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Unit 4 Wheres my schoolbag?Unit 4Unit 4Section A 1a-2c-3-Whats this? -4-What are these? -5-Oh, a nice room!-6-table/ei/-7-bed/e/-8-bookcase/ei/-9-sofa/u/-10-chair/e /-11-table /ei/bed /e/ bookcase /ei/sofa /u/ /books schoolbag /keys chair/e /-12-1. table _2. bed _3. bookcase _4. sofa _5. chair _6.schoolbag _7. books _8. keys _behgdafc1a Match the wordswith the things in the picture.-13-Wheres the baseball?Its on the table.-14- Wheres the schoolbag?Its under the table.-15- Wheres the ruler?Its in the pencil box.-16-Where are the books?Theyre on the bed.-17-Where are the baseballs?Theyre on the chair.-18-4231b Listen and number the things in the picture1-4.-19-A: Wheres the? ( Where are the?)B: Its (They are )Pairwork -20-观察与思考观察与思考1 1、听力1b中用_ 引导的特殊疑问句来询问物品位置,单数句子用be动词_,复数句子用be动词_. 回答分别为_+ 方位介词短语;或_+方位介词短语。-21-【跟踪训练跟踪训练1】Wheres the _? Its _ the _.bedschoolbagonWhere _ the books ? _ in the _.areTheyrebookcase-22-Where _ the pencils ? _ in the _.Wheres the _? Its _ the _.cupontableareTheyrepencil box-23-Where _ the keys ? _ _ the pencil case.areTheyreunderWheres the _? Its _ the _.bagonchair-24-2aListen and number the things 1-6 when you hear them.听录音,按听到的顺序给这些物品编号1-6。123654-25-12342b Listening : Number the things in the picture. (听力:将这些物品的序号(听力:将这些物品的序号(1-6)标在图上)标在图上)12346655-26-观察与思考察与思考21.询 问 单 数数 物物 品品 时 , 用用 一一 般般 疑疑 问 句句_,其答其答语用用_.2.询 问 复复 数数 物物 品品 时 , 用用 一一 般般 疑疑 问 句句_,其答其答语用用_.【跟踪训练跟踪训练2】翻译句子翻译句子翻译句子翻译句子1.1.1.1.我的书包在桌子上面吗?是的。我的书包在桌子上面吗?是的。我的书包在桌子上面吗?是的。我的书包在桌子上面吗?是的。它们在沙发下面吗?不,不是的。它们在沙发下面吗?不,不是的。它们在沙发下面吗?不,不是的。它们在沙发下面吗?不,不是的。-27-A : Where is/ are the ?B : I dont know. Is it on/in/under? ( Are they on/in/under ?)A : Yes, it is./ No,it isnt. Its (Yes, they are. /No, they arent. Theyre)Pairwork -28-【课堂练习课堂练习】1、选择填空( ) 1. _ your hat? A. Where B. Wherere C. Wheres( ) 2. Is his pencil box _ the bookcase? A. in B. at C. under( ) 3. The tapes _ in the box. A. am B. is C. are 2、句型转换(1) The pictures are on the wall.(对划线部分提问)(2) Is the CD on the sofa?(作肯定回答)(3) Are the chairs next to the table?(作否定回答)-29-1.听录音跟读,熟练背诵1b和2a中的对话。2.根据课本中图片提示,分别用单数和复数形式造两组对话并写下来。-30-
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