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学习好资料欢迎下载扬州市中考 “ 词汇运用 ” 应试指导和练习单词拼写题是中考英语试题中常见的题型之一,主要考查学生“ 识词、记词和用词” 的能力。这类试题体现了“ 词不离句 ” 的特点,要求学生注意单词在句子中的确切含义与正确形式,而不是孤立地死记硬背单词。扬州市的中考“ 单词拼写 ” 题要求为每空一词,主要有两种提示:1、用所给中文的正确形式填空;2、用所给英文的正确形式填空。词汇运用解题技巧:(一)步骤:、明确所给词的词性、弄清楚所给句子的意思、确定所填词的词性、确定所给词的形式变化、注意词汇知识及习惯用法(二)方法:、注意名词的单复数,所有格形式,对应形容词形式。、注意代词的形式变化。、注意形容词、副词级的变化,以及形容词、副词相互之间的转换。、注意基数词和序数词的互相转化。、注意一些固定短语。现分类说明如下 : 1. 名词 (名词构词法参照8A P65/77) stomach-stomachspotato/mango/hero/tomato+es f/fe 结 尾 的 去 f/fe 加 ves toothteeth footfeet manmen woman women FrenchmanFrenchmen EnglishmanEnglishmen human humans GermanGermans mousemice sheep fish Chinese Japanese deer 单复数同形boy students shoe shops sports shoes/meetings clothes shops women teachers men doctors 2)名词的所有格所有格:TeachersDay Women s Day Mothers/Father s Day Ladies Room two weeks holiday=a two- week holiday this week s programme a friend of mine (hers/his/ours/theirs/my father s) a book of Mary s someone else s other s Jim and Tom s room (共有 ) Jim s and Tom s rooms (各自拥有 ) 2. 人称代词(主格,宾格,物主代词,反身代词)say to oneself learn by oneself teach oneself help oneself to sth dress oneself enjoy oneself go and see for yourself keep worries to yourself The story itself is very interesting. She herself is an angle. 3. 固定短语pay attention to doing sth devote to doing sthbe/get used to doing sth look forward to doing sth lead to doing sth make a contribution to doing sth spenddoing sth be busy doing sth have difficulty/trouble/problems (in) doing sth be (well) worth doing sth 4.基数词和序数词 ,分数基数词:hundred, thousand, million, in ones+整十数的复数 (twenties, forties, fifties , nineties)序数词: first, second, third, fifth, eigth, ninth, twelfth, twentieth 分数: one third, two thirds ,a quarter=one fourth ,three quarters=three fourths 5.形容词和副词(形容词构词及否定前缀和后缀参照8A P39/51/65/89 ) (形容词变副词参照8A P27) 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 1 页,共 6 页学习好资料欢迎下载6.介词across/ through below/above against 7.动词 :1).谓语动词注意主谓一致及时态、语态。2).非谓语动词:sth need doing have sth done help/make/let/see/hear/ sb do sth see/hear/watch/ sb doing sth现在分词表伴随过去分词表被动练习:1. I can t remember all these great _( 飞行员 ) names. 2. MH370 with 239 people _(丢失,失去 )contact on March 8th 2014. 3. Is Australia the _ (three) largest island country in the world? 4. Look!our dog Colly is lying comfortably on the grass, _(enjoy) its sunbath. 5. What a _ (please) it is for me to play the piano with you! 6. There are a lot of differences between John and _ (I) 7. More attention should be paid to _ ( 保护 ) the environment. 8. If you add some lemonade and sugar, the dish will be much _ (taste) . 9. Mother asked the Greens to help _ (they) to some pears. 10. A few big eggs _ (lay) by these ducks were sold this morning. 11. Do you know what the _ ( 人口 ) of China is?12. He felt _ (true) sorry for what he said. 13. Our _ (know) of the universe is growing all the time, 14. The window _ (break) by Jim yesterday has been mended. 15. There is a dog _ (lie) on the floor. 16. What difficulty will you have _ (control) the machine. 17. All animals _( 包括 ) men feed on plants or other animals. 18. Nobody _that the Shenzhou IX will help us know more about space.(怀疑)19. The earth is becoming more and more _( 拥挤 ). 20. How_ ( 活泼的 ) the student is! 21. I want to learn how to eat _ (health). 22. Do you know the girl? She is a friend of my _ (sister). 23. The teacher looked _ (angry) at me just now. 24. Mr. Wang taught _ (he) English last year and now he was good at it. 25. The coats are those _(秘书 ). 26. Vivian sings even _ (badly) than before. 27. Ice turns into water when the temperature is _( 超过 )0. 28. _(比较 ) with winter, spring is much better in some ways. 29. His life was devoted to _( 改善 ) the poor people s living conditions. 30. She spent as much time as she could _ (read) this book yesterday. 31. Eight _ (forty) is one fifth. 32. I don t like _ (rain) seasons. 33. There are _ (two) as many books in the reading-room as in that one. 34. I _ (prefer) keeping silent to arguing with him last night. 35. The old man looked a bit _( 苍白的 ) than usual after operation. 36. We wear glasses to keep our eyes _ (safely). 37.There is only little money ( 剩下 ),we can t waste a coin. 38. The inventor has many _ (invent). 39. He seemed _ (happily) because he failed his exam. 40. They have lived here all their _ (life). 41. The wind often blows strongly in spring in the _ (north) part of China. 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 2 页,共 6 页学习好资料欢迎下载42. Mike thought hard, but he could _ (hard) remember what he did last week. 43. I never doubt that the price of the new car will be much _ (高) . 44. The poster says more than one _(导演 ) will attend the presentation. 45. _ (luck), he failed the English exam this time. 46. The famous host will show us an _ ( 最新的 ) invention later. 47. I went to the biggest _ (scientist) museum in town yesterday. 48. Timy doesn t know where his CD was_(藏) by his mother. 49. This evening dress must be one of those_ (act).How beautiful !50. We ll have fun _ (learn) English well. 51. Our physics teacher told us that light _(travel) faster than sound. 52. Tom had two of his_ (tooth) pulled out last year. 53. It s _(wet) today than yesterday. 54. You d better not ask too many _ ( 私人的 ) problems at the party. 55. He can work out the problem _ (exact). 56. We just need to keep _ (work) on it. 57. It is _ (high) possible that she will win the award again this year. 58. It s a new word to him. So he needs to look up the right _(发音 ) of it first. 59. It s _(father) Day tomorrow. 60. He made great contributions to mankind. He was the_( 骄傲 ) of the whole world. 61. My grandmother is 92 and has become very (forget) and confused. 62. There is a sweater _ (hang) on the clothes line. 63. Those boys walked out of the classroom _ (noise) 64. Do you think Lu Xun was one of the greatest writers in the _ (twenty) century? 65. His achievements have (增加 )rice production by 20%-30%. 66. It was brave of him to go to a place that was ( 未知的 ) to humans at that time. 67.All the _ (lead) names and numbers are on the list. 68. Some people believe that humans could live on the other_ (行星 ). 69. Mr. Li told us the sunlight we are used to _ (include) seven different colours. 70. All children should be taught road(safe) from an early age. 71. What (其他的 ) things do you like, Jack? 72. Everyone can see you are both (complete) wrong. 73. What is the _(high) of that mountain? 74. Look! How _(terrible) he is coughing! 75. How many ( 语言 ) are there in the world, do you know? 76. Nowadays, many students want to have a further study in American( 大学 ). 77. I felt better, so I didn t go to the _(doctor). 78. That means we must have smaller families with fewer, but _(heath) children. 79. It s snowing _(heavy) when he got home today. 80.His father s _(dead) made him very sad. 81. It was the first newspaper _(sell) on train in America. 82. The_ (miss) boy hasn t been found yet.83. The book _(write) by Lu Xun sells well. 84. Why do you look much _(sad) today? 85. The visitors from _(German) are playing at the beach. 86.They lost the match, because they played _.(care) 87. Before you take the medicine, youd better read the (说明 ) first. 88. He _ his hands and waved. (举起 ) 89. He failed the maths exam. That s why he sat there _(happy). 90. The dog moves little. It s _(die). 91. The _(字典 )on the table belong to my good friend, Betty. 92. You have _(succeed) finished the work. Congratulations! 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 3 页,共 6 页学习好资料欢迎下载93. “ Why didn t you tell me earlier? ” the boss said (难过 ). 94. The witness was asked to_the suspect. (描述 ) 95. Go (径直 ) along this road, you ll find the hospital on your left. 96. He is hard-working and always uses his free time _ ( 明智 ). 97. I could see her playing the computer games _ the window. ( 透过 ) 98. Would you please speak louder to make yourself_(understand) . 99. How_ ( 光滑的 ) the girl s hair is! It looks like silk. 100. Remember to knock at the door before ( 进入 ) someone s room. 101. I think the success will depend on your _ not your money. (wise)102. They kicked a goal, but we soon got one _(we) 103. No one knows whether Bin Laden is still _ or not. (live) 104. It s ten _ walk from here. You needn t take a bus. (分钟 ) 105. After hearing these words, his face turned even _. (red) 106. She went out of the room, _ (leave) her daughter crying. 107. Seven _(twelve) of the students were asked to do such a job. 108. Yangzhou is beautiful, _in spring. (尤其,特别)109. She told me many _ ( 优势 ) of living in the city, but the living cost is quite high, as we know.110. Millie is still not used to the in summer here. (hot) 111.The thief was brought in, with his hands _(tie) behind his back. 112. The suspect was seen ( 进入 ) the Building at 7 p.m. last night. 113. The more he said, the _(angry) we felt. 114. Which colour is _(bad), Mr. Green, white or black? 115. We have a meeting on afternoon.(星期三)116. The cars are those _(German).but they re made in China. 117. Mr Smith had his wallet _(steal) on the bus yesterday. 118. Titanic is a romantic film that is (direct) by James Cameron. 119. It s a pity that some young (女性 ) doctors lost their lives in Nepal earthquake. 120. The child _ to the teacher about why he was late this morning. ( 说谎 ) 121. All the _ ( 乘客 ) on the plane were frightened when they heard that a bird had flown. 122. Now many foreigners have learnt to use _during their stay in China. (筷子 ) 123. There was a deep break in theabove him. (天花板 ) 124. It s (possible) for you to study Englis h well if you don t work hard.125. The guide advised us not to risk _ (stay) out late at night. 126. The fight_ ( 反对 ) financial crisis ( 金融危机 ) has lasted for almost ten years. 127. The _(贸易 )between the two countries has increased recently. 128. This maths test is too hard. It s _(超过) my ability. 129. Those palaces all over the country used to be those _ . ( rule). 130. When the film ended, the audience couldn t stop_ (鼓掌 ) for a long time. 131. The hotel is very popular with tourists because it provides a high level of_(服务) . 132. The project they are talking about _ (need) improving. 133. Many people find itto climb the mountain step by step.(累人的 ) 134. Jiangnan Examination Office in Confucius Temple attracted_(千) of tourists on ChinaTourists Day this year. 135. The trees in the forests can keep the soil from _(wash) away by floods. 136. The Biology teacher says that seeds are often _ by the wind (传播 ) 137. The sports meet has been_(取消 )because of the bad weather. 138. The number of crimes is rising _ (rapid) in the USA. 139. He looks _(relax) as if nothing has happened. 140. The local government has made up their mind to protect theserights. ( 渔民 ) 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 4 页,共 6 页学习好资料欢迎下载141. He putting her through and caused a lot of problems. ( 后悔 ) 142. Mom told me “ It s time to have your hair (cut) .”143. Four (five) of the students are fond of music in our class. 144. When spring festival comes every shop is full of (顾客 ). 145. Do you know how much a common Chinese family (花费 ) for education every year? 146. Thank you for your ( 建议 ). They are quite useful and valuable. 147. Thanks to the _(invent) work. We are living better and better. 148. The audience were waiting so (patient) for the pop star that they made loud noise. 149. He told me he would tell us something _(surprise) 150. He has been very ill, but the doctor says he is now out of _ (dangerous). 参考答案1. pilots2. lost 3. third 4. enjoying 5. pleasure 6. me 7.protceting 8. tastier 9.themselves 10. laid 11.population 12. truly 13. knowledge 14. broken 15. lying 16. controlling 17. including 18.doubts 19. crowded 20. lively 21. healthily 22.sisters23. angrily 24. him 25. secretaries26. worse 27.above 28. Compared 29. improving 30. reading 31. fortieths 32. rainy 33. twice 34. preferred 35. paler 36. safe 37. left 38. inventions 39. unhappy 40.lives 41. northern 42. hardly 43. higher 44. director 45. Unluckily 46. up-to-date 47. science 48. hidden 49. private 55. exactly 56. working 57. highly 58. proununciation 59. Fathers60. pride 61. forgetful 62. hung 63. noisily 64. twentieth 65. increased 66. unknown 67. leaders68. planets69. includes 70. safety 71. other 72. completely 73. height 74. terribly 75. languages 76. universities 77. doctors78. healthier 79. heavily 80. death 81. sold 82. missing 83. written 84. sadder 85. Germany 86. carelessly 87. instruction 88. raised 89 unhappily 90. dying 91. dictionaries 92. successfully 93. sadly 94. describe 95. straight 96. wisely 97. through 98. understood 99. smooth 100.entering 101. wisdom102.ourselves 103. alive 104. minutes105. redder 106. leaving 107. twelfths 108. especially 109. advantages 110. heat 111. tied 112. leaving 113. angrier 114. worse 115. Wednesday 116. Germans117.stolen 118. directed 119. women 120. lied 121. passengers 122. chopsticks 123. ceiling 124. impossible 125. staying 126. against 127. trade 128. beyond 129. rulers130. clapping 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 5 页,共 6 页学习好资料欢迎下载131. service 132. needs 133.tiring 134. thousands 135. washing 136. spread 137. cancelled 138. rapidly 139. relaxed 140. fishermens141. regretted 142. cut 143. fifths 144. customers 145.pays 146. suggestions 147. inventors 148. impatient 149. surprising 150. danger 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 6 页,共 6 页
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