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大学动漫英语(下册)unit4Appliedanimation应用动画 ANoticeforRegisteringanExhibition4Practicethedialogue2ReadingforSpecificPurpose3建筑漫游动画 Architectural Walk-through Animation5 Listening 1Unit 4. ContentsUnit goals:Animation is everywhere, enmeshed in the fabric of todays society, and this trend will only continue to grow as programs become more complex and offer more options. In this unit, you will learn the fields that animation can be applied to.Task1: Listening 1. list price: 订价,价目表所列之价格2. earliest shipping date: 最早的发货期 3. letter of credit: n.(银行开出的)信用证(L/C) 4. as usual: 通常,照常 例:As usual, well start the meeting with a onehour keynote speech. 通常我们的会议以一个一小时的主题报告作为开始。返回返回返回返回WordsstudyAt a travel Expo Rocky Simons met Jacques Riviera, owner of a seaside resort in another country.listen to the talk between the two business associates.Circle the letters AD to answer each question.Task1 AnswerThey are talking about ordering speedboats.1. C 2. B 3. B 4. D 5. DListeningTask 1- Audio scriptRocky:Good morning, Jacques. Nice to see you again. So, what can I do for you?Jacques:I need some of your speedboats to rent to tourists. Can you give me a price list?我要买一批快艇租给游客。你能给我一个价目表吗?Rocky:Lets see. Uh, the list price is $6,500 U.S. Youre our old customer, so Ill give you a 10% discount.洛基:让我想一下嗯,价目表上是6500美元。你是老客户,可以给你打九折。Jacques:Thats good. The tourist season is just around the corner, so I need them pretty quick. Whats the earliest shipping date you can manage?杰卡斯:马上就是旅游旺季了,因此我急需这批船。你 最早什么时候可以发货?Rocky:They can be ready for shipment in 23 weeks. Jacques:Perfect. Whats the total price, Rocky? Could you send me a fax with all the information? And Ill send you my order right away. Ill pay by letter of credit, as usual.Rocky:Great! Nice doing business with you again, Jacques. Bye for now, and say hello to the family for me. Jacques:The same goes for me. Bye, Rocky. 返回返回返回返回Task 2: Practice the dialogue make an exhibition of yourself (disapproving) behave in a stupid or embarrassing way that makes people notice you 出丑;出洋相: 她在聚会上发起火来,出尽了洋相。 She got angry and made a real exhibition of herself at the party. have, hold, host an exhibition有展览/举行展览/主办展览: 去年该博物馆为她的作品主办了一个大型展览。The museum hosted a big exhibition of her work last year. Phrasesstudy返回返回返回返回Task 3.Reading for Specific Purposeapplication .plikein n. 应用; 申请; 专心The manager received twenty applications for the post. 经理收到了二十份求职申请书。apply (-ies, -ied) no obj.make a formal application or request (正式)申请;请求 you need toapplyto the local authority for a grant. 你需要向地方当局申请一笔补助金。 with infinitivea number of people have applied to vote by proxy. 许多人请求通过代理人投票。 put oneself forward formally as a candidate for a job 申请(工作) she had appliedfor a number of positions. 她申请了若干职位。 Wordsstudy返回返回返回返回obvious bvis adj. 明显的,显而易见的 很明显,她挺聪明。Itisobviousthatsheisveryclever.talented tlntid adj. 有才能的,有天赋的Adeisregardedasatalentedyouth.艾德被认为是个有才能的青年。anextraordinarilytalenteddesigner一位才华卓越的设计师myriad mirid adj. countlessorextremelygreatinnumber无数的,Theyofferednosolutionforallourmyriadproblems.对于我们数不清的问题他们束手无策。forensic frensik adj. 法院的,关于法庭的forensicmedicine法医学Forensictestsshowedthatthemanhadbeenpoisoned.法医检验表明那个人曾经中毒。blur bl: v. 使 . 模糊,弄脏 n. 污点,模糊tearsblurredhervision.泪水模糊了她的视线。hisnovelsblurtheboundariesbetweencriticismandfiction.他的小说模糊了文学批评与小说之间的界限。simulation .simjulein n. 模拟,仿真,赝品Simulate vt. pretendtohaveorfeel(anemotion)假装(情感)itwasimpossibletoforceasmile,tosimulatepleasure.不可能强露微笑,假装快乐。simulatedeath装死enmeshinme vt. 使绊住,使陷入=immesh 1.The fishline became enmeshed in roots under the water. 钓鱼线给水下的草木根缠住了。 2.He was enmeshed in a web of deceit and lies. 他陷入坑蒙拐骗的圈套。lucrative lu:krtiv adj. 获利的,合算的1.Her husband is reaching after a more lucrative situation. 她丈夫正在谋求一个待遇较佳的职位。2.A lucrative income; a lucrative marketing strategy. 一笔利润收入; 一套赢利的市场策略3.a commercially lucrative venture 可赢利的投资Exercise: answerI. Choose the right answer.1-5 D A A B C6-7 C B I.Read the text again and fill in the blanks with the proper forms of the word given in the Brackets.1.)Whenpeoplethinkofcomputeranimation,thefirstapplicationsthatspringtomindarethemostobvious,videogamingandanimatedmovies.2.)Asanimationsgetmoresophisticated,thelinebetweenfantasyandrealityblurs,leavingtheviewerwithasatisfyingsenseofenteringanotherreality,adifferentworld.3.)Todaysanimationisnotjustaboutgaming.Itisasolidcareerpaththatcanleadinmanylucrativedirections.4.)Scientistsanddoctorsuse3Dmodelingandanimationtocreatesimulationsofcrimeandaccidentscenes.5.)Someelementsofanimationcrossoverintodesignfieldssuchasengineering,automotivedesignandarchitecture.III.Translate the following words and prases into Chinese.atalentedanimator有才能的动画师enmeshedinthefabricoftodayssociety融入当今社会的各个层面bullettrajectory子弹的轨道halftimecommercials中场休息时间的商业广告Amyriadofthoughts无数的构思想法captureandholdyourinterest引起和保持你的兴趣thelinebetweenfantasyandreality 幻想和现实之间的界限IV.Translate the following sentences into English or Chinese.1.建筑师画出一幅工地的草图。The architect quickly blocked out a sketch of the construction site. 2.绘画、雕塑、建筑等统称为造型艺术。Painting, sculpture, architecture, etc. are collectively called the plastic arts. 3.园林集自然美、建筑美和绘画美于一体。The gardens bring together the beauties of nature, architecture and painting. 4.它体现了自然美、建筑美和绘画美。It embodies the beauties of nature, architecture and painting. 5.动画画为我我们喜喜欢的漫画人物的漫画人物赋以生气和活力。以生气和活力。 Animation brings to life our favorite cartoon characters. 6.我我们应该重重视绘画基画基础课, 提高提高动漫画教学效果。漫画教学效果。We should attach importance to the basic course of drawing and enhance the cartoon teaching effect。7.我我们要要发掘出中国具有掘出中国具有创造性的人才,并造性的人才,并让他他们发挥出出自己的水平自己的水平We should find these creative talent, and be able to unleash Chinas creative potential.8.制作一部美国本土的制作一部美国本土的动画画电影的平均制作成本接近影的平均制作成本接近1亿美美元。元。The average production cost of a USanimated feature film approaches/is almost US $100 million.9.We will teach the students to discern between merely acceptable rendering and the holy grail of animation universallyappealing characters and stories.我我们将教授学生如何分将教授学生如何分辩单纯渲染的渲染的动画内容和画内容和经久不衰的久不衰的品牌品牌动画,后者体画,后者体现的角色以及故事情的角色以及故事情节对于全球的于全球的观众都众都是极具吸引力的。是极具吸引力的。 注:注: the holy grail:(figurative)a thing which is being earnestly pursued or sought after (喻)渴望得到的渴望得到的东西西 利利润已已经成成为人人们追逐的目追逐的目标。 profit has become the holy grail. 10.The State Administration of Radio, Film and Television (SARFT) has approved a plan to add 70 TV channels in 31 provinces and municipalities for broadcasting animated content. 国家广国家广电总局已局已经批准了要在批准了要在全国全国31个省市增加个省市增加70个个电视频道的道的计划,从而划,从而转播播动画相关画相关节目。目。返回返回返回返回Task 4:A Notice for Registering an Exhibition1.FranklinLtd.:富兰克林有限公司2.holdanexhibition:举办展览会3.onthedoor:在门口工作(如收票、指引方向等)4.inadvance:beforesomethinghappens提前如果你要来参加晚会,请提前告知我。Ifyourecomingtotheparty,pleaseletmeknowinadvance.5.SanDiego,sndi(:)eiun.圣地亚哥,圣迭哥6.exhibition,eksibinn.展览,展览会7.exhibitorizibitn.参展者,参展商8.entryentrin.入口处,Wordsstudy返回返回返回返回Exercise: Answers1.theopeningdate,theplace,therate,howtogetastandardentry,theopeninghours2.A.inadvanceB.GladC.exhibitionD.availableE.conferenceF.announceG.SendH.entry1).展览会汇集了多位艺术家的作品。 This exhibition brings together many artists work. 2.我们在下周将公布参展商及会议发言人等详细信息。We will announce further details on exhibitors and speakers for our conference program within the next week.3.我们学校将于8月8号到9月1号在动画中心举行动漫作品展。Our school will hold an animation artworks exhibition in the Animation Center from August 8th to sept. 1st.4.请登录我们的网站,填写好注册表。please visit our Web page and fill in the registration form.3.Translate the following sentences into English.返回返回返回返回Task 5:建筑漫游动画建筑漫游动画 Architectural Walk-through Animation建筑漫游,也可称为房地产动画,是数字光魔动画的设计领域,是根据建筑设计图纸在专业的计算机上制作出虚拟的建筑环境.有地理位置、建筑物外观、建筑物内部装修、园林景观、配套设施、人物、动物、自然现象如风、雨、雷鸣、日出日落、阴晴月缺等等,都是动态地存在于建筑环境中,可以以任意角度浏览。返回返回返回返回房地产动画应用最广的是房地产开发商对房产项目的广告宣传、工程投标、建设项目审批、环境介绍、古建筑保护、古建筑复原等。房地产动画片的优势在房产开发前进行全方位宣传。数字光魔三维技术在楼盘环境中利用场景变化,了解楼盘周边的环境,动画中加入一些精心设计的飞禽、动物、穿梭于云层中的太阳等来烘托气氛,虚构各种美景气氛。 建筑动画具有如下特点: 以影视制作的手段达到最大的视觉冲击力,按照电影拍摄的标准进行动画制作,结合专业的后期合成和配音技术,使得3D建筑动画作品能够实现最大的视觉冲击力。 建筑漫游动画是随着虚拟现实技术的发展而逐渐分支出来的一个新领域,广泛应用于建筑行业.建筑漫游动画能够全方位、直观地给人们提供有关城市的各种具有真实感的场景信息,能够产生实体沙盘模型所达不到的仿真空间效果,而且虚拟城市的各种模型单体及其位置易于修改,通过多媒体创作工具对动画进行结构的调整并加入文字、图片、解说等补充,还可以实现城市信息的查询功能.这些都是传统的方法所无法比拟的. 建筑漫游动画制作思路:一、构思创作(ideas creation)二、绘制草稿(drawing and sketching)三、建模(modeling) 四、材质灯光(setting up light)五、动画调节(animation adjustment) 六、运用特效(special effects) 七、渲染输出(rendering and output ) 八、后期制作(post-production) 九、剪辑配音(editing and dubbing)Task 5:建筑漫游动画建筑漫游动画 Architectural Walk-through Animation1.architect :kitekt n. 建筑师, 设计师 The new building was built from the design of a famous architect. 这座新楼是根据一位著名建筑师的设计建成的。 2.client klaint n. 委托人 ,客户, 顾客, The company needs to focus on its biggest clients. 公司需要把注意力集中在最大的那些客户身上。 new client 新客户 potential, prospective client 潜在的客户;未来的客户 established, existing, regular client 固定的客户;现有的客户;老主顾 Wordsstudy返回返回返回返回3.beneficial ,benifil adj. 有益的, 有利的 I hope your holiday will be beneficial to you. 我希望你的假期会对你有益。 Sunshine is beneficial to plants. 阳光对植物有益。 4.presentation ,prezntein n.count nouna demonstration or display of a product or idea (产品,观点)展示;表述;描述 a sales presentation. 为推销作介绍。 搭配PRESENTATION + NOUN 奖项 presentation ceremony, dinner, evening, night 颁授仪式;颁授晚宴;颁奖晚会;颁授之夜: 学校一年一度的颁奖晚会 the schools annual presentation evening 5. integrate intireit vt. & vi. 使结合成为整体 ,(使)融入 They have lived in this country for ten years, but have never really integrated. 他们已在这个国家生活了十年, 但还没有融入这个社会。 6.complexity kmpleksiti: n. 复杂性,错综复杂的状态 Only now did he understand the full complexity of the problem. 直到现在他才明白这一问题的全部复杂性。 7.convey knvei vt. 表达, 转达 我无法用言语来表达我的情感。 I cant convey my feelings in words. He tried to convey how he felt. 他试图表达他的感受。 8.tremendous trimends adj. very great in amount, scale, or intensity (数额、规模或强度上)极大的,巨大的 at a tremendous speed 以惊人的速度 9.incorporate ink:preit vt. 包含, 加上, 吸收 The shopping centre also incorporates a library and a bank. 商业中心还包括一家银行和一家图书馆。 建筑漫游动画相关词汇:3D animated walk-through 三维动态漫游3d floor plans 三维建筑的平面图, 楼层平面图;楼面布置图 perspective drawing 透视画/图 Linear perspective 线条透视法One-point perspective 一点透视法 Two-point perspective 两点透视法Back view 背视图 End view 侧视图 effect picture 效果图Front view / elevation view (建筑物的)正视图, 立体图a set of plans and elevations. 一套平面和立面图Creating 3D Walkthrough Animations in AutoCAD利用AutoCAD实现三维模型的动态漫游Restorationofancientarchitecture古建筑复原Simulationofproductandengineeringdesign产品和工程设计的模仿3Ddemoofcityplanning城市规划的三维演示3Ddemooflandscapeplanning景观规划的三维演示the rendering of architectural spaces 建筑空间的渲染the computer virtual animation 计算机虚拟动画 virtual reality 虚拟现实3D walkthroughs and 3d architectural animation 三维漫游和建筑动画 Thanks ! 返回返回返回返回
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