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Module4 Music-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10-11-12-13-14-15-16-17-重点单词单词特训核心短语短语特训核心句式句式特训123451.ambition n.野心,雄心;志气,抱负;企图vt.渴望得到领悟高考究考法完成句子/用所给单词的适当形式填空In fact,it is many young peoples ambition tosetup programmes or businesses that improve social conditions.(2014 安徽)事实上,开办一些改善社会状况的项目或者事业是许多年轻人的雄心。Brooks gained fame for several books.His latest book The Social Animal,however,is more ambitious(ambition)and serious than his earlier books.(2015 湖北)-18-重点单词单词特训核心短语短语特训核心句式句式特训12345-19-重点单词单词特训核心短语短语特训核心句式句式特训123452.combine vi.&vt.(使)联合;(使)结合领悟高考究考法完成或诵读句子,体会黑体部分的含义It is important that we combinetheorywithpractice.对我们来说,把实践和理论结合起来是重要的。The two writers worked well incombination with each other.这两位作家相互联合工作效果很好。-20-重点单词单词特训核心短语短语特训核心句式句式特训12345In recent years an English word “infosphere” has appeared,combining the sense of “information” and “atmosphere”.(2015福建)最近几年,一个英语单词“infosphere”出现了,它结合了“information”和“atmosphere”两个词的意义。-21-重点单词单词特训核心短语短语特训核心句式句式特训12345-22-重点单词单词特训核心短语短语特训核心句式句式特训123453.regarding prep.关于领悟高考究考法完成句子/用所给单词的适当形式填空According to a recent research,the most common argument between parents and teenagers is that regarding untidiness and daily routine tasks.(2014广东)根据一项最新研究,父母和青少年之间最常见的争吵和不整洁以及日常任务有关。Crew members should listen and speak up for a good result,regardlessof positions.(2013全国课标)无论是何职务,机组成员都应该认真听取并为达成好的结果进言。-23-重点单词单词特训核心短语短语特训核心句式句式特训12345Human life isregardedas part of nature and,as such,the only way for us to survive is to live in harmony with nature.(2015 福建)人的生活是自然的一部分,因此,我们生存下来的唯一的方法就是与自然和谐相处。It was once common to regard Britain as a society with class distinction.(2015 广东)(人们)曾普遍把英国看作是有阶层差别的社会。Stop regarding(regard) yourself as the victim.(2015 天津)-24-重点单词单词特训核心短语短语特训核心句式句式特训12345-25-重点单词单词特训核心短语短语特训核心句式句式特训12345-26-重点单词单词特训核心短语短语特训核心句式句式特训123454.relief n.宽慰,轻松,解脱;减轻,消除;缓和;救济品领悟高考究考法诵读句子,注意黑体部分的含义/完成句子Finally,Dad turned off the stove,the pot began to cool and the pressure relief valve sprayed out a cloud of steam.(2015四川)最后,爸爸关掉炉子,锅开始冷却,减压阀喷出一团蒸汽。Muchtomyrelief,I wasnt late.令我非常庆幸的是,我没有迟到。-27-重点单词单词特训核心短语短语特训核心句式句式特训12345I was inrelief when the exam was over.考试结束后我松了一口气。The cool room provided relieffrom the terrible heat outdoors.凉爽的房间缓解了外面的炎热。Seeing his son coming back safe and sound,the mother smiled withrelief.看到儿子安然无恙地回来,母亲如释重负地笑了。-28-重点单词单词特训核心短语短语特训核心句式句式特训12345-29-重点单词单词特训核心短语短语特训核心句式句式特训123455.honour v.尊敬,敬重n.尊敬,敬意;荣誉,光荣领悟高考究考法介词填空/完成句子Dr Bethune was honored for his selfless work.They deserved to be honoured as real knights of the sky. He has been honoured with a knighthood for his scientific achievements.Its anhonour for me to be invited here to speak to you.很荣幸被邀请至此讲话。-30-重点单词单词特训核心短语短语特训核心句式句式特训12345I feel excited to havethehonor of running for vice president of our English Club.(2013天津)有幸竞选我们的英语俱乐部副主席,我非常激动。You might even consider throwing a get-together intheirhonor.(2014浙江)你甚至可以考虑举办聚会来向他们表示敬意。We arehonouredto have you with us.我们和你在一起感到荣幸。-31-重点单词单词特训核心短语短语特训核心句式句式特训12345-32-重点单词单词特训核心短语短语特训核心句式句式特训.用所给单词的适当形式填空1.He is a famous stamp collector and he began to collect stamps when he was at school.He now has a large collection of rare stamps.(collect)2.The depressing result of the test got him depressed,and he was in depression all day long.(depress)3.Jordan was quite ambitious when he was young and through continuous efforts he achieved his ambition.(ambition)4.He was a good interpreter and can always give the exact interpretation.(interpret)5.To the relief of the teacher,her words seemed to have relieved the student of her stress.(relieve)-33-重点单词单词特训核心短语短语特训核心句式句式特训6.Try to be respectful(respect)whenever you make communications.7.He said nothing regarding(regard)your request;maybe he just forgot it.8.The little girl felt greatly honoured(honour)when she was praised by the headmaster.-34-重点单词单词特训核心短语短语特训核心句式句式特训.完成句子1.他退休时,同事们送给他一套高尔夫球杆。On his retirement,colleagues presented him with a set of golf clubs.2.令大卫欣慰的是,他父亲已从重病中完全康复。ToDavids relief,his father made a full recovery from the serious disease.3.她想成为电影明星的理想被一次事故摧毁了。Her ambition tobecome a film star was ruined by an accident.-35-重点单词单词特训核心短语短语特训核心句式句式特训4.他决心夺取冠军。He is ambitioustowin first prize.5.专家认为这个地区大量的癌症病例与这家化工厂有关。Experts believe that a large number of cancer cases in this area are relatedto the chemical factory.6.如果他能将自己的天赋和努力结合起来,他一定会非常成功。If he can combine his gift with hard work,he must be very successful.-36-重点单词单词特训核心短语短语特训核心句式句式特训121.draw upon/on利用,凭借,依赖,临近领悟高考究考法完成句子I drewaconclusion from the failure that “More haste,less speed”.我从失败中得出了结论:欲速则不达。As an actor,you have to drawon your experience to create believable characters.作为演员,你必须利用自己的经验去塑造可信的角色。-37-重点单词单词特训核心短语短语特训核心句式句式特训12After tango dancers from Argentina arrived in Europe,they began to drawtheinterestofthepublic as they performed their exiting dance in cafes.(2013安徽)来自阿根廷的探戈舞者到达欧洲后,当他们在咖啡馆表演精彩舞蹈时,便开始引起公众的兴趣。Christmas is drawingnear.圣诞节马上就要到了。Id like to drawyourattentionto the no-smoking rule.我希望你们注意禁止吸烟的规定。-38-重点单词单词特训核心短语短语特训核心句式句式特训12Its a good idea that you drawup a list of what you should do in the day.对你一天中应做的事列一个清单,这是个好主意。-39-重点单词单词特训核心短语短语特训核心句式句式特训12-40-重点单词单词特训核心短语短语特训核心句式句式特训122.share.with.分享领悟高考究考法翻译句子/完成句子/介词填空 Imagine you are a student and you share a flat with another student who you think isnt doing her share of the housework.(2015 福建)把自己想象成一位学生并且你和另一位你认为不会做她那份家务的同学共用一间公寓。-41-重点单词单词特训核心短语短语特训核心句式句式特训12Its great to sharein other peoples happiness.(2015 广东)分享他人的幸福好极了。The director,with whom Jack shared a dorm-room in the Film Academy,has already made four films.(2015 湖北)-42-重点单词单词特训核心短语短语特训核心句式句式特训12-43-重点单词单词特训核心短语短语特训核心句式句式特训.介、副词填空1.The weather in China is different from area to area,which is true of Canada.2.Please make contact with us when in trouble.3.We havent seen each other since we graduated from high school.4.The young man gave his life to helping the disabled.5.My opinions on the matter are similar to those of most other teachers.-44-重点单词单词特训核心短语短语特训核心句式句式特训.完成句子1.你竟同意帮助我们,我们深感荣幸。We feeldeeplyhonouredthat you should agree to help us.2.凭借自己的努力,他最后成功地在该公司获得了那份工作。Drawingupon his own efforts,he succeeded in getting the job in that company in the end.3.随着春节的临近,每个人都打算尽快回家。With the Spring Festival drawingnear,everybody intends to head home as fast as possible.-45-重点单词单词特训核心短语短语特训核心句式句式特训4.学生需要大量的练习,教师也是如此。Students need a lot of practice and this istrueofteachers.5.这是属于我叔叔的房子中的其中一所。This is one of the houses belongingto my uncle.-46-重点单词单词特训核心短语短语特训核心句式句式特训Its the same with classical Chinese music.中国古典音乐也是一样。句式Its the same with 表示“和情况相同”。分析提炼究考法(1)“Its the same with.= so it is/was with+另一主语”既能表示肯定意义,又能表示否定意义,主要用于以下情况:上文有两个分句;上文有两个(或两个以上)不同谓语;上文既有肯定也有否定。(2)“so+系动词/助动词/情态动词+另一个主语”用于肯定陈述句之后,表示前句所说的情况也适合于另一个人或物。意为“某人/某物也如此”。-47-重点单词单词特训核心短语短语特训核心句式句式特训(3)“so+主语+系动词/助动词/情态动词” 中的主语与前一句的主语通常是指同一个“人”或“物”,主语、谓语不需要倒装。这种句型表示说话者赞同前句所提到的情况或事实。意为“不错,确实如此”。(4)“主语 + do/does/did +so” 中 so 和动词do 连用,替代上文中出现过的动宾结构或动状结构,以避免重复。表示确认同一主语做了要做的事情。意为“某人/某物就是这么做的”。(5)“nor/neither+系动词/助动词/情态动词+另一个主语”用于否定陈述句之后,表示前句所说的情况也适合于另一个人或物。意为“某人/某物也不/也没”。-48-重点单词单词特训核心短语短语特训核心句式句式特训领悟考法用考点完成句子Tom studies very hard and is never late for school.Soitiswith Dick(迪克也是如此).Upon her return home,Alice was filled with joy at the news.SowasI(我也如此).(2015 重庆)John did well in the physics exam.Sohedid(他确实考得不错).She couldnt work out the answer and nor/neithercouldI(我也算不出来).She isnt a student and neither/norishe(他也不是).-49-重点单词单词特训核心短语短语特训核心句式句式特训翻译句子1.这完全看你对这事是不是有兴趣。It all depends on whether or not you are interested in it.2.他一到达学校就开始学习了。The moment he arrived at school,he began to study.3.我的工作是照看这些孩子。My job is to look after the children.4.他喜欢英语,但不喜欢数学,李明也是这样。He likes English,but he doesnt like math,and it is the same with Li Ming.5.写日记是一个提高你写作能力的好方法。Keeping diary is a good way of improving your writing ability.
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