的乐器来演奏的?2分段听,要求能区分两个乐段不同的节奏、情绪。(1)聆听乐段一和二:选择图形谱,说说为什么?选择动作,说说为什么?并做一做。动作一:独自原地踏步,左右摆臂动作二:同桌手拉手,横移步(2)聆听乐段三:选择与刚才的哪个乐段相同,完成书本作业画图形谱。3完整复听,队列表演(行进中的) 。四、新授1游戏导入找朋友今天老师给大家带来了一位外国的新朋友苏珊娜(洋娃娃代替或教师扮)。精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 12 页,共 34 页the partys fine style, carry forward the traditional Chinese virtues, practicing t he Socialist core values, vigorously carry forward the spirit of Jiao Yulu, Hongqi Canal spirit and spirit of persistence, honesty in politics, strict statesman, stick to the spiritual heights of the Communists. Four to devotion, as, do play a role in qualifying. Official Communist duty. To fulfill the partys purpose, maintain for the people themselves, and dedication, devotion, maintain pi oneer, pi oneering and enterprising spirit, active at the well-off extra practice, make contributions. The incentive function of party organizations at all levels should give full play to advanced models, establish a re presentative, advanced and typical of the times, and guide the broad masses of party members to emulate. In honor of the 95 anniversary of founding as an opportunity to award in recognition of a number of outstanding party members advanced grass-roots party organizations, outstanding party workers, and put the pione er trees. Third, the reform efforts for example, be sure to change into. Learning to teachEducation i n order to solve the pr oblem, if it does not solve the problem, it will form, goes through the motions. To strengthen t he consciousness of problems and insisted on pr oblem-oriented, problem-solving learning education for traction, truly deep investigation into change, modification. A che cked swing. Learning education programme for party-building in our city actually proposed to focus on solution of fuzzy ideals and beliefs waver, consciousness, purpose of the party weak sense, honesty and self-discipline awareness is not strong, depressed, six issues of ethical misconduct study contents spe cific programmes for all party members and leading cadres above the county level shall focus on further refinement to the pr oblems. Specific to every party member and every cadre , also require s a combination of actual and controlled, focused and really put yourself in, people see thing s, see, with their own specific probl ems to learn Constitution Party rules, series, address, so preci sion to find the problem, laying a soli d foundation for further corrective action. B to make change. For check put of problem, through established rectification Taiwan account, and take special supervision, and on account PIN, approach, insisted do side learn side modified, and that know that modified, while focused on put two learn a do learning education rectification with grasp party of mass line education practice activities and three strict three real topic education problem rectification combined up, consolidation xpande d has made of rectification results, strongly corrected for officer not for, and Chi and endless corre cted four wind, and regulation masses side of abuses, ensure work advance more powerful, and problem solution more completely. T hird, we must consolidate our a chievements. For more public, some party members who focus on the outstanding issues, combining concentrated ectification and strengthening the management of daily education, the spirit of reform short of the complete system, pay close attention to system implementation, really make the party organization and party member education and strict management, solid. Finally, the urge work on the lead, be sure to promote efficiency. Two education, not on education educational, not working with the Centre two, must stick around the Cente r, serving the overall situation, coordinate, truly result-oriented and promote efficiency. Curre nt and future a period, to tightly around coordination advance four a full strategy layout, winning full built society this a central and work overall, put carried out learning education as promoted work of important opportunities and powerful power, gui de Ge neral members cadres insi sted development first priority, active adapted economic developme nt new normal, consciously practice line five big developme nt concept, effective grasp supply side structural reform, to guarantees and improved livelihood, construction more high ecologi cal vitality happi ness of city. Last year, we carry out three-three activities as a three-three special education important, find education and effective platform to facilitate the combination of work. Reference this a good practices, provincial, and municipal decided in two learn a do learning education in the carried out five check five promoting, the County District units to insisted put two learn a do learning education and five check five promoting organic fusion, and common advance, do one plan layout, and one organization implementation, put carried out two learn a do situation, and five check five promoting situation as party work evaluation of importantContent, as an important aspect of mutual evaluation on party members, testing as an important basis for leading bodies and leading ca dre s performance and guide the broad masses of party members and cadres to study education opens up to the main economic and social development. At present, the overall smooth economic operation in our city, but downward pressure is still high, faced a number of challenges and tests. Meanwhile, coincides with the city, County and township party committees this year general election year, how to really choose loyal, clean and serves as a good cadre, iron di sci pline of General Feng Qing Qi , Qi, Qi Shun, swapped out Powerful good situation, is a real test for all of us. General work on two to study the effect of education i nspection, if the true serie s of party rules and Constitution speaks well and truly become a qualified party member, nat urally we can deal with advance and retreat left turn treatment, proper organizational arrangements and selection, proper treatment of personal interests. o put carried out two learn a do learning education w ith do reform development sta ble the work combined up, and seriously do Center work, and daily and job combined up, and guarantees improved livelihood, and promote social harmony combined up, and completed the task combine2聆听歌曲,按节奏拍手,感受歌曲的欢快情绪。3用听唱法学唱歌曲。4重点、难点:弱起和附点的唱法。5巩固:分两大组比赛唱。同时加入打击乐的伴奏(鼓双响筒合奏)。6表演:教师简介西部牛仔,并示范一下邀请舞,讲清楚跑跳步要领,动员男生学习牛仔邀请女生跳舞。五、编创活动1出示节奏谱,集体念念,拍拍。2视唱 3、5、6 三个音。3分四人小组讨论用三个音编一条旋律唱唱。比一比哪个小组的最好听。六、课堂小结,下课。精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 13 页,共 34 页the partys fine style, carry forward the traditional Chinese virtues, practicing t he Socialist core values, vigorously carry forward the spirit of Jiao Yulu, Hongqi Canal spirit and spirit of persistence, honesty in politics, strict statesman, stick to the spiritual heights of the Communists. Four to devotion, as, do play a role in qualifying. Official Communist duty. To fulfill the partys purpose, maintain for the people themselves, and dedication, devotion, maintain pi oneer, pi oneering and enterprising spirit, active at the well-off extra practice, make contributions. The incentive function of party organizations at all levels should give full play to advanced models, establish a re presentative, advanced and typical of the times, and guide the broad masses of party members to emulate. In honor of the 95 anniversary of founding as an opportunity to award in recognition of a number of outstanding party members advanced grass-roots party organizations, outstanding party workers, and put the pione er trees. Third, the reform efforts for example, be sure to change into. Learning to teachEducation i n order to solve the pr oblem, if it does not solve the problem, it will form, goes through the motions. To strengthen t he consciousness of problems and insisted on pr oblem-oriented, problem-solving learning education for traction, truly deep investigation into change, modification. A che cked swing. Learning education programme for party-building in our city actually proposed to focus on solution of fuzzy ideals and beliefs waver, consciousness, purpose of the party weak sense, honesty and self-discipline awareness is not strong, depressed, six issues of ethical misconduct study contents spe cific programmes for all party members and leading cadres above the county level shall focus on further refinement to the pr oblems. Specific to every party member and every cadre , also require s a combination of actual nd controlled, focused and really put yourself in, people see thing s, see, with their own specific probl ems to learn Constitution Party rules, series, address, so preci sion to find the problem, laying a soli d foundation for further corrective action. B to make change. For check put of problem, through established rectification Taiwan a ccount, and take special supervision, and on account PIN, approach, insisted do side learn side modified, and that know that modified, while focused on put two learn a do learning education rectification with grasp party of mass line education practice activities and three strict three real topic education problem rectification combined up, consolidation expande d has made of rectification results, strongly corrected for officer not for, and Chi and endless corre cted four wind, and regulation masses side of abuses, ensure work advance more powerful, and problem solution more completely. T hird, we must consolidate our a chievements. For more public, some party members who focus on the outstanding issues, combining concentrated ectification and strengthening the management of daily education, the spirit of reform short of the complete system, pay close attention to system implementation, really make the party organization and party member education and strict management, solid. Finall y, the urge work on the lead, be sure to promote efficiency. Two education, not on education educational, not working with the Centre two, must stick around the Center, servi ng the overall situation, coordinate, truly result-oriented and promote efficiency. Curre nt and future a period, to tightly around coordination advance four a full strategy layout, winning full built society this a central and work overall, put carried out lear ning education as promoted work of important opportunities and powerful power, gui de Ge neral members cadres insi sted development first priority, active adapted economic devel opment new normal, consciously practice line five big developme nt concept, effective grasp supply side structural reform, to guarantees and improved livelihood, construction more high ecologi cal vitality happi ness of city. Last year, we carry out three-three activities as a three-three special education important, find education and effective platform to facilitate the combination of work. Reference this a good practices, provincial, and municipal decided in two learn a do learning education in the carried out five check five promoting, the County District units to insisted put two learn a do learning education and five check five promoting organic fusion, and common advance, do one plan layout, and one organization implementation, put carried out two learn a do situation, and five check five promoting situation as party work evaluation of importantContent, as an important aspect of mutual evaluation on party members, testing as an important basis for leading bodies and leading ca dre s performance and guide the broad masses of party members and cadres to study education opens up to the main economic and social development. At present, the overall smooth economic operation in our city, but downward pressure is still high, faced a number of challenges and tests. Meanwhile, coincides with the city, County and township party committees this year general election year, how to really choose loyal, clean and serves as a good cadre, iron di sci pline of General Feng Qing Qi , Qi, Qi Shun, swapped out Powerful good situation, is a real test for all of us. General work on two to study the effect of education i nspection, if the true serie s of party rules and Constitution speaks well and truly become a qualified party member, nat urally we can deal with advance and retreat left turn treatment, proper organizational arrangements and selection, proper treatment of personal interests. o put carried out two learn a do learning education w ith do reform development stable the work combined up, and seriously do Center work, and daily and job combined up, and guarantees improved livelihood, and promote social harmony combined up, and completed the task combine第二课时:原谅我一、组织教学1听音乐拍手进教室。2确立良好坐姿,明确课堂纪律,师生问好。二、复习歌曲1发声练习: 1 2 3 4 5 5 4 3 2 1 小 猫 爱 吃鱼,鱼。2实践模唱,复习歌曲噢!苏珊娜 。3教师评价。(以鼓励为主)三、聆听船歌1看着歌词初听全曲,(可带上身体律动)了解歌曲内容,简单说说,并说说心情如何?2复听,说说哪几句是一个人唱的?哪几句是很多人唱的?很多人唱的是不是都是同一个曲谱?探讨一下书本作业: 在刚练习完听辨两个单音的不同音高后,如何让学生凭听觉画出图形谱?如果让你老师画,你准备怎么画?3用不同的表演形式来区分不同的演唱形式。领唱:一个人划船;齐唱:集体划船;合唱:分两组,一组站着划船,一组坐着划船。四、学唱歌曲原谅我1、导入:说说你如果做了对不起好朋友的事,你会怎样来向他倾诉,请求他的原谅?用一句有节奏的话来说。师示范: X X X. X X X X X - 请 你原谅我原谅我!精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 14 页,共 34 页the partys fine style, carry forward the traditional Chinese virtues, practicing t he Socialist core values, vigorously carry forward the spirit of Jiao Yulu, Hongqi Canal spirit and spirit of persistence, honesty in politics, strict statesman, stick to the spiritual heights of the Communists. Four to devotion, as, do play a role in qualifying. Official Communist duty. To fulfill the partys purpose, maintain for the people themselves, and dedication, devotion, maintain pi oneer, pi oneering and enterprising spirit, active at the well-off extra practice, make contributions. The incentive function of party organizations at all levels should give full play to advanced models, establish a re presentative, advanced and typical of the times, and guide the broad masses of party members to emulate. In honor of the 95 anniversary of founding as an opportunity to award in recognition of a number of outstanding party members advanced grass-roots party organizations, outstanding party workers, and put the pione er trees. Third, the reform efforts for example, be sure to change into. Learning to teachEducation i n order to solve the pr oblem, if it does not solve the problem, it will form, goes through the motions. To strengthen t he consciousness of problems and insisted on pr oblem-oriented, problem-solving learning education for traction, truly deep investigation into change, modification. A che cked swing. Learning education programme for party-building in our city actually proposed to focus on solution of fuzzy ideals and beliefs waver, consciousness, purpose of the party weak sense, honesty and self-discipline awareness is not strong, depressed, six issues of ethical misconduct study contents spe cific programmes for all party members and leading cadres above the county level shall focus on further refinement to the pr oblems. Specific to every party member and every cadre , also require s a combination of actual and controlled, focused and really put yourself in, people see thing s, see, with their own specific probl ems to learn Constitution Party rules, series, address, so preci sion to find the problem, laying a soli d foundation for further corrective action. B to make change. For check put of problem, through established rectification Taiwan account, and take special supervision, and on account PIN, approach, insisted do side learn side modified, and that know that modified, while focused on put two learn a do learning education rectification with grasp party of mass line education practice activities and three strict three real topic education problem rectification combined up, consolidation xpande d has made of rectification results, strongly corrected for officer not for, and Chi and endless corre cted four wind, and regulation masses side of abuses, ensure work advance more powerful, and problem solution more completely. T hird, we must consolidate our a chievements. For more public, some party members who focus on the outstanding issues, combining concentrated ectification and strengthening the management of daily education, the spirit of reform short of the complete system, pay close attention to system implementation, really make the party organization and party member education and strict management, solid. Finally, the urge work on the lead, be sure to promote efficiency. Two education, not on education educational, not working with the Centre two, must stick around the Cente r, serving the overall situation, coordinate, truly result-oriented and promote efficiency. Curre nt and future a period, to tightly around coordination advance four a full strategy layout, winning full built society this a central and work overall, put carried out learning education as promoted work of important opportunities and powerful power, gui de Ge neral members cadres insi sted development first priority, active adapted economic developme nt new normal, consciously practice line five big developme nt concept, effective grasp supply side structural reform, to guarantees and improved livelihood, construction more high ecologi cal vitality happi ness of city. Last year, we carry out three-three activities as a three-three special education important, find education and effective platform to facilitate the combination of work. Reference this a good practices, provincial, and municipal decided in two learn a do learning education in the carried out five check five promoting, the County District units to insisted put two learn a do learning education and five check five promoting organic fusion, and common advance, do one plan layout, and one organization implementation, put carried out two learn a do situation, and five check five promoting situation as party work evaluation of importantContent, as an important aspect of mutual evaluation on party members, testing as an important basis for leading bodies and leading ca dre s performance and guide the broad masses of party members and cadres to study education opens up to the main economic and social development. At present, the overall smooth economic operation in our city, but downward pressure is still high, faced a number of challenges and tests. Meanwhile, coincides with the city, County and township party committees this year general election year, how to really choose loyal, clean and serves as a good cadre, iron di sci pline of General Feng Qing Qi , Qi, Qi Shun, swapped out Powerful good situation, is a real test for all of us. General work on two to study the effect of education i nspection, if the true serie s of party rules and Constitution speaks well and truly become a qualified party member, nat urally we can deal with advance and retreat left turn treatment, proper organizational arrangements and selection, proper treatment of personal interests. o put carried out two learn a do learning education w ith do reform development sta ble the work combined up, and seriously do Center work, and daily and job combined up, and guarantees improved livelihood, and promote social harmony combined up, and completed the task combine2下面来听一听一位小朋友是怎样用歌声来请求他的朋友的原谅的。3学唱:要求用悄悄话式的歌唱方法来学唱歌曲。4、为歌曲伴奏,配打击乐巩固歌曲。5创编新歌词,找个伙伴做游戏。6用“ 3、5、6”三音编自己的歌唱一唱。7教师评价。(以鼓励为主)五、课堂小结,下课。精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 15 页,共 34 页the partys fine style, carry forward the traditional Chinese virtues, practicing t he Socialist core values, vigorously carry forward the spirit of Jiao Yulu, Hongqi Canal spirit and spirit of persistence, honesty in politics, strict statesman, stick to the spiritual heights of the Communists. Four to devotion, as, do play a role in qualifying. Official Communist duty. To fulfill the partys purpose, maintain for the people themselves, and dedication, devotion, maintain pi oneer, pi oneering and enterprising spirit, active at the well-off extra practice, make contributions. The incentive function of party organizations at all levels should give full play to advanced models, establish a re presentative, advanced and typical of the times, and guide the broad masses of party members to emulate. In honor of the 95 anniversary of founding as an opportunity to award in recognition of a number of outstanding party members advanced grass-roots party organizations, outstanding party workers, and put the pione er trees. Third, the reform efforts for example, be sure to change into. Learning to teachEducation i n order to solve the pr oblem, if it does not solve the problem, it will form, goes through the motions. To strengthen t he consciousness of problems and insisted on pr oblem-oriented, problem-solving learning education for traction, truly deep investigation into change, modification. A che cked swing. Learning education programme for party-building in our city actually proposed to focus on solution of fuzzy ideals and beliefs waver, consciousness, purpose of the party weak sense, honesty and self-discipline awareness is not strong, depressed, six issues of ethical misconduct study contents spe cific programmes for all party members and leading cadres above the county level shall focus on further refinement to the pr oblems. Specific to every party member and every cadre , also require s a combination of actual nd controlled, focused and really put yourself in, people see thing s, see, with their own specific probl ems to learn Constitution Party rules, series, address, so preci sion to find the problem, laying a soli d foundation for further corrective action. B to make change. For check put of problem, through established rectification Taiwan a ccount, and take special supervision, and on account PIN, approach, insisted do side learn side modified, and that know that modified, while focused on put two learn a do learning education rectification with grasp party of mass line education practice activities and three strict three real topic education problem rectification combined up, consolidation expande d has made of rectification results, strongly corrected for officer not for, and Chi and endless corre cted four wind, and regulation masses side of abuses, ensure work advance more powerful, and problem solution more completely. T hird, we must consolidate our a chievements. For more public, some party members who focus on the outstanding issues, combining concentrated ectification and strengthening the management of daily education, the spirit of reform short of the complete system, pay close attention to system implementation, really make the party organization and party member education and strict management, solid. Finall y, the urge work on the lead, be sure to promote efficiency. Two education, not on education educational, not working with the Centre two, must stick around the Center, servi ng the overall situation, coordinate, truly result-oriented and promote efficiency. Curre nt and future a period, to tightly around coordination advance four a full strategy layout, winning full built society this a central and work overall, put carried out lear ning education as promoted work of important opportunities and powerful power, gui de Ge neral members cadres insi sted development first priority, active adapted economic devel opment new normal, consciously practice line five big developme nt concept, effective grasp supply side structural reform, to guarantees and improved livelihood, construction more high ecologi cal vitality happi ness of city. Last year, we carry out three-three activities as a three-three special education important, find education and effective platform to facilitate the combination of work. Reference this a good practices, provincial, and municipal decided in two learn a do learning education in the carried out five check five promoting, the County District units to insisted put two learn a do learning education and five check five promoting organic fusion, and common advance, do one plan layout, and one organization implementation, put carried out two learn a do situation, and five check five promoting situation as party work evaluation of importantContent, as an important aspect of mutual evaluation on party members, testing as an important basis for leading bodies and leading ca dre s performance and guide the broad masses of party members and cadres to study education opens up to the main economic and social development. At present, the overall smooth economic operation in our city, but downward pressure is still high, faced a number of challenges and tests. Meanwhile, coincides with the city, County and township party committees this year general election year, how to really choose loyal, clean and serves as a good cadre, iron di sci pline of General Feng Qing Qi , Qi, Qi Shun, swapped out Powerful good situation, is a real test for all of us. General work on two to study the effect of education i nspection, if the true serie s of party rules and Constitution speaks well and truly become a qualified party member, nat urally we can deal with advance and retreat left turn treatment, proper organizational arrangements and selection, proper treatment of personal interests. o put carried out two learn a do learning education w ith do reform development stable the work combined up, and seriously do Center work, and daily and job combined up, and guarantees improved livelihood, and promote social harmony combined up, and completed the task combine第四课放牧教学目标1有感情的唱好放牛山歌 ,为小牧笛编创表演唱。2聆听牧歌 、 小放牛,感受两种不同风格、不同音色色彩、不同情绪的音乐。教学重点、难点1掌握八分音符。2有感情地演唱,以情带声。教学准备:电子琴课时安排:一课时第一课时:放牛山歌一、组织教学1拍手进教室,确立良好坐姿,明确课堂纪律。2师生问好。二、导入1聆听民间乐曲小放牛 牧歌 。2感受两种不同风格、不同音色色彩、不同情绪的音乐。三、学唱歌曲1体验感知,聆听歌曲放牛山歌范唱。大家在歌声中感受到什么?2发声练习:1 2 3 4 5 5 4 3 2 1 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 16 页,共 34 页the partys fine style, carry forward the traditional Chinese virtues, practicing t he Socialist core values, vigorously carry forward the spirit of Jiao Yulu, Hongqi Canal spirit and spirit of persistence, honesty in politics, strict statesman, stick to the spiritual heights of the Communists. Four to devotion, as, do play a role in qualifying. Official Communist duty. To fulfill the partys purpose, maintain for the people themselves, and dedication, devotion, maintain pi oneer, pi oneering and enterprising spirit, active at the well-off extra practice, make contributions. The incentive function of party organizations at all levels should give full play to advanced models, establish a re presentative, advanced and typical of the times, and guide the broad masses of party members to emulate. In honor of the 95 anniversary of founding as an opportunity to award in recognition of a number of outstanding party members advanced grass-roots party organizations, outstanding party workers, and put the pione er trees. Third, the reform efforts for example, be sure to change into. Learning to teachEducation i n order to solve the pr oblem, if it does not solve the problem, it will form, goes through the motions. To strengthen t he consciousness of problems and insisted on pr oblem-oriented, problem-solving learning education for traction, truly deep investigation into change, modification. A che cked swing. Learning education programme for party-building in our city actually proposed to focus on solution of fuzzy ideals and beliefs waver, consciousness, purpose of the party weak sense, honesty and self-discipline awareness is not strong, depressed, six issues of ethical misconduct study contents spe cific programmes for all party members and leading cadres above the county level shall focus on further refinement to the pr oblems. Specific to every party member and every cadre , also require s a combination of actual and controlled, focused and really put yourself in, people see thing s, see, with their own specific probl ems to learn Constitution Party rules, series, address, so preci sion to find the problem, laying a soli d foundation for further corrective action. B to make change. For check put of problem, through established rectification Taiwan account, and take special supervision, and on account PIN, approach, insisted do side learn side modified, and that know that modified, while focused on put two learn a do learning education rectification with grasp party of mass line education practice activities and three strict three real topic education problem rectification combined up, consolidation xpande d has made of rectification results, strongly corrected for officer not for, and Chi and endless corre cted four wind, and regulation masses side of abuses, ensure work advance more powerful, and problem solution more completely. T hird, we must consolidate our a chievements. For more public, some party members who focus on the outstanding issues, combining concentrated ectification and strengthening the management of daily education, the spirit of reform short of the complete system, pay close attention to system implementation, really make the party organization and party member education and strict management, solid. Finally, the urge work on the lead, be sure to promote efficiency. Two education, not on education educational, not working with the Centre two, must stick around the Cente r, serving the overall situation, coordinate, truly result-oriented and promote efficiency. Curre nt and future a period, to tightly around coordination advance four a full strategy layout, winning full built society this a central and work overall, put carried out learning education as promoted work of important opportunities and powerful power, gui de Ge neral members cadres insi sted development first priority, active adapted economic developme nt new normal, consciously practice line five big developme nt concept, effective grasp supply side structural reform, to guarantees and improved livelihood, construction more high ecologi cal vitality happi ness of city. Last year, we carry out three-three activities as a three-three special education important, find education and effective platform to facilitate the combination of work. Reference this a good practices, provincial, and municipal decided in two learn a do learning education in the carried out five check five promoting, the County District units to insisted put two learn a do learning education and five check five promoting organic fusion, and common advance, do one plan layout, and one organization implementation, put carried out two learn a do situation, and five check five promoting situation as party work evaluation of importantContent, as an important aspect of mutual evaluation on party members, testing as an important basis for leading bodies and leading ca dre s performance and guide the broad masses of party members and cadres to study education opens up to the main economic and social development. At present, the overall smooth economic operation in our city, but downward pressure is still high, faced a number of challenges and tests. Meanwhile, coincides with the city, County and township party committees this year general election year, how to really choose loyal, clean and serves as a good cadre, iron di sci pline of General Feng Qing Qi , Qi, Qi Shun, swapped out Powerful good situation, is a real test for all of us. General work on two to study the effect of education i nspection, if the true serie s of party rules and Constitution speaks well and truly become a qualified party member, nat urally we can deal with advance and retreat left turn treatment, proper organizational arrangements and selection, proper treatment of personal interests. o put carried out two learn a do learning education w ith do reform development sta ble the work combined up, and seriously do Center work, and daily and job combined up, and guarantees improved livelihood, and promote social harmony combined up, and completed the task combineLa la la la la la la la la la 3节奏练习:2/4 2/4 . 2/4 4有“ La”模唱主旋律,注意难点。5用听唱法学习歌曲。6小声跟范唱完整的演唱歌曲。7创新表现,处理歌曲。大家想用怎样的声音来表现这种形象?(交流、处理、试唱)四、歌表演小牧笛1聆听音乐感受牧童在放牧劳动时的欢快情绪与民族风格。2用听唱法学习歌曲。3根据歌词内容,启发学生自己设计,和伙伴们一起边唱边表演小牧笛。五、课堂小结,下课。精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 17 页,共 34 页the partys fine style, carry forward the traditional Chinese virtues, practicing t he Socialist core values, vigorously carry forward the spirit of Jiao Yulu, Hongqi Canal spirit and spirit of persistence, honesty in politics, strict statesman, stick to the spiritual heights of the Communists. Four to devotion, as, do play a role in qualifying. Official Communist duty. To fulfill the partys purpose, maintain for the people themselves, and dedication, devotion, maintain pi oneer, pi oneering and enterprising spirit, active at the well-off extra practice, make contributions. The incentive function of party organizations at all levels should give full play to advanced models, establish a re presentative, advanced and typical of the times, and guide the broad masses of party members to emulate. In honor of the 95 anniversary of founding as an opportunity to award in recognition of a number of outstanding party members advanced grass-roots party organizations, outstanding party workers, and put the pione er trees. Third, the reform efforts for example, be sure to change into. Learning to teachEducation i n order to solve the pr oblem, if it does not solve the problem, it will form, goes through the motions. To strengthen t he consciousness of problems and insisted on pr oblem-oriented, problem-solving learning education for traction, truly deep investigation into change, modification. A che cked swing. Learning education programme for party-building in our city actually proposed to focus on solution of fuzzy ideals and beliefs waver, consciousness, purpose of the party weak sense, honesty and self-discipline awareness is not strong, depressed, six issues of ethical misconduct study contents spe cific programmes for all party members and leading cadres above the county level shall focus on further refinement to the pr oblems. Specific to every party member and every cadre , also require s a combination of actual nd controlled, focused and really put yourself in, people see thing s, see, with their own specific probl ems to learn Constitution Party rules, series, address, so preci sion to find the problem, laying a soli d foundation for further corrective action. B to make change. For check put of problem, through established rectification Taiwan a ccount, and take special supervision, and on account PIN, approach, insisted do side learn side modified, and that know that modified, while focused on put two learn a do learning education rectification with grasp party of mass line education practice activities and three strict three real topic education problem rectification combined up, consolidation expande d has made of rectification results, strongly corrected for officer not for, and Chi and endless corre cted four wind, and regulation masses side of abuses, ensure work advance more powerful, and problem solution more completely. T hird, we must consolidate our a chievements. For more public, some party members who focus on the outstanding issues, combining concentrated ectification and strengthening the management of daily education, the spirit of reform short of the complete system, pay close attention to system implementation, really make the party organization and party member education and strict management, solid. Finall y, the urge work on the lead, be sure to promote efficiency. Two education, not on education educational, not working with the Centre two, must stick around the Center, servi ng the overall situation, coordinate, truly result-oriented and promote efficiency. Curre nt and future a period, to tightly around coordination advance four a full strategy layout, winning full built society this a central and work overall, put carried out lear ning education as promoted work of important opportunities and powerful power, gui de Ge neral members cadres insi sted development first priority, active adapted economic devel opment new normal, consciously practice line five big developme nt concept, effective grasp supply side structural reform, to guarantees and improved livelihood, construction more high ecologi cal vitality happi ness of city. Last year, we carry out three-three activities as a three-three special education important, find education and effective platform to facilitate the combination of work. Reference this a good practices, provincial, and municipal decided in two learn a do learning education in the carried out five check five promoting, the County District units to insisted put two learn a do learning education and five check five promoting organic fusion, and common advance, do one plan layout, and one organization implementation, put carried out two learn a do situation, and five check five promoting situation as party work evaluation of importantContent, as an important aspect of mutual evaluation on party members, testing as an important basis for leading bodies and leading ca dre s performance and guide the broad masses of party members and cadres to study education opens up to the main economic and social development. At present, the overall smooth economic operation in our city, but downward pressure is still high, faced a number of challenges and tests. Meanwhile, coincides with the city, County and township party committees this year general election year, how to really choose loyal, clean and serves as a good cadre, iron di sci pline of General Feng Qing Qi , Qi, Qi Shun, swapped out Powerful good situation, is a real test for all of us. General work on two to study the effect of education i nspection, if the true serie s of party rules and Constitution speaks well and truly become a qualified party member, nat urally we can deal with advance and retreat left turn treatment, proper organizational arrangements and selection, proper treatment of personal interests. o put carried out two learn a do learning education w ith do reform development stable the work combined up, and seriously do Center work, and daily and job combined up, and guarantees improved livelihood, and promote social harmony combined up, and completed the task combine第五课妈妈的歌教学目标1爱祖国、爱人民、爱长辈是我们少年儿童的崇高品格。本课就是表现了“音乐与人”这一主题。2聆听妈妈之歌、 鲁冰花、 小白菜 ,感受音乐的风格、 音乐的音色色彩、音乐的情绪。教学重点、难点1在实践活动中学习四分休止符。2有感情的演唱,以情带声,做情景表演。教学准备:电子琴课时安排:二课时第一课时:妈妈的心一、组织教学1拍手进教室,确立良好坐姿,明确课堂纪律。2师生问好。二、导入1聆听云南纳西族民歌妈妈之歌 ,感受母子的深情。2讲解:歌曲通过母子两人的对答,表达了母亲对孩子的挚爱和期望以及孩子深情的回报。3复听歌曲并提问“歌曲是由男生唱?女生唱?童声唱?”三、学唱歌曲1体验感知,聆听歌曲 * 心范唱。大家在歌声中感受到什么?2发声练习:精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 18 页,共 34 页the partys fine style, carry forward the traditional Chinese virtues, practicing t he Socialist core values, vigorously carry forward the spirit of Jiao Yulu, Hongqi Canal spirit and spirit of persistence, honesty in politics, strict statesman, stick to the spiritual heights of the Communists. Four to devotion, as, do play a role in qualifying. Official Communist duty. To fulfill the partys purpose, maintain for the people themselves, and dedication, devotion, maintain pi oneer, pi oneering and enterprising spirit, active at the well-off extra practice, make contributions. The incentive function of party organizations at all levels should give full play to advanced models, establish a re presentative, advanced and typical of the times, and guide the broad masses of party members to emulate. In honor of the 95 anniversary of founding as an opportunity to award in recognition of a number of outstanding party members advanced grass-roots party organizations, outstanding party workers, and put the pione er trees. Third, the reform efforts for example, be sure to change into. Learning to teachEducation i n order to solve the pr oblem, if it does not solve the problem, it will form, goes through the motions. To strengthen t he consciousness of problems and insisted on pr oblem-oriented, problem-solving learning education for traction, truly deep investigation into change, modification. A che cked swing. Learning education programme for party-building in our city actually proposed to focus on solution of fuzzy ideals and beliefs waver, consciousness, purpose of the party weak sense, honesty and self-discipline awareness is not strong, depressed, six issues of ethical misconduct study contents spe cific programmes for all party members and leading cadres above the county level shall focus on further refinement to the pr oblems. Specific to every party member and every cadre , also require s a combination of actual and controlled, focused and really put yourself in, people see thing s, see, with their own specific probl ems to learn Constitution Party rules, series, address, so preci sion to find the problem, laying a soli d foundation for further corrective action. B to make change. For check put of problem, through established rectification Taiwan account, and take special supervision, and on account PIN, approach, insisted do side learn side modified, and that know that modified, while focused on put two learn a do learning education rectification with grasp party of mass line education practice activities and three strict three real topic education problem rectification combined up, consolidation xpande d has made of rectification results, strongly corrected for officer not for, and Chi and endless corre cted four wind, and regulation masses side of abuses, ensure work advance more powerful, and problem solution more completely. T hird, we must consolidate our a chievements. For more public, some party members who focus on the outstanding issues, combining concentrated ectification and strengthening the management of daily education, the spirit of reform short of the complete system, pay close attention to system implementation, really make the party organization and party member education and strict management, solid. Finally, the urge work on the lead, be sure to promote efficiency. Two education, not on education educational, not working with the Centre two, must stick around the Cente r, serving the overall situation, coordinate, truly result-oriented and promote efficiency. Curre nt and future a period, to tightly around coordination advance four a full strategy layout, winning full built society this a central and work overall, put carried out learning education as promoted work of important opportunities and powerful power, gui de Ge neral members cadres insi sted development first priority, active adapted economic developme nt new normal, consciously practice line five big developme nt concept, effective grasp supply side structural reform, to guarantees and improved livelihood, construction more high ecologi cal vitality happi ness of city. Last year, we carry out three-three activities as a three-three special education important, find education and effective platform to facilitate the combination of work. Reference this a good practices, provincial, and municipal decided in two learn a do learning education in the carried out five check five promoting, the County District units to insisted put two learn a do learning education and five check five promoting organic fusion, and common advance, do one plan layout, and one organization implementation, put carried out two learn a do situation, and five check five promoting situation as party work evaluation of importantContent, as an important aspect of mutual evaluation on party members, testing as an important basis for leading bodies and leading ca dre s performance and guide the broad masses of party members and cadres to study education opens up to the main economic and social development. At present, the overall smooth economic operation in our city, but downward pressure is still high, faced a number of challenges and tests. Meanwhile, coincides with the city, County and township party committees this year general election year, how to really choose loyal, clean and serves as a good cadre, iron di sci pline of General Feng Qing Qi , Qi, Qi Shun, swapped out Powerful good situation, is a real test for all of us. General work on two to study the effect of education i nspection, if the true serie s of party rules and Constitution speaks well and truly become a qualified party member, nat urally we can deal with advance and retreat left turn treatment, proper organizational arrangements and selection, proper treatment of personal interests. o put carried out two learn a do learning education w ith do reform development sta ble the work combined up, and seriously do Center work, and daily and job combined up, and guarantees improved livelihood, and promote social harmony combined up, and completed the task combine1 2 3 4 5 5 4 3 2 1 la la la la la la la la la la 3学习四分休止符,音乐中用休止符表示停顿,在简谱中表示就是“0” ,四分休止符和四分音符的时值是一样的,都是一拍。4有“ La”模唱主旋律,注意难点。5用听唱法学习歌曲。6小声跟范唱完整的演唱歌曲。7创新表现,处理歌曲。大家想用怎样的声音来表现这种形象?(交流、处理、试唱)四、音乐活动1跳格子游戏。2复习歌曲并用打击乐器为歌曲伴奏。五、课堂小结,下课。精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 19 页,共 34 页the partys fine style, carry forward the traditional Chinese virtues, practicing t he Socialist core values, vigorously carry forward the spirit of Jiao Yulu, Hongqi Canal spirit and spirit of persistence, honesty in politics, strict statesman, stick to the spiritual heights of the Communists. Four to devotion, as, do play a role in qualifying. Official Communist duty. To fulfill the partys purpose, maintain for the people themselves, and dedication, devotion, maintain pi oneer, pi oneering and enterprising spirit, active at the well-off extra practice, make contributions. The incentive function of party organizations at all levels should give full play to advanced models, establish a re presentative, advanced and typical of the times, and guide the broad masses of party members to emulate. In honor of the 95 anniversary of founding as an opportunity to award in recognition of a number of outstanding party members advanced grass-roots party organizations, outstanding party workers, and put the pione er trees. Third, the reform efforts for example, be sure to change into. Learning to teachEducation i n order to solve the pr oblem, if it does not solve the problem, it will form, goes through the motions. To strengthen t he consciousness of problems and insisted on pr oblem-oriented, problem-solving learning education for traction, truly deep investigation into change, modification. A che cked swing. Learning education programme for party-building in our city actually proposed to focus on solution of fuzzy ideals and beliefs waver, consciousness, purpose of the party weak sense, honesty and self-discipline awareness is not strong, depressed, six issues of ethical misconduct study contents spe cific programmes for all party members and leading cadres above the county level shall focus on further refinement to the pr oblems. Specific to every party member and every cadre , also require s a combination of actual nd controlled, focused and really put yourself in, people see thing s, see, with their own specific probl ems to learn Constitution Party rules, series, address, so preci sion to find the problem, laying a soli d foundation for further corrective action. B to make change. For check put of problem, through established rectification Taiwan a ccount, and take special supervision, and on account PIN, approach, insisted do side learn side modified, and that know that modified, while focused on put two learn a do learning education rectification with grasp party of mass line education practice activities and three strict three real topic education problem rectification combined up, consolidation expande d has made of rectification results, strongly corrected for officer not for, and Chi and endless corre cted four wind, and regulation masses side of abuses, ensure work advance more powerful, and problem solution more completely. T hird, we must consolidate our a chievements. For more public, some party members who focus on the outstanding issues, combining concentrated ectification and strengthening the management of daily education, the spirit of reform short of the complete system, pay close attention to system implementation, really make the party organization and party member education and strict management, solid. Finall y, the urge work on the lead, be sure to promote efficiency. Two education, not on education educational, not working with the Centre two, must stick around the Center, servi ng the overall situation, coordinate, truly result-oriented and promote efficiency. Curre nt and future a period, to tightly around coordination advance four a full strategy layout, winning full built society this a central and work overall, put carried out lear ning education as promoted work of important opportunities and powerful power, gui de Ge neral members cadres insi sted development first priority, active adapted economic devel opment new normal, consciously practice line five big developme nt concept, effective grasp supply side structural reform, to guarantees and improved livelihood, construction more high ecologi cal vitality happi ness of city. Last year, we carry out three-three activities as a three-three special education important, find education and effective platform to facilitate the combination of work. Reference this a good practices, provincial, and municipal decided in two learn a do learning education in the carried out five check five promoting, the County District units to insisted put two learn a do learning education and five check five promoting organic fusion, and common advance, do one plan layout, and one organization implementation, put carried out two learn a do situation, and five check five promoting situation as party work evaluation of importantContent, as an important aspect of mutual evaluation on party members, testing as an important basis for leading bodies and leading ca dre s performance and guide the broad masses of party members and cadres to study education opens up to the main economic and social development. At present, the overall smooth economic operation in our city, but downward pressure is still high, faced a number of challenges and tests. Meanwhile, coincides with the city, County and township party committees this year general election year, how to really choose loyal, clean and serves as a good cadre, iron di sci pline of General Feng Qing Qi , Qi, Qi Shun, swapped out Powerful good situation, is a real test for all of us. General work on two to study the effect of education i nspection, if the true serie s of party rules and Constitution speaks well and truly become a qualified party member, nat urally we can deal with advance and retreat left turn treatment, proper organizational arrangements and selection, proper treatment of personal interests. o put carried out two learn a do learning education w ith do reform development stable the work combined up, and seriously do Center work, and daily and job combined up, and guarantees improved livelihood, and promote social harmony combined up, and completed the task combine第二课时:唱给妈妈的摇篮曲一、组织教学1拍手进教室,确立良好坐姿,明确课堂纪律,师生问好。2发声练习: 1 2 3 4 5 5 4 3 2 1 小猫 爱 吃鱼,鱼。3复习歌曲妈妈的心 。二、聆听鲁冰花、 小白菜1看着歌词初听全曲,(可带上身体律动)了解歌曲内容,简单说说,并说说心情如何?2复听,说说哪首是一个人唱的?哪首是很多人唱的?3探讨一下书本作业:刚听完的两首歌曲,给你带来怎样的感受?(连线)三、学唱歌曲1讲故事导入。2聆听并思考:谁在唱摇篮曲?唱给谁听?3用哼鸣模唱歌曲。4学唱歌词:要求用悄悄话式的歌唱方法来学唱歌曲。5速度在本歌曲中起重要的作用,要求学生把握确切,以便更好的表演。(完成课本上的作业)6让学生讨论用什么样的声音更能表现宁静的气氛与情景?(轻柔的声音)四、创编活动1用歌曲录音作背景音乐的伴奏,把歌词改编成一个故事讲给大家听。2歌表演:演唱时要作为主人翁投入角色,心中要有故事的画面。3跳格子游戏。精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 20 页,共 34 页the partys fine style, carry forward the traditional Chinese virtues, practicing t he Socialist core values, vigorously carry forward the spirit of Jiao Yulu, Hongqi Canal spirit and spirit of persistence, honesty in politics, strict statesman, stick to the spiritual heights of the Communists. Four to devotion, as, do play a role in qualifying. Official Communist duty. To fulfill the partys purpose, maintain for the people themselves, and dedication, devotion, maintain pi oneer, pi oneering and enterprising spirit, active at the well-off extra practice, make contributions. The incentive function of party organizations at all levels should give full play to advanced models, establish a re presentative, advanced and typical of the times, and guide the broad masses of party members to emulate. In honor of the 95 anniversary of founding as an opportunity to award in recognition of a number of outstanding party members advanced grass-roots party organizations, outstanding party workers, and put the pione er trees. Third, the reform efforts for example, be sure to change into. Learning to teachEducation i n order to solve the pr oblem, if it does not solve the problem, it will form, goes through the motions. To strengthen t he consciousness of problems and insisted on pr oblem-oriented, problem-solving learning education for traction, truly deep investigation into change, modification. A che cked swing. Learning education programme for party-building in our city actually proposed to focus on solution of fuzzy ideals and beliefs waver, consciousness, purpose of the party weak sense, honesty and self-discipline awareness is not strong, depressed, six issues of ethical misconduct study contents spe cific programmes for all party members and leading cadres above the county level shall focus on further refinement to the pr oblems. Specific to every party member and every cadre , also require s a combination of actual and controlled, focused and really put yourself in, people see thing s, see, with their own specific probl ems to learn Constitution Party rules, series, address, so preci sion to find the problem, laying a soli d foundation for further corrective action. B to make change. For check put of problem, through established rectification Taiwan account, and take special supervision, and on account PIN, approach, insisted do side learn side modified, and that know that modified, while focused on put two learn a do learning education rectification with grasp party of mass line education practice activities and three strict three real topic education problem rectification combined up, consolidation xpande d has made of rectification results, strongly corrected for officer not for, and Chi and endless corre cted four wind, and regulation masses side of abuses, ensure work advance more powerful, and problem solution more completely. T hird, we must consolidate our a chievements. For more public, some party members who focus on the outstanding issues, combining concentrated ectification and strengthening the management of daily education, the spirit of reform short of the complete system, pay close attention to system implementation, really make the party organization and party member education and strict management, solid. Finally, the urge work on the lead, be sure to promote efficiency. Two education, not on education educational, not working with the Centre two, must stick around the Cente r, serving the overall situation, coordinate, truly result-oriented and promote efficiency. Curre nt and future a period, to tightly around coordination advance four a full strategy layout, winning full built society this a central and work overall, put carried out learning education as promoted work of important opportunities and powerful power, gui de Ge neral members cadres insi sted development first priority, active adapted economic developme nt new normal, consciously practice line five big developme nt concept, effective grasp supply side structural reform, to guarantees and improved livelihood, construction more high ecologi cal vitality happi ness of city. Last year, we carry out three-three activities as a three-three special education important, find education and effective platform to facilitate the combination of work. Reference this a good practices, provincial, and municipal decided in two learn a do learning education in the carried out five check five promoting, the County District units to insisted put two learn a do learning education and five check five promoting organic fusion, and common advance, do one plan layout, and one organization implementation, put carried out two learn a do situation, and five check five promoting situation as party work evaluation of importantContent, as an important aspect of mutual evaluation on party members, testing as an important basis for leading bodies and leading ca dre s performance and guide the broad masses of party members and cadres to study education opens up to the main economic and social development. At present, the overall smooth economic operation in our city, but downward pressure is still high, faced a number of challenges and tests. Meanwhile, coincides with the city, County and township party committees this year general election year, how to really choose loyal, clean and serves as a good cadre, iron di sci pline of General Feng Qing Qi , Qi, Qi Shun, swapped out Powerful good situation, is a real test for all of us. General work on two to study the effect of education i nspection, if the true serie s of party rules and Constitution speaks well and truly become a qualified party member, nat urally we can deal with advance and retreat left turn treatment, proper organizational arrangements and selection, proper treatment of personal interests. o put carried out two learn a do learning education w ith do reform development sta ble the work combined up, and seriously do Center work, and daily and job combined up, and guarantees improved livelihood, and promote social harmony combined up, and completed the task combine五、课堂小结: 通过唱歌和讲故事, 我们知道了妈妈辛不辛苦啊?知道妈妈那么辛苦后我们可以做些什么呢?我们应该做一些自己力所能及的事情。最起码自己的事情一定自己来做, 自己的衣服自己穿, 自己的鞋袜自己穿, 自己的被子自己叠,自己的头发自己梳。听唱给妈妈的摇篮曲走出教室。精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 21 页,共 34 页the partys fine style, carry forward the traditional Chinese virtues, practicing t he Socialist core values, vigorously carry forward the spirit of Jiao Yulu, Hongqi Canal spirit and spirit of persistence, honesty in politics, strict statesman, stick to the spiritual heights of the Communists. Four to devotion, as, do play a role in qualifying. Official Communist duty. To fulfill the partys purpose, maintain for the people themselves, and dedication, devotion, maintain pi oneer, pi oneering and enterprising spirit, active at the well-off extra practice, make contributions. The incentive function of party organizations at all levels should give full play to advanced models, establish a re presentative, advanced and typical of the times, and guide the broad masses of party members to emulate. In honor of the 95 anniversary of founding as an opportunity to award in recognition of a number of outstanding party members advanced grass-roots party organizations, outstanding party workers, and put the pione er trees. Third, the reform efforts for example, be sure to change into. Learning to teachEducation i n order to solve the pr oblem, if it does not solve the problem, it will form, goes through the motions. To strengthen t he consciousness of problems and insisted on pr oblem-oriented, problem-solving learning education for traction, truly deep investigation into change, modification. A che cked swing. Learning education programme for party-building in our city actually proposed to focus on solution of fuzzy ideals and beliefs waver, consciousness, purpose of the party weak sense, honesty and self-discipline awareness is not strong, depressed, six issues of ethical misconduct study contents spe cific programmes for all party members and leading cadres above the county level shall focus on further refinement to the pr oblems. Specific to every party member and every cadre , also require s a combination of actual nd controlled, focused and really put yourself in, people see thing s, see, with their own specific probl ems to learn Constitution Party rules, series, address, so preci sion to find the problem, laying a soli d foundation for further corrective action. B to make change. For check put of problem, through established rectification Taiwan a ccount, and take special supervision, and on account PIN, approach, insisted do side learn side modified, and that know that modified, while focused on put two learn a do learning education rectification with grasp party of mass line education practice activities and three strict three real topic education problem rectification combined up, consolidation expande d has made of rectification results, strongly corrected for officer not for, and Chi and endless corre cted four wind, and regulation masses side of abuses, ensure work advance more powerful, and problem solution more completely. T hird, we must consolidate our a chievements. For more public, some party members who focus on the outstanding issues, combining concentrated ectification and strengthening the management of daily education, the spirit of reform short of the complete system, pay close attention to system implementation, really make the party organization and party member education and strict management, solid. Finall y, the urge work on the lead, be sure to promote efficiency. Two education, not on education educational, not working with the Centre two, must stick around the Center, servi ng the overall situation, coordinate, truly result-oriented and promote efficiency. Curre nt and future a period, to tightly around coordination advance four a full strategy layout, winning full built society this a central and work overall, put carried out lear ning education as promoted work of important opportunities and powerful power, gui de Ge neral members cadres insi sted development first priority, active adapted economic devel opment new normal, consciously practice line five big developme nt concept, effective grasp supply side structural reform, to guarantees and improved livelihood, construction more high ecologi cal vitality happi ness of city. Last year, we carry out three-three activities as a three-three special education important, find education and effective platform to facilitate the combination of work. Reference this a good practices, provincial, and municipal decided in two learn a do learning education in the carried out five check five promoting, the County District units to insisted put two learn a do learning education and five check five promoting organic fusion, and common advance, do one plan layout, and one organization implementation, put carried out two learn a do situation, and five check five promoting situation as party work evaluation of importantContent, as an important aspect of mutual evaluation on party members, testing as an important basis for leading bodies and leading ca dre s performance and guide the broad masses of party members and cadres to study education opens up to the main economic and social development. At present, the overall smooth economic operation in our city, but downward pressure is still high, faced a number of challenges and tests. Meanwhile, coincides with the city, County and township party committees this year general election year, how to really choose loyal, clean and serves as a good cadre, iron di sci pline of General Feng Qing Qi , Qi, Qi Shun, swapped out Powerful good situation, is a real test for all of us. General work on two to study the effect of education i nspection, if the true serie s of party rules and Constitution speaks well and truly become a qualified party member, nat urally we can deal with advance and retreat left turn treatment, proper organizational arrangements and selection, proper treatment of personal interests. o put carried out two learn a do learning education w ith do reform development stable the work combined up, and seriously do Center work, and daily and job combined up, and guarantees improved livelihood, and promote social harmony combined up, and completed the task combine第六课四季的歌教学目标1本课反映了少年儿童们在四季的各个阶段的童趣生活,表达他们对生活的情趣与热爱,让我们热情的歌唱这丰富多彩的生活吧!2聆听四季童趣、 捉迷藏、 樱花 、 雪花飞舞,感受音乐不同的风格情趣。教学重点、难点1创编活动。2有感情的演唱,以情带声,做情景表演。教学准备:电子琴课时安排:二课时第一课时:四季童趣一、组织教学1拍手进教室,确立良好坐姿,明确课堂纪律。2师生问好。二、导入1大自然的四季变化给我们带来了无限生机,让我们热情的歌唱这丰富多彩的生活吧! (播放歌曲四季童趣录音)2请小朋友们讲述在四季的各个阶段的童趣生活。3复听歌曲并感受音乐的情绪三、学唱歌曲1体验感知,聆听歌曲四季童趣范唱。大家在歌声中感受到什么?精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 22 页,共 34 页the partys fine style, carry forward the traditional Chinese virtues, practicing t he Socialist core values, vigorously carry forward the spirit of Jiao Yulu, Hongqi Canal spirit and spirit of persistence, honesty in politics, strict statesman, stick to the spiritual heights of the Communists. Four to devotion, as, do play a role in qualifying. Official Communist duty. To fulfill the partys purpose, maintain for the people themselves, and dedication, devotion, maintain pi oneer, pi oneering and enterprising spirit, active at the well-off extra practice, make contributions. The incentive function of party organizations at all levels should give full play to advanced models, establish a re presentative, advanced and typical of the times, and guide the broad masses of party members to emulate. In honor of the 95 anniversary of founding as an opportunity to award in recognition of a number of outstanding party members advanced grass-roots party organizations, outstanding party workers, and put the pione er trees. Third, the reform efforts for example, be sure to change into. Learning to teachEducation i n order to solve the pr oblem, if it does not solve the problem, it will form, goes through the motions. To strengthen t he consciousness of problems and insisted on pr oblem-oriented, problem-solving learning education for traction, truly deep investigation into change, modification. A che cked swing. Learning education programme for party-building in our city actually proposed to focus on solution of fuzzy ideals and beliefs waver, consciousness, purpose of the party weak sense, honesty and self-discipline awareness is not strong, depressed, six issues of ethical misconduct study contents spe cific programmes for all party members and leading cadres above the county level shall focus on further refinement to the pr oblems. Specific to every party member and every cadre , also require s a combination of actual and controlled, focused and really put yourself in, people see thing s, see, with their own specific probl ems to learn Constitution Party rules, series, address, so preci sion to find the problem, laying a soli d foundation for further corrective action. B to make change. For check put of problem, through established rectification Taiwan account, and take special supervision, and on account PIN, approach, insisted do side learn side modified, and that know that modified, while focused on put two learn a do learning education rectification with grasp party of mass line education practice activities and three strict three real topic education problem rectification combined up, consolidation xpande d has made of rectification results, strongly corrected for officer not for, and Chi and endless corre cted four wind, and regulation masses side of abuses, ensure work advance more powerful, and problem solution more completely. T hird, we must consolidate our a chievements. For more public, some party members who focus on the outstanding issues, combining concentrated ectification and strengthening the management of daily education, the spirit of reform short of the complete system, pay close attention to system implementation, really make the party organization and party member education and strict management, solid. Finally, the urge work on the lead, be sure to promote efficiency. Two education, not on education educational, not working with the Centre two, must stick around the Cente r, serving the overall situation, coordinate, truly result-oriented and promote efficiency. Curre nt and future a period, to tightly around coordination advance four a full strategy layout, winning full built society this a central and work overall, put carried out learning education as promoted work of important opportunities and powerful power, gui de Ge neral members cadres insi sted development first priority, active adapted economic developme nt new normal, consciously practice line five big developme nt concept, effective grasp supply side structural reform, to guarantees and improved livelihood, construction more high ecologi cal vitality happi ness of city. Last year, we carry out three-three activities as a three-three special education important, find education and effective platform to facilitate the combination of work. Reference this a good practices, provincial, and municipal decided in two learn a do learning education in the carried out five check five promoting, the County District units to insisted put two learn a do learning education and five check five promoting organic fusion, and common advance, do one plan layout, and one organization implementation, put carried out two learn a do situation, and five check five promoting situation as party work evaluation of importantContent, as an important aspect of mutual evaluation on party members, testing as an important basis for leading bodies and leading ca dre s performance and guide the broad masses of party members and cadres to study education opens up to the main economic and social development. At present, the overall smooth economic operation in our city, but downward pressure is still high, faced a number of challenges and tests. Meanwhile, coincides with the city, County and township party committees this year general election year, how to really choose loyal, clean and serves as a good cadre, iron di sci pline of General Feng Qing Qi , Qi, Qi Shun, swapped out Powerful good situation, is a real test for all of us. General work on two to study the effect of education i nspection, if the true serie s of party rules and Constitution speaks well and truly become a qualified party member, nat urally we can deal with advance and retreat left turn treatment, proper organizational arrangements and selection, proper treatment of personal interests. o put carried out two learn a do learning education w ith do reform development sta ble the work combined up, and seriously do Center work, and daily and job combined up, and guarantees improved livelihood, and promote social harmony combined up, and completed the task combine2发声练习1 2 3 4 5 5 4 3 2 1 la la la la la la la la la la 3教唱歌曲时要按句听唱与教唱。4反复听范唱,跟录音哼唱曲调与歌词。用“La”模唱主旋律,注意难点。5跟教师的伴奏学唱歌曲。6小声跟范唱完整的演唱歌曲。7创新表现,处理歌曲。大家想用怎样的声音来表现这种形象?(交流、处理、试唱)四、创编活动1编自己的歌。例:2/4 6 1 2 3 5 6 5 3 2 1 6 2复习歌曲并用打击乐器为歌曲伴奏。3自制碗琴。五、课堂小结,下课。精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 23 页,共 34 页the partys fine style, carry forward the traditional Chinese virtues, practicing t he Socialist core values, vigorously carry forward the spirit of Jiao Yulu, Hongqi Canal spirit and spirit of persistence, honesty in politics, strict statesman, stick to the spiritual heights of the Communists. Four to devotion, as, do play a role in qualifying. Official Communist duty. To fulfill the partys purpose, maintain for the people themselves, and dedication, devotion, maintain pi oneer, pi oneering and enterprising spirit, active at the well-off extra practice, make contributions. The incentive function of party organizations at all levels should give full play to advanced models, establish a re presentative, advanced and typical of the times, and guide the broad masses of party members to emulate. In honor of the 95 anniversary of founding as an opportunity to award in recognition of a number of outstanding party members advanced grass-roots party organizations, outstanding party workers, and put the pione er trees. Third, the reform efforts for example, be sure to change into. Learning to teachEducation i n order to solve the pr oblem, if it does not solve the problem, it will form, goes through the motions. To strengthen t he consciousness of problems and insisted on pr oblem-oriented, problem-solving learning education for traction, truly deep investigation into change, modification. A che cked swing. Learning education programme for party-building in our city actually proposed to focus on solution of fuzzy ideals and beliefs waver, consciousness, purpose of the party weak sense, honesty and self-discipline awareness is not strong, depressed, six issues of ethical misconduct study contents spe cific programmes for all party members and leading cadres above the county level shall focus on further refinement to the pr oblems. Specific to every party member and every cadre , also require s a combination of actual nd controlled, focused and really put yourself in, people see thing s, see, with their own specific probl ems to learn Constitution Party rules, series, address, so preci sion to find the problem, laying a soli d foundation for further corrective action. B to make change. For check put of problem, through established rectification Taiwan a ccount, and take special supervision, and on account PIN, approach, insisted do side learn side modified, and that know that modified, while focused on put two learn a do learning education rectification with grasp party of mass line education practice activities and three strict three real topic education problem rectification combined up, consolidation expande d has made of rectification results, strongly corrected for officer not for, and Chi and endless corre cted four wind, and regulation masses side of abuses, ensure work advance more powerful, and problem solution more completely. T hird, we must consolidate our a chievements. For more public, some party members who focus on the outstanding issues, combining concentrated ectification and strengthening the management of daily education, the spirit of reform short of the complete system, pay close attention to system implementation, really make the party organization and party member education and strict management, solid. Finall y, the urge work on the lead, be sure to promote efficiency. Two education, not on education educational, not working with the Centre two, must stick around the Center, servi ng the overall situation, coordinate, truly result-oriented and promote efficiency. Curre nt and future a period, to tightly around coordination advance four a full strategy layout, winning full built society this a central and work overall, put carried out lear ning education as promoted work of important opportunities and powerful power, gui de Ge neral members cadres insi sted development first priority, active adapted economic devel opment new normal, consciously practice line five big developme nt concept, effective grasp supply side structural reform, to guarantees and improved livelihood, construction more high ecologi cal vitality happi ness of city. Last year, we carry out three-three activities as a three-three special education important, find education and effective platform to facilitate the combination of work. Reference this a good practices, provincial, and municipal decided in two learn a do learning education in the carried out five check five promoting, the County District units to insisted put two learn a do learning education and five check five promoting organic fusion, and common advance, do one plan layout, and one organization implementation, put carried out two learn a do situation, and five check five promoting situation as party work evaluation of importantContent, as an important aspect of mutual evaluation on party members, testing as an important basis for leading bodies and leading ca dre s performance and guide the broad masses of party members and cadres to study education opens up to the main economic and social development. At present, the overall smooth economic operation in our city, but downward pressure is still high, faced a number of challenges and tests. Meanwhile, coincides with the city, County and township party committees this year general election year, how to really choose loyal, clean and serves as a good cadre, iron di sci pline of General Feng Qing Qi , Qi, Qi Shun, swapped out Powerful good situation, is a real test for all of us. General work on two to study the effect of education i nspection, if the true serie s of party rules and Constitution speaks well and truly become a qualified party member, nat urally we can deal with advance and retreat left turn treatment, proper organizational arrangements and selection, proper treatment of personal interests. o put carried out two learn a do learning education w ith do reform development stable the work combined up, and seriously do Center work, and daily and job combined up, and guarantees improved livelihood, and promote social harmony combined up, and completed the task combine第二课时:捉迷藏一、组织教学1拍手进教室,确立良好坐姿,明确课堂纪律,师生问好。2发声练习: 1 2 3 4 5 5 4 3 2 1 小猫 爱 吃鱼,鱼。3复习歌曲四季童趣 。二、聆听樱花、 雪花飞舞1看着歌词初听全曲,了解歌曲内容,简单说说。樱花是日本的国花,每年春天开放,人们总是喜欢在这个时节赏花。2复听,思考歌曲的旋律出现了几次,每次的速度是否一样?3介绍雪花飞舞的创作背景。4初听乐曲,感受想象雪花漫天飞舞的情景。5复听乐曲,找出代表“雪花”的音调并哼唱。三、学唱歌曲1导入:复习歌曲藏猫猫 。2聆听捉迷藏:感受歌曲的情绪。3用哼鸣模唱歌曲。4学唱歌词:要求用悄悄话式的歌唱方法来学唱歌曲。5在熟练的基础上,用稍快速度来演唱歌曲。四、创编活动1用歌曲录音作背景音乐的伴奏,做音乐游戏。2选择打击乐器为歌曲伴奏。五、课堂小结,下课。精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 24 页,共 34 页the partys fine style, carry forward the traditional Chinese virtues, practicing t he Socialist core values, vigorously carry forward the spirit of Jiao Yulu, Hongqi Canal spirit and spirit of persistence, honesty in politics, strict statesman, stick to the spiritual heights of the Communists. Four to devotion, as, do play a role in qualifying. Official Communist duty. To fulfill the partys purpose, maintain for the people themselves, and dedication, devotion, maintain pi oneer, pi oneering and enterprising spirit, active at the well-off extra practice, make contributions. The incentive function of party organizations at all levels should give full play to advanced models, establish a re presentative, advanced and typical of the times, and guide the broad masses of party members to emulate. In honor of the 95 anniversary of founding as an opportunity to award in recognition of a number of outstanding party members advanced grass-roots party organizations, outstanding party workers, and put the pione er trees. Third, the reform efforts for example, be sure to change into. Learning to teachEducation i n order to solve the pr oblem, if it does not solve the problem, it will form, goes through the motions. To strengthen t he consciousness of problems and insisted on pr oblem-oriented, problem-solving learning education for traction, truly deep investigation into change, modification. A che cked swing. Learning education programme for party-building in our city actually proposed to focus on solution of fuzzy ideals and beliefs waver, consciousness, purpose of the party weak sense, honesty and self-discipline awareness is not strong, depressed, six issues of ethical misconduct study contents spe cific programmes for all party members and leading cadres above the county level shall focus on further refinement to the pr oblems. Specific to every party member and every cadre , also require s a combination of actual and controlled, focused and really put yourself in, people see thing s, see, with their own specific probl ems to learn Constitution Party rules, series, address, so preci sion to find the problem, laying a soli d foundation for further corrective action. B to make change. For check put of problem, through established rectification Taiwan account, and take special supervision, and on account PIN, approach, insisted do side learn side modified, and that know that modified, while focused on put two learn a do learning education rectification with grasp party of mass line education practice activities and three strict three real topic education problem rectification combined up, consolidation xpande d has made of rectification results, strongly corrected for officer not for, and Chi and endless corre cted four wind, and regulation masses side of abuses, ensure work advance more powerful, and problem solution more completely. T hird, we must consolidate our a chievements. For more public, some party members who focus on the outstanding issues, combining concentrated ectification and strengthening the management of daily education, the spirit of reform short of the complete system, pay close attention to system implementation, really make the party organization and party member education and strict management, solid. Finally, the urge work on the lead, be sure to promote efficiency. Two education, not on education educational, not working with the Centre two, must stick around the Cente r, serving the overall situation, coordinate, truly result-oriented and promote efficiency. Curre nt and future a period, to tightly around coordination advance four a full strategy layout, winning full built society this a central and work overall, put carried out learning education as promoted work of important opportunities and powerful power, gui de Ge neral members cadres insi sted development first priority, active adapted economic developme nt new normal, consciously practice line five big developme nt concept, effective grasp supply side structural reform, to guarantees and improved livelihood, construction more high ecologi cal vitality happi ness of city. Last year, we carry out three-three activities as a three-three special education important, find education and effective platform to facilitate the combination of work. Reference this a good practices, provincial, and municipal decided in two learn a do learning education in the carried out five check five promoting, the County District units to insisted put two learn a do learning education and five check five promoting organic fusion, and common advance, do one plan layout, and one organization implementation, put carried out two learn a do situation, and five check five promoting situation as party work evaluation of importantContent, as an important aspect of mutual evaluation on party members, testing as an important basis for leading bodies and leading ca dre s performance and guide the broad masses of party members and cadres to study education opens up to the main economic and social development. At present, the overall smooth economic operation in our city, but downward pressure is still high, faced a number of challenges and tests. Meanwhile, coincides with the city, County and township party committees this year general election year, how to really choose loyal, clean and serves as a good cadre, iron di sci pline of General Feng Qing Qi , Qi, Qi Shun, swapped out Powerful good situation, is a real test for all of us. General work on two to study the effect of education i nspection, if the true serie s of party rules and Constitution speaks well and truly become a qualified party member, nat urally we can deal with advance and retreat left turn treatment, proper organizational arrangements and selection, proper treatment of personal interests. o put carried out two learn a do learning education w ith do reform development sta ble the work combined up, and seriously do Center work, and daily and job combined up, and guarantees improved livelihood, and promote social harmony combined up, and completed the task combine第七课钟声教学目标1钟声能唤起人们无限的遐想,本课围绕这一主题选编了不同风格的歌曲,让学生在美妙的音乐声中激发对音乐的兴趣。2聆听维也纳的音乐钟 、 灵隐钟声,感受音乐不同的风格情趣。教学重点、难点1创编活动。2有感情的演唱,以情带声,做情景表演。教学准备:电子琴课时安排: 2 课时第一课时:钟声叮叮当一、组织教学1拍手进教室,确立良好坐姿,明确课堂纪律。2师生问好。二、导入1聆听维也纳的音乐钟 。2音乐钟的主题(见课本28 页) 。3复听歌曲并感受音乐的情绪,聆听主题曲调出现了几次?三、学唱歌曲1、体验感知,聆听歌曲钟声叮叮当范唱。大家在歌声中感受到什么?(交流)精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 25 页,共 34 页the partys fine style, carry forward the traditional Chinese virtues, practicing t he Socialist core values, vigorously carry forward the spirit of Jiao Yulu, Hongqi Canal spirit and spirit of persistence, honesty in politics, strict statesman, stick to the spiritual heights of the Communists. Four to devotion, as, do play a role in qualifying. Official Communist duty. To fulfill the partys purpose, maintain for the people themselves, and dedication, devotion, maintain pi oneer, pi oneering and enterprising spirit, active at the well-off extra practice, make contributions. The incentive function of party organizations at all levels should give full play to advanced models, establish a re presentative, advanced and typical of the times, and guide the broad masses of party members to emulate. In honor of the 95 anniversary of founding as an opportunity to award in recognition of a number of outstanding party members advanced grass-roots party organizations, outstanding party workers, and put the pione er trees. Third, the reform efforts for example, be sure to change into. Learning to teachEducation i n order to solve the pr oblem, if it does not solve the problem, it will form, goes through the motions. To strengthen t he consciousness of problems and insisted on pr oblem-oriented, problem-solving learning education for traction, truly deep investigation into change, modification. A che cked swing. Learning education programme for party-building in our city actually proposed to focus on solution of fuzzy ideals and beliefs waver, consciousness, purpose of the party weak sense, honesty and self-discipline awareness is not strong, depressed, six issues of ethical misconduct study contents spe cific programmes for all party members and leading cadres above the county level shall focus on further refinement to the pr oblems. Specific to every party member and every cadre , also require s a combination of actual nd controlled, focused and really put yourself in, people see thing s, see, with their own specific probl ems to learn Constitution Party rules, series, address, so preci sion to find the problem, laying a soli d foundation for further corrective action. B to make change. For check put of problem, through established rectification Taiwan a ccount, and take special supervision, and on account PIN, approach, insisted do side learn side modified, and that know that modified, while focused on put two learn a do learning education rectification with grasp party of mass line education practice activities and three strict three real topic education problem rectification combined up, consolidation expande d has made of rectification results, strongly corrected for officer not for, and Chi and endless corre cted four wind, and regulation masses side of abuses, ensure work advance more powerful, and problem solution more completely. T hird, we must consolidate our a chievements. For more public, some party members who focus on the outstanding issues, combining concentrated ectification and strengthening the management of daily education, the spirit of reform short of the complete system, pay close attention to system implementation, really make the party organization and party member education and strict management, solid. Finall y, the urge work on the lead, be sure to promote efficiency. Two education, not on education educational, not working with the Centre two, must stick around the Center, servi ng the overall situation, coordinate, truly result-oriented and promote efficiency. Curre nt and future a period, to tightly around coordination advance four a full strategy layout, winning full built society this a central and work overall, put carried out lear ning education as promoted work of important opportunities and powerful power, gui de Ge neral members cadres insi sted development first priority, active adapted economic devel opment new normal, consciously practice line five big developme nt concept, effective grasp supply side structural reform, to guarantees and improved livelihood, construction more high ecologi cal vitality happi ness of city. Last year, we carry out three-three activities as a three-three special education important, find education and effective platform to facilitate the combination of work. Reference this a good practices, provincial, and municipal decided in two learn a do learning education in the carried out five check five promoting, the County District units to insisted put two learn a do learning education and five check five promoting organic fusion, and common advance, do one plan layout, and one organization implementation, put carried out two learn a do situation, and five check five promoting situation as party work evaluation of importantContent, as an important aspect of mutual evaluation on party members, testing as an important basis for leading bodies and leading ca dre s performance and guide the broad masses of party members and cadres to study education opens up to the main economic and social development. At present, the overall smooth economic operation in our city, but downward pressure is still high, faced a number of challenges and tests. Meanwhile, coincides with the city, County and township party committees this year general election year, how to really choose loyal, clean and serves as a good cadre, iron di sci pline of General Feng Qing Qi , Qi, Qi Shun, swapped out Powerful good situation, is a real test for all of us. General work on two to study the effect of education i nspection, if the true serie s of party rules and Constitution speaks well and truly become a qualified party member, nat urally we can deal with advance and retreat left turn treatment, proper organizational arrangements and selection, proper treatment of personal interests. o put carried out two learn a do learning education w ith do reform development stable the work combined up, and seriously do Center work, and daily and job combined up, and guarantees improved livelihood, and promote social harmony combined up, and completed the task combine2发声练习1 2 3 4 5 5 4 3 2 1 la la la la la la la la la la 3反复多次听范唱,跟录音哼唱曲调。用“La”模唱主旋律,注意难点。4跟教师的伴奏学唱歌曲。5小声跟范唱完整的演唱歌曲,注意流畅而有起伏,在“V”处要换气。6创新表现,处理歌曲。 大家想用怎样的声音来表现这种形象?(交流、处理、试唱)四、跟着琴唱一唱: do ri mi fa sol la si do 五、课堂小结,下课。精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 26 页,共 34 页the partys fine style, carry forward the traditional Chinese virtues, practicing t he Socialist core values, vigorously carry forward the spirit of Jiao Yulu, Hongqi Canal spirit and spirit of persistence, honesty in politics, strict statesman, stick to the spiritual heights of the Communists. Four to devotion, as, do play a role in qualifying. Official Communist duty. To fulfill the partys purpose, maintain for the people themselves, and dedication, devotion, maintain pi oneer, pi oneering and enterprising spirit, active at the well-off extra practice, make contributions. The incentive function of party organizations at all levels should give full play to advanced models, establish a re presentative, advanced and typical of the times, and guide the broad masses of party members to emulate. In honor of the 95 anniversary of founding as an opportunity to award in recognition of a number of outstanding party members advanced grass-roots party organizations, outstanding party workers, and put the pione er trees. Third, the reform efforts for example, be sure to change into. Learning to teachEducation i n order to solve the pr oblem, if it does not solve the problem, it will form, goes through the motions. To strengthen t he consciousness of problems and insisted on pr oblem-oriented, problem-solving learning education for traction, truly deep investigation into change, modification. A che cked swing. Learning education programme for party-building in our city actually proposed to focus on solution of fuzzy ideals and beliefs waver, consciousness, purpose of the party weak sense, honesty and self-discipline awareness is not strong, depressed, six issues of ethical misconduct study contents spe cific programmes for all party members and leading cadres above the county level shall focus on further refinement to the pr oblems. Specific to every party member and every cadre , also require s a combination of actual and controlled, focused and really put yourself in, people see thing s, see, with their own specific probl ems to learn Constitution Party rules, series, address, so preci sion to find the problem, laying a soli d foundation for further corrective action. B to make change. For check put of problem, through established rectification Taiwan account, and take special supervision, and on account PIN, approach, insisted do side learn side modified, and that know that modified, while focused on put two learn a do learning education rectification with grasp party of mass line education practice activities and three strict three real topic education problem rectification combined up, consolidation xpande d has made of rectification results, strongly corrected for officer not for, and Chi and endless corre cted four wind, and regulation masses side of abuses, ensure work advance more powerful, and problem solution more completely. T hird, we must consolidate our a chievements. For more public, some party members who focus on the outstanding issues, combining concentrated ectification and strengthening the management of daily education, the spirit of reform short of the complete system, pay close attention to system implementation, really make the party organization and party member education and strict management, solid. Finally, the urge work on the lead, be sure to promote efficiency. Two education, not on education educational, not working with the Centre two, must stick around the Cente r, serving the overall situation, coordinate, truly result-oriented and promote efficiency. Curre nt and future a period, to tightly around coordination advance four a full strategy layout, winning full built society this a central and work overall, put carried out learning education as promoted work of important opportunities and powerful power, gui de Ge neral members cadres insi sted development first priority, active adapted economic developme nt new normal, consciously practice line five big developme nt concept, effective grasp supply side structural reform, to guarantees and improved livelihood, construction more high ecologi cal vitality happi ness of city. Last year, we carry out three-three activities as a three-three special education important, find education and effective platform to facilitate the combination of work. Reference this a good practices, provincial, and municipal decided in two learn a do learning education in the carried out five check five promoting, the County District units to insisted put two learn a do learning education and five check five promoting organic fusion, and common advance, do one plan layout, and one organization implementation, put carried out two learn a do situation, and five check five promoting situation as party work evaluation of importantContent, as an important aspect of mutual evaluation on party members, testing as an important basis for leading bodies and leading ca dre s performance and guide the broad masses of party members and cadres to study education opens up to the main economic and social development. At present, the overall smooth economic operation in our city, but downward pressure is still high, faced a number of challenges and tests. Meanwhile, coincides with the city, County and township party committees this year general election year, how to really choose loyal, clean and serves as a good cadre, iron di sci pline of General Feng Qing Qi , Qi, Qi Shun, swapped out Powerful good situation, is a real test for all of us. General work on two to study the effect of education i nspection, if the true serie s of party rules and Constitution speaks well and truly become a qualified party member, nat urally we can deal with advance and retreat left turn treatment, proper organizational arrangements and selection, proper treatment of personal interests. o put carried out two learn a do learning education w ith do reform development sta ble the work combined up, and seriously do Center work, and daily and job combined up, and guarantees improved livelihood, and promote social harmony combined up, and completed the task combine第二课时:美丽的黄昏一、组织教学1拍手进教室,确立良好坐姿,明确课堂纪律,师生问好。2发声练习1 2 3 4 5 5 4 3 2 1 小猫 爱 吃鱼,鱼。3复习歌曲钟声叮叮当 。二、聆听灵隐钟声1这是一首电子琴独奏曲,作者以电子琴的丰富音色和宽广的表现力,描绘出杭州著名佛寺灵隐寺的风采。2初听,设问:听了这曲调你想像这是哪的场景?3复听,边看谱例边哼唱乐曲主题旋律,并用身体语言表达对音乐的感受。三、学唱歌曲1导入:三拍子节奏练习。2聆听美丽的黄昏,感受歌曲的情绪。3用哼鸣模唱歌曲。4学唱歌词:要求用听唱法来学唱歌曲。5重点:在熟练的基础上,用二部轮唱来演唱歌曲。四、创编活动1用“ 1 2 3 5 6”六个音按指定节奏编自己的歌。3/4 0 2复习歌曲并用打击乐器为歌曲伴奏。五、课堂小结,下课。精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 27 页,共 34 页the partys fine style, carry forward the traditional Chinese virtues, practicing t he Socialist core values, vigorously carry forward the spirit of Jiao Yulu, Hongqi Canal spirit and spirit of persistence, honesty in politics, strict statesman, stick to the spiritual heights of the Communists. Four to devotion, as, do play a role in qualifying. Official Communist duty. To fulfill the partys purpose, maintain for the people themselves, and dedication, devotion, maintain pi oneer, pi oneering and enterprising spirit, active at the well-off extra practice, make contributions. The incentive function of party organizations at all levels should give full play to advanced models, establish a re presentative, advanced and typical of the times, and guide the broad masses of party members to emulate. In honor of the 95 anniversary of founding as an opportunity to award in recognition of a number of outstanding party members advanced grass-roots party organizations, outstanding party workers, and put the pione er trees. Third, the reform efforts for example, be sure to change into. Learning to teachEducation i n order to solve the pr oblem, if it does not solve the problem, it will form, goes through the motions. To strengthen t he consciousness of problems and insisted on pr oblem-oriented, problem-solving learning education for traction, truly deep investigation into change, modification. A che cked swing. Learning education programme for party-building in our city actually proposed to focus on solution of fuzzy ideals and beliefs waver, consciousness, purpose of the party weak sense, honesty and self-discipline awareness is not strong, depressed, six issues of ethical misconduct study contents spe cific programmes for all party members and leading cadres above the county level shall focus on further refinement to the pr oblems. Specific to every party member and every cadre , also require s a combination of actual nd controlled, focused and really put yourself in, people see thing s, see, with their own specific probl ems to learn Constitution Party rules, series, address, so preci sion to find the problem, laying a soli d foundation for further corrective action. B to make change. For check put of problem, through established rectification Taiwan a ccount, and take special supervision, and on account PIN, approach, insisted do side learn side modified, and that know that modified, while focused on put two learn a do learning education rectification with grasp party of mass line education practice activities and three strict three real topic education problem rectification combined up, consolidation expande d has made of rectification results, strongly corrected for officer not for, and Chi and endless corre cted four wind, and regulation masses side of abuses, ensure work advance more powerful, and problem solution more completely. T hird, we must consolidate our a chievements. For more public, some party members who focus on the outstanding issues, combining concentrated ectification and strengthening the management of daily education, the spirit of reform short of the complete system, pay close attention to system implementation, really make the party organization and party member education and strict management, solid. Finall y, the urge work on the lead, be sure to promote efficiency. Two education, not on education educational, not working with the Centre two, must stick around the Center, servi ng the overall situation, coordinate, truly result-oriented and promote efficiency. Curre nt and future a period, to tightly around coordination advance four a full strategy layout, winning full built society this a central and work overall, put carried out lear ning education as promoted work of important opportunities and powerful power, gui de Ge neral members cadres insi sted development first priority, active adapted economic devel opment new normal, consciously practice line five big developme nt concept, effective grasp supply side structural reform, to guarantees and improved livelihood, construction more high ecologi cal vitality happi ness of city. Last year, we carry out three-three activities as a three-three special education important, find education and effective platform to facilitate the combination of work. Reference this a good practices, provincial, and municipal decided in two learn a do learning education in the carried out five check five promoting, the County District units to insisted put two learn a do learning education and five check five promoting organic fusion, and common advance, do one plan layout, and one organization implementation, put carried out two learn a do situation, and five check five promoting situation as party work evaluation of importantContent, as an important aspect of mutual evaluation on party members, testing as an important basis for leading bodies and leading ca dre s performance and guide the broad masses of party members and cadres to study education opens up to the main economic and social development. At present, the overall smooth economic operation in our city, but downward pressure is still high, faced a number of challenges and tests. Meanwhile, coincides with the city, County and township party committees this year general election year, how to really choose loyal, clean and serves as a good cadre, iron di sci pline of General Feng Qing Qi , Qi, Qi Shun, swapped out Powerful good situation, is a real test for all of us. General work on two to study the effect of education i nspection, if the true serie s of party rules and Constitution speaks well and truly become a qualified party member, nat urally we can deal with advance and retreat left turn treatment, proper organizational arrangements and selection, proper treatment of personal interests. o put carried out two learn a do learning education w ith do reform development stable the work combined up, and seriously do Center work, and daily and job combined up, and guarantees improved livelihood, and promote social harmony combined up, and completed the task combine第八课爱鸟教学目标1鸟是人类的朋友,本课以鸟为题材让我们“唱鸟”、 “爱鸟” 、 “护鸟”,增强环保意识,增进自然常识,提高审美趣味,发展联想。2运用开放式的教学形式,到课外、校外去收集鸟鸣的录音,以实际行为去做好爱鸟活动。教学重点、难点1有感情的演唱,以情带声,做情景表演。2通过听辩、曲调接龙等形式,提高音乐基础能力与即兴创作的水平。教学准备:电子琴课时安排:二课时第一课时:一只鸟仔一、组织教学1拍手进教室,确立良好坐姿,明确课堂纪律。2师生问好。二、导入1初听空山鸟语,思考这首曲子是用什么乐器演奏的?(二胡)感受二胡的音色。2介绍刘天华的成就。3复听歌曲并提问:曲中除了“空山” 、 “鸟语”外,还有什么?是否有人在其中。三、学唱歌曲1体验感知,聆听歌曲一只鸟仔范唱。大家在歌声中感受到什么?精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 28 页,共 34 页the partys fine style, carry forward the traditional Chinese virtues, practicing t he Socialist core values, vigorously carry forward the spirit of Jiao Yulu, Hongqi Canal spirit and spirit of persistence, honesty in politics, strict statesman, stick to the spiritual heights of the Communists. Four to devotion, as, do play a role in qualifying. Official Communist duty. To fulfill the partys purpose, maintain for the people themselves, and dedication, devotion, maintain pi oneer, pi oneering and enterprising spirit, active at the well-off extra practice, make contributions. The incentive function of party organizations at all levels should give full play to advanced models, establish a re presentative, advanced and typical of the times, and guide the broad masses of party members to emulate. In honor of the 95 anniversary of founding as an opportunity to award in recognition of a number of outstanding party members advanced grass-roots party organizations, outstanding party workers, and put the pione er trees. Third, the reform efforts for example, be sure to change into. Learning to teachEducation i n order to solve the pr oblem, if it does not solve the problem, it will form, goes through the motions. To strengthen t he consciousness of problems and insisted on pr oblem-oriented, problem-solving learning education for traction, truly deep investigation into change, modification. A che cked swing. Learning education programme for party-building in our city actually proposed to focus on solution of fuzzy ideals and beliefs waver, consciousness, purpose of the party weak sense, honesty and self-discipline awareness is not strong, depressed, six issues of ethical misconduct study contents spe cific programmes for all party members and leading cadres above the county level shall focus on further refinement to the pr oblems. Specific to every party member and every cadre , also require s a combination of actual and controlled, focused and really put yourself in, people see thing s, see, with their own specific probl ems to learn Constitution Party rules, series, address, so preci sion to find the problem, laying a soli d foundation for further corrective action. B to make change. For check put of problem, through established rectification Taiwan account, and take special supervision, and on account PIN, approach, insisted do side learn side modified, and that know that modified, while focused on put two learn a do learning education rectification with grasp party of mass line education practice activities and three strict three real topic education problem rectification combined up, consolidation xpande d has made of rectification results, strongly corrected for officer not for, and Chi and endless corre cted four wind, and regulation masses side of abuses, ensure work advance more powerful, and problem solution more completely. T hird, we must consolidate our a chievements. For more public, some party members who focus on the outstanding issues, combining concentrated ectification and strengthening the management of daily education, the spirit of reform short of the complete system, pay close attention to system implementation, really make the party organization and party member education and strict management, solid. Finally, the urge work on the lead, be sure to promote efficiency. Two education, not on education educational, not working with the Centre two, must stick around the Cente r, serving the overall situation, coordinate, truly result-oriented and promote efficiency. Curre nt and future a period, to tightly around coordination advance four a full strategy layout, winning full built society this a central and work overall, put carried out learning education as promoted work of important opportunities and powerful power, gui de Ge neral members cadres insi sted development first priority, active adapted economic developme nt new normal, consciously practice line five big developme nt concept, effective grasp supply side structural reform, to guarantees and improved livelihood, construction more high ecologi cal vitality happi ness of city. Last year, we carry out three-three activities as a three-three special education important, find education and effective platform to facilitate the combination of work. Reference this a good practices, provincial, and municipal decided in two learn a do learning education in the carried out five check five promoting, the County District units to insisted put two learn a do learning education and five check five promoting organic fusion, and common advance, do one plan layout, and one organization implementation, put carried out two learn a do situation, and five check five promoting situation as party work evaluation of importantContent, as an important aspect of mutual evaluation on party members, testing as an important basis for leading bodies and leading ca dre s performance and guide the broad masses of party members and cadres to study education opens up to the main economic and social development. At present, the overall smooth economic operation in our city, but downward pressure is still high, faced a number of challenges and tests. Meanwhile, coincides with the city, County and township party committees this year general election year, how to really choose loyal, clean and serves as a good cadre, iron di sci pline of General Feng Qing Qi , Qi, Qi Shun, swapped out Powerful good situation, is a real test for all of us. General work on two to study the effect of education i nspection, if the true serie s of party rules and Constitution speaks well and truly become a qualified party member, nat urally we can deal with advance and retreat left turn treatment, proper organizational arrangements and selection, proper treatment of personal interests. o put carried out two learn a do learning education w ith do reform development sta ble the work combined up, and seriously do Center work, and daily and job combined up, and guarantees improved livelihood, and promote social harmony combined up, and completed the task combine2发声练习1 2 3 4 5 5 4 3 2 1 la la la la la la la la la la 3学习四分休止符,音乐中用休止符表示停顿,在简谱中表示就是“0” ,四分休止符和四分音符的时值是一样的,都是一拍。4有“ La”模唱主旋律,注意难点。5用听唱法学习歌曲。6小声跟范唱完整的演唱歌曲。7创新表现,处理歌曲。 (交流、处理、试唱)四、音乐活动1跳格子游戏。2复习歌曲并用打击乐器为歌曲伴奏。五、课堂小结,下课。精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 29 页,共 34 页the partys fine style, carry forward the traditional Chinese virtues, practicing t he Socialist core values, vigorously carry forward the spirit of Jiao Yulu, Hongqi Canal spirit and spirit of persistence, honesty in politics, strict statesman, stick to the spiritual heights of the Communists. Four to devotion, as, do play a role in qualifying. Official Communist duty. To fulfill the partys purpose, maintain for the people themselves, and dedication, devotion, maintain pi oneer, pi oneering and enterprising spirit, active at the well-off extra practice, make contributions. The incentive function of party organizations at all levels should give full play to advanced models, establish a re presentative, advanced and typical of the times, and guide the broad masses of party members to emulate. In honor of the 95 anniversary of founding as an opportunity to award in recognition of a number of outstanding party members advanced grass-roots party organizations, outstanding party workers, and put the pione er trees. Third, the reform efforts for example, be sure to change into. Learning to teachEducation i n order to solve the pr oblem, if it does not solve the problem, it will form, goes through the motions. To strengthen t he consciousness of problems and insisted on pr oblem-oriented, problem-solving learning education for traction, truly deep investigation into change, modification. A che cked swing. Learning education programme for party-building in our city actually proposed to focus on solution of fuzzy ideals and beliefs waver, consciousness, purpose of the party weak sense, honesty and self-discipline awareness is not strong, depressed, six issues of ethical misconduct study contents spe cific programmes for all party members and leading cadres above the county level shall focus on further refinement to the pr oblems. Specific to every party member and every cadre , also require s a combination of actual nd controlled, focused and really put yourself in, people see thing s, see, with their own specific probl ems to learn Constitution Party rules, series, address, so preci sion to find the problem, laying a soli d foundation for further corrective action. B to make change. For check put of problem, through established rectification Taiwan a ccount, and take special supervision, and on account PIN, approach, insisted do side learn side modified, and that know that modified, while focused on put two learn a do learning education rectification with grasp party of mass line education practice activities and three strict three real topic education problem rectification combined up, consolidation expande d has made of rectification results, strongly corrected for officer not for, and Chi and endless corre cted four wind, and regulation masses side of abuses, ensure work advance more powerful, and problem solution more completely. T hird, we must consolidate our a chievements. For more public, some party members who focus on the outstanding issues, combining concentrated ectification and strengthening the management of daily education, the spirit of reform short of the complete system, pay close attention to system implementation, really make the party organization and party member education and strict management, solid. Finall y, the urge work on the lead, be sure to promote efficiency. Two education, not on education educational, not working with the Centre two, must stick around the Center, servi ng the overall situation, coordinate, truly result-oriented and promote efficiency. Curre nt and future a period, to tightly around coordination advance four a full strategy layout, winning full built society this a central and work overall, put carried out lear ning education as promoted work of important opportunities and powerful power, gui de Ge neral members cadres insi sted development first priority, active adapted economic devel opment new normal, consciously practice line five big developme nt concept, effective grasp supply side structural reform, to guarantees and improved livelihood, construction more high ecologi cal vitality happi ness of city. Last year, we carry out three-three activities as a three-three special education important, find education and effective platform to facilitate the combination of work. Reference this a good practices, provincial, and municipal decided in two learn a do learning education in the carried out five check five promoting, the County District units to insisted put two learn a do learning education and five check five promoting organic fusion, and common advance, do one plan layout, and one organization implementation, put carried out two learn a do situation, and five check five promoting situation as party work evaluation of importantContent, as an important aspect of mutual evaluation on party members, testing as an important basis for leading bodies and leading ca dre s performance and guide the broad masses of party members and cadres to study education opens up to the main economic and social development. At present, the overall smooth economic operation in our city, but downward pressure is still high, faced a number of challenges and tests. Meanwhile, coincides with the city, County and township party committees this year general election year, how to really choose loyal, clean and serves as a good cadre, iron di sci pline of General Feng Qing Qi , Qi, Qi Shun, swapped out Powerful good situation, is a real test for all of us. General work on two to study the effect of education i nspection, if the true serie s of party rules and Constitution speaks well and truly become a qualified party member, nat urally we can deal with advance and retreat left turn treatment, proper organizational arrangements and selection, proper treatment of personal interests. o put carried out two learn a do learning education w ith do reform development stable the work combined up, and seriously do Center work, and daily and job combined up, and guarantees improved livelihood, and promote social harmony combined up, and completed the task combine第二课时:小乌鸦爱妈妈一、组织教学1拍手进教室,确立良好坐姿,明确课堂纪律,师生问好。2发声练习: 1 2 3 4 5 5 4 3 2 1 小 猫 爱 吃鱼,鱼。3复习歌曲一只鸟仔 。二、聆听对鸟1看着歌词初听全曲,(可带上身体律动)了解歌曲内容,简单说说,并说说心情如何?2复听,问句与答句在曲调上是否完全一样?3探讨一下书本作业:看图说一说哪些行为是对的?哪些行为是错的?从爱鸟的行为中培养学生的爱心。三、导入:讲小乌鸦爱妈妈的故事听!这是一个有关乌鸦一家的故事。 (边听音乐边讲故事)从前,有一棵很高大的树,树上住着勤劳、 善良的乌鸦妈妈, 她每天都要飞到好远好远的地方去找虫子给她那一群可爱的乌鸦宝宝吃, 小乌鸦在妈妈关心下越长越大了, 妈妈真高兴。但这时候我们的乌鸦妈妈越来越老了,终于有一天小乌鸦都要飞翔了, 它们一个个高兴地张开了翅膀拍拍飞出了家。妈妈哭了, 因为她已经老得飞不动了, 一个人孤单单地呆在家中。 突然从远处飞来了一个小黑点。 一只小乌鸦衔着它平生捕到第一条小虫回来了,它把小虫喂给了妈妈。接着又来了一只小乌鸦,两只,三只。可把妈妈高兴坏了。我们要不要学习小乌鸦?小乌鸦真孝顺啊?我们为这感人的故事取一个名字吧!(出示课题)四、学唱歌曲1我们来听听、看看歌词,跟着拍一拍节奏。这是一首2/4 拍的节奏它的强弱规律是强、弱,下面大家边听边拍节奏。2模奏练习2/4 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 30 页,共 34 页the partys fine style, carry forward the traditional Chinese virtues, practicing t he Socialist core values, vigorously carry forward the spirit of Jiao Yulu, Hongqi Canal spirit and spirit of persistence, honesty in politics, strict statesman, stick to the spiritual heights of the Communists. Four to devotion, as, do play a role in qualifying. Official Communist duty. To fulfill the partys purpose, maintain for the people themselves, and dedication, devotion, maintain pi oneer, pi oneering and enterprising spirit, active at the well-off extra practice, make contributions. The incentive function of party organizations at all levels should give full play to advanced models, establish a re presentative, advanced and typical of the times, and guide the broad masses of party members to emulate. In honor of the 95 anniversary of founding as an opportunity to award in recognition of a number of outstanding party members advanced grass-roots party organizations, outstanding party workers, and put the pione er trees. Third, the reform efforts for example, be sure to change into. Learning to teachEducation i n order to solve the pr oblem, if it does not solve the problem, it will form, goes through the motions. To strengthen t he consciousness of problems and insisted on pr oblem-oriented, problem-solving learning education for traction, truly deep investigation into change, modification. A che cked swing. Learning education programme for party-building in our city actually proposed to focus on solution of fuzzy ideals and beliefs waver, consciousness, purpose of the party weak sense, honesty and self-discipline awareness is not strong, depressed, six issues of ethical misconduct study contents spe cific programmes for all party members and leading cadres above the county level shall focus on further refinement to the pr oblems. Specific to every party member and every cadre , also require s a combination of actual and controlled, focused and really put yourself in, people see thing s, see, with their own specific probl ems to learn Constitution Party rules, series, address, so preci sion to find the problem, laying a soli d foundation for further corrective action. B to make change. For check put of problem, through established rectification Taiwan account, and take special supervision, and on account PIN, approach, insisted do side learn side modified, and that know that modified, while focused on put two learn a do learning education rectification with grasp party of mass line education practice activities and three strict three real topic education problem rectification combined up, consolidation xpande d has made of rectification results, strongly corrected for officer not for, and Chi and endless corre cted four wind, and regulation masses side of abuses, ensure work advance more powerful, and problem solution more completely. T hird, we must consolidate our a chievements. For more public, some party members who focus on the outstanding issues, combining concentrated ectification and strengthening the management of daily education, the spirit of reform short of the complete system, pay close attention to system implementation, really make the party organization and party member education and strict management, solid. Finally, the urge work on the lead, be sure to promote efficiency. Two education, not on education educational, not working with the Centre two, must stick around the Cente r, serving the overall situation, coordinate, truly result-oriented and promote efficiency. Curre nt and future a period, to tightly around coordination advance four a full strategy layout, winning full built society this a central and work overall, put carried out learning education as promoted work of important opportunities and powerful power, gui de Ge neral members cadres insi sted development first priority, active adapted economic developme nt new normal, consciously practice line five big developme nt concept, effective grasp supply side structural reform, to guarantees and improved livelihood, construction more high ecologi cal vitality happi ness of city. Last year, we carry out three-three activities as a three-three special education important, find education and effective platform to facilitate the combination of work. Reference this a good practices, provincial, and municipal decided in two learn a do learning education in the carried out five check five promoting, the County District units to insisted put two learn a do learning education and five check five promoting organic fusion, and common advance, do one plan layout, and one organization implementation, put carried out two learn a do situation, and five check five promoting situation as party work evaluation of importantContent, as an important aspect of mutual evaluation on party members, testing as an important basis for leading bodies and leading ca dre s performance and guide the broad masses of party members and cadres to study education opens up to the main economic and social development. At present, the overall smooth economic operation in our city, but downward pressure is still high, faced a number of challenges and tests. Meanwhile, coincides with the city, County and township party committees this year general election year, how to really choose loyal, clean and serves as a good cadre, iron di sci pline of General Feng Qing Qi , Qi, Qi Shun, swapped out Powerful good situation, is a real test for all of us. General work on two to study the effect of education i nspection, if the true serie s of party rules and Constitution speaks well and truly become a qualified party member, nat urally we can deal with advance and retreat left turn treatment, proper organizational arrangements and selection, proper treatment of personal interests. o put carried out two learn a do learning education w ith do reform development sta ble the work combined up, and seriously do Center work, and daily and job combined up, and guarantees improved livelihood, and promote social harmony combined up, and completed the task combine3有感情的朗读歌词。4用听唱法学唱歌曲。5小声哼唱歌曲,跟伴奏反复唱几遍,注意音准。五、创编活动1为歌曲伴奏: (师)乌鸦妈妈觉得我们的歌唱的很不错,可就是太单调了一点,我们有什么方法给这首歌美化一下呢?对了我们不是可以用一些简单的打击乐器来伴奏一下呢?2律动: (师)同学们再想想除了为歌曲伴奏,我们还可以用什么方法来把这首歌变的更美?我们可以用动作来美化这首歌。下面我们用四人小组形式把这首歌的动作想想, 自己编一编。 可以按照节奏做动作也可以看歌词想想动作。歌表演时要作为主人翁投入角色,心中要有故事的画面。六、课堂小结通过唱歌和讲故事, 我们知道了妈妈辛不辛苦啊?知道妈妈那么辛苦后我们可以做些什么呢?我们应该做一些自己力所能及的事情。最起码自己的事情一定自己来做,自己的衣服自己穿,自己的鞋袜自己穿,自己的被子自己叠,自己的头发自己梳。听摇篮曲走出教室。精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 31 页,共 34 页the partys fine style, carry forward the traditional Chinese virtues, practicing t he Socialist core values, vigorously carry forward the spirit of Jiao Yulu, Hongqi Canal spirit and spirit of persistence, honesty in politics, strict statesman, stick to the spiritual heights of the Communists. Four to devotion, as, do play a role in qualifying. Official Communist duty. To fulfill the partys purpose, maintain for the people themselves, and dedication, devotion, maintain pi oneer, pi oneering and enterprising spirit, active at the well-off extra practice, make contributions. The incentive function of party organizations at all levels should give full play to advanced models, establish a re presentative, advanced and typical of the times, and guide the broad masses of party members to emulate. In honor of the 95 anniversary of founding as an opportunity to award in recognition of a number of outstanding party members advanced grass-roots party organizations, outstanding party workers, and put the pione er trees. Third, the reform efforts for example, be sure to change into. Learning to teachEducation i n order to solve the pr oblem, if it does not solve the problem, it will form, goes through the motions. To strengthen t he consciousness of problems and insisted on pr oblem-oriented, problem-solving learning education for traction, truly deep investigation into change, modification. A che cked swing. Learning education programme for party-building in our city actually proposed to focus on solution of fuzzy ideals and beliefs waver, consciousness, purpose of the party weak sense, honesty and self-discipline awareness is not strong, depressed, six issues of ethical misconduct study contents spe cific programmes for all party members and leading cadres above the county level shall focus on further refinement to the pr oblems. Specific to every party member and every cadre , also require s a combination of actual nd controlled, focused and really put yourself in, people see thing s, see, with their own specific probl ems to learn Constitution Party rules, series, address, so preci sion to find the problem, laying a soli d foundation for further corrective action. B to make change. For check put of problem, through established rectification Taiwan a ccount, and take special supervision, and on account PIN, approach, insisted do side learn side modified, and that know that modified, while focused on put two learn a do learning education rectification with grasp party of mass line education practice activities and three strict three real topic education problem rectification combined up, consolidation expande d has made of rectification results, strongly corrected for officer not for, and Chi and endless corre cted four wind, and regulation masses side of abuses, ensure work advance more powerful, and problem solution more completely. T hird, we must consolidate our a chievements. For more public, some party members who focus on the outstanding issues, combining concentrated ectification and strengthening the management of daily education, the spirit of reform short of the complete system, pay close attention to system implementation, really make the party organization and party member education and strict management, solid. Finall y, the urge work on the lead, be sure to promote efficiency. Two education, not on education educational, not working with the Centre two, must stick around the Center, servi ng the overall situation, coordinate, truly result-oriented and promote efficiency. Curre nt and future a period, to tightly around coordination advance four a full strategy layout, winning full built society this a central and work overall, put carried out lear ning education as promoted work of important opportunities and powerful power, gui de Ge neral members cadres insi sted development first priority, active adapted economic devel opment new normal, consciously practice line five big developme nt concept, effective grasp supply side structural reform, to guarantees and improved livelihood, construction more high ecologi cal vitality happi ness of city. Last year, we carry out three-three activities as a three-three special education important, find education and effective platform to facilitate the combination of work. Reference this a good practices, provincial, and municipal decided in two learn a do learning education in the carried out five check five promoting, the County District units to insisted put two learn a do learning education and five check five promoting organic fusion, and common advance, do one plan layout, and one organization implementation, put carried out two learn a do situation, and five check five promoting situation as party work evaluation of importantContent, as an important aspect of mutual evaluation on party members, testing as an important basis for leading bodies and leading ca dre s performance and guide the broad masses of party members and cadres to study education opens up to the main economic and social development. At present, the overall smooth economic operation in our city, but downward pressure is still high, faced a number of challenges and tests. Meanwhile, coincides with the city, County and township party committees this year general election year, how to really choose loyal, clean and serves as a good cadre, iron di sci pline of General Feng Qing Qi , Qi, Qi Shun, swapped out Powerful good situation, is a real test for all of us. General work on two to study the effect of education i nspection, if the true serie s of party rules and Constitution speaks well and truly become a qualified party member, nat urally we can deal with advance and retreat left turn treatment, proper organizational arrangements and selection, proper treatment of personal interests. o put carried out two learn a do learning education w ith do reform development stable the work combined up, and seriously do Center work, and daily and job combined up, and guarantees improved livelihood, and promote social harmony combined up, and completed the task combine第九课丰收歌舞教学目标1歌舞形式是表达人们喜悦心情的最佳方式之一。本课四首反映中外农民丰收歌舞的作品,赞美人们劳动丰收的喜悦只情。2边歌边舞表演桔梗谣 、 圆圆和弯弯,表现人们喜庆丰收的欢乐情绪。3聆听丰收之歌、 丰收的喜悦,并即兴表演来抒发丰收的喜悦只情。4初步了解人声分类的音乐常识。教学重点、难点1有感情的演唱,以情带声,做情景表演。2通过听辩、曲调接龙等形式,提高音乐基础能力与即兴创作的水平。教学准备:电子琴课时安排:二课时精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 32 页,共 34 页the partys fine style, carry forward the traditional Chinese virtues, practicing t he Socialist core values, vigorously carry forward the spirit of Jiao Yulu, Hongqi Canal spirit and spirit of persistence, honesty in politics, strict statesman, stick to the spiritual heights of the Communists. Four to devotion, as, do play a role in qualifying. Official Communist duty. To fulfill the partys purpose, maintain for the people themselves, and dedication, devotion, maintain pi oneer, pi oneering and enterprising spirit, active at the well-off extra practice, make contributions. The incentive function of party organizations at all levels should give full play to advanced models, establish a re presentative, advanced and typical of the times, and guide the broad masses of party members to emulate. In honor of the 95 anniversary of founding as an opportunity to award in recognition of a number of outstanding party members advanced grass-roots party organizations, outstanding party workers, and put the pione er trees. Third, the reform efforts for example, be sure to change into. Learning to teachEducation i n order to solve the pr oblem, if it does not solve the problem, it will form, goes through the motions. To strengthen t he consciousness of problems and insisted on pr oblem-oriented, problem-solving learning education for traction, truly deep investigation into change, modification. A che cked swing. Learning education programme for party-building in our city actually proposed to focus on solution of fuzzy ideals and beliefs waver, consciousness, purpose of the party weak sense, honesty and self-discipline awareness is not strong, depressed, six issues of ethical misconduct study contents spe cific programmes for all party members and leading cadres above the county level shall focus on further refinement to the pr oblems. Specific to every party member and every cadre , also require s a combination of actual and controlled, focused and really put yourself in, people see thing s, see, with their own specific probl ems to learn Constitution Party rules, series, address, so preci sion to find the problem, laying a soli d foundation for further corrective action. B to make change. For check put of problem, through established rectification Taiwan account, and take special supervision, and on account PIN, approach, insisted do side learn side modified, and that know that modified, while focused on put two learn a do learning education rectification with grasp party of mass line education practice activities and three strict three real topic education problem rectification combined up, consolidation xpande d has made of rectification results, strongly corrected for officer not for, and Chi and endless corre cted four wind, and regulation masses side of abuses, ensure work advance more powerful, and problem solution more completely. T hird, we must consolidate our a chievements. For more public, some party members who focus on the outstanding issues, combining concentrated ectification and strengthening the management of daily education, the spirit of reform short of the complete system, pay close attention to system implementation, really make the party organization and party member education and strict management, solid. Finally, the urge work on the lead, be sure to promote efficiency. Two education, not on education educational, not working with the Centre two, must stick around the Cente r, serving the overall situation, coordinate, truly result-oriented and promote efficiency. Curre nt and future a period, to tightly around coordination advance four a full strategy layout, winning full built society this a central and work overall, put carried out learning education as promoted work of important opportunities and powerful power, gui de Ge neral members cadres insi sted development first priority, active adapted economic developme nt new normal, consciously practice line five big developme nt concept, effective grasp supply side structural reform, to guarantees and improved livelihood, construction more high ecologi cal vitality happi ness of city. Last year, we carry out three-three activities as a three-three special education important, find education and effective platform to facilitate the combination of work. Reference this a good practices, provincial, and municipal decided in two learn a do learning education in the carried out five check five promoting, the County District units to insisted put two learn a do learning education and five check five promoting organic fusion, and common advance, do one plan layout, and one organization implementation, put carried out two learn a do situation, and five check five promoting situation as party work evaluation of importantContent, as an important aspect of mutual evaluation on party members, testing as an important basis for leading bodies and leading ca dre s performance and guide the broad masses of party members and cadres to study education opens up to the main economic and social development. At present, the overall smooth economic operation in our city, but downward pressure is still high, faced a number of challenges and tests. Meanwhile, coincides with the city, County and township party committees this year general election year, how to really choose loyal, clean and serves as a good cadre, iron di sci pline of General Feng Qing Qi , Qi, Qi Shun, swapped out Powerful good situation, is a real test for all of us. General work on two to study the effect of education i nspection, if the true serie s of party rules and Constitution speaks well and truly become a qualified party member, nat urally we can deal with advance and retreat left turn treatment, proper organizational arrangements and selection, proper treatment of personal interests. o put carried out two learn a do learning education w ith do reform development sta ble the work combined up, and seriously do Center work, and daily and job combined up, and guarantees improved livelihood, and promote social harmony combined up, and completed the task combine第一课时:桔梗谣一、组织教学1拍手进教室,确立良好坐姿,明确课堂纪律。2师生问好。二、导入1以每年的春节晚会的歌舞场面为导入。2 丰收之歌是首丹麦民歌,丹麦人民豪放开朗、能歌善舞。3欣赏音乐并看课本中的歌词和插图,想象丹麦农民庆丰收歌舞的场景。三、学唱歌曲1解题:桔梗是朝鲜族人民爱吃的一种野菜。2体验感知,聆听歌曲桔梗谣范唱。大家在歌声中感受到什么?3发声练习1 2 3 4 5 5 4 3 2 1 la la la la la la la la la la 4有“ La”模唱主旋律,注意难点。5用听唱法学习歌曲。6小声跟范唱完整的演唱歌曲。7创新表现,处理歌曲。 (交流、处理、试唱)四、音乐活动1人声的分类:童声、女生、男生。2复习歌曲并用打击乐器为歌曲伴奏。五、课堂小结,下课。精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 33 页,共 34 页the partys fine style, carry forward the traditional Chinese virtues, practicing t he Socialist core values, vigorously carry forward the spirit of Jiao Yulu, Hongqi Canal spirit and spirit of persistence, honesty in politics, strict statesman, stick to the spiritual heights of the Communists. Four to devotion, as, do play a role in qualifying. Official Communist duty. To fulfill the partys purpose, maintain for the people themselves, and dedication, devotion, maintain pi oneer, pi oneering and enterprising spirit, active at the well-off extra practice, make contributions. The incentive function of party organizations at all levels should give full play to advanced models, establish a re presentative, advanced and typical of the times, and guide the broad masses of party members to emulate. In honor of the 95 anniversary of founding as an opportunity to award in recognition of a number of outstanding party members advanced grass-roots party organizations, outstanding party workers, and put the pione er trees. Third, the reform efforts for example, be sure to change into. Learning to teachEducation i n order to solve the pr oblem, if it does not solve the problem, it will form, goes through the motions. To strengthen t he consciousness of problems and insisted on pr oblem-oriented, problem-solving learning education for traction, truly deep investigation into change, modification. A che cked swing. Learning education programme for party-building in our city actually proposed to focus on solution of fuzzy ideals and beliefs waver, consciousness, purpose of the party weak sense, honesty and self-discipline awareness is not strong, depressed, six issues of ethical misconduct study contents spe cific programmes for all party members and leading cadres above the county level shall focus on further refinement to the pr oblems. Specific to every party member and every cadre , also require s a combination of actual nd controlled, focused and really put yourself in, people see thing s, see, with their own specific probl ems to learn Constitution Party rules, series, address, so preci sion to find the problem, laying a soli d foundation for further corrective action. B to make change. For check put of problem, through established rectification Taiwan a ccount, and take special supervision, and on account PIN, approach, insisted do side learn side modified, and that know that modified, while focused on put two learn a do learning education rectification with grasp party of mass line education practice activities and three strict three real topic education problem rectification combined up, consolidation expande d has made of rectification results, strongly corrected for officer not for, and Chi and endless corre cted four wind, and regulation masses side of abuses, ensure work advance more powerful, and problem solution more completely. T hird, we must consolidate our a chievements. For more public, some party members who focus on the outstanding issues, combining concentrated ectification and strengthening the management of daily education, the spirit of reform short of the complete system, pay close attention to system implementation, really make the party organization and party member education and strict management, solid. Finall y, the urge work on the lead, be sure to promote efficiency. Two education, not on education educational, not working with the Centre two, must stick around the Center, servi ng the overall situation, coordinate, truly result-oriented and promote efficiency. Curre nt and future a period, to tightly around coordination advance four a full strategy layout, winning full built society this a central and work overall, put carried out lear ning education as promoted work of important opportunities and powerful power, gui de Ge neral members cadres insi sted development first priority, active adapted economic devel opment new normal, consciously practice line five big developme nt concept, effective grasp supply side structural reform, to guarantees and improved livelihood, construction more high ecologi cal vitality happi ness of city. Last year, we carry out three-three activities as a three-three special education important, find education and effective platform to facilitate the combination of work. Reference this a good practices, provincial, and municipal decided in two learn a do learning education in the carried out five check five promoting, the County District units to insisted put two learn a do learning education and five check five promoting organic fusion, and common advance, do one plan layout, and one organization implementation, put carried out two learn a do situation, and five check five promoting situation as party work evaluation of importantContent, as an important aspect of mutual evaluation on party members, testing as an important basis for leading bodies and leading ca dre s performance and guide the broad masses of party members and cadres to study education opens up to the main economic and social development. At present, the overall smooth economic operation in our city, but downward pressure is still high, faced a number of challenges and tests. Meanwhile, coincides with the city, County and township party committees this year general election year, how to really choose loyal, clean and serves as a good cadre, iron di sci pline of General Feng Qing Qi , Qi, Qi Shun, swapped out Powerful good situation, is a real test for all of us. General work on two to study the effect of education i nspection, if the true serie s of party rules and Constitution speaks well and truly become a qualified party member, nat urally we can deal with advance and retreat left turn treatment, proper organizational arrangements and selection, proper treatment of personal interests. o put carried out two learn a do learning education w ith do reform development stable the work combined up, and seriously do Center work, and daily and job combined up, and guarantees improved livelihood, and promote social harmony combined up, and completed the task combine第二课时:圆圆和弯弯一、组织教学1拍手进教室,确立良好坐姿,明确课堂纪律,师生问好。2发声练习1 2 3 4 5 5 4 3 2 1 小猫 爱 吃鱼,鱼。3复习歌曲桔梗谣。二、聆听丰收的喜悦1初听全曲(可带上身体律动)了解歌曲内容,简单说说心情如何?2复听,这首歌曲是哪个地区的音乐风格?你能用舞蹈动作来表演一下吗?3探讨一下书本作业:把听觉艺术与视觉艺术结合起来,用色块来表示三段音乐的情绪变化。三、学唱歌曲1导入:果实中哪些是圆的,哪些是弯的?2我们来聆听歌曲范唱,跟着拍一拍节奏。3有感情的朗读歌词。4用听唱法学唱歌曲。5小声哼唱歌曲,跟伴奏反复唱几遍,注意音准。四、创编活动1为歌曲伴奏,渲染丰收的气氛。2拓宽思路,创编歌词。3律动:即兴舞蹈表演载歌载舞的丰收场面。五、课堂小结精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 34 页,共 34 页
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