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生产系统建模与仿真生产系统建模与仿真email: 1教材及参考书l离散事件系统仿真(Discrete-event system simulation)(英文影印版. 第4版), Jerry Banks, 2003,机械工业出版社,定价:65.00RMB。 l系统仿真使用Arena(Simulation with Arena).234考试及成绩计算l期末(笔试)占总成绩的50%。l仿真程序设计(C+,Java)占15%。 (第8周前完成)l仿真综合应用项目(Arena)占20%。 (第8周提交方案)l平时作出及出勤占 15%。5联系方式:l机械大楼工业工程系612房间。lEmail: 6第一章 仿真概述7本章内容:l1.1 何时使用(不)仿真l1.2 仿真的优点(缺点)l1.3 仿真的应用领域(演示)l1.4 系统l1.5 模型l1.6 离散事件系统仿真(DES)l1.7 仿真步骤8l仿真仿真(Simulation): 模仿真实系统的运作(随时间而变化)。l仿真模型仿真模型(Simulation Model): 是关于系统运作的一些假设(assumption).这些假设是用实体间的数学、逻辑和符合关系来表示。l仿真的用处:作为分析工具预测对现有系统的改变。 作为设计工具预测新系统的性能。9l分析方法 VS. 仿真方法 一些简单系统可以采用分析方法(微积分公式、概率论、矩阵代数)来进行公式计算。 复杂系统? 仿真方法 (Numerical Computer-based Simulation)101.1 何时使用仿真 shannon1998l研究复杂系统的内部交互行为。l信息、组织、环境对系统的改变所造成的影响。l改变仿真输入,观察仿真输出,可能发现最重要的系统变量。l仿真作为强化或验证分析方法的辅助手段。l仿真可作为学习、训练的手段(没有干扰正常的生产运作)。l现代系统(先进工厂、晶圆制造、服务业)太复杂,只能采用仿真方法。l可以以动画的方式可视化系统的行为。11何时(不)使用仿真 Banks and Gibson1997l规则1:常识能够解决的问题。l规则2:分析方法能够解决的问题。l规则3:现场、直接实验或指导能够解决。l规则4:仿真成本 节约。l规则5:没有足够的资源(钱和人力)。l规则6:不能收集到相关的数据。l规则7:系统太复杂、难以定义(如人类)121.2 仿真的优点l优化模型 :通过求解方式进行。 (运筹学中的整数规划、线性规划等)l仿真模型: Simulation models are “RUN” rather than Solved.13l能够研究新的策略、运作过程、决策规则,而无需打断、或干扰真实系统的正常运行。l能够测试新的硬件、布局、运输系统等资源,而无限实际获取这些资源。l能够观察到系统变量之间的交互。l能够观察到系统变量对系统性能的重要程度。l帮助理解系统是如何运作的。14仿真的缺点l建模需要专门训练。l解释仿真结果具有难度。l仿真建模和分析可能是一件耗时、代价过高的行为。l分析方法可行时,采用仿真可能是一个不好的做法。151.3 仿真的应用领域16171819l生产制造l晶圆制造l项目管理l军事l物流、供应链、配送l运输与交通l业务流程仿真l医院(health Care)20l目前趋势: 风险仿真(如保险) 呼叫中心 (Call Center) 自动物流系统 (AMHS, Automated Material Handling system)l 更多应用情况请参考: 冬季仿真会议(WSC, Winter Simulation Conference): 21演示演示221.4 系统l系统(System): A system is defined as a group of objects that are joined together in some regular interaction and interdependence toward the accomplishment of some purpurse.l系统边界 (System environment )23系统组成(Component of A System):n实体(Entity):系统中我们感兴趣的对象对象。n属性(Attribute): 实体的属性或性质性质。n活动(Activity): 具有一定时间长度的任务任务或工作。24n系统状态(State):一组一组用来描述系统的变量变量的集合的集合。n事件(Event): 导致系统状态状态改变改变的瞬间瞬间行为。25系统举例l银行:实体:Customer属性: checking-account balance活动:Making deposits事件:Arrival, depart状态变量: Number of busy tellers Number of customer waiting26lRapid rail (火车)实体: Rider属性:Origination, destination活动:Traveling事件:Arrival at station; arrival at destination;状态变量:Number of riders waiting at each station; Number of riders in transit27l制造实体:机器属性:Speed, capacity, breakdown rate活动: Welding事件:Breakdown状态变量: Status of machine (busy, idle, down) 28l通信实体:Message属性:Length, destination活动: Transmitting事件: arrival at destination状态变量:Number waiting to be transmitted29l库存(Inventory):实体:Warehouse属性: Capacity活动: Withdrawing(出库)事件:Demand状态变量: Levels of inventory backlogged (订货) demands30离散系统 VS. 连续系统l连续系统: 系统状态系统状态随时间连续地连续地发生改变。31l离散系统(Discrete system):系统状态系统状态只在离散离散的时间点时间点上发生改变。本课程只研究离散事情系统(DEDS, Discrete Event Dynamic System)321.5 模型l如何研究系统?通过模型模型手段。l模型: 是系统系统的简化。 为研究系统而对系统的描述。 是对真实系统中那些有用的和令人感兴那些有用的和令人感兴趣趣的 特性的抽象化。 模型并不是对真实系统的完全复现 33模型的组成考虑模型与系统的关系:系统的组成:模型的组成模型的组成: = (实体,属性,活动,状态)34系统 VS. 模型3536371.6 离散事件系统仿真lDiscrete-event system simulation: is the modeling of systems in which the state variables change only at a discrete sets of points in time. l仿真模型是“运行运行”(run),而不是求解(Solved)。(分析方法是求解)。 -从模型假设中产生的系统历史,然后收集观测数据,估计系统的性能。381.7 仿真步骤Define goals, objectives of studyDevelop conceptual modelDevelop specification of modelDevelop computational modelVerify modelValidate modelFundamentally an iterative process39Determine Goals and ObjectiveslWhat does you (or the customer) hope to accomplish with the modelMay be an end in itselflPredict the weatherlTrain personnel to develop certain skills (e.g., driving)More often a means to an endlOptimize a manufacturing process or develop the most cost effective means to reduce traffic congestion in some part of a citylOften requires developing a business case to justify the costImproved efficiency will save the company $lExample: electronicsEven so, may be hard to justify in lean timeslGoals may not be known when you start the project!One often learns things along the way40Develop Conceptual ModellAn abstract (i.e., not directly executable) representation of the systemlWhat should be included in model? What can be left out?lWhat abstractions should be usedLevel of detailOften a variation on standard abstractionsExample: transportationlFluid flow?lQueueing network?lCellular automata?lWhat metrics will be produced by the model?lAppropriate choice depends on the purpose of the model41Develop Specification ModellA more detailed specification of the model including more specificslCollect data to populate modelTraffic example: Road geometry, signal timing, expected traffic demand, driver behaviorEmpirical data or probability distributions often usedlDevelopment of algorithms necessary to include in the modelExample: Path planning for vehicles42Develop Computational ModellExecutable simulation modellSoftware approachGeneral purpose programming languageSpecial purpose simulation languageSimulation packageApproach often depends on need for customization and economicslWhere do you make your money?lDefense vs. commercial industrylOther (non-functional) requirementsPerformanceInteroperability with other models/tools/data43VerificationlDid I build the model right?lDoes the computational model match the specification model?lLargely a software engineering activity (debugging)lNot to be confused with correctness (see model validation)!44Validation(有效性)lDid I build the right model?lDoes the computational model match the actual (or envisioned) system?lTypically, compare againstMeasurements of actual systemAn analytic (mathematical) model of the systemAnother simulation modellBy necessity, always an incomplete activity!Often can only validate portions of the modelIf you can validate the simulation with 100% certainty, why build the simulation?451.8 系统、模型、仿真之间的关系46本章重点(Summary)l模型、系统的概念l模型的组成、系统的组成l离散事件仿真和分析方法的不同l仿真步骤: Model conceptualization(概念模型), 计算模型、模型转换 Verification和Validation的区别l系统、模型、仿真之间的关系47建议文献阅读:lThe Art & Science of Simulation , Robert Shannon 思考如下问题:思考如下问题: 什么是仿真模型(什么是仿真模型(Simulation model)?48AssignmentslBCNN ch1: 1, 2, 4, 6, 12 or 13.lDeadline: 一周内。49
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