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学习必备欢迎下载Unit 5 What s in Fashion (Writing and Speaking 第一课时)单元教材分析本单元是围绕着“ What s in Fashion”这一话题而展开的,内容是让学生能够说出常见的流行的物品和活动,并形成自己关于时尚的观点,拥有对时尚的鉴别能力。 在此基础上培养学生就改语言目标进行适当的听、说、读、写等训练,并培养其综合语言运用能力。教学目标【知识技能 】1.学习关于常见的流行物品和活动的表达方式。2.了解音节的划分。3.掌握定语从句的用法。4.能够听懂关于时尚的简单对话。5.能够在对话中熟练运用询问意见、给出观点的表达方式。能够条理清晰地表达自己的观点。【情感态度】1.培养学生学习英语的良好习惯,鼓励学生积极参与英语实践活动。2.培养学生辩证地看待时尚,拒绝盲从。【文化意识】了解时尚与工作的关系。【过程与方法】创设轻松、真实的语言环境,围绕话题进行任务型教学、整体教学。教学重点、难点1.掌握常见的词汇: perfect, trend, sweat, freeze, designer, although, boot, sunglasses, trust, taste, shop, satisfying, copy, item, gold, judgment, risk, etc. 常见的短语: go with, work out, fall for, pop into, chain store, according to, second-hand, etc . 重点句型: Do you (really)think that-? I (really) feel that-. How do you feel about-? In my opinion, -. Is that OK? Why don t you-? Do you have any idea? I tend to think that-. 2. 能够听懂关于时尚的简单对话。精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 1 页,共 7 页学习必备欢迎下载3. 掌握定语从句的用法。4. 用文字条理清晰地表达自己的时尚观。5. 能够将所学语言与未来求职联系起来。课时安排(七课时)第一课时 :Warm-up ,Listening and Speaking A 恰当着装 Exercises Book 第二课时 : Listening and Speaking B 时尚活动 Exercises Book 第三课时 : Reading and Writing 时尚观 Exercises Book 第四课时 : Reading and Writing时尚观 Exercises Book 第五课时 : Writing , Further Reading 时尚观 Exercises Book 第六课时 : Language in use 语言知识 Exercises Book第七课时 : Real Life Skills 时尚指数测试网络教学方法与学习策略【教学方法】1.以“任务型”教学为主导,发挥学生的学习积极性,通过创设的情景和积极有效的活动来展开,结合课堂实际的教学活动, 引导学生主动积极地参与教学活动。2.充分利用 Flashcards进行快速的师生双边活动,在明确教学任务和教学目的的基础上, 使学生之间的英语更加灵活, 并增加一定的拓展内容。3.多进行 pair work,适当进行 group work,并结合课堂实际适当地进行课堂表演。【学习策略】1. 边学边用,学用结合。2. 在师生双边活动中,培养学生专心听,细心分辨音准的良好习惯。3. 在口头训练的基础上进行写作训练,从而提高学生书面表达能力。4. 在 practice中掌握和巩固所学知识。The Third Period 教学内容Reading material Design Brands Aren t for Me! 教材分析This part mainly talks about the writer s attitude to designer brands. It s important for the students to know how to dress appropriately. After 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 2 页,共 7 页学习必备欢迎下载reading the Ss should get to know their sensitivity to trends. Also, we have some new words to learn about: brands, attitude, boot, leather, belt, reaction, tricks, donate, tastes, chain, satisfaction, philosophy, perfect,etc. 教学目的和要求1. Some usages of useful words and phrases. 2. Train the Ss communicative competence. 3. By reading the article, teacher trains the Ss how to read. 4. By following the article, teach trains the Ss how to write. 教学重点和难点1. Some words and Phrases in this part: 1) must-have 必备之物 2)fall for one s trick 中某人的诡计; trick sb. into doing 哄骗某人做某事3) in general 通常,大体上 4) pop into 急急走进 5) a tenth of -的十分之一 6) according to 根据, 按照 7) take risks 冒险做某事 8)even if 即使2. Some difficult sentences :1) Why should I fall for the designer s tricks, which are only to “ donate my money to them? 2) Designer brands, in general, are for people who don t trust their own tastes. 3) I find it much more satisfying to pop into one of the cheap chain stores on the High street and buy a copy of the designer s clothes for a tenth of the price. 4) OK, you have to use your skill to find the one item in three that looks great. 5) Which is why according to a survey done by a British bank, young people with money are n t going to the designer shops. 6) They are prepared to take risks to look individual. 7) Even if I had the money, I would think of all the other things I could spend it on! 3. Train the Ss ability of analysis the pattern of a sentence. Develop the Ss reading skills. 教学过程T-teacher S-student Ss-students Bb-blackboard(以下同 ) Step 1 Warming-up Let the Ss listening to a popular English song and looking at three pictures about brands. Then ask directly: Do you know the flowing big brands? 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 3 页,共 7 页学习必备欢迎下载If someone replied, ask him /her easy questions like: Do you like the big brands? What brand do you like best? Teach the new words, then show some flashcards about brand store. Each flashcards will have some words to describe the brand. When The Ss get some information about brand, teaching will begin. Step 2 Reading and understanding (For Activity 1) Listen to the tape for the first time and circle new difficult words and difficult sentences. Ask the Ss to read “ learning strategy ” , and ask the Ss to think it over before reading the passage. 1) First get into groups: Teach a paragraph for the Ss. The Ss read the paragraph silently, then summarize the paragraph in their own words and share their summaries with the group. 2) Do the reading and understanding exercises twice so that the Ss have chances to practice their spoken English and check their understating about the article. 3) Ask the Ss to find out the writer s attitude. 4) Ask the Ss to read the article one by one in group, choose a student to take part in competition. Step 3 Explanation 1) Although I follow fashion, I hate the phrase “ must-have ” .尽管我追求时尚,可我讨厌“必备品”这个词。Must-have 是非正式用语,意为“必备(之物)” ,即可作名词,也可用作形容词,作名词时的复数形式为must-haves. 例如:A mobile phone is a must-have when you travel alone. 单独旅行时一定要带一部手机。This is a must-have book for anyone who s interested in Jobs.对于每一个对乔布斯感兴趣的人来说,这本书绝对不容错过。2) Why should I fall for the designer s trick,which are only to “ donate ” my money to them? 那不过是设计者骗我给他们“捐钱”的圈套罢了,我为什么要相信呢?fall for one s trick 意为“中某人的诡计” 。例如:I m surprised you didn t fall for his trick .我很惊讶你居然没中他的诡计。trick 也可用作动词, trick sb. into doing 意为“哄骗某人做某事”。例如:My parents tricked me into eating meat. 我爸妈哄我吃了肉。精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 4 页,共 7 页学习必备欢迎下载3) Designer brands, in general, are for people who don t trust their own tastes. 通常,设计师品牌是为那些不相信自己审美能力的人设计的。in general意为“通常,大体上”,相当于 usually, mainly。例如:In general, the higher-priced clothes are of better quality. 通常,定价比较高的衣服质量比较好。4) I find it much more satisfying to pop into one of the chain stores on the High Street and buy a copy of the designers clothes for a tenth of the price. 我更喜欢一头扎进商业街上的某家平价连锁店,花原价十分之一的钱买一件设计牌的仿制品。Apop into 意为“急急走进”。例如:I also help students who may pop into the office with questions regarding their school life. 对于那些在校园生活中遇到问题, 匆匆走进这间办公室的学生,我也会为他们提供帮助。B. High Street 指的是英国城镇上的店铺云集的商业街(Business Street) ,在美国类似的地方称为Main Street。C. a tenth of 意为“ -的十分之一”。英语中分数的表达方式为“基数词 +序数词”,其中基数词表示分子, 序数词表示分母。 如果分子大于 1,分母要用复数形式。例如:A centimeter is one tenth of a decimeter or one hundredth of a meter.一厘米是一分米的十分之一,或者说是一米的百分之一。About two thirds of the students attended the meeting. 大约三分之二的学生出席了会议。5) Ok,you have to use your skill to find the one item in three that looks great. 是,你是用点技巧从一堆东西中挑出那看起来确实很棒的一件。这是一个定语从句, 与关系词 that 对应的先行词是 one item而不是 three,所以从句是谓语词用单数。6) But it s worth it! 但这很值得!worth 在该句中用作形容词,意为“值得(费周折)。例如:The trip cost me a lot but it was worth every penny. 这次旅行花了我不少钱,但每一分钱花得都很值。worth 也可用作名词,意为“值得” 。例如: More than 1 million worth of cargo was washed up on a beach.价值一百多万美元的货物被冲上了沙滩。7) They are prepared to take risks to look individual. 他们愿意冒险让自己看起来与众不同。A. prepared 在此处意为“愿意”,相当于 willing 。例如:精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 5 页,共 7 页学习必备欢迎下载How much are you prepared to pay for the dress? 你愿意花多少钱买这条裙子?B. take risks 意为“冒险(做某事)” 。例如:If you really want to help me. You have to take some risks. 如果你想帮我,你就得冒点险。8) Even if I had the money, I would think of all the other things I could spend it on! 我就算有那个钱,我也会想用这么多钱可以买到好多别的东西呢!even if 意为“即使”,引导让步状语从句,含有强烈的假定性,因此主句使用了虚拟语气。Step 4 Practice and think Encourage the Ss to do pair work by using the words in the reading, and make sentences with them, and encourage the Ss to ask and answer some easy questions about this reading. Step 5 General training (For Activity 2 Activity 3)Ask the Ss to read the passage and tick true or false. Ask the Ss to circle the sentence that means the same as the given one. Step 6 Homework Retell writer s attitude about designer brands. Write a passage about how to choose different clothes at different places ,the words should between 40-80. 板书设计Unit 4 What s in Fashion? Reading and Writing Design Brands Aren t for Me! Paragraph (Important phrases) The writer s attitude (Important sentences) Paragraph 1 Although I follow fashion, I hate the phrase “ must-have. Paragraph 2 Designer brands, in general, are for people who don t trust their own tastes. Paragraph 3 Young people with money aren t going to the designer shops. Paragraph 4 Even if I had the money, I would think of all the other things I could spend it on! 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 6 页,共 7 页学习必备欢迎下载教学感悟与反思本节课以阅读为主, 辅以写作。阅读的关键是正确理解原文的意思,写作是利用阅读文章所进行的模仿写作,因此必须在阅读上下功夫,为写作做好准备。因为写作是学生的弱项,因此必须多加注意练习,尤其是教阅读时就是要为后面的写组做准备的。本节课增加了许多词汇,要注意培养学生不断地积累词汇。学生有时上台朗读兴趣很高,但要注意课堂纪律的控制。如何在教学过程中,激发学生的学习兴趣,让学生有兴趣学习英语,是职业学校的老师非常头疼的问题,本节课我主要运用work in groups ,让组长带领组员学习, 老师强调学习难点重点,引用投影仪, 利用电子课件进行学习,多方面激发学生的学习积极性。精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 7 页,共 7 页
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