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Unit 1 Living WellMartys Story2021/6/71nFill in the blank by using the correct words n1 One of his a _is to become a mayor .n2 I like eating bread,cake and other s _ foods .n3 The text is a _from a famous writers work .n4 They speak ill of the captain in the a _of them . 5 He i_ the doctors advice and goes on smoking .mbitionimilardaptedbsencegnores2021/6/72n6 Hearing his e_words , I feel e_.n7 He was a _with his wife because the dinner was badly cooked .n8 He r_ China in the conference .n9 Their background gives them little chance of a_at school .10 Sunshine is b_ to plants.11 In many ways my d _has made me grow stronger and more i_ ncouragingncouragednnoyedepresented chievingeneficialisabilityndependent2021/6/73The Family Village is a web site for children and adults with disabilities, their families, and their friends. 2021/6/74SkimmingnWhat kind of disease does Marty have?nWhats the main idea of the passage? Use one sentence to describe it.He has a muscle disease.Though he is a disabled person, Marty never feels sorry for himself and he enjoys his life.2021/6/75Read the text again and write a summary in one sentence for each paragraph.nPara.1:nPara.2:nPara.3:nPara.4:nPara.5:nPara.6:I am “one in a million”I started to get weaker when I was 10.I dont look different.My life is a lot easier at high school.I have a good life.I have some words to healthy kids.2021/6/76ScanningMartys difficultiesMartys ambitionMartys achievementMartys hobbyMartys mottoMartys adviceweak and clumsyto work in the computer industryinvented a computer gamegoing to the movie and football match and keeping petsto live one day at a timeDont feel sorry for the disabled or make fun of them but accept them and give them encouragement to live a full life2021/6/77Read again and then fill in the form on P3.Problems caused by his disability3. Easy to get out of breath2. Clumsy and drop things or bump into furniture4.Too weak to go to school and miss a lot of lessons5. Other students often laugh at me1.Go to the movies and football matches with friends2.Spend time with his pets3.Have a lot of study to doWhat Marty does in spite of his disability2021/6/781. Marty has _ disease. A. a mental B. a muscle C. an eye D. a leg2. Which of the following is true? A. Doctors could give Martys disease a name. B. The doctor knew how to make Marty well.C. Someone in the world could cure the disease.D. No one could give Martys disease a name. 2021/6/793. Whats Martys dream? A. Being a famous football player and representing his country in the world cup. B. Being a doctor. C. Being a college student. D. Being a basketball player. 4. We can infer that _ . A. Marty often loses heart. B. Marty feels sorry for being disabled. C. Martys life is full of challenge but he doesnt lose heart. D. Marty feels lonely. 2021/6/710Discussing these questions:1 What does “live one day at a time” mean? and why did the writer choose this motto? 2 What kind of person do you think Marty is?3 What do you think is the most difficult thing that Marty has to deal with in his life?2021/6/7111.Other disabled people find the website beneficial because they can read about people with2.ability :n 能力能力/ 技能技能/ 才能才能/ 才智才智3.a man of great musical ability 4.有卓越音乐才华的人有卓越音乐才华的人5.an ability to do sth 做某事的能力做某事的能力6.to the best of ones ability 尽某人所能尽某人所能7.He soon received promotion , for his superiors realized that he was a man of considerable _.8.A future B ability 9.C possibility D opportunityB2021/6/712disable vt.disabled adj.disability un/cn.His uncle was disabled in the war.a disabled man in a wheelchairThe disabled are to receive more money .He gets a disability pension from the Government because of his disabilities in a fire accident.他在一次火灾事故中因残废而得到政府的伤残抚他在一次火灾事故中因残废而得到政府的伤残抚恤金。恤金。2021/6/7132 benefit n. v. beneficial adj. adj. producing a favorable result; advantageous (to) be beneficial to A benefits B = B benefits from /by A be of benefit to for the benefit of 对对有益有益为了为了的利益的利益2021/6/714 I did it for his benefit.This trade agreement will greatly benefit the developing countries.= The developing countries will benefit from / by this trade agreement Many people have benefited from the new medicine.The new credit card will be of great benefit to the customers.This plan will be beneficial to both sides.2021/6/7153 similar adj 相似的相似的/ 类似的类似的 be similar to 与与相似相似 be similar in 在在方面相似方面相似 similarly adv similarity n I like eating bread ,cake and other _ (类似的类似的) food .Marys hat _.(与简相与简相似似) is similar to Janesimilar2021/6/7164. In other words, there are not many people in the world like me.in other words: thats to say He failed the exam . In other words ,he wont be allowed to go on studying here .2021/6/717I dont want you to tell me only in word that you will study hard .You dont know how wonderful it is . It cant be described in words .In a word , we must try our best to do the work .在口头上在口头上,放在句末或句中放在句末或句中用语言用语言(来表达来表达),放在句末放在句末总之总之have a word with sb have words with sb 与某人交谈与某人交谈与某人吵架与某人吵架2021/6/7185. I have learned to adapt to my disability.adapt vt. & vi. to make suitable to 适应适应/改装改装/改编改编adapt (oneself) to 适应适应adapt from根据根据改编改编be well adapted to 特别适应,非常适应特别适应,非常适应adaptable adj. 能适应的,适应性强的能适应的,适应性强的2021/6/719It took him a while to adapt himself to his new surroundings.The play is adapted from a novel .This kinds of rice is well adapted to the south of China.adaptable adj. 能适应的,适应性强的能适应的,适应性强的Im sure shell cope with the changes very well because she is very adaptable.2021/6/720n6 at a time 一次一次; 同时同时; 一下子一下子; 每次每次nHe often eat two eggs at a time.nTake two pills at a time .nat one time (过去过去)有个时期有个时期; 曾经曾经, 一度一度nHe wanted to leave school for business at one time.2021/6/7217. In fact ,I used to dream about one day dream about / of + n/ v-ing / pron :梦见梦见 / 梦想梦想同源宾语同源宾语:与动词同根的名词作宾语与动词同根的名词作宾语dream a sweet dream die a heroic death live a happy / a simple /an active life breathe a deep breath2021/6/7228. Then I started to get weaker and weaker.在大多数情况下,在大多数情况下,start/begin to do sth. 与与 start/begin doing sth. 用法相通。用法相通。但在下列情况中,用但在下列情况中,用to do而不用而不用doing1) 主语是指物而不是指人时:主语是指物而不是指人时:The ice began/started to melt.2) begin或或start用进行式时:用进行式时: Mary is begining/starting to do her homework.3) begin/start后的动作是描述心理活动或精神后的动作是描述心理活动或精神状态时:状态时:We began/started to see what he meant.4) 用于对称的结构当中时:用于对称的结构当中时:Stop talking and start working.2021/6/7235) 强调动作的开始时用强调动作的开始时用to do而强调动作的延续时则用而强调动作的延续时则用doing比较:比较: We began/started to study English six years ago.We began/started studying English six years ago.2021/6/7249 tooto tooto 太太而不能而不能cannot too 无论怎么样无论怎么样也不过分也不过分nHes too old to do that work .nOne cant be too old to learn .n活到老活到老,学到老学到老nYou cannot be too careful in your studies .n在学习上在学习上,越小心越好越小心越好.2021/6/72510.so sometimes kids laugh at me when I get out of breath after be out of breathtake a deep breathhold ones breathlose ones breathbreath- breathe bath - bathe上气不接下气上气不接下气做深呼吸做深呼吸屏住呼吸屏住呼吸喘不过气来喘不过气来2021/6/72611 absence n - absent ( adj ) absence from school/ lecture 缺席缺席/缺课缺课in the absence of = in ones absence(人人) 不在时不在时 , 外出时外出时 / (物物) 不存在不存在 / 缺少缺少absence of mind 心不在焉心不在焉= absent -mindedbe absent from 不在不在/ 缺席缺席The _of fresh water brought about a lot of difficulties for those living on the island .A short B absence C lackness D existenceB2021/6/72712. I feel really stupid because I am a bit behind the others.stupid foolish silly1)stupid: 愚笨的,表示智力低下,反应迟钝或愚笨的,表示智力低下,反应迟钝或因外界因素失去正常的反应和感觉。语气较强。因外界因素失去正常的反应和感觉。语气较强。2)foolish: 笨的,强调缺乏智慧或判断力,用法笨的,强调缺乏智慧或判断力,用法普遍。普遍。3)silly: 傻的傻的/强调单纯强调单纯/糊涂糊涂/头脑简单头脑简单/不懂事不懂事He is a very stupid boy.Its foolish for you to waste your money.She is such a silly little girl.2021/6/728v13 fellow n.人人, 家伙家伙, 伙伴伙伴, 会员会员, 朋友朋友, 同事同事vWhos that old fellow? vschool fellows (同学同学)vfellow adj. being of the same kind, group, occupation, society:同类的,同同类的,同伴的伴的vfellow workers(工友)(工友), fellow students(同学)(同学), vfellow citizens (同市的人同市的人/同胞同胞)2021/6/72914. a few who cannot see the real person inside my body, but I do not get annoyed, I just ignore them.annoy: 由于干扰,不顺利或受不了某种外界由于干扰,不顺利或受不了某种外界情况而感到烦恼。强调心理感受。情况而感到烦恼。强调心理感受。be annoyed at / by sth 被某事困扰被某事困扰be annoyed with sb 生生的气的气She was annoyed with him because he was late .These files are annoying me . She was annoyed at /by the unfair treatment.2021/6/730bother: 使人不得安宁。强调动作。使人不得安宁。强调动作。The child constantly annoyed me by asking me lots of questions.Ive been bothered with this disease for many years.【注意】表示主观的感觉,应该用【注意】表示主观的感觉,应该用depresseddepressedI feel depressed. (T)I feel annoyed. (F)2021/6/731get annoyed : get + done / adj / doing ( 表示被动语态或状态的改变表示被动语态或状态的改变) Its time you got married .He went out last night and got drunk .He was caught in the rain and got wet all over .When these women get talking ,they go on for hours .(这些妇女一谈就是几个小时这些妇女一谈就是几个小时)Things havent really got going yet .( 事情尚未真正展开事情尚未真正展开).2021/6/73215 all in all : in a word All in all ,he is an honest man.in all :at all :after all :above all:总共总共根本,全然根本,全然毕竟毕竟,终究终究最重要的是最重要的是16 independent : adj an independent country I used to be dependent on my parents . Now I am independent of them .independence un 独立独立/ 自立自立dependence n 依靠依靠/ 依赖依赖2021/6/73317 asas as+ adj. + a/an +n + asIt is as quiet a village as it was .He is as clever a boy as his brother .He is too old a man to care for himself .It is so difficult a problem that nobody can solve it . 2021/6/73418 make fun of sb 取笑取笑/拿拿开玩笑开玩笑19in fun / for fun 开玩笑地开玩笑地20have fun with 玩得高兴玩得高兴21They made fun of her because she wore strange clothes .22I have said it just for/ in fun .23The children had a lot of fun with the building blocks .2021/6/735部分资料从网络收集整理而来,供大家参考,感谢您的关注!
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