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学习必备欢迎下载Module 1 Unit 1 Our life 一、Teaching Content:Module 1(Unit 1) Our life 二、Teaching aim:(一)、 Main Task: 1、Can say these words correctly: former, study, Leeds, early, subject, hour, practice, glad, I d be glad to, may, email, each, other, each other, noon, begin, teach, soon 2、Can talk about the the simple ways of asking and answering about one s daily routines. 3、Can read the dialogue fluently and correctly. 4、Can use these daily expressions in communication: A. Could you help me? I d love/ be glad to. (二 )、Difficult point:1、New words of this dialogue. 2、The comprehension of the dialogue of Unit 1.3、The simple present tense. (三)、 Affects: 1、Learn how to arrange their time reasonably and efficiently. 2、Learn how to make friends with others. 三、Teaching Tools: Computer, CD Rom (King Sun), projecting apparatus, the tape of the dialogue 四、The time teachers need: 3 long-periods. 五、Teaching Process: Items Teaching activities Learning activities Purpose Leading -in 1.Greeting 2. Review the daily expression in communication with the pupils: Could you help me? I d love to. 3. Help the pupils reinforce the simple present tense. 1.Greeting 2. Use the daily expression in communication with the teacher: Could you help me? I d love to. 3. Reinforce the simple present tense. Review the old knowledge and the old sentences. Presen -tation 1. Tell them what we will learn this lesson. 2. Show the CD Rom(King Sun). Let them listen and watch carefully twice, try to understand what its meaning. 3. Teach the new words. 1.Watch and listen the dialogue of Module 1, Unit 1 twice. Try to understand what its meaning. 2.According the Phonetic symbol to learn these new words.Read by 1.Learn the new content. 2. Check and correct their pronunciation and intonation. 3. Learn how 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 1 页,共 45 页学习必备欢迎下载former, study, Leeds, early, subject, hour, practice, glad, I d be glad to, may, email, each, other, each other, noon, begin, teach, soon Let them read by themselves in groups. 4. Check their Pronunciation of the new words. 5. The teacher read the dialogue and ask them pay attention to the pronunciation and intonation. 6. Let them try to read the dialogue in pairs and read the dialogue one by one. The teacher correct their pronunciation. 7. Let them find out the sentences or the words which they couldn t understand and then discuss in groups. The teacher help them. 8.Let them poin out the tense of the dialouge and go over the simple present tense. themselves in groups and speak Voluntarily. 3.Read after the teacher and the tape. 4.Listen to the teacher carefully. 5.Try to read the dialouge in paris and read the dialogue one by one.One for each sentence. 6Find out the sentences or the words which they couldn t understand and then discuss in groups. 7.Poin out the tense of the dialogue and go over the simple present tense. to study and find out the questions by themselves. 4. Go over the tense. Practice 1、 Ask them read the new words in groups, check and correct each other. 2、 Read the dialogue follow the tape. Read the dialogue in pairs. 1、 Read the new words in groups, check and correct each other. 2、 Read the dialogue follow the tape. Read the dialogue in pairs. To help the pupils get more clear of the dialogue an d the words. 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 2 页,共 45 页学习必备欢迎下载Consoli -date and Develop -ment 1. Ask what we have learned at this section. 2. Ask them do the exercises of part 2 in page 3 3. Discuss: How do you arrange your time reasonably and efficiently. 1.Answer the questions. 2. Do the exercises of part 2 in page 3. 3. Discuss: How do you arrange your time reasonably and efficiently. To help the pupils to get a clear idea of what they ve learned and help them to learn something from this dialogue. Home -work 1. Read the new words and the dialogue after the tape and then read by themselves loudly and correctly. 2. Copy the new words, one for two lines. 3. Copy the dialogue. 4. Try to make a time table . Module 1 Unit 2 What should Jiamin do? 一、Teaching Content:Module 1(Unit 2) What should Jiamin do?二、 Teaching aim:(一)、 Main Task: 1Can say these words correctly: worried, be worried about, tired, hand in, on time, do well in, should, worry, catch up with, together, seldom, shouldn t = should not 2. Can talk about the simple ways of asking and answering about one s daily routines. 3. Can read the dialogue fluently and correctly. 4.Can use these daily expressions in communication: A. May I speak to Mr Li? B. This is Ben speaking. (二)、Difficult point:1、New words of this dialogue. 2、The comprehension of the dialogue of Unit 2.3、The simple present tense. 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 3 页,共 45 页学习必备欢迎下载(三)、 Affects: 1、Learn how to arrange their time reasonably and efficiently. 2、Learn how to study consciously. 3、 Teaching Tools: Computer, CD Rom (King Sun), projecting apparatus, the tape of the dialogue 4、 The time teachers need: 3 long-periods. 5、 Teaching Process: Items Teaching activities Learning activities Purpose Leading -in 1.Greeting 2. Review the daily expression in communication with the pupils: May I speak to Mr Li? This is Ben speaking. 3. Help the pupils reinforce the simple present tense. 1.Greeting 2. Use the daily expression in communication with the teacher: May I speak to Mr Li? This is Ben speaking. 3.Reinforce the simple present tense. Review the old knowledge and the old sentences. Presen -tation 1. Tell them what we will learn this lesson. 2. Show the CD Rom(King Sun). Let them listen and watch carefully twice, try to understand what its meaning. 3. Teach the new words. worried, be worried about, tired, hand in, on time, do well in, should, worry, catch up with, together, seldom, shouldn t = should not Let them read by themselves in groups. 4. Check their Pronunciation of the new words. 5. The teacher read the dialogue and ask them pay attention to the pronunciation and intonation. 1.Watch and listen the dialogue of Module 1, Unit 1 twice. Try to understand what its meaning. 2.According the Phonetic symbol to learn these new words.Read by themselves in groups and speak Voluntarily. 3.Read after the teacher and the tape. 4.Listen to the teacher carefully. 5.Try to read the dialouge in paris and read the dialogue one by one.One for each sentence. 6Find out the sentences or the words which they couldn t understand and then discuss in groups. 7. Poin out the tense of the 1.Learn the new content. 2. Check and correct their pronunciation and intonation. 3. Learn how to study and find out the questions by themselves. 4. Go over the tense. 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 4 页,共 45 页学习必备欢迎下载6. Let them try to read the dialogue in pairs and read the dialogue one by one. The teacher correct their pronunciation. 7. Let them find out the sentences or the words which they couldn t understand and then discuss in groups. The teacher help them. 8.Let them poin out the tense of the dialouge and go over the simple present tense. dialogue and go over the simple present tense. Practice 6、 Ask them read the new words in groups, check and correct each other. 7、 Read the dialogue follow the tape. Read the dialogue in pairs. 3、 Read the new words in groups, check and correct each other. 4、 Read the dialogue follow the tape. Read the dialogue in pairs. To help the pupils get more clear of the dialogue an d the words. Consoli -date and Develop -ment 1. Ask what we have learned at this section. 2. Ask them do the exercises of part 2 in page 8 3. Discuss: How do you study by yourself consciously? 6.Answer the questions. 2. Do the exercises of part 2 in page 8. 3. Discuss: How do you study by yourself consciously? To help the pupils to get a clear idea of what they ve learned and help them to learn something from this dialogue. Home -work 1. Read the new words and the dialogue after the tape and then read by themselves loudly and correctly. 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 5 页,共 45 页学习必备欢迎下载2. Copy the new words, one for two lines. 3. Copy the dialogue. Module 1 Unit 3 Let s Go Further 一、Teaching Content:Module 1(Unit 3) Let s go further二、 Teaching aim:(一)、 Main Task: 1.Can say these words correctly: sleepy, kid, more, boring, interesting, horrible, funny, either, asleep, 2. Can read the dialogue fluently and correctly. 2.Can use these daily expressions in communication: A. It s boring/ horrible/ interesting. (二)、 Difficult point:1、New words of this dialogue. 2、The comprehension of the dialogue of Unit 3.(三)、 Affects: 1、Learn how to keep good habits in both daily life and study. 2、Learn how to study consciously. 8、 Teaching Tools: Computer, CD Rom (King Sun), projecting apparatus, the tape of the dialogue 9、 The time teachers need: 3 long-periods. 10 、Teaching Process: Items Teaching activities Learning activities Purpose Leading -in 1.Greeting 2. Have them do the exercises about the simple present tense. 1.Greeting 2. do the exercises about the simple present tense. Review the old knowledge and the old sentences. 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 6 页,共 45 页学习必备欢迎下载Presen -tation 1. Have Ps look at the pictures and say what they hink the story will be about. 2. Show the CD Rom(King Sun). Let them listen and watch carefully twice, try to understand what its meaning. 3. Teach the new words. sleepy, kid, more, boring, interesting, horrible, funny, either, asleep, Let them read by themselves in groups. 4. Check their Pronunciation of the new words. 5. The teacher read the dialogue and ask them pay attention to the pronunciation and intonation. 6. Let them try to read the dialogue in pairs and read the dialogue one by one. The teacher correct their pronunciation. 7. Let them find out the sentences or the words which they couldn t understand and then discuss in groups. The teacher help them. 1. Look at the pictures and say what they hink the story will be about. 3.Watch and listen the dialogue of Module 1, Unit 3 twice. Try to understand what its meaning. 4.According the Phonetic symbol to learn these new words.Read by themselves in groups and speak Voluntarily. 5.Read after the teacher and the tape. 6.Listen to the teacher carefully. 7.Try to read the dialouge in paris and read the dialogue one by one.One for each sentence. 7Find out the sentences or the words which they couldn t understand and then discuss in groups. 1.Learn the new content. 2. Check and correct their pronunciation and intonation. 3. Learn how to study and find out the questions by themselves. 4. Go over the tense. 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 7 页,共 45 页学习必备欢迎下载Practice 1. Ask them read the new words in groups, check and correct each other. 8.Read the dialogue follow the tape. Read the dialogue in pairs. 1.Read the new words in groups, check and correct each other. 2.Read the dialogue follow the tape. Read the dialogue in pairs. To help the pupils get more clear of the dialogue an d the words. Consoli -date and Develop -ment 1. Ask what we have learned at this section. 2. Have Ps act out the dialogue. 1.Answer the questions. 2. Try to act out the dialogue. To help the pupils to get a clear idea of what they ve learned and help them to learn something from this dialogue. Home -work 1. Read the new words and the dialogue after the tape and then read by themselves loudly and correctly. 2. Try to tell the story to the their parents. Module 2 Unit 4 Janet feels Ill 一、Teaching Content:Module 2(Unit 4) Janet feels ill二、 Teaching aim:(一)、 Main Task: 1.Can say these words correctly: feel, wake, wake up, ill, matter, What s the matter? quickly, get dress, bad, hot, cold, have a cold, sweet, plenty, plenty of , bath, have a bath 2. Can read the dialogue fluently and correctly. 9.Can use these daily expressions in communication: A. It s time to get up. B. I don t want to be late for school. (二)、Difficult point:1、New words of this dialogue. 2、The comprehension of the dialogue of Unit 4. 3. How to express different feelings and symptoms when being ill, and ways of talking to a doctor. 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 8 页,共 45 页学习必备欢迎下载4. How to giving advice, especially when someone is ill.(三)、 Affects: To raise the awareness of fostering healthy living habits. 11 、Teaching Tools: Computer, CD Rom (King Sun), projecting apparatus, the tape of the dialogue 12 、The time teachers need: 3 long-periods. 13 、Teaching Process: Items Teaching activities Learning activities Purpose Leading -in 1.Greeting 2. Have them do the exercises about the simple present tense. 1.Greeting 2. Do the exercises about the simple present tense. Review the old knowledge and the old sentences. Presen -tationt ai chi 1.Have the Ps open the book and read the conversation and try to understand what its meaning. 2. Show the CD Rom(King Sun). Let them listen and watch carefully twice, try to understand what its meaning. 3. Teach the new words. feel, wake, wake up, ill, matter, What s the matter? quickly, get dress, bad, hot, cold, have a cold, sweet, plenty, plenty of , bath, have a bath Let them read by themselves in groups. 4. Check their Pronunciation of the new words. 5. The teacher read the dialogue and ask them pay attention to the pronunciation and intonation. 6. Let them try to read 1. Open the book and read the conversation and try to understand what its meaning. 2. Watch and listen the dialogue of Module 2, Unit 4 twice. Try to understand what its meaning. 3. According the Phonetic symbol to learn these new words. Read by themselves in groups and speak Voluntarily. 4.Read after the teacher and the tape. 5.Listen to the teacher carefully. 6.Try to read the dialogue in pairs and read the dialogue one by one. One for each sentence. 7 Find out the sentences or the words which they couldn t understand and then discuss in groups. 1. Learn the new content. 2. Check and correct their pronunciation and intonation. 3. Learn how to study and find out the questions by themselves. 4. Go over the tense. 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 9 页,共 45 页学习必备欢迎下载the dialogue in pairs and read the dialogue one by one. The teacher correct their pronunciation. 7. Let them find out the sentences or the words which they couldn t understand and then discuss in groups. The teacher help them. Practice 1. Ask them read the new words in groups, check and correct each other. 2.Read the dialogue follow the tape. Read the dialogue in pairs. 1.Read the new words in groups, check and correct each other. 2.Read the dialogue follow the tape. Read the dialogue in pairs. To help the pupils get more clear of the dialogue an d the words. Consoli -date and Develop -ment 1. Ask what we have learned at this section. 2. Have Ps act out the dialogue. 1.Answer the questions. 2. Try to act out the dialogue. To help the pupils to get a clear idea of what they ve learned and help them to learn something from this dialogue. Home -work 1. Read the new words and the dialogue after the tape and then read by themselves loudly and correctly. 2. Do the EX 2of page 17. 3. Copy the new words. 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 10 页,共 45 页学习必备欢迎下载Module 2 Unit 5 Janet goes to the doctor s 一、Teaching Content:Module 2(Unit 5) Janet goes to the doctor s二、 Teaching aim:(一)、 Main Task: 3.Can say these words correctly: pale, checkup, first, medicine, take medicine, time, headache, tooth-ache, fever, stomachache, pain, you d better=you had better 2. Can read the dialogue fluently and correctly. 3. Can use these daily expressions in communication: A. What s the matter? B. Take the medicine three times a day. (二)、 Difficult point:1、New words of this dialogue. 2、The comprehension of the dialogue of Unit 5. 3. How to express different feelings and symptoms when being ill, and ways of talking to a doctor. 4. How to giving advice, especially when someone is ill. 5. Can using the third person singular to describe a person s habits and routinges.(三)、 Affects: To raise the awareness of fostering healthy living habits. 14 、Teaching Tools: Computer, CD Rom (King Sun), projecting apparatus, the tape of the dialogue 15 、The time teachers need: 3 long-periods. 16 、Teaching Process: Items Teaching activities Learning activities Purpose Leading -in 1.Greeting 2. Have Ps use the third person singular to describe a person s habits and routines. 1.Greeting 2. Use the third person singular to describe a person s habits and routines. Review the old knowledge and the old sentences. 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 11 页,共 45 页学习必备欢迎下载Presen -tationt ai chi 1. Remind Ps of Janet s illness, and tell them that she s going to see the doctor today. 2. Get Ps to predict what the doctor will do an d say. Have the Ps open the book and read the conversation and try to understand what its meaning. 2. Show the CD Rom(King Sun). Let them listen and watch carefully twice, try to understand what its meaning. 3. Teach the new words. pale, checkup, first, medicine, take medicine, time, headache, tooth-ache, fever, stomachache, pain, you d better=you had better Let them read by themselves in groups. 4. Check their Pronunciation of the new words. 5. The teacher read the dialogue and ask them pay attention to the pronunciation and intonation. 6. Let them try to read the dialogue in pairs and read the dialogue one by one. The teacher correct their pronunciation. 7. Let them find out the sentences or the words which they couldn t understand and then discuss in groups. The teacher help them. 1. To predict what the doctor will do an d say. 2. Watch and listen the dialogue of Module 2, Unit 5 twice. Try to understand what its meaning. 3. According the Phonetic symbol to learn these new words. Read by themselves in groups and speak Voluntarily. 4. Read after the teacher and the tape. 5. Listen to the teacher carefully. 6. Try to read the dialogue in pairs and read the dialogue one by one. One for each sentence. 7Find out the sentences or the words which they couldn t understand and then discuss in groups. 1. Learn the new content. 2. Check and correct their pronunciation and intonation. 3. Learn how to study and find out the questions by themselves. 4. Go over the tense. 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 12 页,共 45 页学习必备欢迎下载Practice 1. Ask them read the new words in groups, check and correct each other. 2. Read the dialogue follow the tape. Read the dialogue in pairs. 1.Read the new words in groups, check and correct each other. 2.Read the dialogue follow the tape. Read the dialogue in pairs. To help the pupils get more clear of the dialogue an d the words. Consoli -date and Develop -ment 1. Ask what we have learned at this section. 2. Have Ps act out the dialogue. 1.Answer the questions. 2. Try to act out the dialogue. To help the pupils to get a clear idea of what they ve learned and help them to learn something from this dialogue. Home -work 1. Read the new words and the dialogue after the tape and then read by themselves loudly and correctly. 2. Do the EX 2of page 22 3. Copy the new words. 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 13 页,共 45 页学习必备欢迎下载Module 2 Unit 5 Janet goes to the doctor s 一、Teaching Content:Module 2(Unit 6) Let s go further二、 Teaching aim:(一)、 Main Task: 1.Can say these words correctly: coughs, again, swallow, 2. Can read the dialogue fluently and correctly. 3. Can use these daily expressions in communication: A. What s wrong? B. Oh, my dear! (二)、 Difficult point:1、New words of this dialogue. 2、The comprehension of the dialogue of Unit 6. (三)、 Affects: To raise the awareness of fostering healthy living habits. 17 、Teaching Tools: Computer, CD Rom (King Sun), projecting apparatus, the tape of the dialogue 18 、The time teachers need: 3 long-periods. 19 、Teaching Process: Items Teaching activities Learning activities Purpose Leading -in 1.Greeting 2. Have Ps read the dialogue and the words of Unit 5. 1.Greeting 2. Read the dialogue and the words of Unit 5. Review the old knowledge and the old sentences. 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 14 页,共 45 页学习必备欢迎下载Presen -tationt ai chi 1. Tell Ps that this dialogue is a joke. 2. Show the CD Rom(King Sun). Let them listen and watch carefully twice, try to understand what its meaning. 3. Teach the new words. Coughs, swallow, again Let them read by themselves in groups. 4. Check their Pronunciation of the new words. 5. The teacher read the dialogue and ask them pay attention to the pronunciation and intonation. 6. Let them try to read the dialogue in pairs and read the dialogue one by one. The teacher correct their pronunciation. 7. Let them find out the sentences or the words which they couldn t understand and then discuss in groups. The teacher help them. 2. Watch and listen the dialogue of Module 2, Unit 6twice. Try to understand what its meaning. 3. According the Phonetic symbol to learn these new words. Read by themselves in groups and speak Voluntarily. 4. Read after the teacher and the tape. 5. Listen to the teacher carefully. 6. Try to read the dialogue in pairs and read the dialogue one by one. One for each sentence. 7Find out the sentences or the words which they couldn t understand and then discuss in groups. 1. Learn the new content. 2. Check and correct their pronunciation and intonation. 3. Learn how to study and find out the questions by themselves. 4. Go over the tense. Practice 1. Ask them read the new words in groups, check and correct each other. 2. Read the dialogue follow the tape. Read the dialogue in pairs. 1.Read the new words in groups, check and correct each other. 2.Read the dialogue follow the tape. Read the dialogue in pairs. To help the pupils get more clear of the dialogue an d the words. 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 15 页,共 45 页学习必备欢迎下载Consoli -date and Develop -ment 1. Ask what we have learned at this section. 2. Have Ps act out the dialogue. 1.Answer the questions. 2. Try to act out the dialogue. To help the pupils to get a clear idea of what they ve learned and help them to learn something from this dialogue. Home -work 1. Read the new words and the dialogue after the tape and then read by themselves loudly and correctly. 2. Copy the new words. Module 3 Unit 7 Is Yongxian s new school larger? 一、Teaching Content:Module 3(Unit 7) Is Yongxian s new school larger?二、 Teaching aim:(一)、 Main Task: 4.Can say these words correctly: large, international, needn t=need not, more, more than, bright, pupil, thousand, ours, his, hers, better, theirs. 2. Can read the dialogue fluently and correctly. 3. Can use these daily expressions in communication: Would you like to visit our new school? Yes, I d love to . (二)、 Difficult point:1、New words of this dialogue. 2、The comprehension of the dialogue of Unit 7. 3. How to make comparisons. 4. How to invite others to do something. 5. Grammar: comparative degree. (三)、 Affects: 1. To foster and develop the ability of observing and comparing. 2. To develop the ability of cohesive description. (四) 、Teaching Tools:Computer, CD Rom (King Sun), projecting apparatus, the tape of the 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 16 页,共 45 页学习必备欢迎下载dialogue , the pictures of their home. 20 、The time teachers need: 3 long-periods. 21 、Teaching Process: Items Teaching activities Learning activities Purpose Leading -in 1.Greeting 2. Have Ps act out the dialogue of unit 6. 1.Greeting 2. Act out the dialogue of unit 6. Review the old knowledge and the old sentences. Presen -tationt ai chi 1. Lead in through giving the pupils two pictures about their home. 2. Ask them to look at the pictures carefully and compare the pictures orally. 3. Show the CD Rom(King Sun). Let them listen and watch carefully twice, try to understand what its meaning. 4. Teach the new words. large, international, needn t=need not, more, more than, bright, pupil, thousand, ours, his, hers, better, theirs. Let them read by themselves in groups. 4. Check their Pronunciation of the new words. 5. The teacher read the dialogue and ask them pay attention to the pronunciation and intonation. 6. Let them try to read the dialogue in pairs and read the dialogue one by one. The teacher correct their pronunciation. 7. Let them find out the 1. To look at the pictures carefully and compare the pictures orally. 2. Watch and listen the dialogue of Module 3, Unit 7 twice. Try to understand what its meaning. 3. According the Phonetic symbol to learn these new words. Read by themselves in groups and speak Voluntarily. 4. Read after the teacher and the tape. 5. Listen to the teacher carefully. 6. Try to read the dialogue in pairs and read the dialogue one by one. One for each sentence. 7Find out the sentences or the words which they couldn t understand and then discuss in groups. 1. Learn the new content. 2. Check and correct their pronunciation and intonation. 3. Learn how to study and find out the questions by themselves. 4. Go over the tense. 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 17 页,共 45 页学习必备欢迎下载sentences or the words which they couldn t understand and then discuss in groups. The teacher help them. Practice 1. Motivate Ps by asking them to find out what is new about Yongxian s new school. 2. Ask them to find out the differences. 3. Show pictures in 2 and get the pupils to work in groups to find out the specific differences between them. 1. To find out what is new about Yongxian s new school. 2.Look at the pictures in 2 and get the pupils to work in groups to find out the specific differences between them. To help the pupils get more clear of the dialogue and the words. Consoli -date and Develop -ment 1. Ask what we have learned at this section. 2. Teach Ps grammar: comparative degree.1. Answer the questions. 2. Learn grammar: comparative degree.To help the pupils to get a clear idea of what they ve learned and help them to learn something from this dialogue. Home -work 1. Read the new words and the dialogue after the tape and then read by themselves loudly and correctly. 2. Do the EX 2of page 31 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 18 页,共 45 页学习必备欢迎下载3. Copy the new words. Module 3 Unit 8 What time do Yongxian s classes begin? 一、Teaching Content:Module 3(Unit 8) What time do Yongxian s classes begin?二、 Teaching aim:(一)、 Main Task: 5.Can say these words correctly: country, language, tidy, have to, hard, mine. 2. Can read the dialogue fluently and correctly. 3. Can use these daily expressions in communication: Welcome to our school. Thank you. (二)、 Difficult point:1、New words of this dialogue. 2、The comprehension of the dialogue of Unit 8. 3. How to make comparisons. 4. How to invite others to do something. 5. Grammar: comparative degree. 6. How to compare schools in China and Britain. (三)、 Affects: 1. To foster and develop the ability of observing and comparing. 2. To develop the ability of cohesive description. (四) 、Teaching Tools:Computer, CD Rom (King Sun), projecting apparatus, the tape of the dialogue , the pictures of two schools. 22 、The time teachers need: 3 long-periods. 23 、Teaching Process: Items Teaching activities Learning activities Purpose Leading -in 1.Greeting 2. Have Ps read the dialogue and words of unit 7. 3. Review the grammar: comparative degree. 1.Greeting 2. Read the dialogue and words of unit 7. 3. Review the grammar: comparative degree. Review the old knowledge and the old sentences. 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 19 页,共 45 页学习必备欢迎下载Presen -tationt ai chi 1. Show Ps the pictures of 1 and tell them that Rose and Tom are visiting Yongxian s school. 2. Get Ps to talk about the pictures one by one, and to predict what the people in the pictures are talking about. 3. Show the CD Rom(King Sun). Let them listen and watch carefully twice, try to understand what its meaning. 4. Teach the new words. country, language, tidy, have to, hard, mine. Let them read by themselves in groups. 4. Check their Pronunciation of the new words. 5. The teacher read the dialogue and ask them pay attention to the pronunciation and intonation. 6. Let them try to read the dialogue in pairs and read the dialogue one by one. The teacher correct their pronunciation. 7. Let them find out the sentences or the words which they couldn t understand and then discuss in groups. The teacher help them. 1.T talk about the pictures one by one, and think the people in the pictures are talking about. 2. Watch and listen the dialogue of Module 3, Unit 8twice. Try to understand what its meaning. 3. According the Phonetic symbol to learn these new words. Read by themselves in groups and speak Voluntarily. 4. Read after the teacher and the tape. 5. Listen to the teacher carefully. 6. Try to read the dialogue in pairs and read the dialogue one by one. One for each sentence. 7Find out the sentences or the words which they couldn t understand and then discuss in groups. 1. Learn the new content. 2. Check and correct their pronunciation and intonation. 3. Learn how to study and find out the questions by themselves. 4. Go over the tense. 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 20 页,共 45 页学习必备欢迎下载Practice 1. focus the pupils on the pictures and ask them to compare the pictures. 2. Ask them to finish the exercise. 3. Check the answers and then read the sentences together. 1. To compare the pictures. 2. To finish the exercise. 3. Check the answers and then read the sentences together. To help the pupils get more clear of the dialogue and the words. Consoli -date and Develop -ment 1. Ask what we have learned at this section. 1. Answer the questions. To help the pupils to get a clear idea of what they ve learned and help them to learn something from this dialogue. Home -work 1. Read the new words and the dialogue after the tape and then read by themselves loudly and correctly. 2. Do the EX 2of page 36 3. Copy the new words. Module 3 Unit 9 Let s go further 一、Teaching Content:Module 3(Unit 9)Let s go further二、 Teaching aim:(一)、 Main Task: 1. Can say these words correctly: race, winner 2. Can read the dialogue fluently and correctly. (二)、Difficult point:1、New words of this dialogue. 2、The comprehension of the dialogue of Unit 9 (三)、 Affects: To tell the pupils to work hard. (四) 、Teaching Tools:Computer, CD Rom (King Sun), projecting apparatus, the tape of the 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 21 页,共 45 页学习必备欢迎下载dialogue ,The time teachers need: 3 long-periods. (五) 、Teaching Process: Items Teaching activities Learning activities Purpose Leading -in 1.Greeting 2. Have Ps read the dialogue and words of unit 8 3. Review the grammar: comparative degree. 1.Greeting 2. Read the dialogue and words of unit 8 3. Review the grammar: comparative degree. Review the old knowledge and the old sentences. Presen -tationt ai chi 1. Remind the pupils of the race between the hare and the turtle. 2. Tell Ps that the hare and the turtle are going to have another race, and ask them to predict the story. 3. Show the CD Rom(King Sun). Let them listen and watch carefully twice, try to understand what its meaning. 4. Teach the new words. Race, winner Let them read by themselves in groups. 4. Check their Pronunciation of the new words. 5. The teacher read the dialogue and ask them pay attention to the pronunciation and intonation. 6. Let them try to read the dialogue in pairs and read the dialogue one by one. The teacher correct their pronunciation. 7. Let them find out the sentences or the words 1. Know about the story about the race between the hare and turtle. 2.T predict the story 3. According the Phonetic symbol to learn these new words. Read by themselves in groups and speak Voluntarily. 4. Read after the teacher and the tape. 5. Listen to the teacher carefully. 6. Try to read the dialogue in pairs and read the dialogue one by one. One for each sentence. 7Find out the sentences or the words which they couldn t understand and then discuss in groups. 1. Learn the new content. 2. Check and correct their pronunciation and intonation. 3. Learn how to study and find out the questions by themselves. 4. Go over the tense. 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 22 页,共 45 页学习必备欢迎下载which they couldn t understand and then discuss in groups. The teacher help them. Practice 1. Have Ps repeat the story after the tape and follow the textbooks. 2. Ask them to act out the story. 1. To repeat the story after the tape and follow the textbooks. 2. To act out the story. To help the pupils get more clear of the dialogue and the words. Consoli -date and Develop -ment 1. Ask what we have learned at this section. 2. Ask Ps talk about the differences between these two races in groups. 1. Answer the questions. 2. talk about the differences between these two races in groups. To help the pupils to get a clear idea of what they ve learned and help them to learn something from this dialogue. Home -work 1. Read the new words and the dialogue after the tape and then read by themselves loudly and correctly. 2.Try to tell the story to the parents. 3. Copy the new words. Module 4 Unit 10 What are the biggest animals in the world? 二、Teaching Content: Module 4(Unit 10) What are the biggest animals in the 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 23 页,共 45 页学习必备欢迎下载world?二、 Teaching aim:(一)、 Main Task: 6.Can say these words correctly: its, whale, blue whale, land, on land, dinosaur, metre, weight, over, ton. 2. Can read the dialogue fluently and correctly. 3. Can use these daily expressions in communication: 1). I can be 30 metres long. 2). It weighs over 150 tons. (二)、 Difficult point:1、New words of this dialogue. 2、The comprehension of the dialogue of Unit 10. 3. Grammar: Superlatives. (三)、 Affects: To develop the ability of producing the language learnt cohesively. (四) 、Teaching Tools:Computer, CD Rom (King Sun), projecting apparatus, the tape of the dialogue , the pictures the wild animals. 24 、The time teachers need: 3 long-periods. 25 、Teaching Process: Items Teaching activities Learning activities Purpose Leading -in 1.Greeting 2. Have Ps act out the dialogue of unit 7and 8. 1.Greeting 2. Act out the dialogue of unit 7 and 8. Review the old knowledge and the old sentences. Presen -tationt ai chi 1. Ask the pupils to look at the topic page and let them predict what they will learn in this module. 2. Let the pupils name the animals they know and write them down on the blackboard. 3. Show the CD Rom(King Sun). Let them listen and watch carefully twice, try to understand what its meaning. 4. Teach the new words. large, its, whale, blue whale, land, on land, 1. To look at the topic page and predict what they will learn in this module. 2. Name the animals they know and write them down on the blackboard. 3. According the Phonetic symbol to learn these new words. Read by themselves in groups and speak Voluntarily. 4. Read after the teacher and the tape. 5. Listen to the teacher carefully. 1. Learn the new content. 2. Check and correct their pronunciation and intonation. 3. Learn how to study and find out the questions by themselves. 4. Go over the tense. 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 24 页,共 45 页学习必备欢迎下载dinosaur, metre, weight, over, ton. Let them read by themselves in groups. 4. Check their Pronunciation of the new words. 5. The teacher read the dialogue and ask them pay attention to the pronunciation and intonation. 6. Let them try to read the dialogue in pairs and read the dialogue one by one. The teacher correct their pronunciation. 7. Let them find out the sentences or the words which they couldn t understand and then discuss in groups. The teacher help them. 6. Try to read the dialogue in pairs and read the dialogue one by one. One for each sentence. 7Find out the sentences or the words which they couldn t understand and then discuss in groups. Practice 1. Let Ps listen to the tape again, and then read the dialogue in group. Ask Ps to discuss the questions of page 45. 2. Check the answers. 1. Listen to the tape again, and then read the dialogue in group. To discuss the questions of page 45. 2. Check the answers. 3.them. To help the pupils get more clear of the dialogue and the words. Consoli -date and Develop -ment 1. Ask what we have learned at this section. 2. Review the comparative degree and then present the superlative degree. 1. Answer the questions. 2. Review the comparative degree and then present the superlative degree. To help the pupils to get a clear idea of what they ve learned and help them to learn something from this 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 25 页,共 45 页学习必备欢迎下载dialogue. Home -work 1. Read the new words and the dialogue after the tape and then read by themselves loudly and correctly. 2. Do the EX 2of page 45 3. Copy the new words. Module 4 Unit 11 What animals run fastest? 一、Teaching Content:Module 4(Unit 11) What animals run fastest?二、 Teaching aim:(一)、 Main Task: 1.Can say these words correctly: bone, cheetah, kilometer, leopard, crocodile, shark. 2. Can read the dialogue fluently and correctly. 3. Can use these daily expressions in communication: Of all animals, cheetahs run fastest. (二)、 Difficult point:1、New words of this dialogue. 2、The comprehension of the dialogue of Unit 11. 3. Grammar: Superlatives. (三)、 Affects: To develop the ability of producing the language learnt cohesively. (四) 、Teaching Tools:Computer, CD Rom (King Sun), projecting apparatus, the tape of the dialogue , the pictures the wild animals. 26 、The time teachers need: 3 long-periods. 27 、Teaching Process: Items Teaching activities Learning activities Purpose Leading -in 1.Greeting 2. To reinforce the comparative degree and the superlative degree. 1.Greeting 2. To reinforce the comparative degree and the superlative degree. Review the old knowledge and the old sentences. 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 26 页,共 45 页学习必备欢迎下载Presen -tationt ai chi 1. Play the tape and ask questions to help with understanding. 2. Let the pupils repeat the dialogue after the tape, following their test books. 3. Show the CD Rom(King Sun). Let them listen and watch carefully twice, try to understand what its meaning. 4. Teach the new words. bone, cheetah, kilometer, leopard, crocodile, shark. Let them read by themselves in groups. 5. Check their Pronunciation of the new words. 6.The teacher read the dialogue and ask them pay attention to the pronunciation and intonation. 6. Let them try to read the dialogue in pairs and read the dialogue one by one. The teacher correct their pronunciation. 7. Let them find out the sentences or the words which they couldn t understand and then discuss in groups. The teacher help them. 1. Listen to the tape and ask questions to help with understanding. 2.Repeat the dialogue after the tape, following their test books. 3. According the Phonetic symbol to learn these new words. Read by themselves in groups and speak Voluntarily. 4. Read after the teacher and the tape. 5. Listen to the teacher carefully. 6. Try to read the dialogue in pairs and read the dialogue one by one. One for each sentence. 7Find out the sentences or the words which they couldn t understand and then discuss in groups. 1. Learn the new content. 2. Check and correct their pronunciation and intonation. 3. Learn how to study and find out the questions by themselves. 4. Go over the tense. 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 27 页,共 45 页学习必备欢迎下载Practice 1. Let Ps listen to the tape again, and then read the dialogue in group. Ask Ps to act out the text. 2. Do the Ex page 50. 3 .Check the answers. 1. Listen to the tape again, and then read the dialogue in group. To act out the text. 2. Do the Ex page 50. 3. Check the answers. To help the pupils get more clear of the dialogue and the words. Consoli -date and Develop -ment 1. Ask what we have learned at this section. 2. Review the comparative degree and then present the superlative degree. 1. Answer the questions. 2. Review the comparative degree and then present the superlative degree. To help the pupils to get a clear idea of what they ve learned and help them to learn something from this dialogue. Home -work 1. Read the new words and the dialogue after the tape and then read by themselves loudly and correctly. 2. Copy the new words. Module 4 Unit 12 Let s go further 一、Teaching Content:Module 4(Unit 12) Let s go further二、 Teaching aim:(一)、 Main Task: 1.Can say these words correctly: on the earth, on the moon 2. Can read the dialogue fluently and correctly. (二)、Difficult point:1、New words of this dialogue. 2、The comprehension of the dialogue of Unit 12. 3. Grammar: the comparative degree and then present the superlative degree. (三)、 Affects: To develop the ability of producing the language learnt cohesively.(四) 、精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 28 页,共 45 页学习必备欢迎下载Teaching Tools:Computer, CD Rom (King Sun), projecting apparatus, the tape of the dialogue , the pictures the wild animals. 28 、The time teachers need: 3 long-periods. 29 、Teaching Process: Items Teaching activities Learning activities Purpose Leading -in 1.Greeting 2. To reinforce the comparative degree and the superlative degree. 1.Greeting 2. To reinforce the comparative degree and the superlative degree. Review the old knowledge and the old sentences. Presen -tationt ai chi 1. Play the tape and ask questions to help with understanding. 2. Let the pupils repeat the dialogue after the tape, following their test books. 3. Show the CD Rom(King Sun). Let them listen and watch carefully twice, try to understand what its meaning. 4. Teach the new words. on the earth, on the moon 5. Check their Pronunciation of the new words. 6.The teacher read the dialogue and ask them pay attention to the pronunciation and intonation. 6. Let them try to read the dialogue in pairs and read the dialogue one by one. The teacher correct their pronunciation. 7. Let them find out the sentences or the words which they couldn t understand and then discuss in groups. The teacher help them. 1. Listen to the tape and ask questions to help with understanding. 2.Repeat the dialogue after the tape, following their test books. 3. According the Phonetic symbol to learn these new words. Read by themselves in groups and speak Voluntarily. 4. Read after the teacher and the tape. 5. Listen to the teacher carefully. 6. Try to read the dialogue in pairs and read the dialogue one by one. One for each sentence. 7Find out the sentences or the words which they couldn t understand and then discuss in groups. 1. Learn the new content. 2. Check and correct their pronunciation and intonation. 3. Learn how to study and find out the questions by themselves. 4. Go over the tense. 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 29 页,共 45 页学习必备欢迎下载Practice 1. Let Ps listen to the tape again, and then read the dialogue in group. 1. Listen to the tape again, and then read the dialogue in group. To act out the text. To help the pupils get more clear of the dialogue and the words. Consoli -date and Develop -ment 1. Ask what we have learned at this section. 2. Review the comparative degree and then present the superlative degree. 1. Answer the questions. 2. Review the comparative degree and then present the superlative degree. To help the pupils to get a clear idea of what they ve learned and help them to learn something from this dialogue. Home -work 1. Read the new words and the dialogue after the tape and then read by themselves loudly and correctly. 2. Copy the new words. Module 5 Unit 13 I prefer hamburgers 一、Teaching Content:Module 5(Unit 13) I prefer hamburgers二、 Teaching aim:(一)、 Main Task: 1.Can say these words correctly: eagle, prefer, inside, pizza, hamburger, full, burger, peach, Chinese cabbage 2. Can read the dialogue fluently and correctly. 3. Can use these daily expressions in communication: 1). Which do you prefer, hamburgers or pizzas? 2). Pizza is more delicious than hamburger. 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 30 页,共 45 页学习必备欢迎下载(二)、 Difficult point:1、New words of this dialogue. 2、The comprehension of the dialogue of Unit 13 3. Sentences: 1). Which do you prefer, hamburgers or pizzas?2). Pizza is more delicious than hamburger. (三)、 Affects: Can ask about choice and express freferenc. (四) 、Teaching Tools:Computer, CD Rom (King Sun), projecting apparatus, the tape of the dialogue , the pictures the food. 30 、The time teachers need: 3 long-periods. 31 、Teaching Process: Items Teaching activities Learning activities Purpose Leading -in 1.Greeting 2. Have Ps review the new words and the dialogue of Unit 10.11 and 12. 1.Greeting 2. Rview the new words and the dialogue of Unit 10.11 and 12. Review the old knowledge and the old sentences. Presen -tationt ai chi 1. Ask the pupils to look at the pictures in the dialogue and predict where the people are and what they are saying. 2. Use the situation in Picture Two and the dialogue beside to illustrate the word “ prefer ” and how it is used in a context. 3. Give the pupils some tasks while listening, for example, “ Find out what food each of the people will order.”4. Ask the Ps read the dialogue and underline the expressions of asking about choice and expressing preference. 5.Show the CD Rom(King 1. To look at the pictures in the dialogue and predict where the people are and what they are saying. 2. Use the situation in Picture Two and the dialogue beside to illustrate the word “ prefer ” and how it is used in a context. 3. Do the tasks while listening, for example, “ Find out what food each of the people will order.”4. To read the dialogue and underline the expressions of asking about choice and expressing preference. 5.According the Phonetic symbol to learn these new 1. Learn the new content. 2. Check and correct their pronunciation and intonation. 3. Learn how to study and find out the questions by themselves. 4. Go over the tense. 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 31 页,共 45 页学习必备欢迎下载Sun). Let them listen and watch carefully twice, try to understand what its meaning. 6.Teach the new words. eagle, prefer, inside, pizza, hamburger, full, burger, peach, Chinese cabbage Let them read by themselves in groups. 7.Check their Pronunciation of the new words. 8.The teacher read the dialogue and ask them pay attention to the pronunciation and intonation. words. Read by themselves in groups and speak Voluntarily. 6.Read after the teacher and the tape. 7.Listen to the teacher carefully. 7. Try to read the dialogue in pairs and read the dialogue one by one. One for each sentence. Practice 1. Let Ps listen to the tape again, and then read the dialogue in group. Ask Ps to do the EX1 in page 61. 4.1. Listen to the tape again, and then read the dialogue in group. To do the EX1 in page 61. To help the pupils get more clear of the dialogue and the words. Consoli -date and Develop -ment 1. Ask what we have learned at this section. 2. Read the words about food in page 61. 1. Answer the questions. 2. Read the words about food in page 61. To help the pupils to get a clear idea of what they ve learned and help them to learn something from this dialogue. Home -work 1. Read the new words and the dialogue after the tape and then read by themselves loudly and correctly. 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 32 页,共 45 页学习必备欢迎下载2. Do the EX 2f page 61 3. Copy the new words. Module 5 Unit 14 Which food do you prefer? 一、Teaching Content:Module 5(Unit 14)Which food do you prefer?二、 Teaching aim:(一)、 Main Task: 2.Can say these words correctly: shall, restaurant, famous, pork, sea food, menu, strange, again, different, kind, important, fruit-vegetable, cereal, agree, agree with, queen, Snow White, western. 2. Can read the dialogue fluently and correctly. 3. Can use these daily expressions in communication: 1). I am so full. 2). Where shall we have dinner? 3). Which food would you like? 4). Do you agree with me? (二)、 Difficult point:1、New words of this dialogue. 2、The comprehension of the dialogue of Unit 14 3. Sentences: Which food would you like? I prefer. I like.(三)、 Affects: 1. Can ask about choice and express preference. 2. To develop healthy eating habits. 3. To raise cultural awareness of foods. (四) 、Teaching Tools:Computer, CD Rom (King Sun), projecting apparatus, the tape of the dialogue , the pictures the food. 32 、The time teachers need: 3 long-periods. 33 、Teaching Process: Items Teaching activities Learning activities Purpose 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 33 页,共 45 页学习必备欢迎下载Leading -in 1.Greeting 2. Review the expressions to ask about choice and express preference from Unit 13. 1.Greeting 2. Review the expressions to ask about choice and express preference from Unit 13. Review the old knowledge and the old sentences. Presen -tationt ai chi 1. Give Ps tasks for listening: 1). What food does everybody prefer? Why? 2). Do the Webb s like Chinese food? How do you know? 2. Before listening to the dialogue between Mr Webb and the waitress, ask the Ps what problems Mr Webb may have in reading a Cantonese menu. Explain: strange and understand. 3. Allow the pupils to act out the dialogue in their own words. 4. Ask the Ps read the dialogue and underline the expressions of asking about choice and expressing preference. 5.Show the CD Rom(King Sun). Let them listen and watch carefully twice, try to understand what its meaning. 6.Teach the new words. shall, restaurant, famous, pork, sea food, menu, strange, again, different, kind, important, fruit-vegetable, cereal, agree, agree with, queen, Snow White, western. Let them read by themselves in groups. 1. To look at the pictures in the dialogue and predict where the people are and what they are saying. 2. Before listening to the dialogue between Mr Webb and the waitress, the Ps think about: What problems Mr Webb may have in reading a Cantonese menu. 3. To act out the dialogue in their own words. 4. To read the dialogue and underline the expressions of asking about choice and expressing preference. 5.According the Phonetic symbol to learn these new words. Read by themselves in groups and speak Voluntarily. 6.Read after the teacher and the tape. 7.Listen to the teacher carefully. 7. Try to read the dialogue in pairs and read the dialogue one by one. One for each sentence. 1. Learn the new content. 2. Check and correct their pronunciation and intonation. 3. Learn how to study and find out the questions by themselves. 4. Go over the tense. 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 34 页,共 45 页学习必备欢迎下载7.Check their Pronunciation of the new words. 8.The teacher read the dialogue and ask them pay attention to the pronunciation and intonation. Practice 1. Let Ps listen to the tape again, and then read the dialogue in group. Ask Ps to do the EX1 in page 61. 5.1. Listen to the tape again, and then read the dialogue in group. To do the EX1 in page 61. To help the pupils get more clear of the dialogue and the words. Consoli -date and Develop -ment 1. Ask what we have learned at this section. 2. Read the words about food in page 61. 1. Answer the questions. 2. Read the words about food in page 61. To help the pupils to get a clear idea of what they ve learned and help them to learn something from this dialogue. Home -work 1. Read the new words and the dialogue after the tape and then read by themselves loudly and correctly. 2. Do the EX 2f page 61 3. Copy the new words. Module 5 Unit 15 Let s go further 一、Teaching Content:Module 5(Unit 15) Let s go further二、 Teaching aim:精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 35 页,共 45 页学习必备欢迎下载(一)、 Main Task: 1.Can say these words correctly: surprise, balloon, 2. Can read the dialogue fluently and correctly. 3. Can use these daily expressions in communication: 1).What drinks colours does she prefer? 2). Coke Orange is her favourite drink colour. (二)、Difficult point:1、New words of this dialogue. 2、The comprehension of the dialogue of Unit 14 3. Sentences: 1).What drinks colours does she prefer? 2). Coke Orange is her favourite drink colour (三)、 Affects: 1. Can ask about choice and express preference. 2. To develop healthy eating habits. 3. To raise cultural awareness of foods. (四) 、Teaching Tools:Computer, CD Rom (King Sun), projecting apparatus, the tape of the dialogue , the pictures the food. 34 、The time teachers need: 3 long-periods. 35 、Teaching Process: Items Teaching activities Learning activities Purpose Leading -in 1.Greeting 2. Review the expressions to ask about choice and express preference from Unit 13. 1.Greeting 2. Review the expressions to ask about choice and express preference from Unit 13. Review the old knowledge and the old sentences. Presen -tationt ai chi 1. Ask Ps to look at the picture and predict what the story is about. 2. Ask Ps how they usually celebrate their birthdays. 3. Ask Ps what food Chinese eat for their birthdays. 4. Discuss with the Ps what a surprise party is. 5.Show the CD Rom(King Sun). Let them listen and watch carefully twice, try to understand what its 1. To look at the pictures and predict what the story is about. 2. Ps talk about how they usually celebrate their birthdays. 3. Discuss with the teacher what a surprise party is. 4. To read the dialogue and underline the expressions of asking about choice and 1. Learn the new content. 2. Check and correct their pronunciation and intonation. 3. Learn how to study and find out the questions by themselves. 4. Go over the tense. 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 36 页,共 45 页学习必备欢迎下载meaning. 6.Teach the new words. Balloon, surprise, Let them read by themselves in groups. 7.Check their Pronunciation of the new words. 8.The teacher read the dialogue and ask them pay attention to the pronunciation and intonation. expressing preference. 5.According the Phonetic symbol to learn these new words. Read by themselves in groups and speak Voluntarily. 6.Read after the teacher and the tape. 7.Listen to the teacher carefully. 7. Try to read the dialogue in pairs and read the dialogue one by one. One for each sentence. Practice 1. Let Ps listen to the tape again, and then read the dialogue in group. Ask Ps to do the EX1 in page 69. 1. Listen to the tape again, and then read the dialogue in group. To do the EX1 in page 69. To help the pupils get more clear of the dialogue and the words. Consoli -date and Develop -ment 1. Ask what we have learned at this section. 2. Read the passage about food in page 69. 1. Answer the questions. 2. Read the passage about food in page 69. To help the pupils to get a clear idea of what they ve learned and help them to learn something from this dialogue. Home -work 1. Read the new words and the dialogue after the tape and then read by themselves loudly and 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 37 页,共 45 页学习必备欢迎下载correctly. 2. Copy the new words. Module 6 Unit 16 What s the weather like? 一、Teaching Content:Module 6(Unit 16) What s the weather like?二、 Teaching aim:(一)、 Main Task: 1.Can say these words correctly: weather, wet, windy, put on, temperature, zero, degree, yesterday, sunny, cloudy, rain, raincoat, umbrella, bye-bye, bye, New Zealand, sound, ski, snowy, warm, foggy, rainy, cool. 2. Can read the dialogue fluently and correctly. 3. Can use these daily expressions in communication: 1). What s the weather like there today? It s sunny, hot and dry. 2).What will the weather be like there tomorrow? 3). What s the temperature? It s ten degrees centigrade. (二)、 Difficult point:1、New words of this dialogue. 2、The comprehension of the dialogue of Unit 16 3. Sentences: 1). What s the weather like there today? It s sunny, hot and dry. 2).What will the weather be like there tomorrow? 3). What s the temperature? It s ten degrees centigrade (三)、 Affects: 1. Can describing the weather in English. 2. Developing listening and reading skills. (四) 、Teaching Tools:Computer, CD Rom (King Sun), projecting apparatus, the tape of the dialogue , the pictures of the weather. 36 、The time teachers need: 3 long-periods. 37 、Teaching Process: Items Teaching activities Learning activities Purpose Leading -in 1.Greeting 2. Have Ps review the new words and the dialogue of Unit 13.14 and 15. 1.Greeting 2. Rview the new words and the dialogue of Unit 13.14 and 15. Review the old knowledge and the old sentences. 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 38 页,共 45 页学习必备欢迎下载Presen -tationt ai chi 1. Teach some of the new words: weather, wet, rain, windy, cloudy before talking the dialogue. 2. Ask Ps to look at the first picture on page 72 and tell what is the weather like. 3. Ask Ps to look at the second picture introduce the words: umbrella, raincoat. Ask Ps: What s the weather like? and elicit from the answer: It s going to rain. 4. Ask Ps to predict what Janet and Ben are going to do. 5.Show the CD Rom(King Sun). Let them listen and watch carefully twice, try to understand what its meaning. 6. Teach the new words. weather, wet, windy, put on, temperature, zero, degree, yesterday, sunny, cloudy, rain, raincoat, umbrella, bye-bye, bye, New Zealand, sound, ski, snowy, warm, foggy, rainy, cool. Let them read by themselves in groups. 7.Check their Pronunciation of the new words. 8.The teacher read the dialogue and ask them pay attention to the pronunciation and 1. Learn the new words before talking the dialogue: weather, wet, rain, windy, cloudy To look at the first picture on page 72 and answer what is the weather like. 3. To look at the second picture, learn words: umbrella, raincoat. And answer the questions: What s the weather like? 4. To predict what Janet and Ben are going to do. 5.According the Phonetic symbol to learn these new words. Read by themselves in groups and speak Voluntarily. 6.Read after the teacher and the tape. 7.Listen to the teacher carefully. 7. Try to read the dialogue in pairs and read the dialogue one by one. One for each sentence. 1. Learn the new content. 2. Check and correct their pronunciation and intonation. 3. Learn how to study and find out the questions by themselves. 4. Go over the tense. 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 39 页,共 45 页学习必备欢迎下载intonation. Practice 1. Let Ps listen to the tape again, and then read the dialogue in group. Ask Ps to do the EX2 in page 73. 6.1. Listen to the tape again, and then read the dialogue in group. To do the EX2 in page 73. To help the pupils get more clear of the dialogue and the words. Consoli -date and Develop -ment 1. Ask what we have learned at this section. 2. Do the EX3 in page 73. 1. Answer the questions. 2. Do the EX2 in page 73. To help the pupils to get a clear idea of what they ve learned and help them to learn something from this dialogue. Home -work 1. Read the new words and the dialogue after the tape and then read by themselves loudly and correctly. 2. Do the EX 1 and 2 of page 75 3. Copy the new words. Module 6 Unit 17 What season do you like best? 一、Teaching Content:Module 6 (Unit 17) What season do you like best?二、 Teaching aim:(一)、 Main Task: 1.Can say these words correctly: season, month, because, fire, snowman, snowmen, sightseeing, go sightseeing, place, last, dry. 2. Can read the dialogue fluently and correctly. 3. Can use these daily expressions in communication: 1). It s much colder today than yesterday. 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 40 页,共 45 页学习必备欢迎下载2).Which season do you like best? I like (二)、Difficult point:1、New words of this dialogue. 2、The comprehension of the dialogue of Unit 16 3. Sentences: 1). It s much colder today than yesterday. 2).Which season do you like best? I like (三)、 Affects: 1. Can describing the weather in English. 2. Developing listening and reading skills. (四) 、Teaching Tools:Computer, CD Rom (King Sun), projecting apparatus, the tape of the dialogue , the pictures of the weather. 38 、The time teachers need: 3 long-periods. 39 、Teaching Process: Items Teaching activities Learning activities Purpose Leading -in 1.Greeting 2. Have Ps review the new words and the dialogue of Unit 16. 1.Greeting 2. Rview the new words and the dialogue of Unit 16. Review the old knowledge and the old sentences. Presen -tationt ai chi 1. Talk with Ps the seasons in a year. For example: There are four seasons in a year, it s usually warm in spring, hot in summer, cool in autumn and cold in winter. . 2. Ask Ps to listen to Xiaoling and Ben and learn about the seasons in England. 3. While listening, ask Ps to do a fill-in the blanks task to get the most important information in the text. 5.Show the CD Rom(King Sun). Let them listen and 1. Talk with teacher the seasons in a year. For example: There are four seasons in a year, it s usually warm in spring, hot in summer, cool in autumn and cold in winter. . 2. To listen to Xiaoling and Ben and learn about the seasons in England. 3. While listening, to do a fill-in the blanks task to get the most important information in the text. 5.According the Phonetic symbol to learn these new words. Read by themselves in groups and 1. Learn the new content. 2. Check and correct their pronunciation and intonation. 3. Learn how to study and find out the questions by themselves. 4. Go over the tense. 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 41 页,共 45 页学习必备欢迎下载watch carefully twice, try to understand what its meaning. 6. Teach the new words. season, month, because, fire, snowman, snowmen, sightseeing, go sightseeing, place, last, dry. Let them read by themselves in groups. 7.Check their Pronunciation of the new words. 8.The teacher read the dialogue and ask them pay attention to the pronunciation and intonation. speak Voluntarily. 6.Read after the teacher and the tape. 7.Listen to the teacher carefully. 7. Try to read the dialogue in pairs and read the dialogue one by one. One for each sentence. Practice 1. Let Ps listen to the tape again, and then read the dialogue in group. Ask Ps to do the EX2 in page 78. 1. Listen to the tape again, and then read the dialogue in group. To do the EX2 in page 78. To help the pupils get more clear of the dialogue and the words. Consoli -date and Develop -ment 1. Ask what we have learned at this section. 2. Do the EX2.and3 in page 80. 1. Answer the questions. 2. Do the EX2 and 3 in page 80. To help the pupils to get a clear idea of what they ve learned and help them to learn something from this dialogue. Home -work 1. Read the new words and the dialogue after the tape and then read by themselves loudly and correctly. 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 42 页,共 45 页学习必备欢迎下载2. Do the EX 4 of page 80 3. Copy the new words. Module 6 Unit 18 Let s go further 一、Teaching Content:Module 6 (Unit 18) Let s go further二、 Teaching aim:(一)、 Main Task: 1.Can say these words correctly: butterfly, enough, ant 2. Can read the dialogue fluently and correctly. 3. Can use these daily expressions in communication: What a fine day it is! (二)、 Difficult point:1、New words of this dialogue. 2、The comprehension of the dialogue of Unit 16 3. Sentences: What a fine day it is! (三)、 Affects: 1. Can describing the weather in English. 2. Developing listening and reading skills. (四) 、Teaching Tools:Computer, CD Rom (King Sun), projecting apparatus, the tape of the dialogue , the pictures of the weather and butterfly, ant. 40 、The time teachers need: 3 long-periods. 41 、Teaching Process: Items Teaching activities Learning activities Purpose Leading -in 1.Greeting 2. Have Ps review the new words and the dialogue of Unit 16 and 17. 1.Greeting 2. Rview the new words and the dialogue of Unit 16 and 17. Review the old knowledge and the old sentences. Presen -tationt ai chi 1. Divide the class into groups. 2. Ask Ps to study this story by themselves . 3. The group members get 1. Divide the class into groups. 2. To study this story by themselves . 3. The group members get 1. Learn the new content. 2. Check and correct their pronunciation 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 43 页,共 45 页学习必备欢迎下载together and share their learning results and solve problems encountered in individual learning. 4. Each group rehearses the stage and groups present their stories on stage. 5.Show the CD Rom(King Sun). Let them listen and watch carefully twice, try to understand what its meaning. 6. Teach the new words. butterfly, enough, ant Let them read by themselves in groups. 7.Check their Pronunciation of the new words. 8.The teacher read the dialogue and ask them pay attention to the pronunciation and intonation. together and share their learning results and solve problems encountered in individual learning. 4. Each group rehearses the stage and groups present their stories on stage. 5.According the Phonetic symbol to learn these new words. Read by themselves in groups and speak Voluntarily. 6.Read after the teacher and the tape. 7.Listen to the teacher carefully. 7. Try to read the dialogue in pairs and read the dialogue one by one. One for each sentence. and intonation. 3. Learn how to study and find out the questions by themselves. 4. Go over the tense. Practice 1. Let Ps listen to the tape again, and then read the dialogue in group. Ask Ps to read the passage of page 83. 1. Listen to the tape again, and then read the dialogue in group. To read the passage of page 83. To help the pupils get more clear of the dialogue and the words. Consoli -date and Develop -ment 1. Ask what we have learned at this section. 1. Answer the questions. To help the pupils to get a clear idea of what they ve learned and help them to learn something 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 44 页,共 45 页学习必备欢迎下载from this dialogue. Home -work 1. Read the new words and the dialogue after the tape and then read by themselves loudly and correctly. 2. Copy the new words. 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 45 页,共 45 页
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